unset(IWYU_BIN CACHE) find_program(IWYU_BIN iwyu_tool.py) if(IWYU_BIN) find_file(PROJECT_FILE compile_commands.json PATH .) if(NOT PROJECT_FILE) message(STATUS "Found IWYU, but no \"compile_commands.json\" file. To enable IWYU, set CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS to \"ON\" and build again.") return() endif() if(NOT CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Clang") message(STATUS "Found IWYU, but clang++ is not used. To enable IWYU, set CMAKE_C_COMPILER to \"clang\" and CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER to \"clang++\" and build again.") return() endif() include(ProcessorCount) ProcessorCount(N) add_custom_target(iwyu COMMAND echo "IWYU is analyzing includes - this may take a while..." COMMAND ${IWYU_BIN} -j${N} -p . > iwyu.txt ) message(STATUS "Found IWYU. To perform header analysis using IWYU, use: \"make iwyu\". Results will be stored in \"iwyu.txt\".") endif()