.TH OBSYNC 8 .SH NAME obsync \- The object synchronizer tool .SH SYNOPSIS .B obsync [ \fIoptions\fP ] \fIsource\fP \fIdestination\fP .SH DESCRIPTION .B obsync Obsync is an object syncrhonizer tool designed to transfer objects between different object storage systems. Similar to rsync, you specify a source and a deestination, and it will transfer objects between them until the destination has all the objects in the source. Obsync will never modify the source-- only the destination. By default, obsync does not delete anything. However, by specifying \fB--delete-after\fP or \fB--delete-before\fP, you can ask it to delete objects from the destination that are not in the source. .SH TARGET TYPES Obsync supports \fIS3\fP via \fIlibboto\fP. To use the s3 target, your URL should look like this: s3://\fIhost-name\fP/\fIbucket-name\fP Obsync supports storing files locally via the \fIfile://\fP target. To use the file target, your URL should look like this: file://\fIdirectory-name\fP Alternately, give no prefix, like this: \fI\./directory-name\fP Obsync supports storing files in a \fIRados Gateway\fP backend via the \fIlibrados\fP Python bindings. To use the rgw target, your URL should look like this: rgw:\fIceph-configuration-path\fP:\fIrgw-bucket-name\fP .SH OPTIONS \fB\-h\fP | \fB\-\-help\fP Display a help message \fB\-n\fP | \fB\-\-dry-run\fP Show what would be done, but do not modify the destination. \fB\-c\fP | \fB\-\-create-dest\fP Create the destination if it does not exist. \fB\-\-delete-before\fP Before copying any files, delete objects in the destination that are not in the source. \fB\-L\fP | \fB\-\-follow-symlinks\fP Follow symlinks when dealing with \fIfile://\fP targets. \fB\-\-no-preserve-acls\fP Don't preserve ACLs when copying objects. \fB\-v\fP | \fB\-\-verbose\fP Be verbose. \fB\-V\fP | \fB\-\-more-verbose\fP Be really, really verbose (developer mode) \fB\-x\fP \fBSRC\fP=\fBDST\fP | \fB\-\-xuser\fP \fBSRC\fP=\fBDST\fP Set up a user translation. You can specify multiple user translations with multiple \fB--xuser\fP arguments. \fB\-\-force\fP Overwrite all destination objects, even if they appear to be the same as the source objects. .SH ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES \fBSRC_AKEY\fP Access key for the source URL \fBSRC_SKEY\fP Secret access key for the source URL \fBDST_AKEY\fP Access key for the destination URL \fBDST_SKEY\fP Secret access key for the destination URL \fBAKEY\fP Access key for both source and dest \fBSKEY\fP Secret access key for both source and dest \fBDST_CONSISTENCY\fP Set to 'eventual' if the destination is eventually consistent. If the destination is eventually consistent, we may have to retry certain operations multiple times. .SH EXAMPLES \fIAKEY=... SKEY=... obsync -c -d -v ./backup-directory s3://myhost1/mybucket1\fP Copy objects from backup-directory to mybucket1 on myhost1 \fISRC_AKEY=... SRC_SKEY=... DST_AKEY=... DST_SKEY=... obsync -c -d -v s3://myhost1/mybucket1 s3://myhost1/mybucket2\fP Copy objects from mybucket1 to mybucket2 .SH AVAILABILITY .B obsync is part of the Ceph distributed file system. Please refer to the Ceph wiki at http://ceph.newdream.net/wiki for more information.