from tasks.cephfs.cephfs_test_case import CephFSTestCase import json import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) failure = "using old balancer; mantle failed for balancer=" success = "mantle balancer version changed: " class TestMantle(CephFSTestCase): def start_mantle(self): self.wait_for_health_clear(timeout=30) self.fs.set_allow_multimds(True) self.fs.set_max_mds(2) self.wait_until_equal(lambda: len(self.fs.get_active_names()), 2, 30, reject_fn=lambda v: v > 2 or v < 1) for m in self.fs.get_active_names(): self.fs.mds_asok(['config', 'set', 'debug_objecter', '20'], mds_id=m) self.fs.mds_asok(['config', 'set', 'debug_ms', '0'], mds_id=m) self.fs.mds_asok(['config', 'set', 'debug_mds', '0'], mds_id=m) self.fs.mds_asok(['config', 'set', 'debug_mds_balancer', '5'], mds_id=m) def push_balancer(self, obj, lua_code, expect): self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd_result('fs', 'set',, 'balancer', obj) self.fs.rados(["put", obj, "-"], stdin_data=lua_code) with self.assert_cluster_log(failure + obj + " " + expect):"run a " + obj + " balancer that expects=" + expect) def test_version_empty(self): self.start_mantle() expect = " : (2) No such file or directory" ret = self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd_result('fs', 'set',, 'balancer') assert(ret == 22) # EINVAL self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd_result('fs', 'set',, 'balancer', " ") with self.assert_cluster_log(failure + " " + expect): pass def test_version_not_in_rados(self): self.start_mantle() expect = failure + "ghost.lua : (2) No such file or directory" self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd_result('fs', 'set',, 'balancer', "ghost.lua") with self.assert_cluster_log(expect): pass def test_balancer_invalid(self): self.start_mantle() expect = ": (22) Invalid argument" lua_code = "this is invalid lua code!" self.push_balancer("invalid.lua", lua_code, expect) lua_code = "BAL_LOG()" self.push_balancer("invalid_log.lua", lua_code, expect) lua_code = "BAL_LOG(0)" self.push_balancer("invalid_log_again.lua", lua_code, expect) def test_balancer_valid(self): self.start_mantle() lua_code = "BAL_LOG(0, \"test\")\nreturn {3, 4}" self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd_result('fs', 'set',, 'balancer', "valid.lua") self.fs.rados(["put", "valid.lua", "-"], stdin_data=lua_code) with self.assert_cluster_log(success + "valid.lua"):"run a valid.lua balancer") def test_return_invalid(self): self.start_mantle() expect = ": (22) Invalid argument" lua_code = "return \"hello\"" self.push_balancer("string.lua", lua_code, expect) lua_code = "return 3" self.push_balancer("number.lua", lua_code, expect) lua_code = "return {}" self.push_balancer("dict_empty.lua", lua_code, expect) lua_code = "return {\"this\", \"is\", \"a\", \"test\"}" self.push_balancer("dict_of_strings.lua", lua_code, expect) lua_code = "return {3, \"test\"}" self.push_balancer("dict_of_mixed.lua", lua_code, expect) lua_code = "return {3}" self.push_balancer("not_enough_numbers.lua", lua_code, expect) lua_code = "return {3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}" self.push_balancer("too_many_numbers.lua", lua_code, expect) def test_dead_osd(self): self.start_mantle() expect = " : (110) Connection timed out" # kill the OSDs so that the balancer pull from RADOS times out osd_map = json.loads(self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd('osd', 'dump', '--format=json-pretty')) for i in range(0, len(osd_map['osds'])): self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd_result('osd', 'down', str(i)) self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd_result('osd', 'out', str(i)) # trigger a pull from RADOS self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd_result('fs', 'set',, 'balancer', "valid.lua") # make the timeout a little longer since dead OSDs spam ceph -w with self.assert_cluster_log(failure + "valid.lua" + expect, timeout=30):"run a balancer that should timeout") # cleanup for i in range(0, len(osd_map['osds'])): self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd_result('osd', 'in', str(i))