# - Find AIO # # AIO_INCLUDE - Where to find AIO/aio.h # AIO_LIBS - List of libraries when using AIO. # AIO_FOUND - True if AIO found. get_filename_component(module_file_path ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE} PATH) # Look for the header file. find_path(AIO_INCLUDE NAMES aio.h PATHS /usr/include $ENV{AIO_ROOT}/include /opt/local/include /usr/local/include DOC "Path in which the file AIO/aio.h is located." ) mark_as_advanced(AIO_INCLUDE) # Look for the library. # Does this work on UNIX systems? (LINUX) find_library(AIO_LIBS NAMES aio PATHS /usr/lib /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu $ENV{AIO_ROOT}/lib DOC "Path to AIO library.") mark_as_advanced(AIO_LIBS) # Copy the results to the output variables. if (AIO_INCLUDE AND AIO_LIBS) message(STATUS "Found AIO in ${AIO_INCLUDE} ${AIO_LIBS}") set(AIO_FOUND 1) include(CheckCXXSourceCompiles) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARY ${AIO_LIBS} pthread) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${AIO_INCLUDE}) else () set(AIO_FOUND 0) endif () # Report the results. if (NOT AIO_FOUND) set(AIO_DIR_MESSAGE "AIO was not found. Make sure AIO_LIBS and AIO_INCLUDE are set.") if (AIO_FIND_REQUIRED) message(FATAL_ERROR "${AIO_DIR_MESSAGE}") elseif (NOT AIO_FIND_QUIETLY) message(STATUS "${AIO_DIR_MESSAGE}") endif () endif ()