import contextlib import json import logging import os from cStringIO import StringIO from ..orchestra import run from teuthology import misc as teuthology from teuthology import contextutil from teuthology.task_util.rgw import rgwadmin from teuthology.task_util.rados import rados log = logging.getLogger(__name__) @contextlib.contextmanager def create_dirs(ctx, config):'Creating apache directories...') testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx) for client in config.iterkeys(): ctx.cluster.only(client).run( args=[ 'mkdir', '-p', '{tdir}/apache/htdocs.{client}'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client), '{tdir}/apache/tmp.{client}/fastcgi_sock'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client), run.Raw('&&'), 'mkdir', '{tdir}/archive/apache.{client}'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client), ], ) try: yield finally:'Cleaning up apache directories...') for client in config.iterkeys(): ctx.cluster.only(client).run( args=[ 'rm', '-rf', '{tdir}/apache/tmp.{client}'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client), run.Raw('&&'), 'rmdir', '{tdir}/apache/htdocs.{client}'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client), ], ) for client in config.iterkeys(): ctx.cluster.only(client).run( args=[ 'test', '-d', '{tdir}/apache'.format(tdir=testdir), run.Raw('&&'), 'rmdir', '{tdir}/apache'.format(tdir=testdir), run.Raw(';'), ], ) @contextlib.contextmanager def ship_config(ctx, config, role_endpoints): assert isinstance(config, dict) assert isinstance(role_endpoints, dict) testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)'Shipping apache config and rgw.fcgi...') src = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'apache.conf.template') for client in config.iterkeys(): (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys() system_type = teuthology.get_system_type(remote) if system_type == 'deb': mod_path = '/usr/lib/apache2/modules' print_continue = 'on' else: mod_path = '/usr/lib64/httpd/modules' print_continue = 'off' host, port = role_endpoints[client] with file(src, 'rb') as f: conf = testdir=testdir, mod_path=mod_path, print_continue=print_continue, host=host, port=port, client=client, ) teuthology.write_file( remote=remote, path='{tdir}/apache/apache.{client}.conf'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client), data=conf, ) teuthology.write_file( remote=remote, path='{tdir}/apache/htdocs.{client}/rgw.fcgi'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client), data="""#!/bin/sh ulimit -c unlimited exec radosgw -f -n {client} -k /etc/ceph/ceph.{client}.keyring --rgw-socket-path {tdir}/apache/tmp.{client}/fastcgi_sock/rgw_sock """.format(tdir=testdir, client=client) ) args=[ 'chmod', 'a=rx', '{tdir}/apache/htdocs.{client}/rgw.fcgi'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client), ], ) try: yield finally:'Removing apache config...') for client in config.iterkeys(): ctx.cluster.only(client).run( args=[ 'rm', '-f', '{tdir}/apache/apache.{client}.conf'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client), run.Raw('&&'), 'rm', '-f', '{tdir}/apache/htdocs.{client}/rgw.fcgi'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client), ], ) @contextlib.contextmanager def start_rgw(ctx, config):'Starting rgw...') testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx) for client in config.iterkeys(): (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.iterkeys() client_config = config.get(client) if client_config is None: client_config = {}"rgw %s config is %s", client, client_config) id_ = client.split('.', 1)[1]'client {client} is id {id}'.format(client=client, id=id_)) run_cmd=[ 'sudo', '{tdir}/adjust-ulimits'.format(tdir=testdir), 'ceph-coverage', '{tdir}/archive/coverage'.format(tdir=testdir), '{tdir}/daemon-helper'.format(tdir=testdir), 'term', ] run_cmd_tail=[ 'radosgw', '-n', client, '-k', '/etc/ceph/ceph.{client}.keyring'.format(client=client), '--rgw-socket-path', '{tdir}/apache/tmp.{client}/fastcgi_sock/rgw_sock'.format( tdir=testdir, client=client, ), '--log-file', '/var/log/ceph/rgw.{client}.log'.format(client=client), '--rgw_ops_log_socket_path', '{tdir}/rgw.opslog.{client}.sock'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client), '{tdir}/apache/apache.{client}.conf'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client), '--foreground', run.Raw('|'), 'sudo', 'tee', '/var/log/ceph/rgw.{client}.stdout'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client), run.Raw('2>&1'), ] run_cmd.extend( teuthology.get_valgrind_args( testdir, client, client_config.get('valgrind') ) ) run_cmd.extend(run_cmd_tail) ctx.daemons.add_daemon( remote, 'rgw', client, args=run_cmd, logger=log.getChild(client), stdin=run.PIPE, wait=False, ) try: yield finally: teuthology.stop_daemons_of_type(ctx, 'rgw') for client in config.iterkeys(): ctx.cluster.only(client).run( args=[ 'rm', '-f', '{tdir}/rgw.opslog.{client}.sock'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client), ], ) @contextlib.contextmanager def start_apache(ctx, config):'Starting apache...') testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx) apaches = {} for client in config.iterkeys(): (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys() system_type = teuthology.get_system_type(remote) if system_type == 'deb': apache_name = 'apache2' else: apache_name = '/usr/sbin/httpd' proc = args=[ '{tdir}/adjust-ulimits'.format(tdir=testdir), '{tdir}/daemon-helper'.format(tdir=testdir), 'kill', apache_name, '-X', '-f', '{tdir}/apache/apache.{client}.conf'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client), ], logger=log.getChild(client), stdin=run.PIPE, wait=False, ) apaches[client] = proc try: yield finally:'Stopping apache...') for client, proc in apaches.iteritems(): proc.stdin.close() run.wait(apaches.itervalues()) def extract_zone_info(ctx, client, client_config): user_info = client_config['system user'] system_user = user_info['name'] system_access_key = user_info['access key'] system_secret_key = user_info['secret key'] ceph_config = ctx.ceph.conf.get('global', {}) ceph_config.update(ctx.ceph.conf.get('client', {})) ceph_config.update(ctx.ceph.conf.get(client, {})) for key in ['rgw zone', 'rgw region', 'rgw zone root pool']: assert key in ceph_config, \ 'ceph conf must contain {key} for {client}'.format(key=key, client=client) region = ceph_config['rgw region'] zone = ceph_config['rgw zone'] zone_info = dict( domain_root=ceph_config['rgw zone root pool'], ) for key in ['control_pool', 'gc_pool', 'log_pool', 'intent_log_pool', 'usage_log_pool', 'user_keys_pool', 'user_email_pool', 'user_swift_pool', 'user_uid_pool']: zone_info[key] = '.' + region + '.' + zone + '.' + key zone_info['system_key'] = dict( user=system_user, access_key=system_access_key, secret_key=system_secret_key, ) return region, zone, zone_info def extract_region_info(region, region_info): assert isinstance(region_info['zones'], list) and region_info['zones'], \ 'zones must be a non-empty list' return dict( name=region, api_name=region_info.get('api name', region), is_master=region_info.get('is master', False), master_zone=region_info.get('master zone', region_info['zones'][0]), placement_targets=region_info.get('placement targets', []), default_placement=region_info.get('default placement', ''), ) def assign_ports(ctx, config): port = 7280 role_endpoints = {} for remote, roles_for_host in ctx.cluster.remotes.iteritems(): for role in roles_for_host: if role in config: role_endpoints[role] = ('@')[1], port) port += 1 return role_endpoints def fill_in_endpoints(region_info, role_zones, role_endpoints): for role, (host, port) in role_endpoints.iteritems(): region, zone, _ = role_zones[role] host, port = role_endpoints[role] endpoint = 'http://{host}:{port}/'.format(host=host, port=port) region_conf = region_info[region] region_conf.setdefault('endpoints', []) region_conf['endpoints'].append(endpoint) region_conf.setdefault('zones', []) region_conf['zones'].append(dict(name=zone, endpoints=[endpoint])) @contextlib.contextmanager def configure_regions_and_zones(ctx, config, regions, role_endpoints): if not regions: yield return'Configuring regions and zones...') log.debug('config is %r', config) log.debug('regions are %r', regions) log.debug('role_endpoints = %r', role_endpoints) role_zones = dict([(client, extract_zone_info(ctx, client, c_config)) for client, c_config in config.iteritems()]) log.debug('roles_zones = %r', role_zones) region_info = dict([(region, extract_region_info(region, r_config)) for region, r_config in regions.iteritems()]) fill_in_endpoints(region_info, role_zones, role_endpoints) for client in config.iterkeys(): for region, info in region_info.iteritems(): region_json = json.dumps(info) log.debug('region info is: %s', region_json) rgwadmin(ctx, client, cmd=['-n', client, 'region', 'set'], stdin=StringIO(region_json), check_status=True) if info['is_master']: rgwadmin(ctx, client, cmd=['-n', client, 'region', 'default', '--rgw-region', region], check_status=True) for role, (_, zone, info) in role_zones.iteritems(): rgwadmin(ctx, client, cmd=['-n', client, 'zone', 'set', '--rgw-zone', zone], stdin=StringIO(json.dumps(info)), check_status=True) first_mon = teuthology.get_first_mon(ctx, config) (mon,) = ctx.cluster.only(first_mon).remotes.iterkeys() # removing these objects from .rgw.root and the per-zone root pools # may or may not matter rados(ctx, mon, cmd=['-p', '.rgw.root', 'rm', 'region_info.default']) rados(ctx, mon, cmd=['-p', '.rgw.root', 'rm', 'zone_info.default']) for client in config.iterkeys(): rgwadmin(ctx, client, cmd=['-n', client, 'regionmap', 'update']) for role, (_, zone, zone_info) in role_zones.iteritems(): rados(ctx, mon, cmd=['-p', zone_info['domain_root'], 'rm', 'region_info.default']) rados(ctx, mon, cmd=['-p', zone_info['domain_root'], 'rm', 'zone_info.default']) rgwadmin(ctx, client, cmd=[ '-n', client, 'user', 'create', '--uid', zone_info['system_key']['user'], '--access-key', zone_info['system_key']['access_key'], '--secret', zone_info['system_key']['secret_key'], '--display-name', zone_info['system_key']['user'], ], check_status=True, ) yield @contextlib.contextmanager def task(ctx, config): """ Spin up apache configured to run a rados gateway. Only one should be run per machine, since it uses a hard-coded port for now. For example, to run rgw on all clients:: tasks: - ceph: - rgw: To only run on certain clients:: tasks: - ceph: - rgw: [client.0, client.3] or tasks: - ceph: - rgw: client.0: client.3: To run radosgw through valgrind: tasks: - ceph: - rgw: client.0: valgrind: [--tool=memcheck] client.3: valgrind: [--tool=memcheck] Note that without a modified fastcgi module e.g. with the default one on CentOS, you must have rgw print continue = false in ceph.conf:: tasks: - ceph: conf: global: rgw print continue: false - rgw: [client.0] To run rgws for multiple regions or zones, describe the regions and their zones in a regions section. The endpoints will be generated by this task. Each client must have a region, zone, and pools assigned in ceph.conf:: tasks: - install: - ceph: conf: client.0: rgw region: foo rgw zone: foo-1 rgw region root pool: rgw zone root pool: client.1: rgw region: bar rgw zone: bar-master rgw region root pool: rgw zone root pool: client.2: rgw region: bar rgw zone: bar-secondary rgw region root pool: rgw zone root pool: - rgw: regions: foo: api name: api_name # default: region name is master: true # default: false master zone: foo-1 # default: first zone zones: [foo-1] placement targets: [target1, target2] # default: [] default placement: target2 # default: '' bar: api name: bar-api zones: [bar-master, bar-secondary] client.0: system user: name: foo-system access key: X2IYPSTY1072DDY1SJMC secret key: YIMHICpPvT+MhLTbSsiBJ1jQF15IFvJA8tgwJEcm client.1: system user: name: bar1 access key: Y2IYPSTY1072DDY1SJMC secret key: XIMHICpPvT+MhLTbSsiBJ1jQF15IFvJA8tgwJEcm client.2: system user: name: bar2 access key: Z2IYPSTY1072DDY1SJMC secret key: ZIMHICpPvT+MhLTbSsiBJ1jQF15IFvJA8tgwJEcm """ if config is None: config = dict(('client.{id}'.format(id=id_), None) for id_ in teuthology.all_roles_of_type(ctx.cluster, 'client')) elif isinstance(config, list): config = dict((name, None) for name in config) regions = {} if 'regions' in config: # separate region info so only clients are keys in config regions = config['regions'] del config['regions'] role_endpoints = assign_ports(ctx, config) with contextutil.nested( lambda: create_dirs(ctx=ctx, config=config), lambda: configure_regions_and_zones( ctx=ctx, config=config, regions=regions, role_endpoints=role_endpoints, ), lambda: ship_config(ctx=ctx, config=config, role_endpoints=role_endpoints), lambda: start_rgw(ctx=ctx, config=config), lambda: start_apache(ctx=ctx, config=config), ): yield