#!/bin/sh -e

if [ ! -d .git ]; then
    echo "no .git present.  run this from the base dir of the git checkout."
    exit 1

[ -z "$version" ] && version=`git describe --match 'v*' | sed 's/^v//'`

echo "version $version"

# update submodules
echo "updating submodules..."
force=$(if git submodule usage 2>&1 | grep --quiet 'update.*--force'; then echo --force ; fi)
if ! git submodule sync || ! git submodule update $force --init --recursive; then
    echo "Error: could not initialize submodule projects"
    echo "  Network connectivity might be required."
    exit 1

# clean out old cruft...
echo "cleanup..."
rm -f $outfile*

# build new tarball
echo "building tarball..."
bin/git-archive-all.sh --prefix ceph-$version/ \
		       --verbose \
		       --ignore corpus \

# populate files with version strings
echo "including src/.git_version, src/ceph_ver.h, ceph.spec"
src/make_version -g src/.git_version -c src/ceph_ver.h

rpm_version=`echo $version | cut -d - -f 1-1`
rpm_release=`echo $version | cut -d - -f 2- | sed 's/-/./'`
cat ceph.spec.in | \
    sed "s/@VERSION@/$rpm_version/g" | \
    sed "s/@RPM_RELEASE@/$rpm_release/g" > ceph.spec

ln -s . $outfile
tar cvf $outfile.version.tar $outfile/src/.git_version $outfile/src/ceph_ver.h $outfile/ceph.spec
tar --concatenate -f $outfile.both.tar $outfile.version.tar
tar --concatenate -f $outfile.both.tar $outfile.tar
mv $outfile.both.tar $outfile.tar
rm $outfile
rm -f $outfile.version.tar

echo "compressing..."
bzip2 -9 $outfile.tar

echo "done."