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synced 2025-02-16 07:17:21 +00:00
Rendering the dashboards with showMultiCluster=True allows for them to work with multiple clusters storing their metrics in a single Prometheus instance. This works via the cluster label and that functionality already existed. This just fixes some inconsistencies in applying the label filters. Additionally this contains updates to the tests to have them succeed with with both configurations and avoid the introduction of regressions in regards to multiCluster in the future. There also are some consistency cleanups here and there: * `datasource` was not used consistently * `cluster` label_values are determined from `ceph_health_status` * `job` template and filters on this label were removed to align multi cluster support solely via the `cluster` label * `ceph_hosts` filter now uses label_values from any ceph_metadata metrici to now show all instance values, but those of hosts with some Ceph component / daemon. * Enable showMultiCluster=True since `cluster` label is now always present, via https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/54964 Improves: https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/64321 Signed-off-by: Christian Rohmann <christian.rohmann@inovex.de>
137 lines
4.6 KiB
137 lines
4.6 KiB
# type: ignore[no-redef]
# pylint: disable=E0611,W0613,E0102
import copy
from behave import given, then, when
from prettytable import PrettyTable
from tests_dashboards import PromqlTest
from tests_dashboards.util import get_dashboards_data, resolve_time_and_unit
class GlobalContext:
def __init__(self):
self.tested_queries_count = 0
self.promql_expr_test = None
self.data = get_dashboards_data()
self.query_map = self.data['queries']
def reset_promql_test(self):
self.promql_expr_test = PromqlTest()
self.promql_expr_test.variables = copy.copy(self.data['variables'])
def print_query_stats(self):
total = len(self.query_map)
table = PrettyTable()
table.field_names = ['Name', 'Queries', 'Tested', 'Cover']
def percent(tested, total):
return str(round((tested / total) * 100, 2)) + '%'
def file_name(path):
return path.split('/')[-1]
total = 0
tested = 0
for path, stat in self.data['stats'].items():
assert stat['total']
table.add_row([file_name(path), stat['total'], stat['tested'],
percent(stat['tested'], stat['total'])])
total += stat['total']
tested += stat['tested']
assert total
table.add_row(['Total', total, tested, percent(tested, total)])
global_context = GlobalContext()
# Behave function overloading
# ===========================
def before_scenario(context, scenario):
def after_scenario(context, scenario):
assert global_context.promql_expr_test.run_promtool()
def after_all(context):
@given("the following series")
def step_impl(context):
for row in context.table:
metric = row['metrics']
value = row['values']
global_context.promql_expr_test.add_series(metric, value)
@when('evaluation interval is `{interval}`')
def step_impl(context, interval):
interval_without_unit, unit = resolve_time_and_unit(interval)
if interval_without_unit is None:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid interval time: {interval_without_unit}. ' +
'A valid time looks like "1m" where you have a number plus a unit')
global_context.promql_expr_test.set_evaluation_interval(interval_without_unit, unit)
@when('interval is `{interval}`')
def step_impl(context, interval):
interval_without_unit, unit = resolve_time_and_unit(interval)
if interval_without_unit is None:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid interval time: {interval_without_unit}. ' +
'A valid time looks like "1m" where you have a number plus a unit')
global_context.promql_expr_test.set_interval(interval_without_unit, unit)
@when('evaluation time is `{eval_time}`')
def step_impl(context, eval_time):
eval_time_without_unit, unit = resolve_time_and_unit(eval_time)
if eval_time_without_unit is None:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid evaluation time: {eval_time}. ' +
'A valid time looks like "1m" where you have a number plus a unit')
global_context.promql_expr_test.set_eval_time(eval_time_without_unit, unit)
@when('variable `{variable}` is `{value}`')
def step_impl(context, variable, value):
global_context.promql_expr_test.set_variable(variable, value)
@then('Grafana panel `{panel_name}` with legend `{legend}` shows')
def step_impl(context, panel_name, legend):
This step can have an empty legend. As 'behave' doesn't provide a way
to say it's empty we use EMPTY to mark as empty.
if legend == "EMPTY":
legend = ''
query_id = panel_name + '-' + legend
if query_id not in global_context.query_map:
print(f"QueryMap: {global_context.query_map}")
raise KeyError((f'Query with legend {legend} in panel "{panel_name}"'
'couldn\'t be found'))
expr = global_context.query_map[query_id]['query']
for row in context.table:
metric = row['metrics']
value = row['values']
global_context.promql_expr_test.add_exp_samples(metric, float(value))
path = global_context.query_map[query_id]['path']
global_context.data['stats'][path]['tested'] += 1
@then('query `{query}` produces')
def step_impl(context, query):
for row in context.table:
metric = row['metrics']
value = row['values']
global_context.promql_expr_test.add_exp_samples(metric, float(value))