Service Operations

List Buckets
``GET /`` returns a list of buckets created by the user making the request. ``GET /`` only
returns buckets created by an authenticated user. You cannot make an anonymous request.


	GET / HTTP/1.1

	Authorization: AWS {access-key}:{hash-of-header-and-secret}

Response Entities

| Name                       | Type        | Description                                                     |
| ``Buckets``                | Container   | Container for list of buckets.                                  |
| ``Bucket``                 | Container   | Container for bucket information.                               |
| ``Name``                   | String      | Bucket name.                                                    |
| ``CreationDate``           | Date        | UTC time when the bucket was created.                           |
| ``ListAllMyBucketsResult`` | Container   | A container for the result.                                     |
| ``Owner``                  | Container   | A container for the bucket owner's ``ID`` and ``DisplayName``.  |
| ``ID``                     | String      | The bucket owner's ID.                                          |
| ``DisplayName``            | String      | The bucket owner's display name.                                |