#!/usr/bin/python import os import sys import beanstalkc import yaml import psutil import subprocess import tempfile import logging from .config import config log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def main(args): run_name = args['--run'] job = args['--job'] archive_base = args['--archive'] owner = args['--owner'] machine_type = args['--machine_type'] if job: for job_id in job: kill_job(run_name, job_id, archive_base, owner, machine_type) else: kill_run(run_name, archive_base, owner, machine_type) def kill_run(run_name, archive_base=None, owner=None, machine_type=None): run_info = {} if archive_base: run_archive_dir = os.path.join(archive_base, run_name) if os.path.isdir(run_archive_dir): run_info = find_run_info(run_archive_dir) machine_type = run_info['machine_type'] owner = run_info['owner'] elif machine_type is None: raise RuntimeError("The run is still entirely enqueued; " + "you must also pass --machine-type") remove_beanstalk_jobs(run_name, machine_type) kill_processes(run_name, run_info.get('pids')) if owner is not None: targets = find_targets(run_name, owner) nuke_targets(targets, owner) def kill_job(run_name, job_id, archive_base=None, owner=None, machine_type=None): job_archive_dir = os.path.join(archive_base, run_name, job_id) job_info = find_job_info(job_archive_dir) owner = job_info['owner'] kill_processes(run_name, [job_info.get('pid')]) targets = dict(targets=job_info['targets']) nuke_targets(targets, owner) def find_run_info(run_archive_dir): run_info_fields = [ 'machine_type', 'owner', ] run_info = dict(pids=[]) job_info = {} for job_id in os.listdir(run_archive_dir): job_dir = os.path.join(run_archive_dir, job_id) if not os.path.isdir(job_dir): continue job_info = find_job_info(job_dir) for key in job_info.keys(): if key in run_info_fields and key not in run_info: run_info[key] = job_info[key] if 'pid' in job_info: run_info['pids'].append(job_info['pid']) return run_info def find_job_info(job_archive_dir): job_info = {} info_file = os.path.join(job_archive_dir, 'info.yaml') if os.path.isfile(info_file): job_info.update(yaml.safe_load(open(info_file, 'r'))) conf_file = os.path.join(job_archive_dir, 'config.yaml') if os.path.isfile(conf_file): job_info.update(yaml.safe_load(open(conf_file, 'r'))) else: conf_file = os.path.join(job_archive_dir, 'orig.config.yaml') if os.path.isfile(conf_file): log.debug("config.yaml not found but orig.config.yaml found") job_info.update(yaml.safe_load(open(conf_file, 'r'))) return job_info def remove_beanstalk_jobs(run_name, tube_name): qhost = config.queue_host qport = config.queue_port if qhost is None or qport is None: raise RuntimeError( 'Beanstalk queue information not found in {conf_path}'.format( conf_path=config.teuthology_yaml)) log.info("Checking Beanstalk Queue...") beanstalk = beanstalkc.Connection(host=qhost, port=qport) beanstalk.watch(tube_name) beanstalk.ignore('default') curjobs = beanstalk.stats_tube(tube_name)['current-jobs-ready'] if curjobs != 0: x = 1 while x != curjobs: x += 1 job = beanstalk.reserve(timeout=20) job_config = yaml.safe_load(job.body) if run_name == job_config['name']: job_id = job.stats()['id'] msg = "Deleting job from queue. ID: " + \ "{id} Name: {name} Desc: {desc}".format( id=str(job_id), name=job_config['name'], desc=job_config['description'], ) log.info(msg) job.delete() else: print "No jobs in Beanstalk Queue" beanstalk.close() def kill_processes(run_name, pids=None): if pids: to_kill = set(pids).intersection(psutil.get_pid_list()) else: to_kill = find_pids(run_name) if len(to_kill) == 0: log.info("No teuthology processes running") else: log.info("Killing Pids: " + str(to_kill)) for pid in to_kill: subprocess.call(['sudo', 'kill', str(pid)]) def process_matches_run(pid, run_name): try: p = psutil.Process(pid) if run_name in p.cmdline and sys.argv[0] not in p.cmdline: return True except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass return False def find_pids(run_name): run_pids = [] for pid in psutil.get_pid_list(): if process_matches_run(pid, run_name): run_pids.append(pid) return run_pids def find_targets(run_name, owner): lock_args = [ 'teuthology-lock', '--list-targets', '--desc-pattern', '/' + run_name + '/', '--status', 'up', '--owner', owner ] proc = subprocess.Popen(lock_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() out_obj = yaml.safe_load(stdout) if not out_obj or 'targets' not in out_obj: return {} return out_obj def nuke_targets(targets_dict, owner): targets = targets_dict.get('targets') if not targets: log.info("No locked machines. Not nuking anything") to_nuke = [] for target in targets: to_nuke.append(target.split('@')[1].split('.')[0]) target_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) target_file.write(yaml.safe_dump(targets_dict)) target_file.close() log.info("Nuking machines: " + str(to_nuke)) nuke_args = [ 'teuthology-nuke', '-t', target_file.name, '--unlock', '-r', '--owner', owner ] proc = subprocess.Popen( nuke_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, ''): line = line.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '') log.info(line) sys.stdout.flush() os.unlink(target_file.name)