# this file is responsible for submitting tests into the queue # by generating combinations of facets found in # https://github.com/ceph/ceph-qa-suite.git import copy from datetime import datetime import itertools import logging import os import requests import pwd import subprocess import smtplib import sys import yaml from email.mime.text import MIMEText from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile import teuthology from . import lock from .config import config, JobConfig from .exceptions import BranchNotFoundError from .repo_utils import fetch_qa_suite, fetch_teuthology log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def main(args): verbose = args['--verbose'] if verbose: teuthology.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) dry_run = args['--dry-run'] base_yaml_paths = args[''] suite = args['--suite'].replace('/', ':') ceph_branch = args['--ceph'] kernel_branch = args['--kernel'] kernel_flavor = args['--flavor'] teuthology_branch = args['--teuthology-branch'] machine_type = args['--machine-type'] distro = args['--distro'] suite_branch = args['--suite-branch'] suite_dir = args['--suite-dir'] limit = int(args['--limit']) priority = int(args['--priority']) num = int(args['--num']) owner = args['--owner'] email = args['--email'] if email: config.results_email = email timeout = args['--timeout'] filter_in = args['--filter'] filter_out = args['--filter-out'] name = make_run_name(suite, ceph_branch, kernel_branch, kernel_flavor, machine_type) job_config = create_initial_config(suite, suite_branch, ceph_branch, teuthology_branch, kernel_branch, kernel_flavor, distro, machine_type) if suite_dir: suite_repo_path = suite_dir else: suite_repo_path = fetch_repos(job_config.suite_branch, test_name=name) job_config.name = name job_config.priority = priority if config.results_email: job_config.email = config.results_email if owner: job_config.owner = owner with NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='schedule_suite_', delete=False) as base_yaml: base_yaml.write(str(job_config)) base_yaml_path = base_yaml.name base_yaml_paths.insert(0, base_yaml_path) prepare_and_schedule(job_config=job_config, suite_repo_path=suite_repo_path, base_yaml_paths=base_yaml_paths, limit=limit, num=num, timeout=timeout, dry_run=dry_run, verbose=verbose, filter_in=filter_in, filter_out=filter_out, ) os.remove(base_yaml_path) def make_run_name(suite, ceph_branch, kernel_branch, kernel_flavor, machine_type, user=None, timestamp=None): """ Generate a run name based on the parameters. A run name looks like: teuthology-2014-06-23_19:00:37-rados-dumpling-testing-basic-plana """ if not user: user = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_name # We assume timestamp is a datetime.datetime object if not timestamp: timestamp = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S') worker = get_worker(machine_type) return '-'.join( [user, str(timestamp), suite, ceph_branch, kernel_branch, kernel_flavor, worker] ) def fetch_repos(branch, test_name): """ Fetch the suite repo (and also the teuthology repo) so that we can use it to build jobs. Repos are stored in ~/src/. The reason the teuthology repo is also fetched is that currently we use subprocess to call teuthology-schedule to schedule jobs so we need to make sure it is up-to-date. For that reason we always fetch the master branch for test scheduling, regardless of what teuthology branch is requested for testing. :returns: The path to the suite repo on disk """ try: # When a user is scheduling a test run from their own copy of # teuthology, let's not wreak havoc on it. if config.automated_scheduling: # We use teuthology's master branch in all cases right now fetch_teuthology('master') suite_repo_path = fetch_qa_suite(branch) except BranchNotFoundError as exc: schedule_fail(message=str(exc), name=test_name) return suite_repo_path def create_initial_config(suite, suite_branch, ceph_branch, teuthology_branch, kernel_branch, kernel_flavor, distro, machine_type): """ Put together the config file used as the basis for each job in the run. Grabs hashes for the latest ceph, kernel and teuthology versions in the branches specified and specifies them so we know exactly what we're testing. :returns: A JobConfig object """ # Put together a stanza specifying the kernel hash if kernel_branch == 'distro': kernel_hash = 'distro' # Skip the stanza if the branch passed is '-' elif kernel_branch == '-': kernel_hash = None else: kernel_hash = get_hash('kernel', kernel_branch, kernel_flavor, machine_type) if not kernel_hash: schedule_fail(message="Kernel branch '{branch}' not found".format( branch=kernel_branch)) if kernel_hash: log.info("kernel sha1: {hash}".format(hash=kernel_hash)) kernel_dict = dict(kernel=dict(kdb=True, sha1=kernel_hash)) else: kernel_dict = dict() # Get the ceph hash ceph_hash = get_hash('ceph', ceph_branch, kernel_flavor, machine_type) if not ceph_hash: exc = BranchNotFoundError(ceph_branch, 'ceph.git') schedule_fail(message=str(exc)) log.info("ceph sha1: {hash}".format(hash=ceph_hash)) # Get the ceph package version ceph_version = package_version_for_hash(ceph_hash, kernel_flavor, distro, machine_type) if not ceph_version: schedule_fail("Packages for ceph version '{ver}' not found".format( ver=ceph_version)) log.info("ceph version: {ver}".format(ver=ceph_version)) # Decide what branch of s3-tests to use if get_branch_info('s3-tests', ceph_branch): s3_branch = ceph_branch else: log.info("branch {0} not in s3-tests.git; will use master for" " s3-tests".format(ceph_branch)) s3_branch = 'master' log.info("s3-tests branch: %s", s3_branch) if teuthology_branch: if not get_branch_info('teuthology', teuthology_branch): exc = BranchNotFoundError(teuthology_branch, 'teuthology.git') raise schedule_fail(message=str(exc)) else: # Decide what branch of teuthology to use if get_branch_info('teuthology', ceph_branch): teuthology_branch = ceph_branch else: log.info("branch {0} not in teuthology.git; will use master for" " teuthology".format(ceph_branch)) teuthology_branch = 'master' log.info("teuthology branch: %s", teuthology_branch) if not suite_branch: # Decide what branch of ceph-qa-suite to use if get_branch_info('ceph-qa-suite', ceph_branch): suite_branch = ceph_branch else: log.info("branch {0} not in ceph-qa-suite.git; will use master for" " ceph-qa-suite".format(ceph_branch)) suite_branch = 'master' log.info("ceph-qa-suite branch: %s", suite_branch) config_input = dict( suite=suite, suite_branch=suite_branch, ceph_branch=ceph_branch, ceph_hash=ceph_hash, teuthology_branch=teuthology_branch, machine_type=machine_type, distro=distro, s3_branch=s3_branch, ) conf_dict = substitute_placeholders(dict_templ, config_input) conf_dict.update(kernel_dict) job_config = JobConfig.from_dict(conf_dict) return job_config def prepare_and_schedule(job_config, suite_repo_path, base_yaml_paths, limit, num, timeout, dry_run, verbose, filter_in, filter_out): """ Puts together some "base arguments" with which to execute teuthology-schedule for each job, then passes them and other parameters to schedule_suite(). Finally, schedules a "last-in-suite" job that sends an email to the specified address (if one is configured). """ arch = get_arch(job_config.machine_type) base_args = [ os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), 'teuthology-schedule'), '--name', job_config.name, '--num', str(num), '--worker', get_worker(job_config.machine_type), ] if job_config.priority: base_args.extend(['--priority', str(job_config.priority)]) if verbose: base_args.append('-v') if job_config.owner: base_args.extend(['--owner', job_config.owner]) suite_path = os.path.join(suite_repo_path, 'suites', job_config.suite.replace(':', '/')) # Make sure the yaml paths are actually valid for yaml_path in base_yaml_paths: full_yaml_path = os.path.join(suite_repo_path, yaml_path) if not os.path.exists(full_yaml_path): raise IOError("File not found: " + full_yaml_path) num_jobs = schedule_suite( job_config=job_config, path=suite_path, base_yamls=base_yaml_paths, base_args=base_args, arch=arch, limit=limit, dry_run=dry_run, filter_in=filter_in, filter_out=filter_out, ) if job_config.email and num_jobs: arg = copy.deepcopy(base_args) arg.append('--last-in-suite') arg.extend(['--email', job_config.email]) if timeout: arg.extend(['--timeout', timeout]) if dry_run: log.info('dry-run: %s' % ' '.join(arg)) else: subprocess.check_call( args=arg, ) def schedule_fail(message, name=''): """ If an email address has been specified anywhere, send an alert there. Then raise a ScheduleFailError. """ email = config.results_email if email: subject = "Failed to schedule {name}".format(name=name) msg = MIMEText(message) msg['Subject'] = subject msg['From'] = config.results_sending_email msg['To'] = email smtp = smtplib.SMTP('localhost') smtp.sendmail(msg['From'], [msg['To']], msg.as_string()) smtp.quit() raise ScheduleFailError(message, name) class ScheduleFailError(RuntimeError): def __init__(self, message, name=None): self.message = message self.name = name def __str__(self): return "Job scheduling {name} failed: {msg}".format( name=self.name, msg=self.message, ).replace(' ', ' ') def get_worker(machine_type): """ Map a given machine_type to a beanstalkd worker. If machine_type mentions multiple machine types - e.g. 'plana,mira', then this returns 'multi'. Otherwise it returns what was passed. """ if ',' in machine_type: return 'multi' else: return machine_type def get_hash(project='ceph', branch='master', flavor='basic', machine_type='plana', distro='ubuntu'): """ Find the hash representing the head of the project's repository via querying a gitbuilder repo. Will return None in the case of a 404 or any other HTTP error. """ # Alternate method for github-hosted projects - left here for informational # purposes # resp = requests.get( # 'https://api.github.com/repos/ceph/ceph/git/refs/heads/master') # hash = .json()['object']['sha'] (arch, release, pkg_type) = get_distro_defaults(distro, machine_type) base_url = get_gitbuilder_url(project, release, pkg_type, arch, flavor) url = os.path.join(base_url, 'ref', branch, 'sha1') resp = requests.get(url) if not resp.ok: return None return str(resp.text.strip()) def get_distro_defaults(distro, machine_type): """ Given a distro (e.g. 'ubuntu') and machine type, return: (arch, release, pkg_type) This is mainly used to default to: ('x86_64', 'precise', 'deb') when passed 'ubuntu' and 'plana' And ('armv7l', 'saucy', 'deb') when passed 'ubuntu' and 'saya' And ('x86_64', 'centos6', 'rpm') when passed anything non-ubuntu """ if distro == 'ubuntu': if machine_type == 'saya': arch = 'armv7l' release = 'saucy' pkg_type = 'deb' else: arch = 'x86_64' release = 'precise' pkg_type = 'deb' else: arch = 'x86_64' release = 'centos6' pkg_type = 'rpm' log.debug( "Defaults for machine_type %s: arch=%s, release=%s, pkg_type=%s)", machine_type, arch, release, pkg_type) return ( arch, release, pkg_type, ) def get_gitbuilder_url(project, distro, pkg_type, arch, kernel_flavor): """ Return a base URL like: http://gitbuilder.ceph.com/ceph-deb-squeeze-x86_64-basic/ :param project: 'ceph' or 'kernel' :param distro: A distro-ish string like 'trusty' or 'fedora20' :param pkg_type: Probably 'rpm' or 'deb' :param arch: A string like 'x86_64' :param kernel_flavor: A string like 'basic' """ templ = 'http://gitbuilder.ceph.com/{proj}-{pkg}-{distro}-{arch}-{flav}/' return templ.format(proj=project, pkg=pkg_type, distro=distro, arch=arch, flav=kernel_flavor) def package_version_for_hash(hash, kernel_flavor='basic', distro='ubuntu', machine_type='plana'): """ Does what it says on the tin. Uses gitbuilder repos. :returns: a string. """ (arch, release, pkg_type) = get_distro_defaults(distro, machine_type) base_url = get_gitbuilder_url('ceph', release, pkg_type, arch, kernel_flavor) url = os.path.join(base_url, 'sha1', hash, 'version') resp = requests.get(url) if resp.ok: return resp.text.strip() def get_branch_info(project, branch, project_owner='ceph'): """ Use the GitHub API to query a project's branch. Returns: {u'object': {u'sha': , u'type': , u'url': }, u'ref': u'refs/heads/', u'url': } We mainly use this to check if a branch exists. """ url_templ = 'https://api.github.com/repos/{project_owner}/{project}/git/refs/heads/{branch}' # noqa url = url_templ.format(project_owner=project_owner, project=project, branch=branch) resp = requests.get(url) if resp.ok: return resp.json() def schedule_suite(job_config, path, base_yamls, base_args, arch, limit=0, dry_run=True, filter_in=None, filter_out=None, ): """ schedule one suite. returns number of jobs scheduled """ machine_type = job_config.machine_type suite_name = job_config.suite count = 0 log.debug('Suite %s in %s' % (suite_name, path)) configs = [(combine_path(suite_name, item[0]), item[1]) for item in build_matrix(path)] log.info('Suite %s in %s generated %d jobs (not yet filtered)' % ( suite_name, path, len(configs))) for description, fragment_paths in configs: if limit > 0 and count >= limit: log.info( 'Stopped after {limit} jobs due to --limit={limit}'.format( limit=limit)) break if filter_in: if not filter_in in description: if all([x.find(filter_in) < 0 for x in fragment_paths]): continue if filter_out: if filter_out in description or any([filter_out in z for z in fragment_paths]): continue raw_yaml = '\n'.join([file(a, 'r').read() for a in fragment_paths]) parsed_yaml = yaml.load(raw_yaml) os_type = parsed_yaml.get('os_type') exclude_arch = parsed_yaml.get('exclude_arch') exclude_os_type = parsed_yaml.get('exclude_os_type') if exclude_arch and exclude_arch == arch: log.info('Skipping due to excluded_arch: %s facets %s', exclude_arch, description) continue if exclude_os_type and exclude_os_type == os_type: log.info('Skipping due to excluded_os_type: %s facets %s', exclude_os_type, description) continue # We should not run multiple tests (changing distros) unless the # machine is a VPS. # Re-imaging baremetal is not yet supported. if machine_type != 'vps' and os_type and os_type != 'ubuntu': log.info( 'Skipping due to non-ubuntu on baremetal facets %s', description) continue log.info( 'Scheduling %s', description ) arg = copy.deepcopy(base_args) arg.extend([ '--description', description, '--', ]) arg.extend(base_yamls) arg.extend(fragment_paths) if dry_run: # Quote any individual args so that individual commands can be # copied and pasted in order to execute them individually. printable_args = [] for item in arg: if ' ' in item: printable_args.append("'%s'" % item) else: printable_args.append(item) log.info('dry-run: %s' % ' '.join(printable_args)) else: subprocess.check_call( args=arg, ) count += 1 log.info('Suite %s in %s scheduled %d jobs.' % (suite_name, path, count)) log.info('Suite %s in %s -- %d jobs were filtered out.' % (suite_name, path, len(configs) - count)) return count def combine_path(left, right): """ os.path.join(a, b) doesn't like it when b is None """ if right: return os.path.join(left, right) return left def build_matrix(path): """ Return a list of items describe by path The input is just a path. The output is an array of (description, [file list]) tuples. For a normal file we generate a new item for the result list. For a directory, we (recursively) generate a new item for each file/dir. For a directory with a magic '+' file, we generate a single item that concatenates all files/subdirs. For a directory with a magic '%' file, we generate a result set for each item in the directory, and then do a product to generate a result list with all combinations. The final description (after recursion) for each item will look like a relative path. If there was a % product, that path component will appear as a file with braces listing the selection of chosen subitems. """ if os.path.isfile(path): if path.endswith('.yaml'): return [(None, [path])] return [] if os.path.isdir(path): files = sorted(os.listdir(path)) if '+' in files: # concatenate items files.remove('+') raw = [] for fn in files: raw.extend(build_matrix(os.path.join(path, fn))) out = [( '{' + ' '.join(files) + '}', [a[1][0] for a in raw] )] return out elif '%' in files: # convolve items files.remove('%') sublists = [] for fn in files: raw = build_matrix(os.path.join(path, fn)) if raw: sublists.append([(combine_path(fn, item[0]), item[1]) for item in raw]) out = [] if sublists: for sublist in itertools.product(*sublists): name = '{' + ' '.join([item[0] for item in sublist]) + '}' val = [] for item in sublist: val.extend(item[1]) out.append((name, val)) return out else: # list items out = [] for fn in files: raw = build_matrix(os.path.join(path, fn)) out.extend([(combine_path(fn, item[0]), item[1]) for item in raw]) return out return [] def get_arch(machine_type): """ Based on a given machine_type, return its architecture by querying the lock server. Sound expensive? It is! :returns: A string or None """ locks = lock.list_locks() for machine in locks: if machine['type'] == machine_type: arch = machine['arch'] return arch return None class Placeholder(object): """ A placeholder for use with substitute_placeholders. Simply has a 'name' attribute. """ def __init__(self, name): self.name = name def substitute_placeholders(input_dict, values_dict): """ Replace any Placeholder instances with values named in values_dict. Searches through nested dicts. :param input_dict: A dict which may contain one or more Placeholder instances as values. :param values_dict: A dict, with keys matching the 'name' attributes of all of the Placeholder instances in the input_dict, and values to be substituted. :returns: The modified input_dict """ input_dict = copy.deepcopy(input_dict) def _substitute(input_dict, values_dict): for (key, value) in input_dict.iteritems(): if isinstance(value, dict): _substitute(value, values_dict) elif isinstance(value, Placeholder): # If there is a Placeholder without a corresponding entry in # values_dict, we will hit a KeyError - we want this. input_dict[key] = values_dict[value.name] return input_dict return _substitute(input_dict, values_dict) # Template for the config that becomes the base for each generated job config dict_templ = { 'branch': Placeholder('ceph_branch'), 'teuthology_branch': Placeholder('teuthology_branch'), 'machine_type': Placeholder('machine_type'), 'nuke-on-error': True, 'os_type': Placeholder('distro'), 'overrides': { 'admin_socket': { 'branch': Placeholder('ceph_branch'), }, 'ceph': { 'conf': { 'mon': { 'debug mon': 20, 'debug ms': 1, 'debug paxos': 20}, 'osd': { 'debug filestore': 20, 'debug journal': 20, 'debug ms': 1, 'debug osd': 20 } }, 'log-whitelist': ['slow request'], 'sha1': Placeholder('ceph_hash'), }, 'ceph-deploy': { 'branch': { 'dev': Placeholder('ceph_branch'), }, 'conf': { 'client': { 'log file': '/var/log/ceph/ceph-$name.$pid.log' }, 'mon': { 'debug mon': 1, 'debug ms': 20, 'debug paxos': 20, 'osd default pool size': 2 } } }, 'install': { 'ceph': { 'sha1': Placeholder('ceph_hash'), } }, 's3tests': { 'branch': Placeholder('s3_branch'), }, 'workunit': { 'sha1': Placeholder('ceph_hash'), } }, 'suite': Placeholder('suite'), 'suite_branch': Placeholder('suite_branch'), 'tasks': [ {'chef': None}, {'clock.check': None} ], }