import argparse import httplib2 import json import logging import subprocess import urllib import yaml import re import collections from teuthology import misc as teuthology log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _lock_url(ctx): return ctx.teuthology_config['lock_server'] def send_request(method, url, body=None, headers=None): http = httplib2.Http() resp, content = http.request(url, method=method, body=body, headers=headers) if resp.status == 200: return (True, content, resp.status)"%s request to '%s' with body '%s' failed with response code %d", method, url, body, resp.status) return (False, None, resp.status) def lock_many(ctx, num, machinetype, user=None, description=None): if user is None: user = teuthology.get_user() success, content, status = send_request('POST', _lock_url(ctx), urllib.urlencode(dict(user=user, num=num, machinetype=machinetype))) if success: machines = json.loads(content) log.debug('locked {machines}'.format(machines=', '.join(machines.keys()))) if description is not None: log.debug('Setting locked machine descriptions to %s', description) for m in machines.keys(): update_lock(ctx, m, description) return machines if status == 503: log.error('Insufficient nodes available to lock %d nodes.', num) else: log.error('Could not lock %d nodes, reason: unknown.', num) return [] def lock(ctx, name, user=None): if user is None: user = teuthology.get_user() success, _, _ = send_request('POST', _lock_url(ctx) + '/' + name, urllib.urlencode(dict(user=user))) if success: log.debug('locked %s as %s', name, user) else: log.error('failed to lock %s', name) return success def unlock(ctx, name, user=None): if user is None: user = teuthology.get_user() success, _ , _ = send_request('DELETE', _lock_url(ctx) + '/' + name + '?' + \ urllib.urlencode(dict(user=user))) if success: log.debug('unlocked %s', name) else: log.error('failed to unlock %s', name) return success def get_status(ctx, name): success, content, _ = send_request('GET', _lock_url(ctx) + '/' + name) if success: return json.loads(content) return None def list_locks(ctx): success, content, _ = send_request('GET', _lock_url(ctx)) if success: return json.loads(content) return None def update_lock(ctx, name, description=None, status=None, sshpubkey=None): updated = {} if description is not None: updated['desc'] = description if status is not None: updated['status'] = status if sshpubkey is not None: updated['sshpubkey'] = sshpubkey if updated: success, _, _ = send_request('PUT', _lock_url(ctx) + '/' + name, body=urllib.urlencode(updated), headers={'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}) return success return True def _positive_int(string): value = int(string) if value < 1: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError( '{string} is not positive'.format(string=string)) return value def canonicalize_hostname(s): if re.match('ubuntu@.*\.front\.sepia\.ceph\.com', s) is None: s = 'ubuntu@' + s + '' return s def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=""" Lock, unlock, or query lock status of machines. """) parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help='be more verbose', ) group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group.add_argument( '--list', action='store_true', default=False, help='Show lock info for machines owned by you, or only machines specified. Can be restricted by --owner, --status, and --locked.', ) group.add_argument( '--list-targets', action='store_true', default=False, help='Show lock info for all machines, or only machines specified, in targets: yaml format. Can be restricted by --owner, --status, and --locked.', ) group.add_argument( '--lock', action='store_true', default=False, help='lock particular machines', ) group.add_argument( '--unlock', action='store_true', default=False, help='unlock particular machines', ) group.add_argument( '--lock-many', dest='num_to_lock', type=_positive_int, help='lock this many machines', ) group.add_argument( '--update', action='store_true', default=False, help='update the description or status of some machines', ) group.add_argument( '--summary', action='store_true', default=False, help='summarize locked-machine counts by owner', ) parser.add_argument( '-a', '--all', action='store_true', default=False, help='list all machines, not just those owned by you', ) parser.add_argument( '--owner', default=None, help='owner of the lock(s) (must match to unlock a machine)', ) parser.add_argument( '-f', action='store_true', default=False, help='don\'t exit after the first error, continue locking or unlocking other machines', ) parser.add_argument( '--desc', default=None, help='lock description', ) parser.add_argument( '--desc-pattern', default=None, help='lock description', ) parser.add_argument( '--machine-type', default='plana', help='Type of machine to lock', ) parser.add_argument( '--status', default=None, choices=['up', 'down'], help='whether a machine is usable for testing', ) parser.add_argument( '--locked', default=None, choices=['true', 'false'], help='whether a machine is locked', ) parser.add_argument( '--brief', action='store_true', default=False, help='Shorten information reported from --list', ) parser.add_argument( '-t', '--targets', dest='targets', default=None, help='input yaml containing targets', ) parser.add_argument( 'machines', metavar='MACHINE', default=[], nargs='*', help='machines to operate on', ) ctx = parser.parse_args() loglevel = logging.ERROR if ctx.verbose: loglevel = logging.DEBUG logging.basicConfig( level=loglevel, ) teuthology.read_config(ctx) ret = 0 user = ctx.owner machines = [canonicalize_hostname(m) for m in ctx.machines] machines_to_update = [] if ctx.targets: try: with file(ctx.targets) as f: g = yaml.safe_load_all(f) for new in g: if 'targets' in new: for t in new['targets'].iterkeys(): machines.append(t) except IOError, e: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(str(e)) if ctx.f: assert ctx.lock or ctx.unlock, \ '-f is only supported by --lock and --unlock' if machines: assert ctx.lock or ctx.unlock or ctx.list or ctx.list_targets \ or ctx.update, \ 'machines cannot be specified with that operation' else: assert ctx.num_to_lock or ctx.list or ctx.list_targets or ctx.summary,\ 'machines must be specified for that operation' if ctx.all: assert ctx.list or ctx.list_targets, \ '--all can only be used with --list and --list-targets' assert ctx.owner is None, \ '--all and --owner are mutually exclusive' assert not machines, \ '--all and listing specific machines are incompatible' if ctx.brief: assert ctx.list, '--brief only applies to --list' if ctx.list or ctx.list_targets: assert ctx.desc is None, '--desc does nothing with --list' if machines: statuses = [get_status(ctx, machine) for machine in machines] else: statuses = list_locks(ctx) if statuses: if not machines and ctx.owner is None and not ctx.all: ctx.owner = teuthology.get_user() if ctx.owner is not None: statuses = [status for status in statuses \ if status['locked_by'] == ctx.owner] if ctx.status is not None: statuses = [status for status in statuses \ if status['up'] == (ctx.status == 'up')] if ctx.locked is not None: statuses = [status for status in statuses \ if status['locked'] == (ctx.locked == 'true')] if ctx.desc is not None: statuses = [status for status in statuses \ if status['description'] == ctx.desc] if ctx.desc_pattern is not None: statuses = [status for status in statuses \ if status['description'].find(ctx.desc_pattern) >= 0] if ctx.list: if ctx.brief: for s in statuses: locked = "un" if s['locked'] == 0 else " " mo = re.match('\w+@(\w+?)\..*', s['name']) host = if mo else s['name'] print '{host} {locked}locked {owner} "{desc}"'.format( locked = locked, host = host, owner=s['locked_by'], desc=s['description']) else: print json.dumps(statuses, indent=4) else: frag = { 'targets': {} } for f in statuses: frag['targets'][f['name']] = f['sshpubkey'] print yaml.safe_dump(frag, default_flow_style=False) else: log.error('error retrieving lock statuses') ret = 1 elif ctx.summary: do_summary(ctx) return 0 elif ctx.lock: for machine in machines: if not lock(ctx, machine, user): ret = 1 if not ctx.f: return ret else: machines_to_update.append(machine) elif ctx.unlock: for machine in machines: if not unlock(ctx, machine, user): ret = 1 if not ctx.f: return ret else: machines_to_update.append(machine) elif ctx.num_to_lock: result = lock_many(ctx, ctx.num_to_lock, ctx.machine_type, user) if not result: ret = 1 else: machines_to_update = result.keys() print yaml.safe_dump(dict(targets=result), default_flow_style=False) elif ctx.update: assert ctx.desc is not None or ctx.status is not None, \ 'you must specify description or status to update' assert ctx.owner is None, 'only description and status may be updated' machines_to_update = machines if ctx.desc is not None or ctx.status is not None: for machine in machines_to_update: update_lock(ctx, machine, ctx.desc, ctx.status) return ret def update_hostkeys(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=""" Update any hostkeys that have changed. You can list specific machines to run on, or use -a to check all of them automatically. """) parser.add_argument( '-t', '--targets', default=None, help='input yaml containing targets to check', ) parser.add_argument( 'machines', metavar='MACHINES', default=[], nargs='*', help='hosts to check for updated keys', ) parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help='be more verbose', ) parser.add_argument( '-a', '--all', action='store_true', default=False, help='update hostkeys of all machines in the db', ) ctx = parser.parse_args() loglevel = logging.ERROR if ctx.verbose: loglevel = logging.DEBUG logging.basicConfig( level=loglevel, ) teuthology.read_config(ctx) assert ctx.all or ctx.targets or ctx.machines, 'You must specify machines to update' if ctx.all: assert not ctx.targets and not ctx.machines, \ 'You can\'t specify machines with the --all option' machines = [canonicalize_hostname(m) for m in ctx.machines] if ctx.targets: try: with file(ctx.targets) as f: g = yaml.safe_load_all(f) for new in g: if 'targets' in new: for t in new['targets'].iterkeys(): machines.append(t) except IOError, e: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(str(e)) locks = list_locks(ctx) current_locks = {} for lock in locks: current_locks[lock['name']] = lock if ctx.all: machines = current_locks.keys() for i, machine in enumerate(machines): if '@' in machine: _, machines[i] = machine.rsplit('@') args = ['ssh-keyscan'] args.extend(machines) p = subprocess.Popen( args=args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ) out, _ = p.communicate() assert p.returncode == 0, 'ssh-keyscan failed' ret = 0 for key_entry in out.splitlines(): hostname, pubkey = key_entry.split(' ', 1) # TODO: separate out user full_name = 'ubuntu@{host}'.format(host=hostname)'Checking %s', full_name) assert full_name in current_locks, 'host is not in the database!' if current_locks[full_name]['sshpubkey'] != pubkey:'New key found. Updating...') if not update_lock(ctx, full_name, sshpubkey=pubkey): log.error('failed to update %s!', full_name) ret = 1 return ret def do_summary(ctx): lockd = collections.defaultdict(lambda: [0,0,'unknown']) for l in list_locks(ctx): who = l['locked_by'] if l['locked'] == 1 else '(free)', l['type'] lockd[who][0] += 1 lockd[who][1] += l['up'] # up is 1 or 0 lockd[who][2] = l['type'] locks = sorted([p for p in lockd.iteritems()], key=lambda sort: (sort[1][2],sort[1][0])) total_count, total_up = 0, 0 print "TYPE COUNT UP OWNER" for (owner, (count, upcount, machinetype)) in locks: #if machinetype == spectype: print "{machinetype:8s} {count:3d} {up:3d} {owner}".format(count = count, up = upcount, owner = owner[0], machinetype=machinetype) total_count += count total_up += upcount print " --- ---" print "{cnt:12d} {up:3d}".format(cnt = total_count, up = total_up)