mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 02:39:05 +00:00
Add isort check to the QA test files and fix issues. Fixes: https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/47757 Signed-off-by: Tatjana Dehler <tdehler@suse.com>
566 lines
19 KiB
566 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=W0212,too-many-return-statements
from __future__ import absolute_import
import json
import logging
import time
from collections import namedtuple
import requests
from tasks.mgr.mgr_test_case import MgrTestCase
from teuthology.exceptions import CommandFailedError
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class DashboardTestCase(MgrTestCase):
# Display full error diffs
maxDiff = None
# Increased x3 (20 -> 60)
CEPHFS = False
_session = None # type: requests.sessions.Session
_token = None
_resp = None # type: requests.models.Response
_loggedin = False
_base_uri = None
AUTH_ROLES = ['administrator']
def create_user(cls, username, password, roles=None,
force_password=True, cmd_args=None):
:param username: The name of the user.
:type username: str
:param password: The password.
:type password: str
:param roles: A list of roles.
:type roles: list
:param force_password: Force the use of the specified password. This
will bypass the password complexity check. Defaults to 'True'.
:type force_password: bool
:param cmd_args: Additional command line arguments for the
'ac-user-create' command.
:type cmd_args: None | list[str]
cls._ceph_cmd(['dashboard', 'ac-user-show', username])
cls._ceph_cmd(['dashboard', 'ac-user-delete', username])
except CommandFailedError as ex:
if ex.exitstatus != 2:
raise ex
user_create_args = [
'dashboard', 'ac-user-create', username, password
if force_password:
if cmd_args:
if roles:
set_roles_args = ['dashboard', 'ac-user-set-roles', username]
for idx, role in enumerate(roles):
if isinstance(role, str):
assert isinstance(role, dict)
rolename = 'test_role_{}'.format(idx)
cls._ceph_cmd(['dashboard', 'ac-role-show', rolename])
cls._ceph_cmd(['dashboard', 'ac-role-delete', rolename])
except CommandFailedError as ex:
if ex.exitstatus != 2:
raise ex
cls._ceph_cmd(['dashboard', 'ac-role-create', rolename])
for mod, perms in role.items():
args = ['dashboard', 'ac-role-add-scope-perms', rolename, mod]
def login(cls, username, password):
if cls._loggedin:
cls._post('/api/auth', {'username': username, 'password': password})
cls._assertEq(cls._resp.status_code, 201)
cls._token = cls.jsonBody()['token']
cls._loggedin = True
def logout(cls):
if cls._loggedin:
cls._assertEq(cls._resp.status_code, 200)
cls._token = None
cls._loggedin = False
def delete_user(cls, username, roles=None):
if roles is None:
roles = []
cls._ceph_cmd(['dashboard', 'ac-user-delete', username])
for idx, role in enumerate(roles):
if isinstance(role, dict):
cls._ceph_cmd(['dashboard', 'ac-role-delete', 'test_role_{}'.format(idx)])
def RunAs(cls, username, password, roles=None, force_password=True,
cmd_args=None, login=True):
def wrapper(func):
def execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.create_user(username, password, roles,
force_password, cmd_args)
if login:
self.login(username, password)
res = func(self, *args, **kwargs)
if login:
self.delete_user(username, roles)
return res
return execute
return wrapper
def set_jwt_token(cls, token):
cls._token = token
def setUpClass(cls):
super(DashboardTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
cls._assign_ports("dashboard", "ssl_server_port")
if cls.CEPHFS:
# To avoid any issues with e.g. unlink bugs, we destroy and recreate
# the filesystem rather than just doing a rm -rf of files
cls.fs = None # is now invalid!
cls.fs = cls.mds_cluster.newfs(create=True)
# In case some test messed with auth caps, reset them
# pylint: disable=not-an-iterable
client_mount_ids = [m.client_id for m in cls.mounts]
for client_id in client_mount_ids:
'auth', 'caps', "client.{0}".format(client_id),
'mds', 'allow',
'mon', 'allow r',
'osd', 'allow rw pool={0}'.format(cls.fs.get_data_pool_name()))
# wait for mds restart to complete...
cls._token = None
cls._session = requests.Session()
cls._resp = None
cls.create_user('admin', 'admin', cls.AUTH_ROLES)
cls.login('admin', 'admin')
def update_base_uri(cls):
if cls._base_uri is None:
cls._base_uri = cls._get_uri("dashboard").rstrip('/')
def setUp(self):
super(DashboardTestCase, self).setUp()
if not self._loggedin and self.AUTO_AUTHENTICATE:
self.login('admin', 'admin')
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(DashboardTestCase, cls).tearDownClass()
# pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements
def _request(cls, url, method, data=None, params=None):
url = "{}{}".format(cls._base_uri, url)
log.info("Request %s to %s", method, url)
headers = {}
if cls._token:
headers['Authorization'] = "Bearer {}".format(cls._token)
if method == 'GET':
cls._resp = cls._session.get(url, params=params, verify=False,
elif method == 'POST':
cls._resp = cls._session.post(url, json=data, params=params,
verify=False, headers=headers)
elif method == 'DELETE':
cls._resp = cls._session.delete(url, json=data, params=params,
verify=False, headers=headers)
elif method == 'PUT':
cls._resp = cls._session.put(url, json=data, params=params,
verify=False, headers=headers)
assert False
if not cls._resp.ok:
# Output response for easier debugging.
log.error("Request response: %s", cls._resp.text)
content_type = cls._resp.headers['content-type']
if content_type == 'application/json' and cls._resp.text and cls._resp.text != "":
return cls._resp.json()
return cls._resp.text
except ValueError as ex:
log.exception("Failed to decode response: %s", cls._resp.text)
raise ex
def _get(cls, url, params=None):
return cls._request(url, 'GET', params=params)
def _view_cache_get(cls, url, retries=5):
retry = True
while retry and retries > 0:
retry = False
res = cls._get(url)
if isinstance(res, dict):
res = [res]
for view in res:
assert 'value' in view
if not view['value']:
retry = True
retries -= 1
if retries == 0:
raise Exception("{} view cache exceeded number of retries={}"
.format(url, retries))
return res
def _post(cls, url, data=None, params=None):
cls._request(url, 'POST', data, params)
def _delete(cls, url, data=None, params=None):
cls._request(url, 'DELETE', data, params)
def _put(cls, url, data=None, params=None):
cls._request(url, 'PUT', data, params)
def _assertEq(cls, v1, v2):
if not v1 == v2:
raise Exception("assertion failed: {} != {}".format(v1, v2))
def _assertIn(cls, v1, v2):
if v1 not in v2:
raise Exception("assertion failed: {} not in {}".format(v1, v2))
def _assertIsInst(cls, v1, v2):
if not isinstance(v1, v2):
raise Exception("assertion failed: {} not instance of {}".format(v1, v2))
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
def _task_request(cls, method, url, data, timeout):
res = cls._request(url, method, data)
cls._assertIn(cls._resp.status_code, [200, 201, 202, 204, 400, 403, 404])
if cls._resp.status_code == 403:
return None
if cls._resp.status_code != 202:
log.info("task finished immediately")
return res
cls._assertIn('name', res)
cls._assertIn('metadata', res)
task_name = res['name']
task_metadata = res['metadata']
retries = int(timeout)
res_task = None
while retries > 0 and not res_task:
retries -= 1
log.info("task (%s, %s) is still executing", task_name,
_res = cls._get('/api/task?name={}'.format(task_name))
cls._assertEq(cls._resp.status_code, 200)
executing_tasks = [task for task in _res['executing_tasks'] if
task['metadata'] == task_metadata]
finished_tasks = [task for task in _res['finished_tasks'] if
task['metadata'] == task_metadata]
if not executing_tasks and finished_tasks:
res_task = finished_tasks[0]
if retries <= 0:
raise Exception("Waiting for task ({}, {}) to finish timed out. {}"
.format(task_name, task_metadata, _res))
log.info("task (%s, %s) finished", task_name, task_metadata)
if res_task['success']:
if method == 'POST':
cls._resp.status_code = 201
elif method == 'PUT':
cls._resp.status_code = 200
elif method == 'DELETE':
cls._resp.status_code = 204
return res_task['ret_value']
if 'status' in res_task['exception']:
cls._resp.status_code = res_task['exception']['status']
cls._resp.status_code = 500
return res_task['exception']
def _task_post(cls, url, data=None, timeout=60):
return cls._task_request('POST', url, data, timeout)
def _task_delete(cls, url, timeout=60):
return cls._task_request('DELETE', url, None, timeout)
def _task_put(cls, url, data=None, timeout=60):
return cls._task_request('PUT', url, data, timeout)
def cookies(cls):
return cls._resp.cookies
def jsonBody(cls):
return cls._resp.json()
def reset_session(cls):
cls._session = requests.Session()
def assertSubset(self, data, biggerData):
for key, value in data.items():
self.assertEqual(biggerData[key], value)
def assertJsonBody(self, data):
body = self._resp.json()
self.assertEqual(body, data)
def assertJsonSubset(self, data):
self.assertSubset(data, self._resp.json())
def assertSchema(self, data, schema):
return _validate_json(data, schema)
except _ValError as e:
self.assertEqual(data, str(e))
def assertSchemaBody(self, schema):
self.assertSchema(self.jsonBody(), schema)
def assertBody(self, body):
self.assertEqual(self._resp.text, body)
def assertStatus(self, status):
if isinstance(status, list):
self.assertIn(self._resp.status_code, status)
self.assertEqual(self._resp.status_code, status)
def assertHeaders(self, headers):
for name, value in headers.items():
self.assertIn(name, self._resp.headers)
self.assertEqual(self._resp.headers[name], value)
def assertError(self, code=None, component=None, detail=None):
body = self._resp.json()
if code:
self.assertEqual(body['code'], code)
if component:
self.assertEqual(body['component'], component)
if detail:
self.assertEqual(body['detail'], detail)
def _ceph_cmd(cls, cmd):
res = cls.mgr_cluster.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd(*cmd)
log.info("command result: %s", res)
return res
def _ceph_cmd_result(cls, cmd):
exitstatus = cls.mgr_cluster.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd_result(*cmd)
log.info("command exit status: %d", exitstatus)
return exitstatus
def set_config_key(self, key, value):
self._ceph_cmd(['config-key', 'set', key, value])
def get_config_key(self, key):
return self._ceph_cmd(['config-key', 'get', key])
def _cmd(cls, args):
return cls.mgr_cluster.admin_remote.run(args=args)
def _rbd_cmd(cls, cmd):
args = ['rbd']
def _radosgw_admin_cmd(cls, cmd):
args = ['radosgw-admin']
def _rados_cmd(cls, cmd):
args = ['rados']
def mons(cls):
out = cls.ceph_cluster.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd('quorum_status')
j = json.loads(out)
return [mon['name'] for mon in j['monmap']['mons']]
def find_object_in_list(cls, key, value, iterable):
Get the first occurrence of an object within a list with
the specified key/value.
:param key: The name of the key.
:param value: The value to search for.
:param iterable: The list to process.
:return: Returns the found object or None.
for obj in iterable:
if key in obj and obj[key] == value:
return obj
return None
# TODP: pass defaults=(False,) to namedtuple() if python3.7
class JLeaf(namedtuple('JLeaf', ['typ', 'none'])):
def __new__(cls, typ, none=False):
return super().__new__(cls, typ, none)
JList = namedtuple('JList', ['elem_typ'])
JTuple = namedtuple('JList', ['elem_typs'])
JUnion = namedtuple('JUnion', ['elem_typs'])
class JObj(namedtuple('JObj', ['sub_elems', 'allow_unknown', 'none', 'unknown_schema'])):
def __new__(cls, sub_elems, allow_unknown=False, none=False, unknown_schema=None):
:type sub_elems: dict[str, JAny | JLeaf | JList | JObj | type]
:type allow_unknown: bool
:type none: bool
:type unknown_schema: int, str, JAny | JLeaf | JList | JObj
return super(JObj, cls).__new__(cls, sub_elems, allow_unknown, none, unknown_schema)
JAny = namedtuple('JAny', ['none'])
class _ValError(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg, path):
path_str = ''.join('[{}]'.format(repr(p)) for p in path)
super(_ValError, self).__init__('In `input{}`: {}'.format(path_str, msg))
# pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value,inconsistent-return-statements
def _validate_json(val, schema, path=[]):
>>> d = {'a': 1, 'b': 'x', 'c': range(10)}
... ds = JObj({'a': int, 'b': str, 'c': JList(int)})
... _validate_json(d, ds)
>>> _validate_json({'num': 1}, JObj({'num': JUnion([int,float])}))
>>> _validate_json({'num': 'a'}, JObj({'num': JUnion([int,float])}))
if isinstance(schema, JAny):
if not schema.none and val is None:
raise _ValError('val is None', path)
return True
if isinstance(schema, JLeaf):
if schema.none and val is None:
return True
if not isinstance(val, schema.typ):
raise _ValError('val not of type {}'.format(schema.typ), path)
return True
if isinstance(schema, JList):
if not isinstance(val, list):
raise _ValError('val="{}" is not a list'.format(val), path)
return all(_validate_json(e, schema.elem_typ, path + [i]) for i, e in enumerate(val))
if isinstance(schema, JTuple):
return all(_validate_json(val[i], typ, path + [i])
for i, typ in enumerate(schema.elem_typs))
if isinstance(schema, JUnion):
for typ in schema.elem_typs:
if _validate_json(val, typ, path):
return True
except _ValError:
return False
if isinstance(schema, JObj):
if val is None and schema.none:
return True
elif val is None:
raise _ValError('val is None', path)
if not hasattr(val, 'keys'):
raise _ValError('val="{}" is not a dict'.format(val), path)
missing_keys = set(schema.sub_elems.keys()).difference(set(val.keys()))
if missing_keys:
raise _ValError('missing keys: {}'.format(missing_keys), path)
unknown_keys = set(val.keys()).difference(set(schema.sub_elems.keys()))
if not schema.allow_unknown and unknown_keys:
raise _ValError('unknown keys: {}'.format(unknown_keys), path)
result = all(
_validate_json(val[key], sub_schema, path + [key])
for key, sub_schema in schema.sub_elems.items()
if unknown_keys and schema.allow_unknown and schema.unknown_schema:
result += all(
_validate_json(val[key], schema.unknown_schema, path + [key])
for key in unknown_keys
return result
if schema in [str, int, float, bool]:
return _validate_json(val, JLeaf(schema), path)
assert False, str(path)