from StringIO import StringIO import json import time import os import logging from teuthology import misc from teuthology.orchestra import run from import CommandFailedError from .mount import CephFSMount log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class FuseMount(CephFSMount): def __init__(self, client_config, test_dir, client_id, client_remote): super(FuseMount, self).__init__(test_dir, client_id, client_remote) self.client_config = client_config if client_config else {} self.fuse_daemon = None def mount(self):"Client client.%s config is %s" % (self.client_id, self.client_config)) daemon_signal = 'kill' if self.client_config.get('coverage') or self.client_config.get('valgrind') is not None: daemon_signal = 'term' mnt = os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'mnt.{id}'.format(id=self.client_id))'Mounting ceph-fuse client.{id} at {remote} {mnt}...'.format( id=self.client_id, remote=self.client_remote, mnt=mnt)) args=[ 'mkdir', '--', mnt, ], ) run_cmd = [ 'sudo', 'adjust-ulimits', 'ceph-coverage', '{tdir}/archive/coverage'.format(tdir=self.test_dir), 'daemon-helper', daemon_signal, ] run_cmd_tail = [ 'ceph-fuse', '-f', '--name', 'client.{id}'.format(id=self.client_id), # TODO ceph-fuse doesn't understand dash dash '--', mnt, ] if self.client_config.get('valgrind') is not None: run_cmd = misc.get_valgrind_args( self.test_dir, 'client.{id}'.format(id=self.client_id), run_cmd, self.client_config.get('valgrind'), ) run_cmd.extend(run_cmd_tail) proc = args=run_cmd, logger=log.getChild('ceph-fuse.{id}'.format(id=self.client_id)), stdin=run.PIPE, wait=False, ) self.fuse_daemon = proc def is_mounted(self): try: proc = args=[ 'stat', '--file-system', '--printf=%T\n', '--', self.mountpoint, ], stdout=StringIO(), ) except CommandFailedError: # This happens if the mount directory doesn't exist return False fstype = proc.stdout.getvalue().rstrip('\n') if fstype == 'fuseblk':'ceph-fuse is mounted on %s', self.mountpoint) return True else: log.debug('ceph-fuse not mounted, got fs type {fstype!r}'.format( fstype=fstype)) def wait_until_mounted(self): """ Check to make sure that fuse is mounted on mountpoint. If not, sleep for 5 seconds and check again. """ while not self.is_mounted(): # Even if it's not mounted, it should at least # be running: catch simple failures where it has terminated. assert not self.fuse_daemon.poll() time.sleep(5) # Now that we're mounted, set permissions so that the rest of the test will have # unrestricted access to the filesystem mount. args=['sudo', 'chmod', '1777', self.mountpoint]) def _mountpoint_exists(self): return["ls", "-d", self.mountpoint], check_status=False).exitstatus == 0 def umount(self): try:'Running fusermount -u on {name}...'.format( args=[ 'sudo', 'fusermount', '-u', self.mountpoint, ], ) except run.CommandFailedError:'Failed to unmount ceph-fuse on {name}, aborting...'.format( # abort the fuse mount, killing all hung processes args=[ 'if', 'test', '-e', '/sys/fs/fuse/connections/*/abort', run.Raw(';'), 'then', 'echo', '1', run.Raw('>'), run.Raw('/sys/fs/fuse/connections/*/abort'), run.Raw(';'), 'fi', ], ) # make sure its unmounted if self._mountpoint_exists(): args=[ 'sudo', 'umount', '-l', '-f', self.mountpoint, ], ) def umount_wait(self, force=False): """ :param force: Complete even if the MDS is offline """ self.umount() if force: self.fuse_daemon.stdin.close() try: self.fuse_daemon.wait() except CommandFailedError: pass self.cleanup() def cleanup(self): """ Remove the mount point. Prerequisite: the client is not mounted. """ args=[ 'rmdir', '--', self.mountpoint, ], ) def kill(self): """ Terminate the client without removing the mount point. """ self.fuse_daemon.stdin.close() try: self.fuse_daemon.wait() except CommandFailedError: pass def kill_cleanup(self): """ Follow up ``kill`` to get to a clean unmounted state. """ self.umount() self.cleanup() def teardown(self): """ Whatever the state of the mount, get it gone. """ super(FuseMount, self).teardown() if self.is_mounted(): self.umount() if not self.fuse_daemon.finished: self.fuse_daemon.stdin.close() try: self.fuse_daemon.wait() except CommandFailedError: pass # Indiscriminate, unlike the touchier cleanup() args=[ 'rm', '-rf', self.mountpoint, ], ) def get_global_id(self): """ Look up the CephFS client ID for this mount """ pyscript = """ import glob import re import os import subprocess def find_socket(client_name): files = glob.glob("/var/run/ceph/ceph-{{client_name}}.*.asok".format(client_name=client_name)) for f in files: pid = re.match(".*\.(\d+)\.asok$", f).group(1) if os.path.exists("/proc/{{0}}".format(pid)): return f raise RuntimeError("Client socket {{0}} not found".format(client_name)) print find_socket("{client_name}") """.format(client_name="client.{0}".format(self.client_id)) # Find the admin socket p =[ 'python', '-c', pyscript ], stdout=StringIO()) asok_path = p.stdout.getvalue().strip()"Found client admin socket at {0}".format(asok_path)) # Query client ID from admin socket p = args=['sudo', 'ceph', '--admin-daemon', asok_path, 'mds_sessions'], stdout=StringIO()) return json.loads(p.stdout.getvalue())['id']