""" Ceph FUSE client task """ import contextlib import logging from teuthology import misc as teuthology from teuthology.orchestra import run from cephfs.fuse_mount import FuseMount log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def get_client_configs(ctx, config): """ Get a map of the configuration for each FUSE client in the configuration by combining the configuration of the current task with any global overrides. :param ctx: Context instance :param config: configuration for this task :return: dict of client name to config or to None """ if config is None: config = dict(('client.{id}'.format(id=id_), None) for id_ in teuthology.all_roles_of_type(ctx.cluster, 'client')) elif isinstance(config, list): config = dict((name, None) for name in config) overrides = ctx.config.get('overrides', {}) teuthology.deep_merge(config, overrides.get('ceph-fuse', {})) return config @contextlib.contextmanager def task(ctx, config): """ Mount/unmount a ``ceph-fuse`` client. The config is optional and defaults to mounting on all clients. If a config is given, it is expected to be a list of clients to do this operation on. This lets you e.g. set up one client with ``ceph-fuse`` and another with ``kclient``. Example that mounts all clients:: tasks: - ceph: - ceph-fuse: - interactive: Example that uses both ``kclient` and ``ceph-fuse``:: tasks: - ceph: - ceph-fuse: [client.0] - kclient: [client.1] - interactive: Example that enables valgrind: tasks: - ceph: - ceph-fuse: client.0: valgrind: [--tool=memcheck, --leak-check=full, --show-reachable=yes] - interactive: :param ctx: Context :param config: Configuration """ log.info('Mounting ceph-fuse clients...') testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx) config = get_client_configs(ctx, config) clients = list(teuthology.get_clients(ctx=ctx, roles=config.keys())) fuse_mounts = {} for id_, remote in clients: client_config = config.get("client.%s" % id_) if client_config is None: client_config = {} fuse_mount = FuseMount(client_config, testdir, id_, remote) fuse_mounts[id_] = fuse_mount fuse_mount.mount() for mount in fuse_mounts.values(): mount.wait_until_mounted() ctx.mounts = fuse_mounts try: yield fuse_mounts finally: log.info('Unmounting ceph-fuse clients...') for mount in fuse_mounts.values(): mount.umount() run.wait([m.fuse_daemon for m in fuse_mounts.values()], timeout=600) for mount in fuse_mounts.values(): mount.cleanup()