#!/bin/bash # Copyright (C) 2012 Dreamhost, LLC # # This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. # There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation version 2. # Usage: # run_xfs_tests -t /dev/<testdev> -s /dev/<scratchdev> -f <fstype> <tests> # - test device and scratch device will both get trashed # - fstypes can be xfs, ext4, or btrfs (xfs default) # - tests can be listed individually or in ranges: 1 3-5 8 # tests can also be specified by group: -g quick # # Exit status: # 0: success # 1: usage error # 2: other runtime error # 99: argument count error (programming error) # 100: getopt error (internal error) # Alex Elder <elder@dreamhost.com> # April 13, 2012 set -e PROGNAME=$(basename $0) # xfstests is downloaded from this git repository and then built. # XFSTESTS_REPO="git://oss.sgi.com/xfs/cmds/xfstests.git" XFSTESTS_REPO="git://ceph.com/git/xfstests.git" # Default command line option values COUNT="1" FS_TYPE="xfs" SCRATCH_DEV="" # MUST BE SPECIFIED TEST_DEV="" # MUST BE SPECIFIED TESTS="-g auto" # The "auto" group is supposed to be "known good" # rbd presents geometry information that causes mkfs.xfs to # issue a warning. This option avoids this class of problems. XFS_MKFS_OPTIONS="-l su=32k" # Override the default test list with a list of tests known to pass # until we can work through getting them all passing reliably. TESTS="1-9 11-15 17 19-21 26-29 31-34 41 46-48 50-54 56 61 63-67 69-70 74-76" TESTS="${TESTS} 78 79 84-89 91-92 100 103 105 108 110 116-121 124 126" TESTS="${TESTS} 129-135 137-141 164-167 182 184 187-190 192 194" TESTS="${TESTS} 196 199 201 203 214-216 220-227 234 236-238 241 243-249" TESTS="${TESTS} 253 257-259 261 262 269 273 275 277 278 280 285 286" # 275 was the highest available test as of 4/10/12. # 289 was the highest available test as of 11/15/12. ###### # Some explanation of why tests have been excluded above: # # Test 049 was pulled because it caused a kernel fault. # http://tracker.newdream.net/issues/2260 # Test 232 was pulled because it caused an XFS error # http://tracker.newdream.net/issues/2302 # # This test passes but takes a LONG time (1+ hours): 127 # # These were not run for one (anticipated) reason or another: # 010 016 030 035 040 044 057 058-060 072 077 090 093-095 097-099 104 # 112 113 122 123 125 128 142 147-163 168 175-178 180 185 191 193 # 195 197 198 207-213 217 228 230-233 235 239 240 252 254 255 264-266 # 270-272 276 278-279 281-284 288 289 # # These tests all failed (produced output different from golden): # 042 073 083 096 109 169 170 200 202 204-206 218 229 240 242 250 # 263 276 277 279 287 # # The rest were not part of the "auto" group: # 018 022 023 024 025 036 037 038 039 043 055 071 080 081 082 101 # 102 106 107 111 114 115 136 171 172 173 251 267 268 ###### # print an error message and quit with non-zero status function err() { if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then echo "" >&2 echo "${PROGNAME}: ${FUNCNAME[1]}: $@" >&2 fi exit 2 } # routine used to validate argument counts to all shell functions function arg_count() { local func local want local got if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then func="${FUNCNAME[1]}" # calling function want=$1 got=$2 else func="${FUNCNAME[0]}" # i.e., arg_count want=2 got=$# fi [ "${want}" -eq "${got}" ] && return 0 echo "${PROGNAME}: ${func}: arg count bad (want ${want} got ${got})" >&2 exit 99 } # validation function for repeat count argument function count_valid() { arg_count 1 $# test "$1" -gt 0 # 0 is pointless; negative is wrong } # validation function for filesystem type argument function fs_type_valid() { arg_count 1 $# case "$1" in xfs|ext4|btrfs) return 0 ;; *) return 1 ;; esac } # validation function for device arguments function device_valid() { arg_count 1 $# # Very simple testing--really should try to be more careful... test -b "$1" } # print a usage message and quit # # if a message is supplied, print that first, and then exit # with non-zero status function usage() { if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then echo "" >&2 echo "$@" >&2 fi echo "" >&2 echo "Usage: ${PROGNAME} <options> <tests>" >&2 echo "" >&2 echo " options:" >&2 echo " -h or --help" >&2 echo " show this message" >&2 echo " -c or --count" >&2 echo " iteration count (1 or more)" >&2 echo " -f or --fs-type" >&2 echo " one of: xfs, ext4, btrfs" >&2 echo " (default fs-type: xfs)" >&2 echo " -s or --scratch-dev (REQUIRED)" >&2 echo " name of device used for scratch filesystem" >&2 echo " -t or --test-dev (REQUIRED)" >&2 echo " name of device used for test filesystem" >&2 echo " tests:" >&2 echo " list of test numbers or ranges, e.g.:" >&2 echo " 1-9 11-15 17 19-21 26-28 31-34 41" >&2 echo " or possibly an xfstests test group, e.g.:" >&2 echo " -g quick" >&2 echo " (default tests: -g auto)" >&2 echo "" >&2 [ $# -gt 0 ] && exit 1 exit 0 # This is used for a --help } # parse command line arguments function parseargs() { # Short option flags SHORT_OPTS="" SHORT_OPTS="${SHORT_OPTS},h" SHORT_OPTS="${SHORT_OPTS},c:" SHORT_OPTS="${SHORT_OPTS},f:" SHORT_OPTS="${SHORT_OPTS},s:" SHORT_OPTS="${SHORT_OPTS},t:" # Short option flags LONG_OPTS="" LONG_OPTS="${LONG_OPTS},help" LONG_OPTS="${LONG_OPTS},count:" LONG_OPTS="${LONG_OPTS},fs-type:" LONG_OPTS="${LONG_OPTS},scratch-dev:" LONG_OPTS="${LONG_OPTS},test-dev:" TEMP=$(getopt --name "${PROGNAME}" \ --options "${SHORT_OPTS}" \ --longoptions "${LONG_OPTS}" \ -- "$@") eval set -- "$TEMP" while [ "$1" != "--" ]; do case "$1" in -h|--help) usage ;; -c|--count) count_valid "$2" || usage "invalid count '$2'" COUNT="$2" shift ;; -f|--fs-type) fs_type_valid "$2" || usage "invalid fs_type '$2'" FS_TYPE="$2" shift ;; -s|--scratch-dev) device_valid "$2" || usage "invalid scratch-dev '$2'" SCRATCH_DEV="$2" shift ;; -t|--test-dev) device_valid "$2" || usage "invalid test-dev '$2'" TEST_DEV="$2" shift ;; *) exit 100 # Internal error ;; esac shift done shift [ -n "${TEST_DEV}" ] || usage "test-dev must be supplied" [ -n "${SCRATCH_DEV}" ] || usage "scratch-dev must be supplied" [ $# -eq 0 ] || TESTS="$@" } ################################################################ # Set up some environment for normal teuthology test setup. # This really should not be necessary but I found it was. export CEPH_ARGS="--conf /tmp/cephtest/ceph.conf" export CEPH_ARGS="${CEPH_ARGS} --keyring /tmp/cephtest/data/client.0.keyring" export CEPH_ARGS="${CEPH_ARGS} --name client.0" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/tmp/cephtest/binary/usr/local/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" export PATH="/tmp/cephtest/binary/usr/local/bin:${PATH}" export PATH="/tmp/cephtest/binary/usr/local/sbin:${PATH}" ################################################################ # Filesystem-specific mkfs options--set if not supplied export XFS_MKFS_OPTIONS="${XFS_MKFS_OPTIONS:--f -l su=65536}" export EXT4_MKFS_OPTIONS="${EXT4_MKFS_OPTIONS:--F}" export BTRFS_MKFS_OPTION # No defaults XFSTESTS_DIR="/var/lib/xfstests" # Where the tests live TEST_ROOT="/tmp/cephtest" # Files, etc. will be created here # download, build, and install xfstests function install_xfstests() { arg_count 0 $# local multiple="" local ncpu pushd "${TEST_ROOT}" git clone "${XFSTESTS_REPO}" cd xfstests ncpu=$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN 2>&1) [ -n "${ncpu}" -a "${ncpu}" -gt 1 ] && multiple="-j ${ncpu}" make realclean make ${multiple} make -k install popd } # remove previously-installed xfstests files function remove_xfstests() { arg_count 0 $# rm -rf "${TEST_ROOT}/xfstests" rm -rf "${XFSTESTS_DIR}" } # create a host options file that uses the specified devices function setup_host_options() { arg_count 0 $# # Create mount points for the test and scratch filesystems local test_dir="$(mktemp -d ${TEST_ROOT}/test_dir.XXXXXXXXXX)" local scratch_dir="$(mktemp -d ${TEST_ROOT}/scratch_mnt.XXXXXXXXXX)" # Write a host options file that uses these devices. # xfstests uses the file defined by HOST_OPTIONS as the # place to get configuration variables for its run, and # all (or most) of the variables set here are required. export HOST_OPTIONS="$(mktemp ${TEST_ROOT}/host_options.XXXXXXXXXX)" cat > "${HOST_OPTIONS}" <<-! # Created by ${PROGNAME} on $(date) # HOST_OPTIONS="${HOST_OPTIONS}" TEST_DEV="${TEST_DEV}" SCRATCH_DEV="${SCRATCH_DEV}" TEST_DIR="${test_dir}" SCRATCH_MNT="${scratch_dir}" FSTYP="${FS_TYPE}" export TEST_DEV SCRATCH_DEV TEST_DIR SCRATCH_MNT FSTYP # export XFS_MKFS_OPTIONS="${XFS_MKFS_OPTIONS}" ! # Now ensure we are using the same values . "${HOST_OPTIONS}" } # remove the host options file, plus the directories it refers to function cleanup_host_options() { arg_count 0 $# rm -rf "${TEST_DIR}" "${SCRATCH_MNT}" rm -f "${HOST_OPTIONS}" } # run mkfs on the given device using the specified filesystem type function do_mkfs() { arg_count 1 $# local dev="${1}" local options case "${FSTYP}" in xfs) options="${XFS_MKFS_OPTIONS}" ;; ext4) options="${EXT4_MKFS_OPTIONS}" ;; btrfs) options="${BTRFS_MKFS_OPTIONS}" ;; esac "mkfs.${FSTYP}" ${options} "${dev}" || err "unable to make ${FSTYP} file system on device \"${dev}\"" } # mount the given device on the given mount point function do_mount() { arg_count 2 $# local dev="${1}" local dir="${2}" mount "${dev}" "${dir}" || err "unable to mount file system \"${dev}\" on \"${dir}\"" } # unmount a previously-mounted device function do_umount() { arg_count 1 $# local dev="${1}" if mount | grep "${dev}" > /dev/null; then if ! umount "${dev}"; then err "unable to unmount device \"${dev}\"" fi else # Report it but don't error out echo "device \"${dev}\" was not mounted" >&2 fi } # do basic xfstests setup--make and mount the test and scratch filesystems function setup_xfstests() { arg_count 0 $# # TEST_DEV can persist across test runs, but for now we # don't bother. I believe xfstests prefers its devices to # have been already been formatted for the desired # filesystem type--it uses blkid to identify things or # something. So we mkfs both here for a fresh start. do_mkfs "${TEST_DEV}" do_mkfs "${SCRATCH_DEV}" # I believe the test device is expected to be mounted; the # scratch doesn't need to be (but it doesn't hurt). do_mount "${TEST_DEV}" "${TEST_DIR}" do_mount "${SCRATCH_DEV}" "${SCRATCH_MNT}" } # clean up changes made by setup_xfstests function cleanup_xfstests() { arg_count 0 $# # Unmount these in case a test left them mounted (plus # the corresponding setup function mounted them...) do_umount "${TEST_DEV}" do_umount "${SCRATCH_DEV}" } # top-level setup routine function setup() { arg_count 0 $# setup_host_options install_xfstests setup_xfstests } # top-level (final) cleanup routine function cleanup() { arg_count 0 $# cd / cleanup_xfstests remove_xfstests cleanup_host_options } trap cleanup EXIT ERR HUP INT QUIT # ################################################################ start_date="$(date)" parseargs "$@" setup pushd "${XFSTESTS_DIR}" for (( i = 1 ; i <= "${COUNT}" ; i++ )); do [ "${COUNT}" -gt 1 ] && echo "=== Iteration "$i" starting at: $(date)" ./check ${TESTS} # Here we actually run the tests status=$? [ "${COUNT}" -gt 1 ] && echo "=== Iteration "$i" complete at: $(date)" done popd # cleanup is called via the trap call, above echo "This xfstests run started at: ${start_date}" echo "xfstests run completed at: $(date)" [ "${COUNT}" -gt 1 ] && echo "xfstests run consisted of ${COUNT} iterations" exit "${status}"