from cStringIO import StringIO import os import logging import configobj import getpass import socket import tarfile import time import urllib2 import urlparse import yaml import json from teuthology import safepath from .orchestra import run log = logging.getLogger(__name__) import datetime stamp ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") def get_testdir(ctx): if 'test_path' in ctx.teuthology_config: return ctx.teuthology_config['test_path'] basedir = ctx.teuthology_config.get('base_test_dir', '/tmp/cephtest') if hasattr(ctx, 'name') and log.debug('with name basedir: {b}'.format(b=basedir)) return '{basedir}/{rundir}'.format( basedir=basedir,':','-'), # : breaks the $PATH list ) else: log.debug('basedir: {b}'.format(b=basedir)) return '{basedir}/{user}-{stamp}'.format( basedir=basedir, user=get_user(), stamp=stamp) def get_testdir_base(ctx): if 'test_path' in ctx.teuthology_config: return ctx.teuthology_config['test_path'] return ctx.teuthology_config.get('base_test_dir', '/tmp/cephtest') def get_ceph_binary_url(package=None, branch=None, tag=None, sha1=None, dist=None, flavor=None, format=None, arch=None): BASE = '{package}-{format}-{dist}-{arch}-{flavor}/'.format( package=package, flavor=flavor, arch=arch, format=format, dist=dist ) if sha1 is not None: assert branch is None, "cannot set both sha1 and branch" assert tag is None, "cannot set both sha1 and tag" else: # gitbuilder uses remote-style ref names for branches, mangled to # have underscores instead of slashes; e.g. origin_master if tag is not None: ref = tag assert branch is None, "cannot set both branch and tag" else: if branch is None: branch = 'master' ref = branch sha1_url = urlparse.urljoin(BASE, 'ref/{ref}/sha1'.format(ref=ref)) log.debug('Translating ref to sha1 using url %s', sha1_url) try: sha1_fp = urllib2.urlopen(sha1_url) sha1 ='\n') sha1_fp.close() except urllib2.HTTPError as e: log.error('Failed to get url %s', sha1_url) raise e log.debug('Using %s %s sha1 %s', package, format, sha1) bindir_url = urlparse.urljoin(BASE, 'sha1/{sha1}/'.format(sha1=sha1)) return (sha1, bindir_url) def feed_many_stdins(fp, processes): while True: data = if not data: break for proc in processes: proc.stdin.write(data) def feed_many_stdins_and_close(fp, processes): feed_many_stdins(fp, processes) for proc in processes: proc.stdin.close() def get_mons(roles, ips): mons = {} mon_ports = {} mon_id = 0 for idx, roles in enumerate(roles): for role in roles: if not role.startswith('mon.'): continue if ips[idx] not in mon_ports: mon_ports[ips[idx]] = 6789 else: mon_ports[ips[idx]] += 1 addr = '{ip}:{port}'.format( ip=ips[idx], port=mon_ports[ips[idx]], ) mon_id += 1 mons[role] = addr assert mons return mons def generate_caps(type_): defaults = dict( osd=dict( mon='allow *', osd='allow *', ), mds=dict( mon='allow *', osd='allow *', mds='allow', ), client=dict( mon='allow rw', osd='allow rwx pool data, allow rwx pool rbd, allow rwx pool newpool', mds='allow', ), ) for subsystem, capability in defaults[type_].items(): yield '--cap' yield subsystem yield capability def skeleton_config(ctx, roles, ips): """ Returns a ConfigObj that's prefilled with a skeleton config. Use conf[section][key]=value or conf.merge to change it. Use conf.write to write it out, override .filename first if you want. """ path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'ceph.conf.template') t = open(path, 'r') skconf = conf = configobj.ConfigObj(StringIO(skconf), file_error=True) mons = get_mons(roles=roles, ips=ips) for role, addr in mons.iteritems(): conf.setdefault(role, {}) conf[role]['mon addr'] = addr # set up standby mds's for roles_subset in roles: for role in roles_subset: if role.startswith('mds.'): conf.setdefault(role, {}) if role.find('-s-') != -1: standby_mds = role[role.find('-s-')+3:] conf[role]['mds standby for name'] = standby_mds return conf def roles_of_type(roles_for_host, type_): prefix = '{type}.'.format(type=type_) for name in roles_for_host: if not name.startswith(prefix): continue id_ = name[len(prefix):] yield id_ def all_roles(cluster): for _, roles_for_host in cluster.remotes.iteritems(): for name in roles_for_host: yield name def all_roles_of_type(cluster, type_): prefix = '{type}.'.format(type=type_) for _, roles_for_host in cluster.remotes.iteritems(): for name in roles_for_host: if not name.startswith(prefix): continue id_ = name[len(prefix):] yield id_ def is_type(type_): """ Returns a matcher function for whether role is of type given. """ prefix = '{type}.'.format(type=type_) def _is_type(role): return role.startswith(prefix) return _is_type def num_instances_of_type(cluster, type_): remotes_and_roles = cluster.remotes.items() roles = [roles for (remote, roles) in remotes_and_roles] prefix = '{type}.'.format(type=type_) num = sum(sum(1 for role in hostroles if role.startswith(prefix)) for hostroles in roles) return num def create_simple_monmap(ctx, remote, conf): """ Writes a simple monmap based on current ceph.conf into /monmap. Assumes ceph_conf is up to date. Assumes mon sections are named "mon.*", with the dot. """ def gen_addresses(): for section, data in conf.iteritems(): PREFIX = 'mon.' if not section.startswith(PREFIX): continue name = section[len(PREFIX):] addr = data['mon addr'] yield (name, addr) addresses = list(gen_addresses()) assert addresses, "There are no monitors in config!" log.debug('Ceph mon addresses: %s', addresses) testdir = get_testdir(ctx) args = [ '{tdir}/enable-coredump'.format(tdir=testdir), 'ceph-coverage', '{tdir}/archive/coverage'.format(tdir=testdir), 'monmaptool', '--create', '--clobber', ] for (name, addr) in addresses: args.extend(('--add', name, addr)) args.extend([ '--print', '{tdir}/monmap'.format(tdir=testdir), ]) args=args, ) def write_file(remote, path, data): args=[ 'python', '-c', 'import shutil, sys; shutil.copyfileobj(sys.stdin, file(sys.argv[1], "wb"))', path, ], stdin=data, ) def sudo_write_file(remote, path, data, perms=None): permargs = [] if perms: permargs=[run.Raw('&&'), 'sudo', 'chmod', perms, path] args=[ 'sudo', 'python', '-c', 'import shutil, sys; shutil.copyfileobj(sys.stdin, file(sys.argv[1], "wb"))', path, ] + permargs, stdin=data, ) def get_file(remote, path, sudo=False): """ Read a file from remote host into memory. """ args = [] if sudo: args.append('sudo') args.extend([ 'cat', '--', path, ]) proc = args=args, stdout=StringIO(), ) data = proc.stdout.getvalue() return data def pull_directory(remote, remotedir, localdir): """ Copy a remote directory to a local directory. """ log.debug('Transferring archived files from %s:%s to %s', remote.shortname, remotedir, localdir) if not os.path.exists(localdir): os.mkdir(localdir) proc = args=[ 'sudo', 'tar', 'c', '-f', '-', '-C', remotedir, '--', '.', ], stdout=run.PIPE, wait=False, ) tar ='r|', fileobj=proc.stdout) while True: ti = if ti is None: break if ti.isdir(): # ignore silently; easier to just create leading dirs below pass elif ti.isfile(): sub = safepath.munge( safepath.makedirs(root=localdir, path=os.path.dirname(sub)) tar.makefile(ti, targetpath=os.path.join(localdir, sub)) else: if ti.isdev(): type_ = 'device' elif ti.issym(): type_ = 'symlink' elif ti.islnk(): type_ = 'hard link' else: type_ = 'unknown''Ignoring tar entry: %r type %r',, type_) continue proc.exitstatus.get() def pull_directory_tarball(remote, remotedir, localfile): """ Copy a remote directory to a local tarball. """ log.debug('Transferring archived files from %s:%s to %s', remote.shortname, remotedir, localfile) out = open(localfile, 'w') proc = args=[ 'sudo', 'tar', 'cz', '-f', '-', '-C', remotedir, '--', '.', ], stdout=out, wait=False, ) proc.exitstatus.get() # returns map of devices to device id links: # /dev/sdb: /dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0xf00bad def get_wwn_id_map(remote, devs): stdout = None try: r = args=[ 'ls', '-l', '/dev/disk/by-id/wwn-*', ], stdout=StringIO(), ) stdout = r.stdout.getvalue() except: log.error('Failed to get wwn devices! Using /dev/sd* devices...') return dict((d,d) for d in devs) devmap = {} # lines will be: # lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Jan 22 14:58 /dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x50014ee002ddecaf -> ../../sdb for line in stdout.splitlines(): comps = line.split(' ') # comps[-1] should be: # ../../sdb rdev = comps[-1] # translate to /dev/sdb dev='/dev/{d}'.format(d=rdev.split('/')[-1]) # comps[-3] should be: # /dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x50014ee002ddecaf iddev = comps[-3] if dev in devs: devmap[dev] = iddev return devmap def get_scratch_devices(remote): """ Read the scratch disk list from remote host """ devs = [] try: file_data = get_file(remote, "/scratch_devs") devs = file_data.split() except: r = args=['ls', run.Raw('/dev/[sv]d?')], stdout=StringIO() ) devs = r.stdout.getvalue().split('\n') log.debug('devs={d}'.format(d=devs)) retval = [] for dev in devs: try: args=[ # node exists 'stat', dev, run.Raw('&&'), # readable 'sudo', 'dd', 'if=%s' % dev, 'of=/dev/null', 'count=1', run.Raw('&&'), # not mounted run.Raw('!'), 'mount', run.Raw('|'), 'grep', '-q', dev, ] ) retval.append(dev) except: pass return retval def wait_until_healthy(ctx, remote): """Wait until a Ceph cluster is healthy.""" testdir = get_testdir(ctx) while True: r = args=[ '{tdir}/enable-coredump'.format(tdir=testdir), 'ceph-coverage', '{tdir}/archive/coverage'.format(tdir=testdir), 'ceph', 'health', '--concise', ], stdout=StringIO(), logger=log.getChild('health'), ) out = r.stdout.getvalue() log.debug('Ceph health: %s', out.rstrip('\n')) if out.split(None, 1)[0] == 'HEALTH_OK': break time.sleep(1) def wait_until_osds_up(ctx, cluster, remote): """Wait until all Ceph OSDs are booted.""" num_osds = num_instances_of_type(cluster, 'osd') testdir = get_testdir(ctx) while True: r = args=[ '{tdir}/enable-coredump'.format(tdir=testdir), 'ceph-coverage', '{tdir}/archive/coverage'.format(tdir=testdir), 'ceph', '--concise', 'osd', 'dump', '--format=json' ], stdout=StringIO(), logger=log.getChild('health'), ) out = r.stdout.getvalue() j = json.loads('\n'.join(out.split('\n')[1:])) up = len(j['osds']) log.debug('%d of %d OSDs are up' % (up, num_osds)) if up == num_osds: break time.sleep(1) def wait_until_fuse_mounted(remote, fuse, mountpoint): while True: proc = args=[ 'stat', '--file-system', '--printf=%T\n', '--', mountpoint, ], stdout=StringIO(), ) fstype = proc.stdout.getvalue().rstrip('\n') if fstype == 'fuseblk': break log.debug('ceph-fuse not yet mounted, got fs type {fstype!r}'.format(fstype=fstype)) # it shouldn't have exited yet; exposes some trivial problems assert not fuse.exitstatus.ready() time.sleep(5)'ceph-fuse is mounted on %s', mountpoint) def reconnect(ctx, timeout, remotes=None): """ Connect to all the machines in ctx.cluster. Presumably, some of them won't be up. Handle this by waiting for them, unless the wait time exceeds the specified timeout. ctx needs to contain the cluster of machines you wish it to try and connect to, as well as a config holding the ssh keys for each of them. As long as it contains this data, you can construct a context that is a subset of your full cluster. """'Re-opening connections...') starttime = time.time() if remotes: need_reconnect = remotes else: need_reconnect = ctx.cluster.remotes.keys() for r in need_reconnect: r.ssh.close() while need_reconnect: for remote in need_reconnect: try:'trying to connect to %s', from .orchestra import connection remote.ssh = connection.connect(, host_key=ctx.config['targets'][], keep_alive=True, ) except Exception: if time.time() - starttime > timeout: raise else: need_reconnect.remove(remote) log.debug('waited {elapsed}'.format(elapsed=str(time.time() - starttime))) time.sleep(1) def write_secret_file(ctx, remote, role, keyring, filename): testdir = get_testdir(ctx) args=[ '{tdir}/enable-coredump'.format(tdir=testdir), 'ceph-coverage', '{tdir}/archive/coverage'.format(tdir=testdir), 'ceph-authtool', '--name={role}'.format(role=role), '--print-key', keyring, run.Raw('>'), filename, ], ) def get_clients(ctx, roles): for role in roles: assert isinstance(role, basestring) PREFIX = 'client.' assert role.startswith(PREFIX) id_ = role[len(PREFIX):] (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(role).remotes.iterkeys() yield (id_, remote) def get_user(): return getpass.getuser() + '@' + socket.gethostname() def read_config(ctx): filename = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.teuthology.yaml') ctx.teuthology_config = {} with file(filename) as f: g = yaml.safe_load_all(f) for new in g: ctx.teuthology_config.update(new) def get_mon_names(ctx): mons = [] for remote, roles in ctx.cluster.remotes.items(): for role in roles: if not role.startswith('mon.'): continue mons.append(role) return mons # return the "first" mon (alphanumerically, for lack of anything better) def get_first_mon(ctx, config): firstmon = sorted(get_mon_names(ctx))[0] assert firstmon return firstmon def replace_all_with_clients(cluster, config): """ Converts a dict containing a key all to one mapping all clients to the value of config['all'] """ assert isinstance(config, dict), 'config must be a dict' if 'all' not in config: return config norm_config = {} assert len(config) == 1, \ "config cannot have 'all' and specific clients listed" for client in all_roles_of_type(cluster, 'client'): norm_config['client.{id}'.format(id=client)] = config['all'] return norm_config def deep_merge(a, b): if a is None: return b if b is None: return a if isinstance(a, list): assert isinstance(b, list) a.extend(b) return a if isinstance(a, dict): assert isinstance(b, dict) for (k, v) in b.iteritems(): if k in a: a[k] = deep_merge(a[k], v) else: a[k] = v return a return b def get_valgrind_args(testdir, name, v): if v is None: return [] if not isinstance(v, list): v = [v] val_path = '/var/log/ceph/valgrind'.format(tdir=testdir) if '--tool=memcheck' in v or '--tool=helgrind' in v: extra_args = [ '{tdir}/chdir-coredump'.format(tdir=testdir), 'valgrind', '--suppressions={tdir}/valgrind.supp'.format(tdir=testdir), '--xml=yes', '--xml-file={vdir}/{n}.log'.format(vdir=val_path, n=name) ] else: extra_args = [ '{tdir}/chdir-coredump'.format(tdir=testdir), 'valgrind', '--suppressions={tdir}/valgrind.supp'.format(tdir=testdir), '--log-file={vdir}/{n}.log'.format(vdir=val_path, n=name) ] extra_args.extend(v) log.debug('running %s under valgrind with args %s', name, extra_args) return extra_args