groups: - name: cluster health rules: - alert: CephHealthError expr: ceph_health_status == 2 for: 5m labels: severity: critical type: ceph_default oid: annotations: summary: Cluster is in an ERROR state description: > Ceph in HEALTH_ERROR state for more than 5 minutes. Please check "ceph health detail" for more information. - alert: CephHealthWarning expr: ceph_health_status == 1 for: 15m labels: severity: warning type: ceph_default annotations: summary: Cluster is in a WARNING state description: > Ceph has been in HEALTH_WARN for more than 15 minutes. Please check "ceph health detail" for more information. - name: mon rules: - alert: CephMonDownQuorumAtRisk expr: ((ceph_health_detail{name="MON_DOWN"} == 1) * on() (count(ceph_mon_quorum_status == 1) == bool (floor(count(ceph_mon_metadata) / 2) + 1))) == 1 for: 30s labels: severity: critical type: ceph_default oid: annotations: documentation: summary: Monitor quorum is at risk description: | {{ $min := query "floor(count(ceph_mon_metadata) / 2) +1" | first | value }}Quorum requires a majority of monitors (x {{ $min }}) to be active Without quorum the cluster will become inoperable, affecting all connected clients and services. The following monitors are down: {{- range query "(ceph_mon_quorum_status == 0) + on(ceph_daemon) group_left(hostname) (ceph_mon_metadata * 0)" }} - {{ .Labels.ceph_daemon }} on {{ .Labels.hostname }} {{- end }} - alert: CephMonDown expr: (count(ceph_mon_quorum_status == 0) <= (count(ceph_mon_metadata) - floor(count(ceph_mon_metadata) / 2) + 1)) for: 30s labels: severity: warning type: ceph_default annotations: documentation: summary: One of more ceph monitors are down description: | {{ $down := query "count(ceph_mon_quorum_status == 0)" | first | value }}{{ $s := "" }}{{ if gt $down 1.0 }}{{ $s = "s" }}{{ end }}You have {{ $down }} monitor{{ $s }} down. Quorum is still intact, but the loss of further monitors will make your cluster inoperable. The following monitors are down: {{- range query "(ceph_mon_quorum_status == 0) + on(ceph_daemon) group_left(hostname) (ceph_mon_metadata * 0)" }} - {{ .Labels.ceph_daemon }} on {{ .Labels.hostname }} {{- end }} - alert: CephMonDiskspaceCritical expr: ceph_health_detail{name="MON_DISK_CRIT"} == 1 for: 1m labels: severity: critical type: ceph_default oid: annotations: documentation: summary: Disk space on at least one monitor is critically low description: | The free space available to a monitor's store is critically low (<5% by default). You should increase the space available to the monitor(s). The default location for the store sits under /var/lib/ceph. Your monitor hosts are; {{- range query "ceph_mon_metadata"}} - {{ .Labels.hostname }} {{- end }} - alert: CephMonDiskspaceLow expr: ceph_health_detail{name="MON_DISK_LOW"} == 1 for: 5m labels: severity: warning type: ceph_default annotations: documentation: summary: Disk space on at least one monitor is approaching full description: | The space available to a monitor's store is approaching full (>70% is the default). You should increase the space available to the monitor store. The default location for the store sits under /var/lib/ceph. Your monitor hosts are; {{- range query "ceph_mon_metadata"}} - {{ .Labels.hostname }} {{- end }} - alert: CephMonClockSkew expr: ceph_health_detail{name="MON_CLOCK_SKEW"} == 1 for: 1m labels: severity: warning type: ceph_default annotations: documentation: summary: Clock skew across the Monitor hosts detected description: | The ceph monitors rely on a consistent time reference to maintain quorum and cluster consistency. This event indicates that at least one of your mons is not sync'd correctly. Review the cluster status with ceph -s. This will show which monitors are affected. Check the time sync status on each monitor host. - name: osd rules: - alert: CephOSDDownHigh expr: count(ceph_osd_up == 0) / count(ceph_osd_up) * 100 >= 10 labels: severity: critical type: ceph_default oid: annotations: summary: More than 10% of OSDs are down description: | {{ $value | humanize }}% or {{ with query "count(ceph_osd_up == 0)" }}{{ . | first | value }}{{ end }} of {{ with query "count(ceph_osd_up)" }}{{ . | first | value }}{{ end }} OSDs are down (>= 10%). The following OSDs are down: {{- range query "(ceph_osd_up * on(ceph_daemon) group_left(hostname) ceph_osd_metadata) == 0" }} - {{ .Labels.ceph_daemon }} on {{ .Labels.hostname }} {{- end }} - alert: CephOSDHostDown expr: ceph_health_detail{name="OSD_HOST_DOWN"} == 1 for: 5m labels: severity: warning type: ceph_default oid: annotations: summary: An OSD host is offline description: | The following OSDs are down: {{- range query "(ceph_osd_up * on(ceph_daemon) group_left(hostname) ceph_osd_metadata) == 0" }} - {{ .Labels.hostname }} : {{ .Labels.ceph_daemon }} {{- end }} - alert: CephOSDDown expr: ceph_health_detail{name="OSD_DOWN"} == 1 for: 5m labels: severity: warning type: ceph_default oid: annotations: documentation: summary: An OSD has been marked down/unavailable description: | {{ $num := query "count(ceph_osd_up == 0)" | first | value }}{{ $s := "" }}{{ if gt $num 1.0 }}{{ $s = "s" }}{{ end }}{{ $num }} OSD{{ $s }} down for over 5mins. The following OSD{{ $s }} {{ if eq $s "" }}is{{ else }}are{{ end }} down: {{- range query "(ceph_osd_up * on(ceph_daemon) group_left(hostname) ceph_osd_metadata) == 0"}} - {{ .Labels.ceph_daemon }} on {{ .Labels.hostname }} {{- end }} - alert: CephOSDNearFull expr: ceph_health_detail{name="OSD_NEARFULL"} == 1 for: 5m labels: severity: warning type: ceph_default oid: annotations: documentation: summary: OSD(s) running low on free space (NEARFULL) description: | One or more OSDs have reached their NEARFULL threshold Use 'ceph health detail' to identify which OSDs have reached this threshold. To resolve, either add capacity to the cluster, or delete unwanted data - alert: CephOSDFull expr: ceph_health_detail{name="OSD_FULL"} > 0 for: 1m labels: severity: critical type: ceph_default oid: annotations: documentation: summary: OSD(s) is full, writes blocked description: | An OSD has reached it's full threshold. Writes from all pools that share the affected OSD will be blocked. To resolve, either add capacity to the cluster, or delete unwanted data - alert: CephOSDBackfillFull expr: ceph_health_detail{name="OSD_BACKFILLFULL"} > 0 for: 1m labels: severity: warning type: ceph_default annotations: documentation: summary: OSD(s) too full for backfill operations description: | An OSD has reached it's BACKFILL FULL threshold. This will prevent rebalance operations completing for some pools. Check the current capacity utilisation with 'ceph df' To resolve, either add capacity to the cluster, or delete unwanted data - alert: CephOSDTooManyRepairs expr: ceph_health_detail{name="OSD_TOO_MANY_REPAIRS"} == 1 for: 30s labels: severity: warning type: ceph_default annotations: documentation: summary: OSD has hit a high number of read errors description: | Reads from an OSD have used a secondary PG to return data to the client, indicating a potential failing disk. - alert: CephOSDTimeoutsPublicNetwork expr: ceph_health_detail{name="OSD_SLOW_PING_TIME_FRONT"} == 1 for: 1m labels: severity: warning type: ceph_default annotations: summary: Network issues delaying OSD heartbeats (public network) description: | OSD heartbeats on the cluster's 'public' network (frontend) are running slow. Investigate the network for any latency issues on this subnet. Use 'ceph health detail' to show the affected OSDs. - alert: CephOSDTimeoutsClusterNetwork expr: ceph_health_detail{name="OSD_SLOW_PING_TIME_BACK"} == 1 for: 1m labels: severity: warning type: ceph_default annotations: summary: Network issues delaying OSD heartbeats (cluster network) description: | OSD heartbeats on the cluster's 'cluster' network (backend) are running slow. Investigate the network for any latency issues on this subnet. Use 'ceph health detail' to show the affected OSDs. - alert: CephOSDInternalDiskSizeMismatch expr: ceph_health_detail{name="BLUESTORE_DISK_SIZE_MISMATCH"} == 1 for: 1m labels: severity: warning type: ceph_default annotations: documentation: summary: OSD size inconsistency error description: | One or more OSDs have an internal inconsistency between the size of the physical device and it's metadata. This could lead to the OSD(s) crashing in future. You should redeploy the effected OSDs. - alert: CephDeviceFailurePredicted expr: ceph_health_detail{name="DEVICE_HEALTH"} == 1 for: 1m labels: severity: warning type: ceph_default annotations: documentation: summary: Device(s) have been predicted to fail soon description: | The device health module has determined that one or more devices will fail soon. To review the device states use 'ceph device ls'. To show a specific device use 'ceph device info '. Mark the OSD as out (so data may migrate to other OSDs in the cluster). Once the osd is empty remove and replace the OSD. - alert: CephDeviceFailurePredictionTooHigh expr: ceph_health_detail{name="DEVICE_HEALTH_TOOMANY"} == 1 for: 1m labels: severity: critical type: ceph_default oid: annotations: documentation: summary: Too many devices have been predicted to fail, unable to resolve description: | The device health module has determined that the number of devices predicted to fail can not be remediated automatically, since it would take too many osd's out of the cluster, impacting performance and potentially availabililty. You should add new OSDs to the cluster to allow data to be relocated to avoid the data integrity issues. - alert: CephDeviceFailureRelocationIncomplete expr: ceph_health_detail{name="DEVICE_HEALTH_IN_USE"} == 1 for: 1m labels: severity: warning type: ceph_default annotations: documentation: summary: A device failure is predicted, but unable to relocate data description: | The device health module has determined that one or more devices will fail soon, but the normal process of relocating the data on the device to other OSDs in the cluster is blocked. Check the the cluster has available freespace. It may be necessary to add more disks to the cluster to allow the data from the failing device to successfully migrate. - alert: CephOSDFlapping expr: | ( rate(ceph_osd_up[5m]) * on(ceph_daemon) group_left(hostname) ceph_osd_metadata ) * 60 > 1 labels: severity: warning type: ceph_default oid: annotations: documentation: summary: Network issues are causing OSD's to flap (mark each other out) description: > OSD {{ $labels.ceph_daemon }} on {{ $labels.hostname }} was marked down and back up at {{ $value | humanize }} times once a minute for 5 minutes. This could indicate a network issue (latency, packet drop, disruption) on the clusters "cluster network". Check the network environment on the listed host(s). - alert: CephOSDReadErrors expr: ceph_health_detail{name="BLUESTORE_SPURIOUS_READ_ERRORS"} == 1 for: 30s labels: severity: warning type: ceph_default annotations: documentation: summary: Device read errors detected description: > An OSD has encountered read errors, but the OSD has recovered by retrying the reads. This may indicate an issue with the Hardware or Kernel. # alert on high deviation from average PG count - alert: CephPGImbalance expr: | abs( ( (ceph_osd_numpg > 0) - on (job) group_left avg(ceph_osd_numpg > 0) by (job) ) / on (job) group_left avg(ceph_osd_numpg > 0) by (job) ) * on(ceph_daemon) group_left(hostname) ceph_osd_metadata > 0.30 for: 5m labels: severity: warning type: ceph_default oid: annotations: summary: PG allocations are not balanced across devices description: > OSD {{ $labels.ceph_daemon }} on {{ $labels.hostname }} deviates by more than 30% from average PG count. # alert on high commit latency...but how high is too high - name: mds rules: - alert: CephFilesystemDamaged expr: ceph_health_detail{name="MDS_DAMAGE"} > 0 for: 1m labels: severity: critical type: ceph_default oid: annotations: documentation: summary: Ceph filesystem is damaged. description: > The filesystems metadata has been corrupted. Data access may be blocked. Either analyse the output from the mds daemon admin socket, or escalate to support - alert: CephFilesystemOffline expr: ceph_health_detail{name="MDS_ALL_DOWN"} > 0 for: 1m labels: severity: critical type: ceph_default oid: annotations: documentation: summary: Ceph filesystem is offline description: > All MDS ranks are unavailable. The ceph daemons providing the metadata for the Ceph filesystem are all down, rendering the filesystem offline. - alert: CephFilesystemDegraded expr: ceph_health_detail{name="FS_DEGRADED"} > 0 for: 1m labels: severity: critical type: ceph_default oid: annotations: documentation: summary: Ceph filesystem is degraded description: > One or more metadata daemons (MDS ranks) are failed or in a damaged state. At best the filesystem is partially available, worst case is the filesystem is completely unusable. - alert: CephFilesystemMDSRanksLow expr: ceph_health_detail{name="MDS_UP_LESS_THAN_MAX"} > 0 for: 1m labels: severity: warning type: ceph_default annotations: documentation: summary: Ceph MDS daemon count is lower than configured description: > The filesystem's "max_mds" setting defined the number of MDS ranks in the filesystem. The current number of active MDS daemons is less than this setting. - alert: CephFilesystemInsufficientStandby expr: ceph_health_detail{name="MDS_INSUFFICIENT_STANDBY"} > 0 for: 1m labels: severity: warning type: ceph_default annotations: documentation: summary: Ceph filesystem standby daemons too low description: > The minimum number of standby daemons determined by standby_count_wanted is less than the actual number of standby daemons. Adjust the standby count or increase the number of mds daemons within the filesystem. - alert: CephFilesystemFailureNoStandby expr: ceph_health_detail{name="FS_WITH_FAILED_MDS"} > 0 for: 1m labels: severity: critical type: ceph_default oid: annotations: documentation: summary: Ceph MDS daemon failed, no further standby available description: > An MDS daemon has failed, leaving only one active rank without further standby. Investigate the cause of the failure or add a standby daemon - alert: CephFilesystemReadOnly expr: ceph_health_detail{name="MDS_HEALTH_READ_ONLY"} > 0 for: 1m labels: severity: critical type: ceph_default oid: annotations: documentation: summary: Ceph filesystem in read only mode, due to write error(s) description: > The filesystem has switched to READ ONLY due to an unexpected write error, when writing to the metadata pool Either analyse the output from the mds daemon admin socket, or escalate to support - name: mgr rules: - alert: CephMgrModuleCrash expr: ceph_health_detail{name="RECENT_MGR_MODULE_CRASH"} == 1 for: 5m labels: severity: critical type: ceph_default oid: annotations: documentation: summary: A mgr module has recently crashed description: > One or more mgr modules have crashed and are yet to be acknowledged by the administrator. A crashed module may impact functionality within the cluster. Use the 'ceph crash' commands to investigate which module has failed, and archive it to acknowledge the failure. - alert: CephMgrPrometheusModuleInactive expr: up{job="ceph"} == 0 for: 1m labels: severity: critical type: ceph_default oid: annotations: summary: Ceph's mgr/prometheus module is not available description: > The mgr/prometheus module at {{ $labels.instance }} is unreachable. This could mean that the module has been disabled or the mgr itself is down. Without the mgr/prometheus module metrics and alerts will no longer function. Open a shell to ceph and use 'ceph -s' to to determine whether the mgr is active. If the mgr is not active, restart it, otherwise you can check the mgr/prometheus module is loaded with 'ceph mgr module ls' and if it's not listed as enabled, enable it with 'ceph mgr module enable prometheus' - name: pgs rules: - alert: CephPGsInactive expr: ceph_pool_metadata * on(pool_id,instance) group_left() (ceph_pg_total - ceph_pg_active) > 0 for: 5m labels: severity: critical type: ceph_default oid: annotations: summary: One or more Placement Groups are inactive description: > {{ $value }} PGs have been inactive for more than 5 minutes in pool {{ $ }}. Inactive placement groups aren't able to serve read/write requests. - alert: CephPGsUnclean expr: ceph_pool_metadata * on(pool_id,instance) group_left() (ceph_pg_total - ceph_pg_clean) > 0 for: 15m labels: severity: warning type: ceph_default oid: annotations: summary: One or more platcment groups are marked unclean description: > {{ $value }} PGs haven't been clean for more than 15 minutes in pool {{ $ }}. Unclean PGs haven't been able to completely recover from a previous failure. - alert: CephPGsDamaged expr: ceph_health_detail{name=~"PG_DAMAGED|OSD_SCRUB_ERRORS"} == 1 for: 5m labels: severity: critical type: ceph_default oid: annotations: documentation: summary: Placement group damaged, manual intervention needed description: > During data consistency checks (scrub), at least one PG has been flagged as being damaged or inconsistent. Check to see which PG is affected, and attempt a manual repair if necessary. To list problematic placement groups, use 'rados list-inconsistent-pg '. To repair PGs use the 'ceph pg repair ' command. - alert: CephPGRecoveryAtRisk expr: ceph_health_detail{name="PG_RECOVERY_FULL"} == 1 for: 1m labels: severity: critical type: ceph_default oid: annotations: documentation: summary: OSDs are too full for automatic recovery description: > Data redundancy may be reduced, or is at risk, since one or more OSDs are at or above their 'full' threshold. Add more capacity to the cluster, or delete unwanted data. - alert: CephPGUnavilableBlockingIO # PG_AVAILABILITY, but an OSD is not in a DOWN state expr: ((ceph_health_detail{name="PG_AVAILABILITY"} == 1) - scalar(ceph_health_detail{name="OSD_DOWN"})) == 1 for: 1m labels: severity: critical type: ceph_default oid: annotations: documentation: summary: Placement group is unavailable, blocking some I/O description: > Data availability is reduced impacting the clusters ability to service I/O to some data. One or more placement groups (PGs) are in a state that blocks IO. - alert: CephPGBackfillAtRisk expr: ceph_health_detail{name="PG_BACKFILL_FULL"} == 1 for: 1m labels: severity: critical type: ceph_default oid: annotations: documentation: summary: Backfill operations are blocked, due to lack of freespace description: > Data redundancy may be at risk due to lack of free space within the cluster. One or more OSDs have breached their 'backfillfull' threshold. Add more capacity, or delete unwanted data. - alert: CephPGNotScrubbed expr: ceph_health_detail{name="PG_NOT_SCRUBBED"} == 1 for: 5m labels: severity: warning type: ceph_default annotations: documentation: summary: Placement group(s) have not been scrubbed description: | One or more PGs have not been scrubbed recently. The scrub process is a data integrity feature, protectng against bit-rot. It checks that objects and their metadata (size and attributes) match across object replicas. When PGs miss their scrub window, it may indicate the scrub window is too small, or PGs were not in a 'clean' state during the scrub window. You can manually initiate a scrub with: ceph pg scrub - alert: CephPGsHighPerOSD expr: ceph_health_detail{name="TOO_MANY_PGS"} == 1 for: 1m labels: severity: warning type: ceph_default annotations: documentation: summary: Placement groups per OSD is too high description: | The number of placement groups per OSD is too high (exceeds the mon_max_pg_per_osd setting). Check that the pg_autoscaler hasn't been disabled for any of the pools, with 'ceph osd pool autoscale-status' and that the profile selected is appropriate. You may also adjust the target_size_ratio of a pool to guide the autoscaler based on the expected relative size of the pool (i.e. 'ceph osd pool set cephfs.cephfs.meta target_size_ratio .1') - alert: CephPGNotDeepScrubbed expr: ceph_health_detail{name="PG_NOT_DEEP_SCRUBBED"} == 1 for: 5m labels: severity: warning type: ceph_default annotations: documentation: summary: Placement group(s) have not been deep scrubbed description: | One or more PGs have not been deep scrubbed recently. Deep scrub is a data integrity feature, protectng against bit-rot. It compares the contents of objects and their replicas for inconsistency. When PGs miss their deep scrub window, it may indicate that the window is too small or PGs were not in a 'clean' state during the deep-scrub window. You can manually initiate a deep scrub with: ceph pg deep-scrub - name: nodes rules: - alert: CephNodeRootFilesystemFull expr: node_filesystem_avail_bytes{mountpoint="/"} / node_filesystem_size_bytes{mountpoint="/"} * 100 < 5 for: 5m labels: severity: critical type: ceph_default oid: annotations: summary: Root filesystem is dangerously full description: > Root volume (OSD and MON store) is dangerously full: {{ $value | humanize }}% free. # alert on nic packet errors and drops rates > 1% packets/s - alert: CephNodeNetworkPacketDrops expr: | ( increase(node_network_receive_drop_total{device!="lo"}[1m]) + increase(node_network_transmit_drop_total{device!="lo"}[1m]) ) / ( increase(node_network_receive_packets_total{device!="lo"}[1m]) + increase(node_network_transmit_packets_total{device!="lo"}[1m]) ) >= 0.0001 or ( increase(node_network_receive_drop_total{device!="lo"}[1m]) + increase(node_network_transmit_drop_total{device!="lo"}[1m]) ) >= 10 labels: severity: warning type: ceph_default oid: annotations: summary: One or more Nics is seeing packet drops description: > Node {{ $labels.instance }} experiences packet drop > 0.01% or > 10 packets/s on interface {{ $labels.device }}. - alert: CephNodeNetworkPacketErrors expr: | ( increase(node_network_receive_errs_total{device!="lo"}[1m]) + increase(node_network_transmit_errs_total{device!="lo"}[1m]) ) / ( increase(node_network_receive_packets_total{device!="lo"}[1m]) + increase(node_network_transmit_packets_total{device!="lo"}[1m]) ) >= 0.0001 or ( increase(node_network_receive_errs_total{device!="lo"}[1m]) + increase(node_network_transmit_errs_total{device!="lo"}[1m]) ) >= 10 labels: severity: warning type: ceph_default oid: annotations: summary: One or more Nics is seeing packet errors description: > Node {{ $labels.instance }} experiences packet errors > 0.01% or > 10 packets/s on interface {{ $labels.device }}. # Restrict to device names beginning with '/' to skip false alarms from # tmpfs, overlay type filesystems - alert: CephNodeDiskspaceWarning expr: | predict_linear(node_filesystem_free_bytes{device=~"/.*"}[2d], 3600 * 24 * 5) * on(instance) group_left(nodename) node_uname_info < 0 labels: severity: warning type: ceph_default oid: annotations: summary: Host filesystem freespace is getting low description: > Mountpoint {{ $labels.mountpoint }} on {{ $labels.nodename }} will be full in less than 5 days assuming the average fill-up rate of the past 48 hours. - alert: CephNodeInconsistentMTU expr: | node_network_mtu_bytes * (node_network_up{device!="lo"} > 0) == scalar( max by (device) (node_network_mtu_bytes * (node_network_up{device!="lo"} > 0)) != quantile by (device) (.5, node_network_mtu_bytes * (node_network_up{device!="lo"} > 0)) ) or node_network_mtu_bytes * (node_network_up{device!="lo"} > 0) == scalar( min by (device) (node_network_mtu_bytes * (node_network_up{device!="lo"} > 0)) != quantile by (device) (.5, node_network_mtu_bytes * (node_network_up{device!="lo"} > 0)) ) labels: severity: warning type: ceph_default annotations: summary: MTU settings across Ceph hosts are inconsistent description: > Node {{ $labels.instance }} has a different MTU size ({{ $value }}) than the median of devices named {{ $labels.device }}. - name: pools rules: - alert: CephPoolGrowthWarning expr: | (predict_linear(ceph_pool_percent_used[2d], 3600 * 24 * 5) * on(pool_id) group_right ceph_pool_metadata) >= 95 labels: severity: warning type: ceph_default oid: annotations: summary: Pool growth rate may soon exceed it's capacity description: > Pool '{{ $ }}' will be full in less than 5 days assuming the average fill-up rate of the past 48 hours. - alert: CephPoolBackfillFull expr: ceph_health_detail{name="POOL_BACKFILLFULL"} > 0 labels: severity: warning type: ceph_default annotations: summary: Freespace in a pool is too low for recovery/rebalance description: > A pool is approaching it's near full threshold, which will prevent rebalance operations from completing. You should consider adding more capacity to the pool. - alert: CephPoolFull expr: ceph_health_detail{name="POOL_FULL"} > 0 for: 1m labels: severity: critical type: ceph_default oid: annotations: documentation: summary: Pool is full - writes are blocked description: | A pool has reached it's MAX quota, or the OSDs supporting the pool have reached their FULL threshold. Until this is resolved, writes to the pool will be blocked. Pool Breakdown (top 5) {{- range query "topk(5, sort_desc(ceph_pool_percent_used * on(pool_id) group_right ceph_pool_metadata))" }} - {{ }} at {{ .Value }}% {{- end }} Either increase the pools quota, or add capacity to the cluster first then increase it's quota (e.g. ceph osd pool set quota max_bytes ) - alert: CephPoolNearFull expr: ceph_health_detail{name="POOL_NEAR_FULL"} > 0 for: 5m labels: severity: warning type: ceph_default annotations: summary: One or more Ceph pools are getting full description: | A pool has exceeeded it warning (percent full) threshold, or the OSDs supporting the pool have reached their NEARFULL thresholds. Writes may continue, but you are at risk of the pool going read only if more capacity isn't made available. Determine the affected pool with 'ceph df detail', for example looking at QUOTA BYTES and STORED. Either increase the pools quota, or add capacity to the cluster first then increase it's quota (e.g. ceph osd pool set quota max_bytes ) - name: healthchecks rules: - alert: CephSlowOps expr: ceph_healthcheck_slow_ops > 0 for: 30s labels: severity: warning type: ceph_default annotations: documentation: summary: MON/OSD operations are slow to complete description: > {{ $value }} OSD requests are taking too long to process (osd_op_complaint_time exceeded) # cephadm alerts - name: cephadm rules: - alert: CephadmUpgradeFailed expr: ceph_health_detail{name="UPGRADE_EXCEPTION"} > 0 for: 30s labels: severity: critical type: ceph_default oid: annotations: summary: Ceph version upgrade has failed description: > The cephadm cluster upgrade process has failed. The cluster remains in an undetermined state. Please review the cephadm logs, to understand the nature of the issue - alert: CephadmDaemonFailed expr: ceph_health_detail{name="CEPHADM_FAILED_DAEMON"} > 0 for: 30s labels: severity: critical type: ceph_default oid: annotations: summary: A ceph daemon manged by cephadm is down description: > A daemon managed by cephadm is no longer active. Determine, which daemon is down with 'ceph health detail'. you may start daemons with the 'ceph orch daemon start ' - alert: CephadmPaused expr: ceph_health_detail{name="CEPHADM_PAUSED"} > 0 for: 1m labels: severity: warning type: ceph_default annotations: documentation: summary: Orchestration tasks via cephadm are PAUSED description: > Cluster management has been paused manually. This will prevent the orchestrator from service management and reconciliation. If this is not intentional, resume cephadm operations with 'ceph orch resume' # prometheus alerts - name: PrometheusServer rules: - alert: PrometheusJobMissing expr: absent(up{job="ceph"}) for: 30s labels: severity: critical type: ceph_default oid: annotations: summary: The scrape job for Ceph is missing from Prometheus description: | The prometheus job that scrapes from Ceph is no longer defined, this will effectively mean you'll have no metrics or alerts for the cluster. Please review the job definitions in the prometheus.yml file of the prometheus instance. # Object related events - name: rados rules: - alert: CephObjectMissing expr: (ceph_health_detail{name="OBJECT_UNFOUND"} == 1) * on() (count(ceph_osd_up == 1) == bool count(ceph_osd_metadata)) == 1 for: 30s labels: severity: critical type: ceph_default oid: annotations: documentation: summary: Object(s) has been marked UNFOUND description: | A version of a RADOS object can not be found, even though all OSDs are up. I/O requests for this object from clients will block (hang). Resolving this issue may require the object to be rolled back to a prior version manually, and manually verified. # Generic - name: generic rules: - alert: CephDaemonCrash expr: ceph_health_detail{name="RECENT_CRASH"} == 1 for: 1m labels: severity: critical type: ceph_default oid: annotations: documentation: summary: One or more Ceph daemons have crashed, and are pending acknowledgement description: | One or more daemons have crashed recently, and need to be acknowledged. This notification ensures that software crashes don't go unseen. To acknowledge a crash, use the 'ceph crash archive ' command.