import contextlib import logging import os import re from teuthology import misc as teuthology log = logging.getLogger(__name__) @contextlib.contextmanager def task(ctx, config): """ Mount nfs client (requires nfs server export like knfsd or ganesh) Example that mounts a single nfs client:: tasks: - ceph: - kclient: [client.0] - knfsd: [client.0] - nfs: client.1: server: client.0 - interactive: Example that mounts multiple nfs clients with options:: tasks: - ceph: - kclient: [client.0, client.1] - knfsd: [client.0, client.1] - nfs: client.2: server: client.0 options: [rw,hard,intr,nfsvers=3] client.3: server: client.1 options: [ro] - workunit: clients: client.2: - suites/ client.3: - suites/ It is not recommended that the nfs client and nfs server reside on the same node. So in the example above client.0-3 should be on 4 distinct nodes. The client nfs testing would be using only client.2 and client.3. """'Mounting nfs clients...') assert isinstance(config, dict) clients = list(teuthology.get_clients(ctx=ctx, roles=config.keys())) for id_, remote in clients: mnt = os.path.join('/tmp/cephtest', 'mnt.{id}'.format(id=id_)) client_config = config.get("client.%s" % id_) if client_config is None: client_config = {} log.debug("Client client.%s config is %s" % (id_, client_config)) assert client_config.get('server') is not None server = client_config.get('server'); svr_id = server[len('client.'):] svr_mnt = os.path.join('/tmp/cephtest', 'mnt.{id}'.format(id=svr_id)) svr_remote = None all_config = ['client.{id}'.format(id=tmpid) for tmpid in teuthology.all_roles_of_type(ctx.cluster, 'client')] all_clients = list(teuthology.get_clients(ctx=ctx, roles=all_config)) for tmpid, tmpremote in all_clients: if tmpid == svr_id: svr_remote = tmpremote break assert svr_remote is not None svr_remote ='@', 2)[1] if client_config.get('options') is not None: opts = ','.join(client_config.get('options')) else: opts = 'rw''Mounting client.{id} from client.{sid}'.format(id=id_, sid=svr_id)) log.debug('mount -o {opts} {remote}:{svr_mnt} {mnt}'.format( remote=svr_remote, svr_mnt=svr_mnt, opts=opts, mnt=mnt)) args=[ 'mkdir', '--', mnt, ], ) args=[ 'sudo', "mount", "-o", opts, '{remote}:{mnt}'.format(remote=svr_remote, mnt=svr_mnt), mnt ], ) try: yield finally:'Unmounting nfs clients...') for id_, remote in clients: log.debug('Unmounting nfs client client.{id}...'.format(id=id_)) mnt = os.path.join('/tmp/cephtest', 'mnt.{id}'.format(id=id_)) args=[ 'sudo', 'umount', mnt, ], ) args=[ 'rmdir', '--', mnt, ], )