============== Installation ============== The Ceph Object Store is the foundation of all Ceph clusters, and it consists primarily of two types of daemons: Object Storage Daemons (OSDs) and monitors. The Ceph Object Store is based upon the concept of :abbr:`RADOS (Reliable Autonomic Distributed Object Store)`, which eliminates single points of failure and delivers infinite scalability. For details on the architecture of Ceph and RADOS, refer to `Ceph Architecture`_. All Ceph deployments have OSDs and monitors, so you should prepare your Ceph cluster by focusing first on the object storage cluster. .. raw:: html


To begin using Ceph in production, you should review our hardware recommendations and operating system recommendations. Many of the frequently-asked questions in our mailing list involve hardware-related questions and how to install Ceph on various distributions. .. toctree:: Hardware Recommendations OS Recommendations .. raw:: html


If you are deploying a Ceph cluster (that is, not developing Ceph), install Ceph using our stable release packages. For testing, you may install development release and testing packages. .. toctree:: Installing Debian/Ubuntu Packages Installing RPM Packages .. raw:: html

Building Ceph from Source

You can build Ceph from source by downloading a release or cloning the ``ceph`` repository at github. If you intend to build Ceph from source, please see the build pre-requisites first. Making sure you have all the pre-requisites will save you time. .. toctree:: Prerequisites Get a Tarball Set Up Git Clone the Source Build the Source Install CPU Profiler Build a Package Contributing Code .. raw:: html
.. _Ceph Architecture: ../architecture/