from contextlib import contextmanager import json import logging import datetime import time from textwrap import dedent import os from StringIO import StringIO from teuthology.orchestra import run from import CommandFailedError, ConnectionLostError log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class CephFSMount(object): def __init__(self, test_dir, client_id, client_remote): """ :param test_dir: Global teuthology test dir :param client_id: Client ID, the 'foo' in :param client_remote: Remote instance for the host where client will run """ self.test_dir = test_dir self.client_id = client_id self.client_remote = client_remote self.test_files = ['a', 'b', 'c'] self.background_procs = [] @property def mountpoint(self): return os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'mnt.{id}'.format(id=self.client_id)) def is_mounted(self): raise NotImplementedError() def mount(self, mount_path=None): raise NotImplementedError() def umount(self): raise NotImplementedError() def umount_wait(self, force=False, require_clean=False): """ :param force: Expect that the mount will not shutdown cleanly: kill it hard. :param require_clean: Wait for the Ceph client associated with the mount (e.g. ceph-fuse) to terminate, and raise if it doesn't do so cleanly. :return: """ raise NotImplementedError() def kill_cleanup(self): raise NotImplementedError() def kill(self): raise NotImplementedError() def cleanup(self): raise NotImplementedError() def wait_until_mounted(self): raise NotImplementedError() def get_keyring_path(self): return '/etc/ceph/ceph.client.{id}.keyring'.format(id=self.client_id) @property def config_path(self): """ Path to ceph.conf: override this if you're not a normal systemwide ceph install :return: stringv """ return "/etc/ceph/ceph.conf" @contextmanager def mounted(self): """ A context manager, from an initially unmounted state, to mount this, yield, and then unmount and clean up. """ self.mount() self.wait_until_mounted() try: yield finally: self.umount_wait() def create_files(self): assert(self.is_mounted()) for suffix in self.test_files:"Creating file {0}".format(suffix))[ 'sudo', 'touch', os.path.join(self.mountpoint, suffix) ]) def check_files(self): assert(self.is_mounted()) for suffix in self.test_files:"Checking file {0}".format(suffix)) r =[ 'sudo', 'ls', os.path.join(self.mountpoint, suffix) ], check_status=False) if r.exitstatus != 0: raise RuntimeError("Expected file {0} not found".format(suffix)) def create_destroy(self): assert(self.is_mounted()) filename = "{0} {1}".format(, self.client_id) log.debug("Creating test file {0}".format(filename))[ 'sudo', 'touch', os.path.join(self.mountpoint, filename) ]) log.debug("Deleting test file {0}".format(filename))[ 'sudo', 'rm', '-f', os.path.join(self.mountpoint, filename) ]) def _run_python(self, pyscript): return[ 'sudo', 'adjust-ulimits', 'daemon-helper', 'kill', 'python', '-c', pyscript ], wait=False, stdin=run.PIPE, stdout=StringIO()) def run_python(self, pyscript): p = self._run_python(pyscript) p.wait() return p.stdout.getvalue().strip() def run_shell(self, args, wait=True): args = ["cd", self.mountpoint, run.Raw('&&'), "sudo"] + args return, stdout=StringIO(), wait=wait) def open_no_data(self, basename): """ A pure metadata operation """ assert(self.is_mounted()) path = os.path.join(self.mountpoint, basename) p = self._run_python(dedent( """ f = open("{path}", 'w') """.format(path=path) )) p.wait() def open_background(self, basename="background_file"): """ Open a file for writing, then block such that the client will hold a capability """ assert(self.is_mounted()) path = os.path.join(self.mountpoint, basename) pyscript = dedent(""" import time f = open("{path}", 'w') f.write('content') f.flush() f.write('content2') while True: time.sleep(1) """).format(path=path) rproc = self._run_python(pyscript) self.background_procs.append(rproc) return rproc def wait_for_visible(self, basename="background_file", timeout=30): i = 0 while i < timeout: r =[ 'sudo', 'ls', os.path.join(self.mountpoint, basename) ], check_status=False) if r.exitstatus == 0: log.debug("File {0} became visible from {1} after {2}s".format( basename, self.client_id, i)) return else: time.sleep(1) i += 1 raise RuntimeError("Timed out after {0}s waiting for {1} to become visible from {2}".format( i, basename, self.client_id)) def lock_background(self, basename="background_file", do_flock=True): """ Open and lock a files for writing, hold the lock in a background process """ assert(self.is_mounted()) path = os.path.join(self.mountpoint, basename) script_builder = """ import time import fcntl import struct""" if do_flock: script_builder += """ f1 = open("{path}-1", 'w') fcntl.flock(f1, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB)""" script_builder += """ f2 = open("{path}-2", 'w') lockdata = struct.pack('hhllhh', fcntl.F_WRLCK, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) fcntl.fcntl(f2, fcntl.F_SETLK, lockdata) while True: time.sleep(1) """ pyscript = dedent(script_builder).format(path=path)"lock file {0}".format(basename)) rproc = self._run_python(pyscript) self.background_procs.append(rproc) return rproc def check_filelock(self, basename="background_file", do_flock=True): assert(self.is_mounted()) path = os.path.join(self.mountpoint, basename) script_builder = """ import fcntl import errno import struct""" if do_flock: script_builder += """ f1 = open("{path}-1", 'r') try: fcntl.flock(f1, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) except IOError, e: if e.errno == errno.EAGAIN: pass else: raise RuntimeError("flock on file {path}-1 not found")""" script_builder += """ f2 = open("{path}-2", 'r') try: lockdata = struct.pack('hhllhh', fcntl.F_WRLCK, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) fcntl.fcntl(f2, fcntl.F_SETLK, lockdata) except IOError, e: if e.errno == errno.EAGAIN: pass else: raise RuntimeError("posix lock on file {path}-2 not found") """ pyscript = dedent(script_builder).format(path=path)"check lock on file {0}".format(basename))[ 'sudo', 'python', '-c', pyscript ]) def write_background(self, basename="background_file", loop=False): """ Open a file for writing, complete as soon as you can :param basename: :return: """ assert(self.is_mounted()) path = os.path.join(self.mountpoint, basename) pyscript = dedent(""" import os import time fd ="{path}", os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT, 0644) try: while True: os.write(fd, 'content') time.sleep(1) if not {loop}: break except IOError, e: pass os.close(fd) """).format(path=path, loop=str(loop)) rproc = self._run_python(pyscript) self.background_procs.append(rproc) return rproc def write_n_mb(self, filename, n_mb, seek=0, wait=True): """ Write the requested number of megabytes to a file """ assert(self.is_mounted()) return self.run_shell(["dd", "if=/dev/urandom", "of={0}".format(filename), "bs=1M", "conv=fdatasync", "count={0}".format(n_mb), "seek={0}".format(seek) ], wait=wait) def write_test_pattern(self, filename, size):"Writing {0} bytes to {1}".format(size, filename)) return self.run_python(dedent(""" import zlib path = "{path}" f = open(path, 'w') for i in range(0, {size}): val = zlib.crc32("%s" % i) & 7 f.write(chr(val)) f.close() """.format( path=os.path.join(self.mountpoint, filename), size=size ))) def validate_test_pattern(self, filename, size):"Validating {0} bytes from {1}".format(size, filename)) return self.run_python(dedent(""" import zlib path = "{path}" f = open(path, 'r') bytes = f.close() if len(bytes) != {size}: raise RuntimeError("Bad length {{0}} vs. expected {{1}}".format( len(bytes), {size} )) for i, b in enumerate(bytes): val = zlib.crc32("%s" % i) & 7 if b != chr(val): raise RuntimeError("Bad data at offset {{0}}".format(i)) """.format( path=os.path.join(self.mountpoint, filename), size=size ))) def open_n_background(self, fs_path, count): """ Open N files for writing, hold them open in a background process :param fs_path: Path relative to CephFS root, e.g. "foo/bar" :return: a RemoteProcess """ assert(self.is_mounted()) abs_path = os.path.join(self.mountpoint, fs_path) pyscript = dedent(""" import sys import time import os n = {count} abs_path = "{abs_path}" if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(abs_path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(abs_path)) handles = [] for i in range(0, n): fname = "{{0}}_{{1}}".format(abs_path, i) handles.append(open(fname, 'w')) while True: time.sleep(1) """).format(abs_path=abs_path, count=count) rproc = self._run_python(pyscript) self.background_procs.append(rproc) return rproc def create_n_files(self, fs_path, count, sync=False): assert(self.is_mounted()) abs_path = os.path.join(self.mountpoint, fs_path) pyscript = dedent(""" import sys import time import os n = {count} abs_path = "{abs_path}" if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(abs_path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(abs_path)) for i in range(0, n): fname = "{{0}}_{{1}}".format(abs_path, i) h = open(fname, 'w') h.write('content') if {sync}: h.flush() os.fsync(h.fileno()) h.close() """).format(abs_path=abs_path, count=count, sync=str(sync)) self.run_python(pyscript) def teardown(self): for p in self.background_procs:"Terminating background process") self._kill_background(p) self.background_procs = [] def _kill_background(self, p): if p.stdin: p.stdin.close() try: p.wait() except (CommandFailedError, ConnectionLostError): pass def kill_background(self, p): """ For a process that was returned by one of the _background member functions, kill it hard. """ self._kill_background(p) self.background_procs.remove(p) def spam_dir_background(self, path): """ Create directory `path` and do lots of metadata operations in it until further notice. """ assert(self.is_mounted()) abs_path = os.path.join(self.mountpoint, path) pyscript = dedent(""" import sys import time import os abs_path = "{abs_path}" if not os.path.exists(abs_path): os.makedirs(abs_path) n = 0 while True: file_path = os.path.join(abs_path, "tmp%d" % n) f = open(file_path, 'w') f.close() n = n + 1 """).format(abs_path=abs_path) rproc = self._run_python(pyscript) self.background_procs.append(rproc) return rproc def get_global_id(self): raise NotImplementedError() def get_osd_epoch(self): raise NotImplementedError() def stat(self, fs_path, wait=True): """ stat a file, and return the result as a dictionary like this: { "st_ctime": 1414161137.0, "st_mtime": 1414161137.0, "st_nlink": 33, "st_gid": 0, "st_dev": 16777218, "st_size": 1190, "st_ino": 2, "st_uid": 0, "st_mode": 16877, "st_atime": 1431520593.0 } Raises exception on absent file. """ abs_path = os.path.join(self.mountpoint, fs_path) pyscript = dedent(""" import os import stat import json import sys try: s = os.stat("{path}") except OSError as e: sys.exit(e.errno) attrs = ["st_mode", "st_ino", "st_dev", "st_nlink", "st_uid", "st_gid", "st_size", "st_atime", "st_mtime", "st_ctime"] print json.dumps( dict([(a, getattr(s, a)) for a in attrs]), indent=2) """).format(path=abs_path) proc = self._run_python(pyscript) if wait: proc.wait() return json.loads(proc.stdout.getvalue().strip()) else: return proc def touch(self, fs_path): """ Create a dentry if it doesn't already exist. This python implementation exists because the usual command line tool doesn't pass through error codes like EIO. :param fs_path: :return: """ abs_path = os.path.join(self.mountpoint, fs_path) pyscript = dedent(""" import sys import errno try: f = open("{path}", "w") f.close() except IOError as e: sys.exit(errno.EIO) """).format(path=abs_path) proc = self._run_python(pyscript) proc.wait() def path_to_ino(self, fs_path): abs_path = os.path.join(self.mountpoint, fs_path) pyscript = dedent(""" import os import stat print os.stat("{path}").st_ino """).format(path=abs_path) proc = self._run_python(pyscript) proc.wait() return int(proc.stdout.getvalue().strip()) def ls(self, path=None): """ Wrap ls: return a list of strings """ cmd = ["ls"] if path: cmd.append(path) return self.run_shell(cmd).stdout.getvalue().strip().split("\n") def getfattr(self, path, attr): """ Wrap getfattr: return the values of a named xattr on one file. :return: a string """ p = self.run_shell(["getfattr", "--only-values", "-n", attr, path]) return p.stdout.getvalue()