#! /usr/bin/perl =head1 NAME rbd_cli_tests.pl - Script to test the RBD CLI commands and report the test results =head1 SYNOPSIS Use: perl rbd_cli_tests.pl [--pool pool_name][--help] Examples: perl rbd_cli_tests.pl --pool test_pool or perl rbd_cli_tests.pl --help =head1 DESCRIPTION This script intends to test the RBD CLI commands for the scenarios mentioned below and reports the test results Positive cases Negative cases -- Boundary value testing -- Incorrect Parameter values/ Incorrect field values -- Insufficient parameters / Extra parameters =head1 ARGUMENTS rbd_cli_tests.pl takes the following arguments: --pool (optional) If not specified, rbd pool is used. --help (optional) Displays the usage message. =cut use Cwd; use RbdLib qw(perform_action create_image resize_image rename_image copy_image list_image info_image export_image import_image remove_image create_snapshots rollback_snapshots purge_snapshots list_snapshots remove_snapshot rbd_map rbd_unmap rbd_showmapped display_result _clean_up _create_rados_pool display_ceph_os_info $RADOS_MKPOOL $RADOS_RMPOOL $RBD_CREATE $RBD_RESIZE $RBD_INFO $RBD_REMOVE $RBD_RENAME $RBD_MV $RBD_LS $RBD_LIST $RBD_CLONE $RBD_EXPORT $RBD_IMPORT $RBD_CP $RBD_COPY $SNAP_CREATE $SNAP_LS $SNAP_LIST $SNAP_ROLLBACK $SNAP_PURGE $SNAP_REMOVE $POOL_RM_SUCCESS $POOL_MK_SUCCESS $RBD_EXISTS_ERR $RBD_WATCH $RBD_MAP $RBD_UNMAP $RBD_SHOWMAPPED get_command_output debug_msg ); use Pod::Usage(); use Getopt::Long(); use strict; my ( $help, $pool ); Getopt::Long::GetOptions( 'pool=s' => \$pool, 'help' => \$help ); Pod::Usage::pod2usage( -verbose => 1 ) if ($help); our $pool_name = "rbd"; $pool_name = $pool if ($pool); RbdLib::banner ("Starting Test Execution"); #===========Variables used in the script======== our $img_name = "test_img"; our $snap_name = "snap1"; our $snap_name2 = "snap2"; our $snap_name3 = "snap3"; our $snap_name4 = "snap4"; our $new_rbd_img = "new_rbd_img"; our $non_existing_img = "rbdimage"; our $cp_new = "new"; our $exp_file = "rbd_test_file1"; our $exp_file1 = "rbd_test_file2"; our $exp_file2 = "rbd_test_file3"; our $rbd_imp_file = "test_file"; our $rbd_imp_image = "new_imp_img"; our $content = "This is a test file"; our $rbd_snap_new = "new"; our $neg_img_name = "neg_img"; our $new_img_name = "new_img"; our $max_img_name = "max_img"; our $img_name1 = "test_img1"; our $rbd_imp_test = "new_test_file"; our $non_pool_name = "no_pool"; our $no_snap = "no_snap"; our $img_name_mv = "new_img_mv"; our $test_log = "logfile.txt"; our $success = "test_completed.txt"; our $fail = "log.txt"; our $exec_cmd; our $PASS_FLAG; our $MSG; our $pool_name; print "rbd $RBD_CREATE \n"; # Tests for create image sub create_image { perform_action ( $RBD_CREATE, "$img_name,pool $pool_name,size 1024", 0 ); perform_action( $RBD_CREATE, "$img_name_mv,pool $pool_name,size 1024", 0 ); perform_action( $RBD_CREATE, "$img_name1,pool $pool_name,size 0,order 22", 3 ); perform_action( $RBD_CREATE, "$img_name1,pool $pool_name,size 0", 3 ); perform_action( $RBD_CREATE, "$neg_img_name,pool $pool_name,size -1", 3 ); perform_action( $RBD_CREATE, "$img_name1 pool $pool_name", 3 ); perform_action( $RBD_CREATE, "--size 1024", 3 ); perform_action( $RBD_CREATE, "$max_img_name,pool $pool_name,size 1024000000000", 0 ); perform_action( $RBD_CREATE, "$img_name1,pool $pool_name,size 2048,order", 2 ); perform_action( $RBD_CREATE, "$img_name1,pool $pool_name,size,order 22", 2 ); perform_action( $RBD_CREATE, "$new_img_name,pool $pool_name,size 1024,new-format", 0 ); } #Tests to create snapshot sub create_snapshots { perform_action( $SNAP_CREATE, "--snap $snap_name $pool_name\/$img_name", 0 ); perform_action( $SNAP_CREATE, "--snap $snap_name $pool_name\/$img_name", 1 ); perform_action( $SNAP_CREATE, "$snap_name", 2 ); perform_action($SNAP_CREATE,"--snap $snap_name2 $pool_name\/$img_name",0); perform_action( $SNAP_CREATE, "--snap $snap_name3 $pool_name\/$img_name", 0 ); perform_action( $SNAP_CREATE, "--snap $snap_name4 $pool_name\/$img_name", 0 ); } #Tests to rollback snapshot sub rollback_snapshot { perform_action( $SNAP_ROLLBACK, "--snap $snap_name2 $pool_name\/$img_name", 0 ); perform_action( $SNAP_ROLLBACK, "--snap $rbd_snap_new $pool_name\/$img_name", 2 ); perform_action( $SNAP_ROLLBACK, "--snap $snap_name $pool_name\/$new_rbd_img", 2 ); } #Tests to purge snapshots sub purge_snapshots { perform_action( $SNAP_PURGE, "$pool_name\/$img_name", 0 ); perform_action( $SNAP_PURGE, "$pool_name\/$new_rbd_img", 2 ); } #Tests to list snapshots for an image sub list_snapshots { perform_action( $SNAP_LIST, "$pool_name\/$non_existing_img", 2 ); } # Tests for remove snapshots sub remove_snapshot { perform_action( $SNAP_REMOVE, "$pool_name\/$img_name\@$snap_name", 0 ); perform_action( $SNAP_REMOVE, "$non_pool_name\/$img_name\@$snap_name3", 2 ); perform_action( $SNAP_REMOVE, "$pool_name\/$img_name\@$snap_name2", 0 ); perform_action( $SNAP_REMOVE, "$pool_name\/$non_existing_img", 2 ); perform_action( $SNAP_REMOVE, " ", 2 ); } # Tests for resize image sub resize_image { perform_action( $RBD_RESIZE, "$img_name,size 1024,pool $pool_name", 0 ); perform_action( $RBD_RESIZE, "$non_existing_img,size 1024,pool $pool_name", 2 ); } # Tests for list rbd image sub list_image { perform_action( $RBD_LIST, "$non_pool_name", 2 ); } # Tests to copy rbd image sub copy_image { perform_action( $RBD_CP, "$pool_name\/$img_name $pool_name\/$cp_new", 0 ); perform_action( $RBD_CP, "$pool_name\/$non_existing_img", 2 ); } #Tests for rbd info sub info_image { perform_action( $RBD_INFO, "$pool_name\/$img_name", 0 ); perform_action( $RBD_INFO, "--snap $snap_name $pool_name\/$img_name_mv", 2 ); perform_action( $RBD_INFO, "--snap $no_snap $pool_name\/$img_name", 2 ); perform_action( $RBD_INFO, "$pool_name\/$non_existing_img", 2 ); } #Tests for rename image sub rename_image { perform_action( $RBD_RENAME, "$pool_name\/$img_name_mv $pool_name\/$new_rbd_img", 0 ); perform_action( $RBD_MV, "$pool_name\/$new_rbd_img $pool_name\/$img_name_mv", 0 ); } # Tests for remove image sub remove_image { perform_action( $RBD_REMOVE,"$pool_name\/$img_name",0); perform_action( $RBD_REMOVE, "$pool_name\/$new_rbd_img", 2 ); perform_action( $RBD_REMOVE, "--pool $pool_name $rbd_imp_image", 0 ); perform_action( $RBD_REMOVE, "-p $pool_name $cp_new", 0 ); perform_action( $RBD_REMOVE, " ", 2 ); } # Tests for export rbd image sub export_image { perform_action( $RBD_EXPORT, "$pool_name\/$img_name $exp_file", 0 ); perform_action( $RBD_EXPORT, "$pool_name\/$img_name .", 2 ); perform_action( $RBD_EXPORT, "$pool_name\/$img_name", 2 ); perform_action( $RBD_EXPORT, "--snap $snap_name $pool_name\/$img_name $exp_file1", 0 ); perform_action( $RBD_EXPORT, "--snap $no_snap $pool_name\/$img_name $exp_file1", 2 ); perform_action( $RBD_EXPORT, "--snap $snap_name $pool_name\/$non_existing_img $exp_file2", 2 ); } #Tests for import file to rbd image sub import_image { my $i = create_test_file( $rbd_imp_file, $content ); if ( $i == 0 ) { perform_action( $RBD_IMPORT, "$rbd_imp_file $rbd_imp_image", 0 ); } create_test_file( "$rbd_imp_test", 0 ); perform_action( $RBD_IMPORT, "$rbd_imp_test $pool_name\/$rbd_imp_image", 2 ); perform_action( $RBD_IMPORT, "$exp_file $pool_name\/$rbd_imp_image", 2 ); } #To map rbd image to device sub rbd_map { # Execute "modprobe rbd" my $cmd = get_command_output("sudo modprobe rbd"); if ( !$cmd ) { perform_action( $RBD_MAP, "$pool_name\/$img_name", 0 ); rbd_showmapped(); perform_action( $RBD_MAP, "$pool_name\/$non_existing_img", 2 ); } } # To list rbd map sub rbd_showmapped { perform_action( $RBD_SHOWMAPPED, "", 0 ); } # To unmap rbd device sub rbd_unmap { perform_action( $RBD_UNMAP, "/dev/rbd0", 0 ); sleep(10); perform_action( $RBD_UNMAP, "/dev/rbd10", 2 ); } # To create a test file and write to it sub create_test_file { my ( $test_arg, $content ) = @_; my $command = "touch $test_arg"; my $cmd = get_command_output($command); if ( ( !$cmd ) && ($content) ) { $command = "echo $content > $test_arg"; $cmd = get_command_output($command); if ( !$cmd ) { my $cmd = get_command_output("ls -l $test_arg"); } else { return 1; } } else { return 1; } return 0; } sub _create_rados_pool { $exec_cmd = get_command_output("$RADOS_RMPOOL $pool_name"); if ( ( $exec_cmd =~ /$POOL_RM_SUCCESS/ ) || ( $exec_cmd =~ /does not exist/ ) ) { debug_msg("Pool $pool_name deleted"); } $exec_cmd = get_command_output("$RADOS_MKPOOL $pool_name"); if ( ( $exec_cmd =~ /$POOL_MK_SUCCESS/ ) || ( $exec_cmd =~ /$RBD_EXISTS_ERR/ ) ) { debug_msg("Pool $pool_name created"); } } #main() starts here display_ceph_os_info(); _create_rados_pool(); create_image(); list_image(); rename_image(); resize_image(); info_image(); create_snapshots(); export_image(); import_image(); list_snapshots(); rollback_snapshot(); remove_snapshot(); purge_snapshots(); rbd_map(); rbd_unmap(); copy_image(); remove_image(); display_result(); _clean_up();