import json import logging import time import os from textwrap import dedent from tasks.cephfs.cephfs_test_case import CephFSTestCase from teuthology.exceptions import CommandFailedError log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TestVolumeClient(CephFSTestCase): # One for looking at the global filesystem, one for being # the VolumeClient, one for mounting the created shares CLIENTS_REQUIRED = 3 def _volume_client_python(self, client, script): # Can't dedent this *and* the script we pass in, because they might have different # levels of indentation to begin with, so leave this string zero-indented return client.run_python(""" from ceph_volume_client import CephFSVolumeClient, VolumePath import logging log = logging.getLogger("ceph_volume_client") log.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) vc = CephFSVolumeClient("manila", "{conf_path}", "ceph") vc.connect() {payload} vc.disconnect() """.format(payload=script, conf_path=client.config_path)) def _sudo_write_file(self, remote, path, data): """ Write data to a remote file as super user :param remote: Remote site. :param path: Path on the remote being written to. :param data: Data to be written. Both perms and owner are passed directly to chmod. """ args=[ 'sudo', 'python', '-c', 'import shutil, sys; shutil.copyfileobj(sys.stdin, file(sys.argv[1], "wb"))', path, ], stdin=data, ) def _configure_vc_auth(self, mount, id_name): """ Set up auth credentials for the VolumeClient user """ out = self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd( "auth", "get-or-create", "client.{name}".format(name=id_name), "mds", "allow *", "osd", "allow rw", "mon", "allow *" ) mount.client_id = id_name self._sudo_write_file(mount.client_remote, mount.get_keyring_path(), out) self.set_conf("client.{name}".format(name=id_name), "keyring", mount.get_keyring_path()) def test_lifecycle(self): """ General smoke test for create, extend, destroy """ # I'm going to use mount_c later as a guest for mounting the created # shares self.mounts[2].umount() # I'm going to leave mount_b unmounted and just use it as a handle for # driving volumeclient. It's a little hacky but we don't have a more # general concept for librados/libcephfs clients as opposed to full # blown mounting clients. self.mount_b.umount_wait() self._configure_vc_auth(self.mount_b, "manila") guest_entity = "guest" group_id = "grpid" volume_id = "volid" # Create mount_path = self._volume_client_python(self.mount_b, dedent(""" vp = VolumePath("{group_id}", "{volume_id}") create_result = vc.create_volume(vp, 10) print create_result['mount_path'] """.format( group_id=group_id, volume_id=volume_id, guest_entity=guest_entity ))) # Authorize key = self._volume_client_python(self.mount_b, dedent(""" vp = VolumePath("{group_id}", "{volume_id}") auth_result = vc.authorize(vp, "{guest_entity}") print auth_result['auth_key'] """.format( group_id=group_id, volume_id=volume_id, guest_entity=guest_entity ))) # The dir should be created self.mount_a.stat(os.path.join("volumes", group_id, volume_id)) # The auth identity should exist existing_ids = [a['entity'] for a in self.auth_list()] self.assertIn("client.{0}".format(guest_entity), existing_ids) keyring_txt = dedent(""" [client.{guest_entity}] key = {key} """.format( guest_entity=guest_entity, key=key )) # We should be able to mount the volume self.mounts[2].client_id = guest_entity self._sudo_write_file(self.mounts[2].client_remote, self.mounts[2].get_keyring_path(), keyring_txt) self.set_conf("client.{0}".format(guest_entity), "debug client", "20") self.set_conf("client.{0}".format(guest_entity), "debug objecter", "20") self.set_conf("client.{0}".format(guest_entity), "keyring", self.mounts[2].get_keyring_path()) self.mounts[2].mount(mount_path=mount_path) self.mounts[2].write_n_mb("data.bin", 1) # De-authorize the guest self._volume_client_python(self.mount_b, dedent(""" vp = VolumePath("{group_id}", "{volume_id}") vc.deauthorize(vp, "{guest_entity}") vc.evict("{guest_entity}") """.format( group_id=group_id, volume_id=volume_id, guest_entity=guest_entity ))) # Once deauthorized, the client should be unable to do any more metadata ops # The way that the client currently behaves here is to block (it acts like # it has lost network, because there is nothing to tell it that is messages # are being dropped because it's identity is gone) background = self.mounts[2].write_n_mb("rogue.bin", 1, wait=False) time.sleep(10) # Approximate check for 'stuck' as 'still running after 10s' self.assertFalse(background.finished) # After deauthorisation, the client ID should be gone (this was the only # volume it was authorised for) self.assertNotIn("client.{0}".format(guest_entity), [e['entity'] for e in self.auth_list()]) # Clean up the dead mount (ceph-fuse's behaviour here is a bit undefined) self.mounts[2].kill() self.mounts[2].kill_cleanup() try: background.wait() except CommandFailedError: # We killed the mount out from under you pass self._volume_client_python(self.mount_b, dedent(""" vp = VolumePath("{group_id}", "{volume_id}") vc.delete_volume(vp) vc.purge_volume(vp) """.format( group_id=group_id, volume_id=volume_id, guest_entity=guest_entity ))) def test_idempotency(self): """ That the volumeclient interface works when calling everything twice """ self.mount_b.umount_wait() self._configure_vc_auth(self.mount_b, "manila") guest_entity = "guest" group_id = "grpid" volume_id = "volid" self._volume_client_python(self.mount_b, dedent(""" vp = VolumePath("{group_id}", "{volume_id}") vc.create_volume(vp, 10) vc.create_volume(vp, 10) vc.authorize(vp, "{guest_entity}") vc.authorize(vp, "{guest_entity}") vc.deauthorize(vp, "{guest_entity}") vc.deauthorize(vp, "{guest_entity}") vc.delete_volume(vp) vc.delete_volume(vp) vc.purge_volume(vp) vc.purge_volume(vp) vc.create_volume(vp, 10, data_isolated=True) vc.create_volume(vp, 10, data_isolated=True) vc.authorize(vp, "{guest_entity}") vc.authorize(vp, "{guest_entity}") vc.deauthorize(vp, "{guest_entity}") vc.deauthorize(vp, "{guest_entity}") vc.evict("{guest_entity}") vc.evict("{guest_entity}") vc.delete_volume(vp, data_isolated=True) vc.delete_volume(vp, data_isolated=True) vc.purge_volume(vp, data_isolated=True) vc.purge_volume(vp, data_isolated=True) """.format( group_id=group_id, volume_id=volume_id, guest_entity=guest_entity ))) def test_data_isolated(self): """ That data isolated shares get their own pool :return: """ # Because the teuthology config template sets mon_pg_warn_max_per_osd to # 10000 (i.e. it just tries to ignore health warnings), reset it to something # sane before using volume_client, to avoid creating pools with absurdly large # numbers of PGs. self.set_conf("global", "mon pg warn max per osd", "300") for mon_daemon_state in self.ctx.daemons.iter_daemons_of_role('mon'): mon_daemon_state.restart() self.mount_b.umount_wait() self._configure_vc_auth(self.mount_b, "manila") # Calculate how many PGs we'll expect the new volume pool to have osd_map = json.loads(self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd('osd', 'dump', '--format=json-pretty')) max_per_osd = int(self.fs.get_config('mon_pg_warn_max_per_osd')) osd_count = len(osd_map['osds']) max_overall = osd_count * max_per_osd existing_pg_count = 0 for p in osd_map['pools']: existing_pg_count += p['pg_num'] expected_pg_num = (max_overall - existing_pg_count) / 10"max_per_osd {0}".format(max_per_osd))"osd_count {0}".format(osd_count))"max_overall {0}".format(max_overall))"existing_pg_count {0}".format(existing_pg_count))"expected_pg_num {0}".format(expected_pg_num)) pools_a = json.loads(self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd("osd", "dump", "--format=json-pretty"))['pools'] guest_entity = "guest" group_id = "grpid" volume_id = "volid" self._volume_client_python(self.mount_b, dedent(""" vp = VolumePath("{group_id}", "{volume_id}") vc.create_volume(vp, 10, data_isolated=True) """.format( group_id=group_id, volume_id=volume_id, guest_entity=guest_entity ))) pools_b = json.loads(self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd("osd", "dump", "--format=json-pretty"))['pools'] # Should have created one new pool new_pools = set(p['pool_name'] for p in pools_b) - set([p['pool_name'] for p in pools_a]) self.assertEqual(len(new_pools), 1) # It should have followed the heuristic for PG count # (this is an overly strict test condition, so we may want to remove # it at some point as/when the logic gets fancier) created_pg_num = self.fs.mon_manager.get_pool_property(list(new_pools)[0], "pg_num") self.assertEqual(expected_pg_num, created_pg_num)