Kefu Chai 30b5b4627c Merge pull request #16494 from asomers/bin_bash
misc: Fix bash path in shebangs

Reviewed-by: Willem Jan Withagen <wjw@digiware.nl>
Reviewed-by: Kefu Chai <kchai@redhat.com>
2017-08-27 10:14:14 +08:00

324 lines
8.9 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright (C) 2015 Red Hat <contact@redhat.com>
# Author: Kefu Chai <kchai@redhat.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Library Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library Public License for more details.
source $CEPH_ROOT/qa/standalone/ceph-helpers.sh
function run() {
local dir=$1
export CEPH_MON="" # git grep '\<7112\>' : there must be only one
export CEPH_ARGS
CEPH_ARGS+="--fsid=$(uuidgen) --auth-supported=none "
CEPH_ARGS+="--mon-host=$CEPH_MON "
local funcs=${@:-$(set | sed -n -e 's/^\(TEST_[0-9a-z_]*\) .*/\1/p')}
for func in $funcs ; do
setup $dir || return 1
run_mon $dir a || return 1
run_mgr $dir x || return 1
create_rbd_pool || return 1
# check that erasure code plugins are preloaded
CEPH_ARGS='' ceph --admin-daemon $(get_asok_path mon.a) log flush || return 1
grep 'load: jerasure.*lrc' $dir/mon.a.log || return 1
$func $dir || return 1
teardown $dir || return 1
function setup_osds() {
for id in $(seq 0 3) ; do
run_osd $dir $id || return 1
wait_for_clean || return 1
# check that erasure code plugins are preloaded
CEPH_ARGS='' ceph --admin-daemon $(get_asok_path osd.0) log flush || return 1
grep 'load: jerasure.*lrc' $dir/osd.0.log || return 1
function create_erasure_coded_pool() {
local poolname=$1
ceph osd erasure-code-profile set myprofile \
plugin=jerasure \
k=2 m=1 \
crush-failure-domain=osd || return 1
create_pool $poolname 1 1 erasure myprofile \
|| return 1
wait_for_clean || return 1
function delete_pool() {
local poolname=$1
ceph osd pool delete $poolname $poolname --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
ceph osd erasure-code-profile rm myprofile
function rados_put() {
local dir=$1
local poolname=$2
local objname=${3:-SOMETHING}
for marker in AAA BBB CCCC DDDD ; do
printf "%*s" 1024 $marker
done > $dir/ORIGINAL
# get and put an object, compare they are equal
rados --pool $poolname put $objname $dir/ORIGINAL || return 1
function rados_get() {
local dir=$1
local poolname=$2
local objname=${3:-SOMETHING}
local expect=${4:-ok}
# Expect a failure to get object
if [ $expect = "fail" ];
! rados --pool $poolname get $objname $dir/COPY
# get an object, compare with $dir/ORIGINAL
rados --pool $poolname get $objname $dir/COPY || return 1
diff $dir/ORIGINAL $dir/COPY || return 1
rm $dir/COPY
function rados_put_get() {
local dir=$1
local poolname=$2
local objname=${3:-SOMETHING}
local recovery=$4
# get and put an object, compare they are equal
rados_put $dir $poolname $objname || return 1
# We can read even though caller injected read error on one of the shards
rados_get $dir $poolname $objname || return 1
if [ -n "$recovery" ];
# take out the last OSD used to store the object,
# bring it back, and check for clean PGs which means
# recovery didn't crash the primary.
local -a initial_osds=($(get_osds $poolname $objname))
local last=$((${#initial_osds[@]} - 1))
# Kill OSD
kill_daemons $dir TERM osd.${initial_osds[$last]} >&2 < /dev/null || return 1
ceph osd out ${initial_osds[$last]} || return 1
! get_osds $poolname $objname | grep '\<'${initial_osds[$last]}'\>' || return 1
ceph osd in ${initial_osds[$last]} || return 1
run_osd $dir ${initial_osds[$last]} || return 1
wait_for_clean || return 1
rm $dir/ORIGINAL
function rados_get_data_eio() {
local dir=$1
local shard_id=$1
local recovery=$1
# inject eio to speificied shard
local poolname=pool-jerasure
local objname=obj-eio-$$-$shard_id
inject_eio ec data $poolname $objname $dir $shard_id || return 1
rados_put_get $dir $poolname $objname $recovery || return 1
shard_id=$(expr $shard_id + 1)
inject_eio ec data $poolname $objname $dir $shard_id || return 1
# Now 2 out of 3 shards get EIO, so should fail
rados_get $dir $poolname $objname fail || return 1
# Change the size of speificied shard
function set_size() {
local objname=$1
local dir=$1
local shard_id=$1
local bytes=$1
local mode=${1}
local poolname=pool-jerasure
local -a initial_osds=($(get_osds $poolname $objname))
local osd_id=${initial_osds[$shard_id]}
ceph osd set noout
if [ "$mode" = "add" ];
objectstore_tool $dir $osd_id $objname get-bytes $dir/CORRUPT || return 1
dd if=/dev/urandom bs=$bytes count=1 >> $dir/CORRUPT
elif [ "$bytes" = "0" ];
touch $dir/CORRUPT
dd if=/dev/urandom bs=$bytes count=1 of=$dir/CORRUPT
objectstore_tool $dir $osd_id $objname set-bytes $dir/CORRUPT || return 1
rm -f $dir/CORRUPT
ceph osd unset noout
function rados_get_data_bad_size() {
local dir=$1
local shard_id=$1
local bytes=$1
local mode=${1:-set}
local poolname=pool-jerasure
local objname=obj-size-$$-$shard_id-$bytes
rados_put $dir $poolname $objname || return 1
# Change the size of speificied shard
set_size $objname $dir $shard_id $bytes $mode || return 1
rados_get $dir $poolname $objname || return 1
# Leave objname and modify another shard
shard_id=$(expr $shard_id + 1)
set_size $objname $dir $shard_id $bytes $mode || return 1
rados_get $dir $poolname $objname fail || return 1
# These two test cases try to validate the following behavior:
# For object on EC pool, if there is one shard having read error (
# either primary or replica), client can still read object.
# If 2 shards have read errors the client will get an error.
function TEST_rados_get_subread_eio_shard_0() {
local dir=$1
setup_osds || return 1
local poolname=pool-jerasure
create_erasure_coded_pool $poolname || return 1
# inject eio on primary OSD (0) and replica OSD (1)
local shard_id=0
rados_get_data_eio $dir $shard_id || return 1
delete_pool $poolname
function TEST_rados_get_subread_eio_shard_1() {
local dir=$1
setup_osds || return 1
local poolname=pool-jerasure
create_erasure_coded_pool $poolname || return 1
# inject eio into replicas OSD (1) and OSD (2)
local shard_id=1
rados_get_data_eio $dir $shard_id || return 1
delete_pool $poolname
# These two test cases try to validate that following behavior:
# For object on EC pool, if there is one shard which an incorrect
# size this will cause an internal read error, client can still read object.
# If 2 shards have incorrect size the client will get an error.
function TEST_rados_get_bad_size_shard_0() {
local dir=$1
setup_osds || return 1
local poolname=pool-jerasure
create_erasure_coded_pool $poolname || return 1
# Set incorrect size into primary OSD (0) and replica OSD (1)
local shard_id=0
rados_get_data_bad_size $dir $shard_id 10 || return 1
rados_get_data_bad_size $dir $shard_id 0 || return 1
rados_get_data_bad_size $dir $shard_id 256 add || return 1
delete_pool $poolname
function TEST_rados_get_bad_size_shard_1() {
local dir=$1
setup_osds || return 1
local poolname=pool-jerasure
create_erasure_coded_pool $poolname || return 1
# Set incorrect size into replicas OSD (1) and OSD (2)
local shard_id=1
rados_get_data_bad_size $dir $shard_id 10 || return 1
rados_get_data_bad_size $dir $shard_id 0 || return 1
rados_get_data_bad_size $dir $shard_id 256 add || return 1
delete_pool $poolname
function TEST_rados_get_with_subreadall_eio_shard_0() {
local dir=$1
local shard_id=0
setup_osds || return 1
local poolname=pool-jerasure
create_erasure_coded_pool $poolname || return 1
# inject eio on primary OSD (0)
local shard_id=0
rados_get_data_eio $dir $shard_id recovery || return 1
delete_pool $poolname
function TEST_rados_get_with_subreadall_eio_shard_1() {
local dir=$1
local shard_id=0
setup_osds || return 1
local poolname=pool-jerasure
create_erasure_coded_pool $poolname || return 1
# inject eio on replica OSD (1)
local shard_id=1
rados_get_data_eio $dir $shard_id recovery || return 1
delete_pool $poolname
main test-erasure-eio "$@"
# Local Variables:
# compile-command: "cd ../.. ; make -j4 && test/erasure-code/test-erasure-eio.sh"
# End: