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synced 2025-03-08 17:28:40 +00:00
A new module, s3_utilities.pm has been created. It contains subroutines common to at least two of the workunits in this directory. Code was moved here from the other pl files, and some minor changes (paramers and scope changes) were needed. Fixes: 7472 Signed-off-by: Warren Usui <warren.usui@inktank.com>
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# Common subroutines shared by the s3 testing code
my $sec;
my $min;
my $hour;
my $mon;
my $year;
my $mday;
my $wday;
my $yday;
my $isdst;
my $PASS_CNT = 0;
my $FAIL_CNT = 0;
# function to get the current time stamp from the test set up
sub get_timestamp {
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
if ($mon < 10) { $mon = "0$mon"; }
if ($hour < 10) { $hour = "0$hour"; }
if ($min < 10) { $min = "0$min"; }
if ($sec < 10) { $sec = "0$sec"; }
return $year . '_' . $mon . '_' . $mday . '_' . $hour . '_' . $min . '_' . $sec;
# Function to check if radosgw is already running
sub get_status {
my $service = "radosgw";
my $cmd = "pgrep $service";
my $status = get_cmd_op($cmd);
if ($status =~ /\d+/ ){
return 0;
return 1;
# function to execute the command and return output
sub get_cmd_op
my $cmd = shift;
my $excmd = `$cmd`;
return $excmd;
#Function that executes the CLI commands and returns the output of the command
sub get_command_output {
my $cmd_output = shift;
open( FH, ">>$test_log" );
print FH "\"$cmd_output\"\n";
my $exec_cmd = `$cmd_output 2>&1`;
print FH "$exec_cmd\n";
return $exec_cmd;
# Function to get the hostname
sub get_hostname
my $cmd = "hostname";
my $get_host = get_command_output($cmd);
sub pass {
my ($comment) = @_;
print "Comment required." unless length $comment;
chomp $comment;
print "Test case: $TC_CNT PASSED - $comment \n";
sub fail {
my ($comment) = @_;
print "Comment required." unless length $comment;
chomp $comment;
print "Test case: $TC_CNT FAILED - $comment \n";
sub print_border2 {
print "~" x 90 . "\n";
# Function to create the user "qa_user" and extract the user access_key and secret_key of the user
sub get_user_info
my ($rgw_user) = @_;
my $cmd = "sudo radosgw-admin user create --uid=$rgw_user --display-name=$rgw_user";
my $cmd_op = get_command_output($cmd);
if ($cmd_op !~ /keys/){
return (0,0);
my @get_user = (split/,/,$cmd_op);
foreach (@get_user) {
if ($_ =~ /access_key/ ){
$get_acc_key = $_;
} elsif ($_ =~ /secret_key/ ){
$get_sec_key = $_;
my $access_key = $get_acc_key;
my $acc_key = (split /:/, $access_key)[1];
$acc_key =~ s/\\//g;
$acc_key =~ s/ //g;
$acc_key =~ s/"//g;
my $secret_key = $get_sec_key;
my $sec_key = (split /:/, $secret_key)[1];
$sec_key =~ s/\\//g;
$sec_key =~ s/ //g;
$sec_key =~ s/"//g;
return ($acc_key, $sec_key);
# Function that deletes the given user and all associated user data
sub purge_data
my ($rgw_user) = @_;
my $cmd = "sudo radosgw-admin user rm --uid=$rgw_user --purge-data";
my $cmd_op = get_command_output($cmd);
if ($cmd_op !~ /./){
print "user $rgw_user deleted\n";
} else {
print "user $rgw_user NOT deleted\n";
return 1;
return 0;
# Function to get the Ceph and distro info
sub ceph_os_info
my $ceph_v = get_command_output ( "ceph -v" );
my @ceph_arr = split(" ",$ceph_v);
$ceph_v = "Ceph Version: $ceph_arr[2]";
my $os_distro = get_command_output ( "lsb_release -d" );
my @os_arr = split(":",$os_distro);
$os_distro = "Linux Flavor:$os_arr[1]";
return ($ceph_v, $os_distro);
# Execute the test case based on the input to the script
sub create_file {
my ($file_size, $part) = @_;
my $cnt;
$mytestfilename = "$file_size.$part";
$testfileloc = "/tmp/".$mytestfilename;
if ($file_size == '10Mb'){
$cnt = 1;
} elsif ($file_size == '100Mb'){
$cnt = 10;
} elsif ($file_size == '500Mb'){
$cnt = 50;
} elsif ($file_size == '1Gb'){
$cnt = 100;
} elsif ($file_size == '2Gb'){
$cnt = 200;
my $ret = system("dd if=/dev/zero of=$testfileloc bs=10485760 count=$cnt");
if ($ret) { exit 1 };
return 0;
sub run_s3
# Run tests for the S3 functionality
# Modify access key and secret key to suit the user account
my ($user) = @_;
our ( $access_key, $secret_key ) = get_user_info($user);
if ( ($access_key) && ($secret_key) ) {
$s3 = Amazon::S3->new(
aws_access_key_id => $access_key,
aws_secret_access_key => $secret_key,
host => $hostname,
secure => 0,
retry => 1,
our $bucketname = 'buck_'.get_timestamp();
# create a new bucket (the test bucket)
our $bucket = $s3->add_bucket( { bucket => $bucketname } )
or die $s3->err. "bucket $bucketname create failed\n". $s3->errstr;
print "Bucket Created: $bucketname \n";
return 0;
# delete keys
sub delete_keys {
(($bucket->delete_key($_[0])) and return 0) or return 1;
# Readd the file back to bucket
sub readd_file {
system("dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/10MBfile1 bs=10485760 count=1");
$mytestfilename1 = '10MBfile1';
print "readding file to bucket: $mytestfilename1\n";
((($bucket->add_key_filename( $mytestfilename1, $testfileloc,
{ content_type => 'text/plain', },
)) and (print "readding file success\n") and return 0) or (return 1));
# check if rgw service is already running
sub check
my $state = get_status();
if ($state) {
exit 1;