""" Handle osdfailsafe configuration settings (nearfull ratio and full ratio) """ from cStringIO import StringIO import logging import time from teuthology.orchestra import run from util.rados import rados from teuthology import misc as teuthology log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def task(ctx, config): """ Test handling of osd_failsafe_nearfull_ratio and osd_failsafe_full_ratio configuration settings In order for test to pass must use log-whitelist as follows tasks: - chef: - install: - ceph: log-whitelist: ['OSD near full', 'OSD full dropping all updates'] - osd_failsafe_enospc: """ if config is None: config = {} assert isinstance(config, dict), \ 'osd_failsafe_enospc task only accepts a dict for configuration' # Give 2 seconds for injectargs + osd_op_complaint_time (30) + 2 * osd_heartbeat_interval (6) + 6 padding sleep_time = 50 # something that is always there dummyfile = '/etc/fstab' dummyfile2 = '/etc/resolv.conf' manager = ctx.managers['ceph'] # create 1 pg pool with 1 rep which can only be on osd.0 osds = manager.get_osd_dump() for osd in osds: if osd['osd'] != 0: manager.mark_out_osd(osd['osd']) log.info('creating pool foo') manager.create_pool("foo") manager.raw_cluster_cmd('osd', 'pool', 'set', 'foo', 'size', '1') # State NONE -> NEAR log.info('1. Verify warning messages when exceeding nearfull_ratio') first_mon = teuthology.get_first_mon(ctx, config) (mon,) = ctx.cluster.only(first_mon).remotes.keys() proc = mon.run( args=[ 'sudo', 'daemon-helper', 'kill', 'ceph', '-w' ], stdin=run.PIPE, stdout=StringIO(), wait=False, ) manager.raw_cluster_cmd('tell', 'osd.0', 'injectargs', '--osd_failsafe_nearfull_ratio .00001') time.sleep(sleep_time) proc.stdin.close() # causes daemon-helper send SIGKILL to ceph -w proc.wait() lines = proc.stdout.getvalue().split('\n') count = len(filter(lambda line: '[WRN] OSD near full' in line, lines)) assert count == 2, 'Incorrect number of warning messages expected 2 got %d' % count count = len(filter(lambda line: '[ERR] OSD full dropping all updates' in line, lines)) assert count == 0, 'Incorrect number of error messages expected 0 got %d' % count # State NEAR -> FULL log.info('2. Verify error messages when exceeding full_ratio') proc = mon.run( args=[ 'sudo', 'daemon-helper', 'kill', 'ceph', '-w' ], stdin=run.PIPE, stdout=StringIO(), wait=False, ) manager.raw_cluster_cmd('tell', 'osd.0', 'injectargs', '--osd_failsafe_full_ratio .00001') time.sleep(sleep_time) proc.stdin.close() # causes daemon-helper send SIGKILL to ceph -w proc.wait() lines = proc.stdout.getvalue().split('\n') count = len(filter(lambda line: '[ERR] OSD full dropping all updates' in line, lines)) assert count == 2, 'Incorrect number of error messages expected 2 got %d' % count log.info('3. Verify write failure when exceeding full_ratio') # Write data should fail ret = rados(ctx, mon, ['-p', 'foo', 'put', 'newfile1', dummyfile]) assert ret != 0, 'Expected write failure but it succeeded with exit status 0' # Put back default manager.raw_cluster_cmd('tell', 'osd.0', 'injectargs', '--osd_failsafe_full_ratio .97') time.sleep(10) # State FULL -> NEAR log.info('4. Verify write success when NOT exceeding full_ratio') # Write should succeed ret = rados(ctx, mon, ['-p', 'foo', 'put', 'newfile2', dummyfile2]) assert ret == 0, 'Expected write to succeed, but got exit status %d' % ret log.info('5. Verify warning messages again when exceeding nearfull_ratio') proc = mon.run( args=[ 'sudo', 'daemon-helper', 'kill', 'ceph', '-w' ], stdin=run.PIPE, stdout=StringIO(), wait=False, ) time.sleep(sleep_time) proc.stdin.close() # causes daemon-helper send SIGKILL to ceph -w proc.wait() lines = proc.stdout.getvalue().split('\n') count = len(filter(lambda line: '[WRN] OSD near full' in line, lines)) assert count == 1 or count == 2, 'Incorrect number of warning messages expected 1 or 2 got %d' % count count = len(filter(lambda line: '[ERR] OSD full dropping all updates' in line, lines)) assert count == 0, 'Incorrect number of error messages expected 0 got %d' % count manager.raw_cluster_cmd('tell', 'osd.0', 'injectargs', '--osd_failsafe_nearfull_ratio .90') time.sleep(10) # State NONE -> FULL log.info('6. Verify error messages again when exceeding full_ratio') proc = mon.run( args=[ 'sudo', 'daemon-helper', 'kill', 'ceph', '-w' ], stdin=run.PIPE, stdout=StringIO(), wait=False, ) manager.raw_cluster_cmd('tell', 'osd.0', 'injectargs', '--osd_failsafe_full_ratio .00001') time.sleep(sleep_time) proc.stdin.close() # causes daemon-helper send SIGKILL to ceph -w proc.wait() lines = proc.stdout.getvalue().split('\n') count = len(filter(lambda line: '[WRN] OSD near full' in line, lines)) assert count == 0, 'Incorrect number of warning messages expected 0 got %d' % count count = len(filter(lambda line: '[ERR] OSD full dropping all updates' in line, lines)) assert count == 2, 'Incorrect number of error messages expected 2 got %d' % count # State FULL -> NONE log.info('7. Verify no messages settings back to default') manager.raw_cluster_cmd('tell', 'osd.0', 'injectargs', '--osd_failsafe_full_ratio .97') time.sleep(10) proc = mon.run( args=[ 'sudo', 'daemon-helper', 'kill', 'ceph', '-w' ], stdin=run.PIPE, stdout=StringIO(), wait=False, ) time.sleep(sleep_time) proc.stdin.close() # causes daemon-helper send SIGKILL to ceph -w proc.wait() lines = proc.stdout.getvalue().split('\n') count = len(filter(lambda line: '[WRN] OSD near full' in line, lines)) assert count == 0, 'Incorrect number of warning messages expected 0 got %d' % count count = len(filter(lambda line: '[ERR] OSD full dropping all updates' in line, lines)) assert count == 0, 'Incorrect number of error messages expected 0 got %d' % count log.info('Test Passed') # Bring all OSDs back in manager.remove_pool("foo") for osd in osds: if osd['osd'] != 0: manager.mark_in_osd(osd['osd'])