============ Set Up Git ============ To clone the Ceph git repository, you must have ``git`` installed on your local host. Install Git =========== To install ``git``, execute:: sudo apt-get install git You must also have a ``github`` account. If you do not have a ``github`` account, go to `github.com`_ and register. Follow the directions for setting up git at `Set Up Git`_. .. _github.com: http://github.com .. _Set Up Git: http://help.github.com/linux-set-up-git Generate SSH Keys ================= If you intend to commit code to Ceph or to clone using SSH (``git@github.com:ceph/ceph.git``), you must generate SSH keys for github. .. tip:: If you only intend to clone the repository, you may use ``git clone --recursive https://github.com/ceph/ceph.git`` without generating SSH keys. To generate SSH keys for ``github``, execute:: ssh-keygen Get the key to add to your ``github`` account (the following example assumes you used the default file path):: cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub Copy the public key. Add the Key =========== Go to your your ``github`` account, click on "Account Settings" (i.e., the 'tools' icon); then, click "SSH Keys" on the left side navbar. Click "Add SSH key" in the "SSH Keys" list, enter a name for the key, paste the key you generated, and press the "Add key" button.