""" Rook cluster task """ import argparse import configobj import contextlib import json import logging import os import yaml from io import BytesIO from tarfile import ReadError from tasks.ceph_manager import CephManager from teuthology import misc as teuthology from teuthology.config import config as teuth_config from teuthology.contextutil import safe_while from teuthology.orchestra import run from teuthology import contextutil from tasks.ceph import healthy from tasks.cephadm import update_archive_setting log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _kubectl(ctx, config, args, **kwargs): cluster_name = config.get('cluster', 'ceph') return ctx.rook[cluster_name].remote.run( args=['kubectl'] + args, **kwargs ) def shell(ctx, config): """ Run command(s) inside the rook tools container. tasks: - kubeadm: - rook: - rook.shell: - ceph -s or tasks: - kubeadm: - rook: - rook.shell: commands: - ceph -s """ if isinstance(config, list): config = {'commands': config} for cmd in config.get('commands', []): if isinstance(cmd, str): _shell(ctx, config, cmd.split(' ')) else: _shell(ctx, config, cmd) def _shell(ctx, config, args, **kwargs): cluster_name = config.get('cluster', 'ceph') return _kubectl( ctx, config, [ '-n', 'rook-ceph', 'exec', ctx.rook[cluster_name].toolbox, '--' ] + args, **kwargs ) @contextlib.contextmanager def rook_operator(ctx, config): cluster_name = config['cluster'] rook_branch = config.get('rook_branch', 'master') rook_git_url = config.get('rook_git_url', 'https://github.com/rook/rook') log.info(f'Cloning {rook_git_url} branch {rook_branch}') ctx.rook[cluster_name].remote.run( args=[ 'rm', '-rf', 'rook', run.Raw('&&'), 'git', 'clone', '--single-branch', '--branch', rook_branch, rook_git_url, 'rook', ] ) # operator.yaml operator_yaml = ctx.rook[cluster_name].remote.read_file( 'rook/cluster/examples/kubernetes/ceph/operator.yaml' ) rook_image = config.get('rook_image') if rook_image: log.info(f'Patching operator to use image {rook_image}') crs = list(yaml.load_all(operator_yaml, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)) assert len(crs) == 2 crs[1]['spec']['template']['spec']['containers'][0]['image'] = rook_image operator_yaml = yaml.dump_all(crs) ctx.rook[cluster_name].remote.write_file('operator.yaml', operator_yaml) op_job = None try: log.info('Deploying operator') _kubectl(ctx, config, [ 'create', '-f', 'rook/cluster/examples/kubernetes/ceph/crds.yaml', '-f', 'rook/cluster/examples/kubernetes/ceph/common.yaml', '-f', 'operator.yaml', ]) # on centos: if teuthology.get_distro(ctx) == 'centos': _kubectl(ctx, config, [ '-n', 'rook-ceph', 'set', 'env', 'deploy/rook-ceph-operator', 'ROOK_HOSTPATH_REQUIRES_PRIVILEGED=true' ]) # wait for operator op_name = None with safe_while(sleep=10, tries=90, action="wait for operator") as proceed: while not op_name and proceed(): p = _kubectl( ctx, config, ['-n', 'rook-ceph', 'get', 'pods', '-l', 'app=rook-ceph-operator'], stdout=BytesIO(), ) for line in p.stdout.getvalue().decode('utf-8').strip().splitlines(): name, ready, status, _ = line.split(None, 3) if status == 'Running': op_name = name break # log operator output op_job = _kubectl( ctx, config, ['-n', 'rook-ceph', 'logs', '-f', op_name], wait=False, logger=log.getChild('operator'), ) yield except Exception as e: log.exception(e) raise finally: log.info('Cleaning up rook operator') _kubectl(ctx, config, [ 'delete', '-f', 'operator.yaml', ]) if False: # don't bother since we'll tear down k8s anyway (and this mysteriously # fails sometimes when deleting some of the CRDs... not sure why!) _kubectl(ctx, config, [ 'delete', '-f', 'rook/cluster/examples/kubernetes/ceph/common.yaml', ]) _kubectl(ctx, config, [ 'delete', '-f', 'rook/cluster/examples/kubernetes/ceph/crds.yaml', ]) ctx.rook[cluster_name].remote.run(args=['rm', '-rf', 'rook', 'operator.yaml']) if op_job: op_job.wait() run.wait( ctx.cluster.run( args=[ 'sudo', 'rm', '-rf', '/var/lib/rook' ] ) ) @contextlib.contextmanager def ceph_log(ctx, config): cluster_name = config['cluster'] log_dir = '/var/lib/rook/rook-ceph/log' update_archive_setting(ctx, 'log', log_dir) try: yield except Exception: # we need to know this below ctx.summary['success'] = False raise finally: log.info('Checking cluster log for badness...') def first_in_ceph_log(pattern, excludes): """ Find the first occurrence of the pattern specified in the Ceph log, Returns None if none found. :param pattern: Pattern scanned for. :param excludes: Patterns to ignore. :return: First line of text (or None if not found) """ args = [ 'sudo', 'egrep', pattern, f'{log_dir}/ceph.log', ] if excludes: for exclude in excludes: args.extend([run.Raw('|'), 'egrep', '-v', exclude]) args.extend([ run.Raw('|'), 'head', '-n', '1', ]) r = ctx.rook[cluster_name].remote.run( stdout=BytesIO(), args=args, ) stdout = r.stdout.getvalue().decode() if stdout: return stdout return None if first_in_ceph_log('\[ERR\]|\[WRN\]|\[SEC\]', config.get('log-ignorelist')) is not None: log.warning('Found errors (ERR|WRN|SEC) in cluster log') ctx.summary['success'] = False # use the most severe problem as the failure reason if 'failure_reason' not in ctx.summary: for pattern in ['\[SEC\]', '\[ERR\]', '\[WRN\]']: match = first_in_ceph_log(pattern, config['log-ignorelist']) if match is not None: ctx.summary['failure_reason'] = \ '"{match}" in cluster log'.format( match=match.rstrip('\n'), ) break if ctx.archive is not None and \ not (ctx.config.get('archive-on-error') and ctx.summary['success']): # and logs log.info('Compressing logs...') run.wait( ctx.cluster.run( args=[ 'sudo', 'find', log_dir, '-name', '*.log', '-print0', run.Raw('|'), 'sudo', 'xargs', '-0', '--no-run-if-empty', '--', 'gzip', '--', ], wait=False, ), ) log.info('Archiving logs...') path = os.path.join(ctx.archive, 'remote') try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError: pass for remote in ctx.cluster.remotes.keys(): sub = os.path.join(path, remote.name) try: os.makedirs(sub) except OSError: pass try: teuthology.pull_directory(remote, log_dir, os.path.join(sub, 'log')) except ReadError: pass def build_initial_config(ctx, config): path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'rook-ceph.conf') conf = configobj.ConfigObj(path, file_error=True) # overrides for section, keys in config.get('conf',{}).items(): for key, value in keys.items(): log.info(" override: [%s] %s = %s" % (section, key, value)) if section not in conf: conf[section] = {} conf[section][key] = value return conf @contextlib.contextmanager def rook_cluster(ctx, config): cluster_name = config['cluster'] # count how many OSDs we'll create num_devs = 0 num_hosts = 0 for remote in ctx.cluster.remotes.keys(): ls = remote.read_file('/scratch_devs').decode('utf-8').strip().splitlines() num_devs += len(ls) num_hosts += 1 ctx.rook[cluster_name].num_osds = num_devs # config config = build_initial_config(ctx, config) config_fp = BytesIO() config.write(config_fp) log.info(f'Config:\n{config_fp.getvalue()}') _kubectl(ctx, config, ['create', '-f', '-'], stdin=yaml.dump({ 'apiVersion': 'v1', 'kind': 'ConfigMap', 'metadata': { 'name': 'rook-config-override', 'namespace': 'rook-ceph'}, 'data': { 'config': config_fp.getvalue() } })) # cluster cluster = { 'apiVersion': 'ceph.rook.io/v1', 'kind': 'CephCluster', 'metadata': {'name': 'rook-ceph', 'namespace': 'rook-ceph'}, 'spec': { 'cephVersion': { 'image': ctx.rook[cluster_name].image, 'allowUnsupported': True, }, 'dataDirHostPath': '/var/lib/rook', 'skipUpgradeChecks': True, 'mgr': { 'count': 1, 'modules': [ { 'name': 'rook', 'enabled': True }, ], }, 'mon': { 'count': num_hosts, 'allowMultiplePerNode': True, }, } } teuthology.deep_merge(cluster['spec'], config.get('spec', {})) cluster_yaml = yaml.dump(cluster) log.info(f'Cluster:\n{cluster_yaml}') try: ctx.rook[cluster_name].remote.write_file('cluster.yaml', cluster_yaml) _kubectl(ctx, config, ['create', '-f', 'cluster.yaml']) yield except Exception as e: log.exception(e) raise finally: _kubectl(ctx, config, ['delete', '-f', 'cluster.yaml'], check_status=False) # wait for cluster to shut down log.info('Waiting for cluster to stop') running = True with safe_while(sleep=5, tries=100, action="wait for teardown") as proceed: while running and proceed(): p = _kubectl( ctx, config, ['-n', 'rook-ceph', 'get', 'pods'], stdout=BytesIO(), ) running = False for line in p.stdout.getvalue().decode('utf-8').strip().splitlines(): name, ready, status, _ = line.split(None, 3) if ( name != 'NAME' and not name.startswith('csi-') and not name.startswith('rook-ceph-operator-') and not name.startswith('rook-ceph-tools-') ): running = True break _kubectl( ctx, config, ['-n', 'rook-ceph', 'delete', 'configmap', 'rook-config-override'], check_status=False, ) ctx.rook[cluster_name].remote.run(args=['rm', '-f', 'cluster.yaml']) @contextlib.contextmanager def rook_toolbox(ctx, config): cluster_name = config['cluster'] try: _kubectl(ctx, config, [ 'create', '-f', 'rook/cluster/examples/kubernetes/ceph/toolbox.yaml', ]) log.info('Waiting for tools container to start') toolbox = None with safe_while(sleep=5, tries=100, action="wait for toolbox") as proceed: while not toolbox and proceed(): p = _kubectl( ctx, config, ['-n', 'rook-ceph', 'get', 'pods', '-l', 'app=rook-ceph-tools'], stdout=BytesIO(), ) for line in p.stdout.getvalue().decode('utf-8').strip().splitlines(): name, ready, status, _ = line.split(None, 3) if status == 'Running': toolbox = name break ctx.rook[cluster_name].toolbox = toolbox yield except Exception as e: log.exception(e) raise finally: _kubectl(ctx, config, [ 'delete', '-f', 'rook/cluster/examples/kubernetes/ceph/toolbox.yaml', ], check_status=False) @contextlib.contextmanager def wait_for_orch(ctx, config): log.info('Waiting for mgr/rook orchestrator to be available') with safe_while(sleep=10, tries=90, action="check orch status") as proceed: while proceed(): p = _shell(ctx, config, ['ceph', 'orch', 'status', '-f', 'json'], stdout=BytesIO(), check_status=False) if p.exitstatus == 0: r = json.loads(p.stdout.getvalue().decode('utf-8')) if r.get('available') and r.get('backend') == 'rook': log.info(' mgr/rook orchestrator is active') break yield @contextlib.contextmanager def rook_post_config(ctx, config): try: _shell(ctx, config, ['ceph', 'config', 'set', 'mgr', 'mgr/rook/storage_class', 'scratch']) _shell(ctx, config, ['ceph', 'orch', 'apply', 'osd', '--all-available-devices']) yield except Exception as e: log.exception(e) raise finally: pass @contextlib.contextmanager def wait_for_osds(ctx, config): cluster_name = config.get('cluster', 'ceph') want = ctx.rook[cluster_name].num_osds log.info(f'Waiting for {want} OSDs') with safe_while(sleep=10, tries=90, action="check osd count") as proceed: while proceed(): p = _shell(ctx, config, ['ceph', 'osd', 'stat', '-f', 'json'], stdout=BytesIO(), check_status=False) if p.exitstatus == 0: r = json.loads(p.stdout.getvalue().decode('utf-8')) have = r.get('num_up_osds', 0) if have == want: break log.info(f' have {have}/{want} OSDs') yield @contextlib.contextmanager def ceph_config_keyring(ctx, config): # get config and push to hosts log.info('Distributing ceph config and client.admin keyring') p = _shell(ctx, config, ['cat', '/etc/ceph/ceph.conf'], stdout=BytesIO()) conf = p.stdout.getvalue() p = _shell(ctx, config, ['cat', '/etc/ceph/keyring'], stdout=BytesIO()) keyring = p.stdout.getvalue() ctx.cluster.run(args=['sudo', 'mkdir', '-p', '/etc/ceph']) for remote in ctx.cluster.remotes.keys(): remote.write_file( '/etc/ceph/ceph.conf', conf, sudo=True, ) remote.write_file( '/etc/ceph/keyring', keyring, sudo=True, ) try: yield except Exception as e: log.exception(e) raise finally: log.info('Cleaning up config and client.admin keyring') ctx.cluster.run(args=[ 'sudo', 'rm', '-f', '/etc/ceph/ceph.conf', '/etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring' ]) @contextlib.contextmanager def ceph_clients(ctx, config): cluster_name = config['cluster'] log.info('Setting up client nodes...') clients = ctx.cluster.only(teuthology.is_type('client', cluster_name)) for remote, roles_for_host in clients.remotes.items(): for role in teuthology.cluster_roles_of_type(roles_for_host, 'client', cluster_name): name = teuthology.ceph_role(role) client_keyring = '/etc/ceph/{0}.{1}.keyring'.format(cluster_name, name) r = _shell(ctx, config, args=[ 'ceph', 'auth', 'get-or-create', name, 'mon', 'allow *', 'osd', 'allow *', 'mds', 'allow *', 'mgr', 'allow *', ], stdout=BytesIO(), ) keyring = r.stdout.getvalue() remote.write_file(client_keyring, keyring, sudo=True, mode='0644') yield @contextlib.contextmanager def task(ctx, config): """ Deploy rook-ceph cluster tasks: - kubeadm: - rook: branch: wip-foo spec: mon: count: 1 The spec item is deep-merged against the cluster.yaml. The branch, sha1, or image items are used to determine the Ceph container image. """ if not config: config = {} assert isinstance(config, dict), \ "task only supports a dictionary for configuration" log.info('Rook start') overrides = ctx.config.get('overrides', {}) teuthology.deep_merge(config, overrides.get('ceph', {})) teuthology.deep_merge(config, overrides.get('rook', {})) log.info('Config: ' + str(config)) # set up cluster context if not hasattr(ctx, 'rook'): ctx.rook = {} if 'cluster' not in config: config['cluster'] = 'ceph' cluster_name = config['cluster'] if cluster_name not in ctx.rook: ctx.rook[cluster_name] = argparse.Namespace() ctx.rook[cluster_name].remote = list(ctx.cluster.remotes.keys())[0] # image teuth_defaults = teuth_config.get('defaults', {}) cephadm_defaults = teuth_defaults.get('cephadm', {}) containers_defaults = cephadm_defaults.get('containers', {}) container_image_name = containers_defaults.get('image', None) if 'image' in config: ctx.rook[cluster_name].image = config.get('image') else: sha1 = config.get('sha1') flavor = config.get('flavor', 'default') if sha1: if flavor == "crimson": ctx.rook[cluster_name].image = container_image_name + ':' + sha1 + '-' + flavor else: ctx.rook[cluster_name].image = container_image_name + ':' + sha1 else: # hmm, fall back to branch? branch = config.get('branch', 'master') ctx.rook[cluster_name].image = container_image_name + ':' + branch log.info('Ceph image is %s' % ctx.rook[cluster_name].image) with contextutil.nested( lambda: rook_operator(ctx, config), lambda: ceph_log(ctx, config), lambda: rook_cluster(ctx, config), lambda: rook_toolbox(ctx, config), lambda: wait_for_orch(ctx, config), lambda: rook_post_config(ctx, config), lambda: wait_for_osds(ctx, config), lambda: ceph_config_keyring(ctx, config), lambda: ceph_clients(ctx, config), ): if not hasattr(ctx, 'managers'): ctx.managers = {} ctx.managers[cluster_name] = CephManager( ctx.rook[cluster_name].remote, ctx=ctx, logger=log.getChild('ceph_manager.' + cluster_name), cluster=cluster_name, rook=True, ) try: if config.get('wait-for-healthy', True): healthy(ctx=ctx, config=config) log.info('Rook complete, yielding') yield finally: log.info('Tearing down rook')