osd === .. graphviz:: digraph osd { node [shape = doublecircle]; "start" "end"; node [shape = circle]; start -> preboot; waiting_for_healthy [label = "waiting\nfor\nhealthy"]; waiting_for_healthy -> waiting_for_healthy [label = "tick"]; waiting_for_healthy -> preboot [label = "i am healthy!"]; preboot -> booting [label = "send(MOSDBoot)"]; booting -> active [label = "recv(osdmap)"]; active -> prestop [label = "stop()"]; active -> preboot [label = "recv(osdmap)"]; active -> end [label = "kill(SIGINT)"]; active -> waiting_for_healthy [label = "i am unhealthy!"] prestop -> end [label = "recv(osdmap)"]; } .. describe:: waiting_for_healthy If an OSD daemon is able to connected to its heartbeat peers, and its own internal hearbeat does not fail, it is considered healthy. Otherwise, it puts itself in the state of `waiting_for_healthy`, and check its own reachability and internal heartbeat periodically. .. describe:: preboot OSD sends an `MOSDBoot` message to the connected monitor to inform the cluster that it's ready to serve, so that the quorum can mark it `up` in the osdmap. .. describe:: booting Before being marked as `up`, an OSD has to stay in its `booting` state. .. describe:: active Upon receiving an osdmap marking the OSD as `up`, it transits to `active` state. After that, it is entitled to do its business. But the OSD service can be fully stopped or suspended due to various reasons. For instance, the osd services can be stopped by administrator manually, or marked `stop` in the osdmap. Or any of its IP addresses does not match with the corresponding one configured in osdmap, it transits to `preboot` if it considers itself healthy. .. describe:: prestop The OSD transits to `prestop` unconditionally upon request of `stop`. But before bidding us farewell, it tries to get the acknowledge from the monitor by sending an `MOSDMarkMeDown`, and waiting for an response of updated osdmap or another `MOSDMarkMeDown` message.