
 mount.fuse.ceph -- mount ceph-fuse from /etc/fstab.

.. program:: mount.fuse.ceph


| **mount.fuse.ceph** [-h] [-o OPTIONS [*OPTIONS* ...]]
                      device [*device* ...]
                      mountpoint [*mountpoint* ...]


**mount.fuse.ceph** is a helper for mounting ceph-fuse from

To use mount.fuse.ceph, add an entry in ``/etc/fstab`` like::

  DEVICE    PATH        TYPE        OPTIONS
  none      /mnt/ceph   fuse.ceph   ceph.id=admin,_netdev,defaults  0 0
  none      /mnt/ceph   fuse.ceph   ceph.name=client.admin,_netdev,defaults  0 0
  none      /mnt/ceph   fuse.ceph   ceph.id=myuser,ceph.conf=/etc/ceph/foo.conf,_netdev,defaults  0 0

ceph-fuse options are specified in the ``OPTIONS`` column and must begin
with '``ceph.``' prefix. This way ceph related fs options will be passed to
ceph-fuse and others will be ignored by ceph-fuse.


.. option:: ceph.id=<username>

   Specify that the ceph-fuse will authenticate as the given user.

.. option:: ceph.name=client.admin

   Specify that the ceph-fuse will authenticate as client.admin

.. option:: ceph.conf=/etc/ceph/foo.conf

   Sets 'conf' option to /etc/ceph/foo.conf via ceph-fuse command line.

Any valid ceph-fuse options can be passed this way.   

Additional Info

The old format /etc/fstab entries are also supported::

  DEVICE                              PATH        TYPE        OPTIONS
  id=admin                            /mnt/ceph   fuse.ceph   defaults   0 0
  id=myuser,conf=/etc/ceph/foo.conf   /mnt/ceph   fuse.ceph   defaults   0 0


**mount.fuse.ceph** is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please
refer to the Ceph documentation at http://ceph.com/docs for more

See also

:doc:`ceph-fuse <ceph-fuse>`\(8),
:doc:`ceph <ceph>`\(8)