==================================== Mount CephFS with the Kernel Driver ==================================== It is recommended to install the ``/sbin/mount.ceph`` kernel mount helper if working with the kernel cephfs driver. To mount CephFS with the kernel driver you may use the ``mount`` command:: # mkdir /mnt/mycephfs # mount -t ceph :/ /mnt/mycephfs Omitting the monitor addresses will cue ``mount.ceph`` to look them up in the local configuration file. If you know at least one of the monitor addresses and ports you can specify them directly in a comma-separated list, and the kernel will avoid looking them up:: # mount -t ceph, /mnt/mycephfs To mount a subtree of the cephfs root, append the path to the device string :: # mount -t ceph :/subvolume/dir1/dir2 /mnt/mycephfs -o name=fs To mount the Ceph file system with ``cephx`` authentication enabled, the kernel must authenticate with the cluster. The default ``name=`` option is ``guest``. The mount.ceph helper will automatically attempt to find a secret key in a cephx keyring if it's not specified. For example, to mount the filesystem as the cephx user ``fs``:: # mount -t ceph :/ /mnt/mycephfs -o name=fs The secret can also be specified manually with the ``secret=`` option.:: # mount -t ceph :/ /mnt/mycephfs -o name=fs,secret=AQATSKdNGBnwLhAAnNDKnH65FmVKpXZJVasUeQ== For legacy usage, mount.ceph can be told to read a lone secret from a file. For example:: # mount -t ceph :/ /mnt/mycephfs -o name=fs,secretfile=/etc/ceph/admin.secret See `User Management`_ for details on cephx. If you have more than one file system, specify which one to mount using the ``mds_namespace`` option, e.g.:: # mount -t ceph :/ -o name=fs,mds_namespace=myfs To unmount the Ceph file system, you may use the ``umount`` command. For example:: # umount /mnt/mycephfs .. tip:: Ensure that you are not within the file system directories before executing this command. See `mount.ceph`_ for details. For troubleshooting, see :ref:`kernel_mount_debugging`. .. _mount.ceph: ../../man/8/mount.ceph/ .. _User Management: ../../rados/operations/user-management/