from cStringIO import StringIO import logging import re from teuthology import misc as teuthology from ..orchestra import run log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def normalize_config(ctx, config): """ Returns a config whose keys are all real roles. Generic roles (client, mon, osd, etc.) are replaced with the actual roles (client.0, client.1, etc.). If the config specifies a different version for a specific role, this is unchanged. For example, with 3 OSDs this:: osd: tag: v3.0 kdb: true osd.1: branch: new_btrfs kdb: false osd.3: deb: /path/to/linux-whatever.deb is transformed into:: osd.0: tag: v3.0 kdb: true osd.1: branch: new_btrfs kdb: false osd.2: tag: v3.0 kdb: true osd.3: deb: /path/to/linux-whatever.deb If config is None or just specifies a version to use, it is applied to all nodes. """ if config is None or \ len(filter(lambda x: x in ['tag', 'branch', 'sha1', 'kdb', 'deb'], config.keys())) == len(config.keys()): new_config = {} if config is None: config = {'branch': 'master'} for _, roles_for_host in ctx.cluster.remotes.iteritems(): new_config[roles_for_host[0]] = config return new_config new_config = {} for role, role_config in config.iteritems(): if role_config is None: role_config = {'branch': 'master'} if '.' in role: new_config[role] = role_config else: for id_ in teuthology.all_roles_of_type(ctx.cluster, role): name = '{type}.{id}'.format(type=role, id=id_) # specific overrides generic if name not in config: new_config[name] = role_config return new_config def validate_config(ctx, config): for _, roles_for_host in ctx.cluster.remotes.iteritems(): kernel = None for role in roles_for_host: role_kernel = config.get(role, kernel) if kernel is None: kernel = role_kernel elif role_kernel is not None: assert kernel == role_kernel, \ "everything on the same host must use the same kernel" if role in config: del config[role] def need_to_install(ctx, role, sha1): ret = True'Checking kernel version of {role}, want {sha1}...'.format( role=role, sha1=sha1)) version_fp = StringIO() ctx.cluster.only(role).run( args=[ 'uname', '-r', ], stdout=version_fp, ) version = version_fp.getvalue().rstrip('\n') if '-g' in version: _, current_sha1 = version.rsplit('-g', 1) log.debug('current kernel version is: {version} sha1 {sha1}'.format( version=version, sha1=current_sha1)) if sha1.startswith(current_sha1): log.debug('current sha1 is the same, do not need to install') ret = False else: log.debug('current kernel version is: {version}, unknown sha1'.format( version=version)) version_fp.close() return ret def install_firmware(ctx, config): # uri = 'git://' uri = 'git://' fw_dir = '/lib/firmware/updates' for role in config.iterkeys(): (role_remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(role).remotes.keys()'Installing linux-firmware on {role}...'.format(role=role)) args=[ # kludge around mysterious 0-byte .git/HEAD files 'cd', fw_dir, run.Raw('&&'), 'test', '-d', '.git', run.Raw('&&'), 'test', '!', '-s', '.git/HEAD', run.Raw('&&'), 'sudo', 'rm', '-rf', '.git', run.Raw(';'), # init 'sudo', 'install', '-d', '-m0755', fw_dir, run.Raw('&&'), 'cd', fw_dir, run.Raw('&&'), 'sudo', 'git', 'init', ], ) args=[ 'sudo', 'git', '--git-dir=%s/.git' % fw_dir, 'config', '--get', 'remote.origin.url', run.Raw('>/dev/null'), run.Raw('||'), 'sudo', 'git', '--git-dir=%s/.git' % fw_dir, 'remote', 'add', 'origin', uri, ], ) args=[ 'cd', fw_dir, run.Raw('&&'), 'sudo', 'git', 'fetch', 'origin', run.Raw('&&'), 'sudo', 'git', 'reset', '--hard', 'origin/master' ], ) def download_deb(ctx, config): procs = {} for role, src in config.iteritems(): (role_remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(role).remotes.keys() if src.find('/') >= 0: # local deb'Copying kernel deb {path} to {role}...'.format(path=src, role=role)) f = open(src, 'r') proc = args=[ 'python', '-c', 'import shutil, sys; shutil.copyfileobj(sys.stdin, file(sys.argv[1], "wb"))', '/tmp/linux-image.deb', ], wait=False, stdin=f ) procs[] = proc else:'Downloading kernel {sha1} on {role}...'.format(sha1=src, role=role)) _, deb_url = teuthology.get_ceph_binary_url( package='kernel', sha1=src, format='deb', flavor='basic', arch='x86_64', dist='precise', )'fetching kernel from {url}'.format(url=deb_url)) proc = args=[ 'sudo', 'rm', '-f', '/tmp/linux-image.deb', run.Raw('&&'), 'echo', 'linux-image.deb', run.Raw('|'), 'wget', '-nv', '-O', '/tmp/linux-image.deb', '--base={url}'.format(url=deb_url), '--input-file=-', ], wait=False) procs[] = proc for name, proc in procs.iteritems(): log.debug('Waiting for download/copy to %s to complete...', name) proc.exitstatus.get() def install_and_reboot(ctx, config): procs = {} for role, src in config.iteritems():'Installing kernel {src} on {role}...'.format(src=src, role=role)) (role_remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(role).remotes.keys() proc = args=[ 'sudo', 'dpkg', '-i', '/tmp/linux-image.deb', run.Raw('&&'), # and now extract the actual boot image name from the deb 'dpkg-deb', '--fsys-tarfile', '/tmp/linux-image.deb', run.Raw('|'), 'tar', '-t', '-v', '-f', '-', '--wildcards', '--', './boot/vmlinuz-*', run.Raw('|'), # we can only rely on mawk being installed, so just call it explicitly 'mawk', # and use the image name to construct the content of # the grub menu entry, so we can default to it; # hardcoded to assume Ubuntu, English, etc. r'{sub("^\\./boot/vmlinuz-", "", $6); print "cat </dev/null'), run.Raw('&&'), 'sudo', 'chmod', 'a+x', '--', '/etc/grub.d/01_ceph_kernel.tmp~', run.Raw('&&'), 'sudo', 'mv', '--', '/etc/grub.d/01_ceph_kernel.tmp~', '/etc/grub.d/01_ceph_kernel', run.Raw('&&'), 'sudo', 'update-grub', run.Raw('&&'), 'rm', '/tmp/linux-image.deb', run.Raw('&&'), 'sudo', 'shutdown', '-r', 'now', ], wait=False, ) procs[] = proc for name, proc in procs.iteritems(): log.debug('Waiting for install on %s to complete...', name) proc.exitstatus.get() def enable_disable_kdb(ctx, config): for role, enable in config.iteritems(): (role_remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(role).remotes.keys() if enable:'Enabling kdb on {role}...'.format(role=role)) proc = args=[ 'echo', 'ttyS1', run.Raw('|'), 'sudo', 'tee', '/sys/module/kgdboc/parameters/kgdboc' ]) else:'Disabling kdb on {role}...'.format(role=role)) proc = args=[ 'echo', '', run.Raw('|'), 'sudo', 'tee', '/sys/module/kgdboc/parameters/kgdboc' ]) def wait_for_reboot(ctx, need_install, timeout): """ Loop reconnecting and checking kernel versions until they're all correct or the timeout is exceeded. """ import time starttime = time.time() while need_install: teuthology.reconnect(ctx, timeout) for client in need_install.keys():'Checking client {client} for new kernel version...'.format(client=client)) try: assert not need_to_install(ctx, client, need_install[client]), \ 'failed to install new kernel version within timeout' del need_install[client] except: # ignore connection resets and asserts while time is left if time.time() - starttime > timeout: raise time.sleep(1) def task(ctx, config): """ Make sure the specified kernel is installed. This can be a branch, tag, or sha1 of ceph-client.git. To install the kernel from the master branch on all hosts:: kernel: tasks: - ceph: To wait 5 minutes for hosts to reboot:: kernel: timeout: 300 tasks: - ceph: To specify different kernels for each client:: kernel: client.0: branch: foo client.1: tag: v3.0rc1 client.2: sha1: db3540522e955c1ebb391f4f5324dff4f20ecd09 tasks: - ceph: You can specify a branch, tag, or sha1 for all roles of a certain type (more specific roles override this):: kernel: client: tag: v3.0 osd: branch: btrfs_fixes client.1: branch: more_specific_branch osd.3: branch: master To enable kdb:: kernel: kdb: true """ assert config is None or isinstance(config, dict), \ "task kernel only supports a dictionary for configuration" timeout = 300 if config is not None and 'timeout' in config: timeout = config.pop('timeout') config = normalize_config(ctx, config) validate_config(ctx, config)'config %s' % config) need_install = {} # sha1 to dl, or path to deb need_sha1 = {} # sha1 kdb = {} for role, role_config in config.iteritems(): if role_config.get('deb'): path = role_config.get('deb') match ='\d+-g(\w{7})', path) if match: sha1 ='kernel deb sha1 appears to be %s', sha1) if need_to_install(ctx, role, sha1): need_install[role] = path need_sha1[role] = sha1 else:'unable to extract sha1 from deb path, forcing install') assert False else: sha1, _ = teuthology.get_ceph_binary_url( package='kernel', branch=role_config.get('branch'), tag=role_config.get('tag'), sha1=role_config.get('sha1'), flavor='basic', format='deb', dist='precise', arch='x86_64', ) log.debug('sha1 for {role} is {sha1}'.format(role=role, sha1=sha1)) ctx.summary['{role}-kernel-sha1'.format(role=role)] = sha1 if need_to_install(ctx, role, sha1): need_install[role] = sha1 need_sha1[role] = sha1 # enable or disable kdb if specified, otherwise do not touch if role_config.get('kdb') is not None: kdb[role] = role_config.get('kdb') if need_install: install_firmware(ctx, need_install) download_deb(ctx, need_install) install_and_reboot(ctx, need_install) wait_for_reboot(ctx, need_sha1, timeout) enable_disable_kdb(ctx, kdb)