Some libraries that Ceph uses are incorporated into the build tree through a technique known as git subtrees. This is an alternative to git submodules, which is also used in Ceph. One such library is the dmclock library. Here are some basic notes on the use of git subtrees. When a subtree is added to the repo, commands such as these were run from the top-level ceph directory: git subtree add --prefix src/dmclock \ master --squash That essentially brings in a full copy of the library into the subdirectory src/dmclock, but squashes all the commits into a single one. If in time the library is updated and you'd like to bring the updates in, you could run: git subtree pull --prefix src/dmclock \ master --squash WARNINGS 1. A rebase should NEVER include the commits by which a subtree is added or pulled. Those commits do not include the prefix that was used for the subtree add/pull, and therefore the commits are applied to the wrong files or, more likely, to non-existant files. If something like this must be done, a workable approach is to a) do an interactive rebase, b) remove the commits for the former subtree add/pull, and either c) replace those commits with executions (x/exec) of the commands used to add/pull the subtrees, or d) do those commands from the command-line by using (e/edit) on preceding commits. 2. If you'd like to modify the library contained in a subtree you'll need to choose whether to just change your subtree and maintain those differences into the future (until the library incorporates them) or, if you're able, modify the library and use a "git subtree pull ..." to bring them in. 3. If you modify the library within the ceph tree, then it's best not to combine changes within the subtree and outside the subtree in a single commit. Each commit should either only contain changes within the subtree or outside the subtree. That gives you the option to cleanly push those changes back to the library's repo. That way if you ultimately decide to make the changes to the library, you can easily remove the subtree commits.