""" rgw multisite configuration routines """ import argparse import contextlib import logging import random import string from copy import deepcopy from util.rgw import rgwadmin, wait_for_radosgw from util.rados import create_ec_pool, create_replicated_pool from rgw_multi import multisite from rgw_multi.zone_rados import RadosZone as RadosZone from rgw_multi.zone_ps import PSZone as PSZone from teuthology.orchestra import run from teuthology import misc from teuthology.exceptions import ConfigError from teuthology.task import Task log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class RGWMultisite(Task): """ Performs rgw multisite configuration to match the given realm definition. - rgw-multisite: realm: name: test-realm is_default: true List one or more zonegroup definitions. These are provided as json input to `radosgw-admin zonegroup set`, with the exception of these keys: * 'is_master' is passed on the command line as --master * 'is_default' is passed on the command line as --default * 'is_pubsub' is used to create a zone with tier-type=pubsub * 'endpoints' given as client names are replaced with actual endpoints zonegroups: - name: test-zonegroup api_name: test-api is_master: true is_default: true endpoints: [c1.client.0] List each of the zones to be created in this zonegroup. zones: - name: test-zone1 is_master: true is_default: true endpoints: [c1.client.0] - name: test-zone2 is_default: true endpoints: [c2.client.0] A complete example: tasks: - install: - ceph: {cluster: c1} - ceph: {cluster: c2} - rgw: c1.client.0: c2.client.0: - rgw-multisite: realm: name: test-realm is_default: true zonegroups: - name: test-zonegroup is_master: true is_default: true zones: - name: test-zone1 is_master: true is_default: true endpoints: [c1.client.0] - name: test-zone2 is_default: true endpoints: [c2.client.0] - name: test-zone3 is_pubsub: true endpoints: [c1.client.1] """ def __init__(self, ctx, config): super(RGWMultisite, self).__init__(ctx, config) def setup(self): super(RGWMultisite, self).setup() overrides = self.ctx.config.get('overrides', {}) misc.deep_merge(self.config, overrides.get('rgw-multisite', {})) if not self.ctx.rgw: raise ConfigError('rgw-multisite must run after the rgw task') role_endpoints = self.ctx.rgw.role_endpoints # construct Clusters and Gateways for each client in the rgw task clusters, gateways = extract_clusters_and_gateways(self.ctx, role_endpoints) # get the master zone and zonegroup configuration mz, mzg = extract_master_zone_zonegroup(self.config['zonegroups']) cluster1 = cluster_for_zone(clusters, mz) # create the realm and period on the master zone's cluster log.info('creating realm..') realm = create_realm(cluster1, self.config['realm']) period = realm.current_period creds = gen_credentials() # create the master zonegroup and its master zone log.info('creating master zonegroup..') master_zonegroup = create_zonegroup(cluster1, gateways, period, deepcopy(mzg)) period.master_zonegroup = master_zonegroup log.info('creating master zone..') master_zone = create_zone(self.ctx, cluster1, gateways, creds, master_zonegroup, deepcopy(mz)) master_zonegroup.master_zone = master_zone period.update(master_zone, commit=True) restart_zone_gateways(master_zone) # restart with --rgw-zone # create the admin user on the master zone log.info('creating admin user..') user_args = ['--display-name', 'Realm Admin', '--system'] user_args += creds.credential_args() admin_user = multisite.User('realm-admin') admin_user.create(master_zone, user_args) # process 'zonegroups' for zg_config in self.config['zonegroups']: zones_config = zg_config.pop('zones') zonegroup = None for zone_config in zones_config: # get the cluster for this zone cluster = cluster_for_zone(clusters, zone_config) if cluster != cluster1: # already created on master cluster log.info('pulling realm configuration to %s', cluster.name) realm.pull(cluster, master_zone.gateways[0], creds) # use the first zone's cluster to create the zonegroup if not zonegroup: if zg_config['name'] == master_zonegroup.name: zonegroup = master_zonegroup else: log.info('creating zonegroup..') zonegroup = create_zonegroup(cluster, gateways, period, zg_config) if zone_config['name'] == master_zone.name: # master zone was already created zone = master_zone else: # create the zone and commit the period log.info('creating zone..') zone = create_zone(self.ctx, cluster, gateways, creds, zonegroup, zone_config) period.update(zone, commit=True) restart_zone_gateways(zone) # restart with --rgw-zone # attach configuration to the ctx for other tasks self.ctx.rgw_multisite = argparse.Namespace() self.ctx.rgw_multisite.clusters = clusters self.ctx.rgw_multisite.gateways = gateways self.ctx.rgw_multisite.realm = realm self.ctx.rgw_multisite.admin_user = admin_user log.info('rgw multisite configuration completed') def end(self): del self.ctx.rgw_multisite class Cluster(multisite.Cluster): """ Issues 'radosgw-admin' commands with the rgwadmin() helper """ def __init__(self, ctx, name, client): super(Cluster, self).__init__() self.ctx = ctx self.name = name self.client = client def admin(self, args = None, **kwargs): """ radosgw-admin command """ args = args or [] args += ['--cluster', self.name] args += ['--debug-rgw', str(kwargs.pop('debug_rgw', 0))] args += ['--debug-ms', str(kwargs.pop('debug_ms', 0))] if kwargs.pop('read_only', False): args += ['--rgw-cache-enabled', 'false'] kwargs['decode'] = False check_retcode = kwargs.pop('check_retcode', True) r, s = rgwadmin(self.ctx, self.client, args, **kwargs) if check_retcode: assert r == 0 return s, r class Gateway(multisite.Gateway): """ Controls a radosgw instance using its daemon """ def __init__(self, role, remote, daemon, *args, **kwargs): super(Gateway, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.role = role self.remote = remote self.daemon = daemon def set_zone(self, zone): """ set the zone and add its args to the daemon's command line """ assert self.zone is None, 'zone can only be set once' self.zone = zone # daemon.restart_with_args() would be perfect for this, except that # radosgw args likely include a pipe and redirect. zone arguments at # the end won't actually apply to radosgw args = self.daemon.command_kwargs.get('args', []) try: # insert zone args before the first | pipe = args.index(run.Raw('|')) args = args[0:pipe] + zone.zone_args() + args[pipe:] except ValueError, e: args += zone.zone_args() self.daemon.command_kwargs['args'] = args def start(self, args = None): """ (re)start the daemon """ self.daemon.restart() # wait until startup completes wait_for_radosgw(self.endpoint(), self.remote) def stop(self): """ stop the daemon """ self.daemon.stop() def extract_clusters_and_gateways(ctx, role_endpoints): """ create cluster and gateway instances for all of the radosgw roles """ clusters = {} gateways = {} for role, endpoint in role_endpoints.items(): cluster_name, daemon_type, client_id = misc.split_role(role) # find or create the cluster by name cluster = clusters.get(cluster_name) if not cluster: clusters[cluster_name] = cluster = Cluster(ctx, cluster_name, role) # create a gateway for this daemon client_with_id = daemon_type + '.' + client_id # match format from rgw.py daemon = ctx.daemons.get_daemon('rgw', client_with_id, cluster_name) if not daemon: raise ConfigError('no daemon for role=%s cluster=%s type=rgw id=%s' % \ (role, cluster_name, client_id)) (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(role).remotes.keys() gateways[role] = Gateway(role, remote, daemon, endpoint.hostname, endpoint.port, cluster) return clusters, gateways def create_realm(cluster, config): """ create a realm from configuration and initialize its first period """ realm = multisite.Realm(config['name']) args = [] if config.get('is_default', False): args += ['--default'] realm.create(cluster, args) realm.current_period = multisite.Period(realm) return realm def extract_user_credentials(config): """ extract keys from configuration """ return multisite.Credentials(config['access_key'], config['secret_key']) def extract_master_zone(zonegroup_config): """ find and return the master zone definition """ master = None for zone in zonegroup_config['zones']: if not zone.get('is_master', False): continue if master: raise ConfigError('zones %s and %s cannot both set \'is_master\'' % \ (master['name'], zone['name'])) master = zone # continue the loop so we can detect duplicates if not master: raise ConfigError('one zone must set \'is_master\' in zonegroup %s' % \ zonegroup_config['name']) return master def extract_master_zone_zonegroup(zonegroups_config): """ find and return the master zone and zonegroup definitions """ master_zone, master_zonegroup = (None, None) for zonegroup in zonegroups_config: # verify that all zonegroups have a master zone set, even if they # aren't in the master zonegroup zone = extract_master_zone(zonegroup) if not zonegroup.get('is_master', False): continue if master_zonegroup: raise ConfigError('zonegroups %s and %s cannot both set \'is_master\'' % \ (master_zonegroup['name'], zonegroup['name'])) master_zonegroup = zonegroup master_zone = zone # continue the loop so we can detect duplicates if not master_zonegroup: raise ConfigError('one zonegroup must set \'is_master\'') return master_zone, master_zonegroup def extract_zone_cluster_name(zone_config): """ return the cluster (must be common to all zone endpoints) """ cluster_name = None endpoints = zone_config.get('endpoints') if not endpoints: raise ConfigError('zone %s missing \'endpoints\' list' % \ zone_config['name']) for role in endpoints: name, _, _ = misc.split_role(role) if not cluster_name: cluster_name = name elif cluster_name != name: raise ConfigError('all zone %s endpoints must be in the same cluster' % \ zone_config['name']) return cluster_name def cluster_for_zone(clusters, zone_config): """ return the cluster entry for the given zone """ name = extract_zone_cluster_name(zone_config) try: return clusters[name] except KeyError: raise ConfigError('no cluster %s found' % name) def gen_access_key(): return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(16)) def gen_secret(): return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(32)) def gen_credentials(): return multisite.Credentials(gen_access_key(), gen_secret()) def extract_gateway_endpoints(gateways, endpoints_config): """ return a list of gateway endpoints associated with the given roles """ endpoints = [] for role in endpoints_config: try: # replace role names with their gateway's endpoint endpoints.append(gateways[role].endpoint()) except KeyError: raise ConfigError('no radosgw endpoint found for role %s' % role) return endpoints def is_default_arg(config): return ['--default'] if config.pop('is_default', False) else [] def is_master_arg(config): return ['--master'] if config.pop('is_master', False) else [] def create_zonegroup(cluster, gateways, period, config): """ pass the zonegroup configuration to `zonegroup set` """ config.pop('zones', None) # remove 'zones' from input to `zonegroup set` endpoints = config.get('endpoints') if endpoints: # replace client names with their gateway endpoints config['endpoints'] = extract_gateway_endpoints(gateways, endpoints) zonegroup = multisite.ZoneGroup(config['name'], period) # `zonegroup set` needs --default on command line, and 'is_master' in json args = is_default_arg(config) zonegroup.set(cluster, config, args) period.zonegroups.append(zonegroup) return zonegroup def create_zone(ctx, cluster, gateways, creds, zonegroup, config): """ create a zone with the given configuration """ zone = multisite.Zone(config['name'], zonegroup, cluster) if config.pop('is_pubsub', False): zone = PSZone(config['name'], zonegroup, cluster) else: zone = RadosZone(config['name'], zonegroup, cluster) # collect Gateways for the zone's endpoints endpoints = config.get('endpoints') if not endpoints: raise ConfigError('no \'endpoints\' for zone %s' % config['name']) zone.gateways = [gateways[role] for role in endpoints] for gateway in zone.gateways: gateway.set_zone(zone) # format the gateway endpoints endpoints = [g.endpoint() for g in zone.gateways] args = is_default_arg(config) args += is_master_arg(config) args += creds.credential_args() if len(endpoints): args += ['--endpoints', ','.join(endpoints)] zone.create(cluster, args) zonegroup.zones.append(zone) create_zone_pools(ctx, zone) if ctx.rgw.compression_type: configure_zone_compression(zone, ctx.rgw.compression_type) zonegroup.zones_by_type.setdefault(zone.tier_type(), []).append(zone) if zone.is_read_only(): zonegroup.ro_zones.append(zone) else: zonegroup.rw_zones.append(zone) return zone def create_zone_pools(ctx, zone): """ Create the data_pool for each placement type """ gateway = zone.gateways[0] cluster = zone.cluster for pool_config in zone.data.get('placement_pools', []): pool_name = pool_config['val']['storage_classes']['STANDARD']['data_pool'] if ctx.rgw.ec_data_pool: create_ec_pool(gateway.remote, pool_name, zone.name, 64, ctx.rgw.erasure_code_profile, cluster.name, 'rgw') else: create_replicated_pool(gateway.remote, pool_name, 64, cluster.name, 'rgw') def configure_zone_compression(zone, compression): """ Set compression type in the zone's default-placement """ zone.json_command(zone.cluster, 'placement', ['modify', '--placement-id', 'default-placement', '--compression', compression ]) def restart_zone_gateways(zone): zone.stop() zone.start() task = RGWMultisite