# -*- mode:python -*-
# vim: ts=4 sw=4 smarttab expandtab
# Processed in Makefile to add python #! line and version variable

ceph.in becomes ceph, the command-line management tool for Ceph clusters.
This is a replacement for tools/ceph.cc and tools/common.cc.

Copyright (C) 2013 Inktank Storage, Inc.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License version 2, as published by the Free Software
Foundation.  See file COPYING.

import os
import sys

# Make life easier on developers:
# If in src/, and .libs and pybind exist here, assume we're running
# from a Ceph source dir and tweak PYTHONPATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH
# to use local files

MYPATH = os.path.abspath(__file__)
MYDIR = os.path.dirname(MYPATH)

if MYDIR.endswith('src') and \
   os.path.exists(os.path.join(MYDIR, '.libs')) and \
   os.path.exists(os.path.join(MYDIR, 'pybind')):
    MYLIBPATH = os.path.join(MYDIR, '.libs')
    if 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' in os.environ:
        if MYLIBPATH not in os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH']:
            os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] += ':' + MYLIBPATH
            print >> sys.stderr, DEVMODEMSG
            os.execvp('python', ['python'] + sys.argv)
        os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = MYLIBPATH
        print >> sys.stderr, DEVMODEMSG
        os.execvp('python', ['python'] + sys.argv)
    sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(MYDIR, 'pybind'))
    if MYDIR not in os.environ['PATH']:
        os.environ['PATH'] += ':' + MYDIR

import argparse
import errno
import json
import rados
import signal
import socket
import string
import struct
import subprocess

from ceph_argparse import \
    concise_sig, descsort, parse_json_funcsigs, \
    matchnum, validate_command, find_cmd_target, \
    send_command, json_command

# just a couple of globals

verbose = False
cluster_handle = None


def osdids():
    ret, outbuf, outs = json_command(cluster_handle, prefix='osd ls')
    if ret == -errno.EINVAL:
        # try old mon
        ret, outbuf, outs = send_command(cluster_handle, cmd=['osd', 'ls'])
    if ret:
        raise RuntimeError('Can\'t contact mon for osd list')
    return [i for i in outbuf.split('\n') if i != '']

def monids():
    ret, outbuf, outs = json_command(cluster_handle, prefix='mon dump',
    if ret == -errno.EINVAL:
        # try old mon
        ret, outbuf, outs = send_command(cluster_handle,
                                         cmd=['mon', 'dump', '--format=json'])
    if ret:
        raise RuntimeError('Can\'t contact mon for mon list')
    d = json.loads(outbuf)
    return [m['name'] for m in d['mons']]

def mdsids():
    ret, outbuf, outs = json_command(cluster_handle, prefix='mds dump',
    if ret == -errno.EINVAL:
        # try old mon
        ret, outbuf, outs = send_command(cluster_handle,
                                         cmd=['mds', 'dump', '--format=json'])
    if ret:
        raise RuntimeError('Can\'t contact mon for mds list')
    d = json.loads(outbuf)
    l = []
    infodict = d['info']
    for mdsdict in infodict.values():
    return l

def parse_cmdargs(args=None, target=''):
    # alias: let the line-wrapping be sane
    AP = argparse.ArgumentParser

    # format our own help
    parser = AP(description='Ceph administration tool', add_help=False)

    parser.add_argument('--completion', action='store_true',

    parser.add_argument('-h', '--help', help='request mon help',

    parser.add_argument('-c', '--conf', dest='cephconf',
                        help='ceph configuration file')
    parser.add_argument('-i', '--in-file', dest='input_file',
                        help='input file')
    parser.add_argument('-o', '--out-file', dest='output_file',
                        help='output file')

    parser.add_argument('--id', '--user', dest='client_id',
                        help='client id for authentication')
    parser.add_argument('--name', '-n', dest='client_name',
                        help='client name for authentication')
    parser.add_argument('--cluster', help='cluster name')

    parser.add_argument('--admin-daemon', dest='admin_socket',
                        help='submit admin-socket commands (\"help\" for help')
    parser.add_argument('--admin-socket', dest='admin_socket_nope',
                        help='you probably mean --admin-daemon')

    parser.add_argument('-s', '--status', action='store_true',
                        help='show cluster status')

    parser.add_argument('-w', '--watch', action='store_true',
                        help='watch live cluster changes')
    parser.add_argument('--watch-debug', action='store_true',
                        help='watch debug events')
    parser.add_argument('--watch-info', action='store_true',
                        help='watch info events')
    parser.add_argument('--watch-sec', action='store_true',
                        help='watch security events')
    parser.add_argument('--watch-warn', action='store_true',
                        help='watch warn events')
    parser.add_argument('--watch-error', action='store_true',
                        help='watch error events')

    parser.add_argument('--version', '-v', action="store_true", help="display version")
    parser.add_argument('--verbose', action="store_true", help="make verbose")
    parser.add_argument('--concise', dest='verbose', action="store_false",
                        help="make less verbose")

    parser.add_argument('-f', '--format', choices=['json', 'json-pretty',
                        'xml', 'xml-pretty', 'plain'], dest='output_format')

    parser.add_argument('--connect-timeout', dest='cluster_timeout',
                        help='set a timeout for connecting to the cluster')

    # returns a Namespace with the parsed args, and a list of all extras
    parsed_args, extras = parser.parse_known_args(args)

    return parser, parsed_args, extras

def hdr(s):
    print '\n', s, '\n', '=' * len(s)

def do_basic_help(parser, args):
    Print basic parser help
    If the cluster is available, get and print monitor help
    hdr('General usage:')

def do_extended_help(parser, args):
    def help_for_sigs(sigs, partial=None):
        sys.stdout.write(format_help(parse_json_funcsigs(sigs, 'cli'),

    def help_for_target(target, partial=None):
        ret, outbuf, outs = json_command(cluster_handle, target=target,
        if ret:
            print >> sys.stderr, \
                "couldn't get command descriptions for {0}: {1}".\
                format(target, outs)
            help_for_sigs(outbuf, partial)

    partial = ' '.join(args)
    if (cluster_handle.state == "connected"):
        help_for_target(target=('mon', ''), partial=partial)
    return 0

DONTSPLIT = string.letters + '{[<>]}'

def wrap(s, width, indent):
    generator to transform s into a sequence of strings width or shorter,
    for wrapping text to a specific column width.
    Attempt to break on anything but DONTSPLIT characters.
    indent is amount to indent 2nd-through-nth lines.

    so "long string long string long string" width=11 indent=1 becomes
    'long string', ' long string', ' long string' so that it can be printed
    long string
     long string
     long string

    Consumes s.
    result = ''
    leader = ''
    while len(s):

        if (len(s) <= width):
            # no splitting; just possibly indent
            result = leader + s
            s = ''
            yield result

            splitpos = width
            while (splitpos > 0) and (s[splitpos-1] in DONTSPLIT):
                splitpos -= 1

            if splitpos == 0:
                splitpos = width

            if result:
                # prior result means we're mid-iteration, indent
                result = leader
                # first time, set leader and width for next
                leader = ' ' * indent
                width -= 1      # for subsequent space additions

            # remove any leading spaces in this chunk of s
            result += s[:splitpos].lstrip()
            s = s[splitpos:]

            yield result

    raise StopIteration

def format_help(cmddict, partial=None):
    Formats all the cmdsigs and helptexts from cmddict into a sorted-by-
    cmdsig 2-column display, with each column wrapped and indented to
    fit into 40 characters.

    fullusage = ''
    for cmd in sorted(cmddict.itervalues(), cmp=descsort):

        if not cmd['help']:
        concise = concise_sig(cmd['sig'])
        if partial and not concise.startswith(partial):
        siglines = [l for l in wrap(concise, 40, 1)]
        helplines = [l for l in wrap(cmd['help'], 39, 1)]

        # make lists the same length
        maxlen = max(len(siglines), len(helplines))
        siglines.extend([''] * (maxlen - len(siglines)))
        helplines.extend([''] * (maxlen - len(helplines)))

        # so we can zip them for output
        for (s, h) in zip(siglines, helplines):
            fullusage += '{0:40s} {1}\n'.format(s, h)

    return fullusage

def admin_socket(asok_path, cmd, format=''):
    Send a daemon (--admin-daemon) command 'cmd'.  asok_path is the
    path to the admin socket; cmd is a list of strings; format may be
    set to one of the formatted forms to get output in that form
    (daemon commands don't support 'plain' output).

    def do_sockio(path, cmd):
        """ helper: do all the actual low-level stream I/O """
        sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
            sock.sendall(cmd + '\0')
            len_str = sock.recv(4)
            if len(len_str) < 4:
                raise RuntimeError("no data returned from admin socket")
            l, = struct.unpack(">I", len_str)
            ret = ''

            got = 0
            while got < l:
                bit = sock.recv(l - got)
                ret += bit
                got += len(bit)

        except Exception as e:
            raise RuntimeError('exception: ' + str(e))
        return ret

        cmd_json = do_sockio(asok_path,
    except Exception as e:
        raise RuntimeError('exception getting command descriptions: ' + str(e))

    if cmd == 'get_command_descriptions':
        return cmd_json

    sigdict = parse_json_funcsigs(cmd_json, 'cli')
    valid_dict = validate_command(sigdict, cmd)
    if not valid_dict:
        raise RuntimeError('invalid command')

    if format:
        valid_dict['format'] = format

        ret = do_sockio(asok_path, json.dumps(valid_dict))
    except Exception as e:
        raise RuntimeError('exception: ' + str(e))

    return ret

def ceph_conf(field, name):
    p = subprocess.Popen(
    outdata, errdata = p.communicate()
    if (len(errdata)):
        raise RuntimeError('unable to get conf option %s for %s: %s' % (field, name, errdata))
    return outdata.rstrip()

def new_style_command(parsed_args, cmdargs, target, sigdict, inbuf, verbose):
    Do new-style command dance.
    target: daemon to receive command: mon (any) or osd.N
    sigdict - the parsed output from the new monitor describing commands
    inbuf - any -i input file data
    verbose - bool
    if verbose:
        for cmdtag in sorted(sigdict.keys()):
            cmd = sigdict[cmdtag]
            sig = cmd['sig']
            print '{0}: {1}'.format(cmdtag, concise_sig(sig))

    got_command = False

    if not got_command:
        if cmdargs:
            # Validate input args against list of sigs
            valid_dict = validate_command(sigdict, cmdargs, verbose)
            if valid_dict:
                got_command = True
                if parsed_args.output_format:
                    valid_dict['format'] = parsed_args.output_format
                return -errno.EINVAL, '', 'invalid command'
            # do the command-interpreter looping
            # for raw_input to do readline cmd editing
            import readline
            while True:
                interactive_input = raw_input('ceph> ')
                if interactive_input in ['q', 'quit', 'Q']:
                    return 0, '', ''
                cmdargs = parse_cmdargs(interactive_input.split())[2]
                target = find_cmd_target(cmdargs)
                valid_dict = validate_command(sigdict, cmdargs, verbose)
                if valid_dict:
                    if parsed_args.output_format:
                        valid_dict['format'] = parsed_args.output_format
                    if verbose:
                        print >> sys.stderr, "Submitting command ", valid_dict
                    ret, outbuf, outs = json_command(cluster_handle,
                    if ret:
                        ret = abs(ret)
                        print >> sys.stderr, \
                            'Error: {0} {1}'.format(ret, errno.errorcode[ret])
                    if outbuf:
                        print outbuf
                    if outs:
                        print >> sys.stderr, 'Status:\n', outs
                    print >> sys.stderr, "Invalid command"

    if verbose:
        print >> sys.stderr, "Submitting command ", valid_dict
    return json_command(cluster_handle, target=target, argdict=valid_dict,

def complete(sigdict, args, target):
    Command completion.  Match as much of [args] as possible,
    and print every possible match separated by newlines. 
    Return exitcode.
    # XXX this looks a lot like the front of validate_command().  Refactor?

    complete_verbose = 'COMPVERBOSE' in os.environ

    # Repulsive hack to handle tell: lop off 'tell' and target
    # and validate the rest of the command.  'target' is already
    # determined in our callers, so it's ok to remove it here.
    if len(args) and args[0] == 'tell':
        args = args[2:]
    # look for best match, accumulate possibles in bestcmds
    # (so we can maybe give a more-useful error message)
    best_match_cnt = 0
    bestcmds = []
    for cmdtag, cmd in sigdict.iteritems():
        sig = cmd['sig']
        matched = matchnum(args, sig, partial=True)
        if (matched > best_match_cnt):
            if complete_verbose:
                print >> sys.stderr, \
                    "better match: {0} > {1}: {2}:{3} ".format(matched,
                                  best_match_cnt, cmdtag, concise_sig(sig))
            best_match_cnt = matched
            bestcmds = [{cmdtag:cmd}]
        elif matched == best_match_cnt:
            if complete_verbose:
                print >> sys.stderr, \
                    "equal match: {0} > {1}: {2}:{3} ".format(matched,
                                  best_match_cnt, cmdtag, concise_sig(sig))

    # look through all matching sigs
    comps = []
    for cmddict in bestcmds:
        for cmd in cmddict.itervalues():
            sig = cmd['sig']
            # either:
            #   we match everything fully, so we want the next desc, or
            #   we match more partially, so we want the partial match
            fullindex = matchnum(args, sig, partial=False) - 1
            partindex = matchnum(args, sig, partial=True) - 1
            if complete_verbose:
                print >> sys.stderr, '{}: f {} p {} len {}'.format(sig, fullindex, partindex, len(sig))
            if fullindex == partindex and fullindex + 1 < len(sig):
                d = sig[fullindex + 1]
                d = sig[partindex]
    if complete_verbose:
        print >> sys.stderr, '\n'.join(comps)
    print '\n'.join(comps)

    return 0

# ping a monitor
def ping_monitor(cluster_handle, name):
    if 'mon.' not in name:
        print >> sys.stderr, '"ping" expects a monitor to ping; try "ping mon.<id>"'
        return 1

    mon_id = name[len('mon.'):]
    s = cluster_handle.ping_monitor(mon_id)
    print s
    return 0

# main

def main():
    ceph_args = os.environ.get('CEPH_ARGS')
    if ceph_args:

    parser, parsed_args, childargs = parse_cmdargs()

    if parsed_args.version:
        print 'ceph version {0} ({1})'.format(CEPH_GIT_NICE_VER, CEPH_GIT_VER)
        return 0

    global verbose
    verbose = parsed_args.verbose

    if parsed_args.admin_socket_nope:
        print >> sys.stderr, '--admin-socket is used by daemons; '\
        'you probably mean --admin-daemon/daemon'
        return 1

    # pass on --id, --name, --conf
    name = 'client.admin'
    if parsed_args.client_id:
        name = 'client.' + parsed_args.client_id
    if parsed_args.client_name:
        name = parsed_args.client_name

    # default '' means default conf search
    conffile = ''
    if parsed_args.cephconf:
        conffile = parsed_args.cephconf
    # For now, --admin-daemon is handled as usual.  Try it
    # first in case we can't connect() to the cluster

    format = parsed_args.output_format

    sockpath = None
    if parsed_args.admin_socket:
        sockpath = parsed_args.admin_socket
    elif len(childargs) > 0 and childargs[0] == "daemon":
        # Treat "daemon <path>" or "daemon <name>" like --admin_daemon <path>
        if len(childargs) > 2:
            if childargs[1].find('/') >= 0:
                sockpath = childargs[1]
                # try resolve daemon name
                    sockpath = ceph_conf('admin_socket', childargs[1])
                except Exception as e:
                    print >> sys.stderr, \
                        'Can\'t get admin socket path: ' + str(e)
                    return errno.EINVAL
            # for both:
            childargs = childargs[2:]
            print >> sys.stderr, 'daemon requires at least 3 arguments'
            return errno.EINVAL

    if sockpath:
            print admin_socket(sockpath, childargs, format)
        except Exception as e:
            print >> sys.stderr, 'admin_socket: {0}'.format(e)
            return errno.EINVAL
        return 0

    timeout = None
    if parsed_args.cluster_timeout:
        timeout = parsed_args.cluster_timeout

    # basic help
    if parsed_args.help:
        do_basic_help(parser, childargs)

    # handle any 'generic' ceph arguments that we didn't parse here
    global cluster_handle

    # rados.Rados() will call rados_create2, and then read the conf file,
    # and then set the keys from the dict.  So we must do these
    # "pre-file defaults" first (see common_preinit in librados)
    conf_defaults = {

    clustername = 'ceph'
    if parsed_args.cluster:
        clustername = parsed_args.cluster

        cluster_handle = rados.Rados(name=name, clustername=clustername,
        retargs = cluster_handle.conf_parse_argv(childargs)
    except rados.Error as e:
        print >> sys.stderr, 'Error initializing cluster client: {0}'.\
        return 1

    #tmp = childargs
    childargs = retargs
    if not childargs:
        childargs = []

    # -- means "stop parsing args", but we don't want to see it either
    if '--' in childargs:

    # special deprecation warning for 'ceph <type> tell'
    # someday 'mds' will be here too
    if len(childargs) >= 2 and \
        childargs[0] in ['mon', 'osd'] and \
        childargs[1] == 'tell':
        print >> sys.stderr, '"{0} tell" is deprecated; try "tell {0}.<id>" instead (id can be "*") '.format(childargs[0])
        return 1

    if parsed_args.help:
        # short default timeout for -h
        if not timeout:
            timeout = 5

        hdr('Monitor commands:')
        print '[Contacting monitor, timeout after %d seconds]' % timeout

    if childargs and childargs[0] == 'ping':
        if len(childargs) < 2:
            print >> sys.stderr, '"ping" requires a monitor name as argument: "ping mon.<id>"'
            return 1

        if childargs and childargs[0] == 'ping':
            return ping_monitor(cluster_handle, childargs[1])
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print >> sys.stderr, 'Cluster connection aborted'
        return 1
    except Exception as e:
        print >> sys.stderr, 'Error connecting to cluster: {0}'.\
        return 1

    if parsed_args.help:
        return do_extended_help(parser, childargs)

    # implement -w/--watch_*
    # This is ugly, but Namespace() isn't quite rich enough.
    level = ''
    for k, v in parsed_args._get_kwargs():
        if k.startswith('watch') and v:
            if k == 'watch':
                level = 'info'
                level = k.replace('watch_', '')
    if level:

        # an awfully simple callback
        def watch_cb(arg, line, who, stamp_sec, stamp_nsec, seq, level, msg):
            print line

        # first do a ceph status
        ret, outbuf, outs = json_command(cluster_handle, prefix='status')
        if ret == -errno.EINVAL:
            # try old mon
            ret, outbuf, outs = send_command(cluster_handle, cmd=['status'])
            # old mon returns status to outs...ick
            if ret == 0:
                outbuf += outs
        if ret:
            print >> sys.stderr, "status query failed: ", outs
            return ret
        print outbuf

        # this instance keeps the watch connection alive, but is
        # otherwise unused
        logwatch = rados.MonitorLog(cluster_handle, level, watch_cb, 0)

        # loop forever letting watch_cb print lines
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            # or until ^C, at least
            return 0

    # read input file, if any
    inbuf = ''
    if parsed_args.input_file:
            with open(parsed_args.input_file, 'r') as f:
                inbuf = f.read()
        except Exception as e:
            print >> sys.stderr, 'Can\'t open input file {0}: {1}'.format(parsed_args.input_file, e)
            return 1

    # prepare output file, if any
    if parsed_args.output_file:
            outf = open(parsed_args.output_file, 'w')
        except Exception as e:
            print >> sys.stderr, \
                'Can\'t open output file {0}: {1}'.\
                format(parsed_args.output_file, e)
            return 1

    # -s behaves like a command (ceph status).
    if parsed_args.status:
        childargs.insert(0, 'status')

    target = find_cmd_target(childargs)

    # Repulsive hack to handle tell: lop off 'tell' and target
    # and validate the rest of the command.  'target' is already
    # determined in our callers, so it's ok to remove it here.
    if len(childargs) and childargs[0] == 'tell':
        childargs = childargs[2:]

    # fetch JSON sigs from command
    # each line contains one command signature (a placeholder name
    # of the form 'cmdNNN' followed by an array of argument descriptors)
    # as part of the validated argument JSON object

    targets = [target]

    if target[1] == '*':
        if target[0] == 'osd':
            targets = [(target[0], o) for o in osdids()]
        elif target[0] == 'mon':
            targets = [(target[0], m) for m in monids()]

    final_ret = 0
    for target in targets:
        # prettify?  prefix output with target, if there was a wildcard used
        prefix = ''
        suffix = ''
        if not parsed_args.output_file and len(targets) > 1:
            prefix = '{0}.{1}: '.format(*target)
            suffix = '\n'

        ret, outbuf, outs = json_command(cluster_handle, target=target,
        compat = False
        if ret == -errno.EINVAL:
            # send command to old monitor or OSD
            if verbose:
                print prefix + '{0} to old {1}'.format(' '.join(childargs), target[0])
            compat = True
            if parsed_args.output_format:
                childargs.extend(['--format', parsed_args.output_format])
            ret, outbuf, outs = send_command(cluster_handle, target, childargs,

            if ret == -errno.EINVAL:
                # did we race with a mon upgrade?  try again!
                ret, outbuf, outs = json_command(cluster_handle, target=target,
                if ret == 0:
                    compat = False  # yep, carry on
        if not compat:
            if ret:
                if ret < 0:
                    outs = 'problem getting command descriptions from {0}.{1}'.format(*target)
                sigdict = parse_json_funcsigs(outbuf, 'cli')

                if parsed_args.completion:
                    return complete(sigdict, childargs, target)

                ret, outbuf, outs = new_style_command(parsed_args, childargs, target,
                                                      sigdict, inbuf, verbose)

                # debug tool: send any successful command *again* to
                # verify that it is idempotent.
                if not ret and 'CEPH_CLI_TEST_DUP_COMMAND' in os.environ:
                    ret, outbuf, outs = new_style_command(parsed_args, childargs, target,
                                                          sigdict, inbuf, verbose)
                    if ret < 0:
                        ret = -ret
                        print >> sys.stderr, prefix + 'Second attempt of previously successful command failed with {0}: {1}'.format(errno.errorcode[ret], outs)

        if ret < 0:
            ret = -ret
            print >> sys.stderr, prefix + 'Error {0}: {1}'.format(errno.errorcode[ret], outs)
            if len(targets) > 1:
                final_ret = ret
                return ret

        # this assumes outs never has useful command output, only status
        if compat:
            if ret == 0:
                # old cli/mon would send status string to stdout on non-error
                print outs
            if outs:
                print >> sys.stderr, prefix + outs

        if (parsed_args.output_file):
            # hack: old code printed status line before many json outputs
            # (osd dump, etc.) that consumers know to ignore.  Add blank line
            # to satisfy consumers that skip the first line, but not annoy
            # consumers that don't.
            if parsed_args.output_format and \
               parsed_args.output_format.startswith('json') and \
               not compat:

            # if we are prettifying things, normalize newlines.  sigh.
            if suffix != '':
                outbuf = outbuf.rstrip()
            if outbuf != '':
                sys.stdout.write(prefix + outbuf + suffix)


    if (parsed_args.output_file):

    if final_ret:
        return final_ret

    return 0

if __name__ == '__main__':