""" Calamari setup task """ import contextlib import logging import os import requests import shutil import subprocess import webbrowser from cStringIO import StringIO from teuthology.orchestra import run from teuthology import contextutil from teuthology import misc log = logging.getLogger(__name__) ICE_VERSION_DEFAULT = '1.2.2' @contextlib.contextmanager def task(ctx, config): """ Do the setup of a calamari server. - calamari_setup: version: 'v80.1' ice_tool_dir: iceball_location: Options are: version -- ceph version we are testing against (defaults to 80.1) ice_tool_dir -- optional local directory where ice-tool exists or will be loaded (defaults to src in home directory) ice_version -- version of ICE we're testing (with default) iceball_location -- Can be an HTTP URL, in which case fetch from this location, using 'ice_version' and distro information to select the right tarball. Can also be a local path. If local path is '.', and iceball is not already present, then we try to build an iceball using the ice_tool_dir commands. ice_git_location -- location of ice tool on git start_browser -- If True, start a browser. To be used by runs that will bring up a browser quickly for human use. Set to False for overnight suites that are testing for problems in the installation itself (defaults to False). email -- email address for the user (defaults to x@y.com) no_epel -- indicates if we should remove epel files prior to yum installations. Defaults to True. calamari_user -- user name to log into gui (defaults to admin) calamari_password -- calamari user password (defaults to admin) """ cal_svr = None start_browser = config.get('start_browser', False) no_epel = config.get('no_epel', True) for remote_, roles in ctx.cluster.remotes.items(): if 'client.0' in roles: cal_svr = remote_ break if not cal_svr: raise RuntimeError('client.0 not found in roles') with contextutil.nested( lambda: adjust_yum_repos(ctx, cal_svr, no_epel), lambda: calamari_install(config, cal_svr), lambda: ceph_install(ctx, cal_svr), lambda: calamari_connect(ctx, cal_svr), lambda: browser(start_browser, cal_svr.hostname), ): yield @contextlib.contextmanager def adjust_yum_repos(ctx, cal_svr, no_epel): """ For each remote machine, fix the repos if yum is used. """ ice_distro = str(cal_svr.os) if ice_distro.startswith('rhel') or ice_distro.startswith('centos'): if no_epel: for remote in ctx.cluster.remotes: fix_yum_repos(remote, ice_distro) try: yield finally: if ice_distro.startswith('rhel') or ice_distro.startswith('centos'): if no_epel: for remote in ctx.cluster.remotes: restore_yum_repos(remote) def restore_yum_repos(remote): """ Copy the old saved repo back in. """ if remote.run(args=['sudo', 'rm', '-rf', '/etc/yum.repos.d']).exitstatus: return False if remote.run(args=['sudo', 'mv', '/etc/yum.repos.d.old', '/etc/yum.repos.d']).exitstatus: return False def fix_yum_repos(remote, distro): """ For yum calamari installations, the repos.d directory should only contain a repo file named rhel.repo """ if distro.startswith('centos'): cmds = [ 'sudo mkdir /etc/yum.repos.d.old'.split(), ['sudo', 'cp', run.Raw('/etc/yum.repos.d/*'), '/etc/yum.repos.d.old'], ['sudo', 'rm', run.Raw('/etc/yum.repos.d/epel*')], ] for cmd in cmds: if remote.run(args=cmd).exitstatus: return False else: cmds = [ 'sudo mv /etc/yum.repos.d /etc/yum.repos.d.old'.split(), 'sudo mkdir /etc/yum.repos.d'.split(), ] for cmd in cmds: if remote.run(args=cmd).exitstatus: return False # map "distroversion" from Remote.os to a tuple of # (repo title, repo name descriptor, apt-mirror repo path chunk) yum_repo_params = { 'rhel 6.4': ('rhel6-server', 'RHEL', 'rhel6repo-server'), 'rhel 6.5': ('rhel6-server', 'RHEL', 'rhel6repo-server'), 'rhel 7.0': ('rhel7-server', 'RHEL', 'rhel7repo/server'), } repotitle, reponame, path = yum_repo_params[distro] repopath = '/etc/yum.repos.d/%s.repo' % repotitle # TO DO: Make this data configurable too repo_contents = '\n'.join( ('[%s]' % repotitle, 'name=%s $releasever - $basearch' % reponame, 'baseurl=http://apt-mirror.front.sepia.ceph.com/' + path, 'gpgcheck=0', 'enabled=1') ) misc.sudo_write_file(remote, repopath, repo_contents) cmds = [ 'sudo yum clean all'.split(), 'sudo yum makecache'.split(), ] for cmd in cmds: if remote.run(args=cmd).exitstatus: return False return True def get_iceball_with_http(urlbase, ice_version, ice_distro, destdir): ''' Copy iceball with http to destdir. Try both .tar.gz and .iso. ''' urlprefix = os.path.join(urlbase, '{ver}/ICE-{ver}-{distro}'.format( ver=ice_version, distro=ice_distro)) urls = [urlprefix + ext for ext in ('.tar.gz', '.iso')] # stream=True means we don't download until copyfileobj below, # and don't need a temp file for url in urls: r = requests.get(url, stream=True) if not r.ok: continue filename = os.path.join(destdir, url.split('/')[-1]) with open(filename, 'w') as f: shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, f) log.info('saved %s as %s' % (url, filename)) return filename raise RuntimeError("Failed to download %s", str(urls)) def create_iceball(ice_tool_dir, git_icetool_loc, ice_version, version, ice_distro): ice_tool_loc = os.path.join(ice_tool_dir, 'ice-tools') if not os.path.isdir(ice_tool_loc): try: subprocess.check_call(['git', 'clone', git_icetool_loc + os.sep + 'ice-tools.git', ice_tool_loc]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: raise RuntimeError('git clone of ice-tools failed') exec_ice = os.path.join(ice_tool_loc, 'teuth-virtenv/bin/make_iceball') try: subprocess.check_call('virtualenv teuth-virtenv'.split(), cwd=ice_tool_loc) subprocess.check_call( 'teuth-virtenv/bin/python setup.py develop'.split(), cwd=ice_tool_loc ) subprocess.check_call( 'teuth-virtenv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt'.split(), cwd=ice_tool_loc ) subprocess.check_call([exec_ice, '-I', ice_version, '-b', version, '-o', ice_distro]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: raise RuntimeError('%s failed for %s distro' % (exec_ice, ice_distro)) subprocess.check_call('rm -rf teuth-virtenv'.split(), cwd=ice_tool_loc) return os.path.join( ice_tool_loc, 'ICE-{0}-{1}.tar.gz'.format(ice_version, ice_distro) ) @contextlib.contextmanager def calamari_install(config, cal_svr): """ Install calamari The steps here are: -- Get the iceball, building it if necessary. -- Copy the iceball to the calamari server, and untar/mount it. -- Run ice-setup on the calamari server. -- Run calamari-ctl initialize. """ def translate_os_to_ice_distro(osname): convert = {'ubuntu12.04': 'precise', 'ubuntu14.04': 'trusty', 'rhel7.0': 'rhel7', 'debian7': 'wheezy'} ice_distro = osname.replace(' ', '') if ice_distro in convert: ice_distro = convert[ice_distro] return ice_distro ice_distro = translate_os_to_ice_distro(str(cal_svr.os)) client_id = str(cal_svr) at_loc = client_id.find('@') if at_loc > 0: client_id = client_id[at_loc + 1:] version = config.get('version', 'v0.80.1') email = config.get('email', 'x@x.com') ice_tool_dir = config.get('ice_tool_dir', '%s%s%s' % (os.environ['HOME'], os.sep, 'src')) calamari_user = config.get('calamari_user', 'admin') calamari_password = config.get('calamari_password', 'admin') git_icetool_loc = config.get('ice_git_location', 'git@github.com:ceph') iceball_loc = config.get('iceball_location', '.') ice_version = config.get('ice_version', ICE_VERSION_DEFAULT) log.info('calamari server distro: %s' % ice_distro) delete_iceball = False if iceball_loc.startswith('http'): iceball_file = get_iceball_with_http( iceball_loc, ice_version, ice_distro, '/tmp' ) delete_iceball = True elif iceball_loc == '.': # TODO this is a bad sentinel iceball_file = create_iceball( ice_tool_dir, git_icetool_loc, ice_version, version, ice_distro ) shutil.move(iceball_file, '/tmp') iceball_file = os.path.join('/tmp', iceball_file) delete_iceball = True else: prefix = os.path.join(iceball_loc, 'ICE-{0}-{1}'.format(ice_version, ice_distro)) for name in [prefix + ext for ext in ('.iso', '.tar.gz')]: if os.path.exists(name): iceball_file = name break else: raise RuntimeError( 'Can''t find {0} at {1}'.format(prefix, iceball_loc) ) remote_iceball_file = os.path.join('/tmp', os.path.split(iceball_file)[1]) cal_svr.put_file(iceball_file, remote_iceball_file) if iceball_file.endswith('.tar.gz'): # XXX specify tar/iso in config? icetype = 'tarball' elif iceball_file.endswith('.iso'): icetype = 'iso' else: raise RuntimeError('Can''t handle iceball {0}'.format(iceball_file)) if icetype == 'tarball': ret = cal_svr.run(args=['gunzip', run.Raw('<'), remote_iceball_file, run.Raw('|'), 'tar', 'xvf', run.Raw('-')]) if ret.exitstatus: raise RuntimeError('remote iceball untar failed') elif icetype == 'iso': mountpoint = '/mnt/' # XXX create? ret = cal_svr.run( args=['sudo', 'mount', '-r', remote_iceball_file, mountpoint,] ) # install ice_setup package args = { 'deb':'sudo dpkg -i /mnt/ice-setup*deb', 'rpm':'sudo yum localinstall /mnt/ice_setup*rpm' }.get(cal_svr.system_type, None) if not args: raise RuntimeError('{0}: unknown system type'.format(cal_svr)) ret = cal_svr.run(args=args) if ret.exitstatus: raise RuntimeError('ice_setup package install failed') # Run ice_setup icesetdata = 'yes\n\n%s\nhttp\n' % client_id ice_in = StringIO(icesetdata) ice_out = StringIO() args = 'sudo ice_setup' if icetype == 'iso': args += ' -d /mnt' ret = cal_svr.run(args=args, stdin=ice_in, stdout=ice_out) log.debug(ice_out.getvalue()) if ret.exitstatus: raise RuntimeError('ice_setup.py failed') # Run calamari-ctl initialize. icesetdata = '%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n' % (calamari_user, email, calamari_password, calamari_password) ice_in = StringIO(icesetdata) ret = cal_svr.run(args=['sudo', 'calamari-ctl', 'initialize'], stdin=ice_in, stdout=ice_out) log.debug(ice_out.getvalue()) if ret.exitstatus: raise RuntimeError('calamari-ctl initialize failed') try: yield finally: log.info('Cleaning up after Calamari installation') if delete_iceball: os.unlink(iceball_file) @contextlib.contextmanager def ceph_install(ctx, cal_svr): """ Install ceph if ceph was not previously installed by teuthology. This code tests the case where calamari is installed on a brand new system. """ loc_inst = False if 'install' not in [x.keys()[0] for x in ctx.config['tasks']]: loc_inst = True ret = deploy_ceph(ctx, cal_svr) if ret: raise RuntimeError('ceph installs failed') try: yield finally: if loc_inst: if not undeploy_ceph(ctx, cal_svr): log.error('Cleanup of Ceph installed by Calamari-setup failed') def deploy_ceph(ctx, cal_svr): """ Perform the ceph-deploy actions needed to bring up a Ceph cluster. This test is needed to check the ceph-deploy that comes with the calamari package. """ osd_to_name = {} all_machines = set() all_mons = set() for remote in ctx.cluster.remotes: all_machines.add(remote.shortname) roles = ctx.cluster.remotes[remote] for role in roles: daemon_type, number = role.split('.') if daemon_type == 'osd': osd_to_name[number] = remote.shortname if daemon_type == 'mon': all_mons.add(remote.shortname) first_cmds = [['new'] + list(all_mons), ['install'] + list(all_machines), ['mon', 'create-initial']] ret = True for entry in first_cmds: arg_list = ['ceph-deploy'] + entry log.info('Running: %s' % ' '.join(arg_list)) ret &= cal_svr.run(args=arg_list).exitstatus disk_labels = '_dcba' # NEEDS WORK assumes disks start with vd (need to check this somewhere) for cmd_pts in [['disk', 'zap'], ['osd', 'prepare'], ['osd', 'activate']]: mach_osd_cnt = {} for osdn in osd_to_name: osd_mac = osd_to_name[osdn] mach_osd_cnt[osd_mac] = mach_osd_cnt.get(osd_mac, 0) + 1 arg_list = ['ceph-deploy'] arg_list.extend(cmd_pts) disk_id = '%s:vd%s' % (osd_to_name[osdn], disk_labels[mach_osd_cnt[osd_mac]]) if 'activate' in cmd_pts: disk_id += '1' arg_list.append(disk_id) log.info('Running: %s' % ' '.join(arg_list)) ret &= cal_svr.run(args=arg_list).exitstatus return ret def undeploy_ceph(ctx, cal_svr): """ Cleanup deployment of ceph. """ all_machines = [] ret = True for remote in ctx.cluster.remotes: ret &= remote.run(args=['sudo', 'stop', 'ceph-all', run.Raw('||'), 'sudo', 'service', 'ceph', 'stop'] ).exitstatus all_machines.append(remote.shortname) all_machines = set(all_machines) cmd1 = ['ceph-deploy', 'uninstall'] cmd1.extend(all_machines) ret &= cal_svr.run(args=cmd1).exitstatus cmd2 = ['ceph-deploy', 'purge'] cmd2.extend(all_machines) ret &= cal_svr.run(args=cmd2).exitstatus for remote in ctx.cluster.remotes: ret &= remote.run(args=['sudo', 'rm', '-rf', '.ssh/known_hosts']).exitstatus return ret @contextlib.contextmanager def calamari_connect(ctx, cal_svr): """ Connect calamari to the ceph nodes. """ connects = ['ceph-deploy', 'calamari', 'connect'] for machine_info in ctx.cluster.remotes: if 'client.0' not in ctx.cluster.remotes[machine_info]: connects.append(machine_info.shortname) ret = cal_svr.run(args=connects) if ret.exitstatus: raise RuntimeError('calamari connect failed') try: yield finally: log.info('Calamari test terminating') @contextlib.contextmanager def browser(start_browser, web_page): """ Bring up a browser, if wanted. """ if start_browser: webbrowser.open('http://%s' % web_page) try: yield finally: if start_browser: log.info('Web browser support terminating')