""" Deploy and configure Barbican for Teuthology """ import argparse import contextlib import logging from six.moves import http_client from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse import json from teuthology import misc as teuthology from teuthology import contextutil from teuthology.orchestra import run from teuthology.exceptions import ConfigError log = logging.getLogger(__name__) @contextlib.contextmanager def download(ctx, config): """ Download the Barbican from github. Remove downloaded file upon exit. The context passed in should be identical to the context passed in to the main task. """ assert isinstance(config, dict) log.info('Downloading barbican...') testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx) for (client, cconf) in config.items(): branch = cconf.get('force-branch', 'master') log.info("Using branch '%s' for barbican", branch) sha1 = cconf.get('sha1') log.info('sha1=%s', sha1) ctx.cluster.only(client).run( args=[ 'bash', '-l' ], ) ctx.cluster.only(client).run( args=[ 'git', 'clone', '-b', branch, 'https://github.com/openstack/barbican.git', '{tdir}/barbican'.format(tdir=testdir), ], ) if sha1 is not None: ctx.cluster.only(client).run( args=[ 'cd', '{tdir}/barbican'.format(tdir=testdir), run.Raw('&&'), 'git', 'reset', '--hard', sha1, ], ) try: yield finally: log.info('Removing barbican...') testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx) for client in config: ctx.cluster.only(client).run( args=[ 'rm', '-rf', '{tdir}/barbican'.format(tdir=testdir), ], ) def get_barbican_dir(ctx): return '{tdir}/barbican'.format(tdir=teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)) def run_in_barbican_dir(ctx, client, args): ctx.cluster.only(client).run( args=['cd', get_barbican_dir(ctx), run.Raw('&&'), ] + args, ) def run_in_barbican_venv(ctx, client, args): run_in_barbican_dir(ctx, client, ['.', '.barbicanenv/bin/activate', run.Raw('&&') ] + args) @contextlib.contextmanager def setup_venv(ctx, config): """ Setup the virtualenv for Barbican using pip. """ assert isinstance(config, dict) log.info('Setting up virtualenv for barbican...') for (client, _) in config.items(): run_in_barbican_dir(ctx, client, ['virtualenv', '.barbicanenv']) run_in_barbican_venv(ctx, client, ['pip', 'install', 'pytz', '-e', get_barbican_dir(ctx)]) yield def assign_ports(ctx, config, initial_port): """ Assign port numbers starting from @initial_port """ port = initial_port role_endpoints = {} for remote, roles_for_host in ctx.cluster.remotes.items(): for role in roles_for_host: if role in config: role_endpoints[role] = (remote.name.split('@')[1], port) port += 1 return role_endpoints def set_authtoken_params(ctx, cclient, cconfig): section_config_list = cconfig['keystone_authtoken'].items() for config in section_config_list: (name, val) = config run_in_barbican_dir(ctx, cclient, ['sed', '-i', '/[[]filter:authtoken]/{p;s##'+'{} = {}'.format(name, val)+'#;}', 'etc/barbican/barbican-api-paste.ini']) keystone_role = cconfig.get('use-keystone-role', None) public_host, public_port = ctx.keystone.public_endpoints[keystone_role] url = 'http://{host}:{port}/v3'.format(host=public_host, port=public_port) run_in_barbican_dir(ctx, cclient, ['sed', '-i', '/[[]filter:authtoken]/{p;s##'+'auth_uri = {}'.format(url)+'#;}', 'etc/barbican/barbican-api-paste.ini']) admin_host, admin_port = ctx.keystone.admin_endpoints[keystone_role] admin_url = 'http://{host}:{port}/v3'.format(host=admin_host, port=admin_port) run_in_barbican_dir(ctx, cclient, ['sed', '-i', '/[[]filter:authtoken]/{p;s##'+'auth_url = {}'.format(admin_url)+'#;}', 'etc/barbican/barbican-api-paste.ini']) def fix_barbican_api_paste(ctx, cclient): run_in_barbican_dir(ctx, cclient, ['sed', '-i', '-n', '/\\[pipeline:barbican_api]/ {p;n; /^pipeline =/ '+ '{ s/.*/pipeline = unauthenticated-context apiapp/;p;d } } ; p', './etc/barbican/barbican-api-paste.ini']) def fix_barbican_api(ctx, cclient): run_in_barbican_dir(ctx, cclient, ['sed', '-i', '/prop_dir =/ s#etc/barbican#{}/etc/barbican#'.format(get_barbican_dir(ctx)), 'bin/barbican-api']) def copy_policy_json(ctx, cclient): run_in_barbican_dir(ctx, cclient, ['cp', get_barbican_dir(ctx)+'/etc/barbican/policy.json', get_barbican_dir(ctx)]) def create_barbican_conf(ctx, cclient): barbican_host, barbican_port = ctx.barbican.endpoints[cclient] barbican_url = 'http://{host}:{port}'.format(host=barbican_host, port=barbican_port) log.info("barbican url=%s", barbican_url) run_in_barbican_dir(ctx, cclient, ['bash', '-c', 'echo -n -e "[DEFAULT]\nhost_href=' + barbican_url + '\n" ' + \ '>barbican.conf']) @contextlib.contextmanager def configure_barbican(ctx, config): """ Configure barbican paste-api and barbican-api. """ assert isinstance(config, dict) (cclient, cconfig) = config.items()[0] keystone_role = cconfig.get('use-keystone-role', None) if keystone_role is None: raise ConfigError('use-keystone-role not defined in barbican task') set_authtoken_params(ctx, cclient, cconfig) fix_barbican_api(ctx, cclient) fix_barbican_api_paste(ctx, cclient) copy_policy_json(ctx, cclient) create_barbican_conf(ctx, cclient) try: yield finally: pass @contextlib.contextmanager def run_barbican(ctx, config): assert isinstance(config, dict) log.info('Running barbican...') for (client, _) in config.items(): (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys() cluster_name, _, client_id = teuthology.split_role(client) # start the public endpoint client_public_with_id = 'barbican.public' + '.' + client_id run_cmd = ['cd', get_barbican_dir(ctx), run.Raw('&&'), '.', '.barbicanenv/bin/activate', run.Raw('&&'), 'HOME={}'.format(get_barbican_dir(ctx)), run.Raw('&&'), 'bin/barbican-api', run.Raw('& { read; kill %1; }')] #run.Raw('1>/dev/null') run_cmd = 'cd ' + get_barbican_dir(ctx) + ' && ' + \ '. .barbicanenv/bin/activate && ' + \ 'HOME={}'.format(get_barbican_dir(ctx)) + ' && ' + \ 'exec bin/barbican-api & { read; kill %1; }' ctx.daemons.add_daemon( remote, 'barbican', client_public_with_id, cluster=cluster_name, args=['bash', '-c', run_cmd], logger=log.getChild(client), stdin=run.PIPE, cwd=get_barbican_dir(ctx), wait=False, check_status=False, ) # sleep driven synchronization run_in_barbican_venv(ctx, client, ['sleep', '15']) try: yield finally: log.info('Stopping Barbican instance') ctx.daemons.get_daemon('barbican', client_public_with_id, cluster_name).stop() @contextlib.contextmanager def create_secrets(ctx, config): """ Create a main and an alternate s3 user. """ assert isinstance(config, dict) (cclient, cconfig) = config.items()[0] rgw_user = cconfig['rgw_user'] keystone_role = cconfig.get('use-keystone-role', None) keystone_host, keystone_port = ctx.keystone.public_endpoints[keystone_role] barbican_host, barbican_port = ctx.barbican.endpoints[cclient] barbican_url = 'http://{host}:{port}'.format(host=barbican_host, port=barbican_port) log.info("barbican_url=%s", barbican_url) #fetching user_id of user that gets secrets for radosgw token_req = http_client.HTTPConnection(keystone_host, keystone_port, timeout=30) token_req.request( 'POST', '/v2.0/tokens', headers={'Content-Type':'application/json'}, body=json.dumps( {"auth": {"passwordCredentials": {"username": rgw_user["username"], "password": rgw_user["password"] }, "tenantName": rgw_user["tenantName"] } } ) ) rgw_access_user_resp = token_req.getresponse() if not (rgw_access_user_resp.status >= 200 and rgw_access_user_resp.status < 300): raise Exception("Cannot authenticate user "+rgw_user["username"]+" for secret creation") # baru_resp = json.loads(baru_req.data) rgw_access_user_data = json.loads(rgw_access_user_resp.read()) rgw_user_id = rgw_access_user_data['access']['user']['id'] if 'secrets' in cconfig: for secret in cconfig['secrets']: if 'name' not in secret: raise ConfigError('barbican.secrets must have "name" field') if 'base64' not in secret: raise ConfigError('barbican.secrets must have "base64" field') if 'tenantName' not in secret: raise ConfigError('barbican.secrets must have "tenantName" field') if 'username' not in secret: raise ConfigError('barbican.secrets must have "username" field') if 'password' not in secret: raise ConfigError('barbican.secrets must have "password" field') token_req = http_client.HTTPConnection(keystone_host, keystone_port, timeout=30) token_req.request( 'POST', '/v2.0/tokens', headers={'Content-Type':'application/json'}, body=json.dumps( { "auth": { "passwordCredentials": { "username": secret["username"], "password": secret["password"] }, "tenantName":secret["tenantName"] } } ) ) token_resp = token_req.getresponse() if not (token_resp.status >= 200 and token_resp.status < 300): raise Exception("Cannot authenticate user "+secret["username"]+" for secret creation") token_data = json.loads(token_resp.read()) token_id = token_data['access']['token']['id'] key1_json = json.dumps( { "name": secret['name'], "expiration": "2020-12-31T19:14:44.180394", "algorithm": "aes", "bit_length": 256, "mode": "cbc", "payload": secret['base64'], "payload_content_type": "application/octet-stream", "payload_content_encoding": "base64" }) sec_req = http_client.HTTPConnection(barbican_host, barbican_port, timeout=30) try: sec_req.request( 'POST', '/v1/secrets', headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': '*/*', 'X-Auth-Token': token_id}, body=key1_json ) except: log.info("catched exception!") run_in_barbican_venv(ctx, cclient, ['sleep', '900']) barbican_sec_resp = sec_req.getresponse() if not (barbican_sec_resp.status >= 200 and barbican_sec_resp.status < 300): raise Exception("Cannot create secret") barbican_data = json.loads(barbican_sec_resp.read()) if 'secret_ref' not in barbican_data: raise ValueError("Malformed secret creation response") secret_ref = barbican_data["secret_ref"] log.info("secret_ref=%s", secret_ref) secret_url_parsed = urlparse(secret_ref) acl_json = json.dumps( { "read": { "users": [rgw_user_id], "project-access": True } }) acl_req = http_client.HTTPConnection(secret_url_parsed.netloc, timeout=30) acl_req.request( 'PUT', secret_url_parsed.path+'/acl', headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': '*/*', 'X-Auth-Token': token_id}, body=acl_json ) barbican_acl_resp = acl_req.getresponse() if not (barbican_acl_resp.status >= 200 and barbican_acl_resp.status < 300): raise Exception("Cannot set ACL for secret") key = {'id': secret_ref.split('secrets/')[1], 'payload': secret['base64']} ctx.barbican.keys[secret['name']] = key run_in_barbican_venv(ctx, cclient, ['sleep', '3']) try: yield finally: pass @contextlib.contextmanager def task(ctx, config): """ Deploy and configure Keystone Example of configuration: tasks: - local_cluster: cluster_path: /home/adam/ceph-1/build - local_rgw: - tox: [ client.0 ] - keystone: client.0: sha1: force-branch: master tenants: - name: admin description: Admin Tenant - name: rgwcrypt description: Encryption Tenant - name: barbican description: Barbican - name: s3 description: S3 project users: - name: admin password: ADMIN project: admin - name: rgwcrypt-user password: rgwcrypt-pass project: rgwcrypt - name: barbican-user password: barbican-pass project: barbican - name: s3-user password: s3-pass project: s3 roles: [ name: admin, name: Member, name: creator ] role-mappings: - name: admin user: admin project: admin - name: Member user: rgwcrypt-user project: rgwcrypt - name: admin user: barbican-user project: barbican - name: creator user: s3-user project: s3 services: - name: keystone type: identity description: Keystone Identity Service - barbican: client.0: force-branch: master use-keystone-role: client.0 keystone_authtoken: auth_plugin: password username: barbican-user password: barbican-pass user_domain_name: Default rgw_user: tenantName: rgwcrypt username: rgwcrypt-user password: rgwcrypt-pass secrets: - name: my-key-1 base64: a2V5MS5GcWVxKzhzTGNLaGtzQkg5NGVpb1FKcFpGb2c= tenantName: s3 username: s3-user password: s3-pass - name: my-key-2 base64: a2V5Mi5yNUNNMGFzMVdIUVZxcCt5NGVmVGlQQ1k4YWg= tenantName: s3 username: s3-user password: s3-pass - s3tests: client.0: force-branch: master kms_key: my-key-1 - rgw: client.0: use-keystone-role: client.0 use-barbican-role: client.0 """ assert config is None or isinstance(config, list) \ or isinstance(config, dict), \ "task keystone only supports a list or dictionary for configuration" all_clients = ['client.{id}'.format(id=id_) for id_ in teuthology.all_roles_of_type(ctx.cluster, 'client')] if config is None: config = all_clients if isinstance(config, list): config = dict.fromkeys(config) overrides = ctx.config.get('overrides', {}) # merge each client section, not the top level. for client in config.keys(): if not config[client]: config[client] = {} teuthology.deep_merge(config[client], overrides.get('barbican', {})) log.debug('Barbican config is %s', config) if not hasattr(ctx, 'keystone'): raise ConfigError('barbican must run after the keystone task') ctx.barbican = argparse.Namespace() ctx.barbican.endpoints = assign_ports(ctx, config, 9311) ctx.barbican.keys = {} with contextutil.nested( lambda: download(ctx=ctx, config=config), lambda: setup_venv(ctx=ctx, config=config), lambda: configure_barbican(ctx=ctx, config=config), lambda: run_barbican(ctx=ctx, config=config), lambda: create_secrets(ctx=ctx, config=config), ): yield