:orphan: =================================================================== ceph-disk -- Ceph disk utility for OSD =================================================================== .. program:: ceph-disk Synopsis ======== | **ceph-disk** **prepare** [--cluster *clustername*] [--cluster-uuid *uuid*] [--fs-type *xfs|ext4|btrfs*] [*data-path*] [*journal-path*] | **ceph-disk** **activate** [*data-path*] [--activate-key *path*] [--mark-init *sysvinit|upstart|systemd|auto|none*] [--no-start-daemon] [--reactivate] | **ceph-disk** **activate-all** | **ceph-disk** **list** | **ceph-disk** **deactivate** [--cluster *clustername*] [*device-path*] [--deactivate-by-id *id*] [--mark-out] | **ceph-disk** **destroy** [--cluster *clustername*] [*device-path*] [--destroy-by-id *id*] [--dmcrypt-key-dir *KEYDIR*] [--zap] Description =========== :program:`ceph-disk` is a utility that can prepare and activate a disk, partition or directory as a Ceph OSD. It is run directly or triggered by :program:`ceph-deploy` or ``udev``. It can also be triggered by other deployment utilities like ``Chef``, ``Juju``, ``Puppet`` etc. It actually automates the multiple steps involved in manual creation and start of an OSD into two steps of preparing and activating the OSD by using the subcommands ``prepare`` and ``activate``. :program:`ceph-disk` also automates the multiple steps involved to manually stop and destroy an OSD into two steps of deactivating and destroying the OSD by using the subcommands ``deactivate`` and ``destroy``. Subcommands ============ prepare -------- Prepare a directory, disk for a Ceph OSD. It creates a GPT partition, marks the partition with Ceph type ``uuid``, creates a file system, marks the file system as ready for Ceph consumption, uses entire partition and adds a new partition to the journal disk. It is run directly or triggered by :program:`ceph-deploy`. Usage:: ceph-disk prepare --cluster [cluster-name] --cluster-uuid [uuid] --fs-type [ext4|xfs|btrfs] [data-path] [journal-path] Other options like :option:`--osd-uuid`, :option:`--journal-uuid`, :option:`--zap-disk`, :option:`--data-dir`, :option:`--data-dev`, :option:`--journal-file`, :option:`--journal-dev`, :option:`--dmcrypt` and :option:`--dmcrypt-key-dir` can also be used with the subcommand. activate -------- Activate the Ceph OSD. It mounts the volume in a temporary location, allocates an OSD id (if needed), remounts in the correct location ``/var/lib/ceph/osd/$cluster-$id`` and starts ceph-osd. It is triggered by ``udev`` when it sees the OSD GPT partition type or on ceph service start with ``ceph disk activate-all``. It is also run directly or triggered by :program:`ceph-deploy`. Usage:: ceph-disk activate [PATH] Here, [PATH] is path to a block device or a directory. An additional option :option:`--activate-key` has to be used with this subcommand when a copy of ``/var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-osd/{cluster}.keyring`` isn't present in the OSD node. Usage:: ceph-disk activate [PATH] [--activate-key PATH] Another option :option:`--mark-init` can also be used with this subcommand. ``--mark-init`` provides init system to manage the OSD directory. It defaults to ``auto`` which detects the init system suitable for ceph (either ``sysvinit``, ``systemd`` or ``upstart``). The argument can be used to override the init system. It may be convenient when an operating system supports multiple init systems, such as Debian GNU/Linux jessie with ``systemd`` and ``sysvinit``. If the argument is ``none``, the OSD is not marked with any init system and ``ceph-disk activate`` needs to be called explicitely after each reboot. Usage:: ceph-disk activate [PATH] [--mark-init *sysvinit|upstart|systemd|auto|none*] If the option :option:`--no-start-daemon` is given, the activation steps are performed but the OSD daemon is not started. The latest option :option:`--reactivate` can re-activate the OSD which has been deactivated with the ``deactivate`` subcommand. Usage:: ceph-disk activate [PATH] [--reactivate] activate-journal ---------------- Activate an OSD via it's journal device. ``udev`` triggers ``ceph-disk activate-journal `` based on the partition type. Usage:: ceph-disk activate-journal [DEV] Here, [DEV] is the path to a journal block device. Others options like :option:`--activate-key` and :option:`--mark-init` can also be used with this subcommand. ``--mark-init`` provides init system to manage the OSD directory. Usage:: ceph-disk activate-journal [--activate-key PATH] [--mark-init INITSYSTEM] [DEV] activate-all ------------ Activate all tagged OSD partitions. ``activate-all`` relies on ``/dev/disk/by-parttype-uuid/$typeuuid.$uuid`` to find all partitions. Special ``udev`` rules are installed to create these links. It is triggered on ceph service start or run directly. Usage:: ceph-disk activate-all Others options like :option:`--activate-key` and :option:`--mark-init` can also be used with this subcommand. ``--mark-init`` provides init system to manage the OSD directory. Usage:: ceph-disk activate-all [--activate-key PATH] [--mark-init INITSYSTEM] list ---- List disk partitions and Ceph OSDs. It is run directly or triggered by :program:`ceph-deploy`. Usage:: ceph-disk list suppress-activate ----------------- Suppress activate on a device (prefix). Mark devices that you don't want to activate with a file like ``/var/lib/ceph/tmp/suppress-activate.sdb`` where the last bit is the sanitized device name (/dev/X without the /dev/ prefix). A function ``is_suppressed()`` checks for and matches a prefix (/dev/). It means suppressing sdb will stop activate on sdb1, sdb2, etc. Usage:: ceph-disk suppress-activate [PATH] Here, [PATH] is path to a block device or a directory. unsuppress-activate ------------------- Stop suppressing activate on a device (prefix). It is used to activate a device that was earlier kept deactivated using ``suppress-activate``. Usage:: ceph-disk unsuppress-activate [PATH] Here, [PATH] is path to a block device or a directory. deactivate ---------- Deactivate the Ceph OSD. It stops OSD daemon and optionally marks it out. The content of the OSD is left untouched but the *ready*, *active*, *INIT-specific* files are removed (so that it is not automatically re-activated by the ``udev`` rules) and the file deactive is created to remember the OSD is deactivated. If the OSD is dmcrypt, remove the data dmcrypt map. When deactivate finishes, the OSD is ``down``. A deactivated OSD can later be re-activated using the :option:`--reactivate` option of the ``activate`` subcommand. Usage:: ceph-disk deactivate [PATH] Here, [PATH] is a path to a block device or a directory. Another option :option:`--mark-out` can also be used with this subcommand. ``--mark-out`` marks the OSD out. The objects it contains will be remapped. If you are not sure you will destroy OSD, do not use this option. You can also use ``osd-id`` to deactivate an OSD with the option :option:`--deactivate-by-id`. Usage:: ceph-disk deactivate --deactivate-by-id [OSD-ID] destroy ------- Destroy the Ceph OSD. It removes the OSD from the cluster, the crushmap and deallocates OSD ID. It can only destroy an OSD which is *down*. Usage:: ceph-disk destroy [PATH] Here, [PATH] is a path to a block device or a directory. Another option :option:`--zap` can also be used with this subcommand. ``--zap`` will destroy the partition table and content of the disk. Usage:: ceph-disk destroy [PATH] [--zap] You can also use the id of an OSD instead of the path with the option :option:`--destroy-by-id`. Usage:: ceph-disk destroy --destroy-by-id [OSD-ID] zap --- Zap/erase/destroy a device's partition table and contents. It actually uses ``sgdisk`` and it's option ``--zap-all`` to destroy both GPT and MBR data structures so that the disk becomes suitable for repartitioning. ``sgdisk`` then uses ``--mbrtogpt`` to convert the MBR or BSD disklabel disk to a GPT disk. The ``prepare`` subcommand can now be executed which will create a new GPT partition. It is also run directly or triggered by :program:`ceph-deploy`. Usage:: ceph-disk zap [DEV] Here, [DEV] is path to a block device. Options ======= .. option:: --prepend-to-path PATH Prepend PATH to $PATH for backward compatibility (default ``/usr/bin``). .. option:: --statedir PATH Directory in which ceph configuration is preserved (default ``/usr/lib/ceph``). .. option:: --sysconfdir PATH Directory in which ceph configuration files are found (default ``/etc/ceph``). .. option:: --cluster Provide name of the ceph cluster in which the OSD is being prepared. .. option:: --cluster-uuid Provide uuid of the ceph cluster in which the OSD is being prepared. .. option:: --fs-type Provide the filesytem type for the OSD. e.g. ``xfs/ext4/btrfs``. .. option:: --osd-uuid Unique OSD uuid to assign to the disk. .. option:: --journal-uuid Unique uuid to assign to the journal. .. option:: --zap-disk Destroy the partition table and content of a disk. .. option:: --data-dir Verify that ``[data-path]`` is of a directory. .. option:: --data-dev Verify that ``[data-path]`` is of a block device. .. option:: --journal-file Verify that journal is a file. .. option:: --journal-dev Verify that journal is a block device. .. option:: --dmcrypt Encrypt ``[data-path]`` and/or journal devices with ``dm-crypt``. .. option:: --dmcrypt-key-dir Directory where ``dm-crypt`` keys are stored. Availability ============ :program:`ceph-disk` is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please refer to the Ceph documentation at http://ceph.com/docs for more information. See also ======== :doc:`ceph-osd `\(8), :doc:`ceph-deploy `\(8)