import json import logging import os from teuthology import misc as teuthology from teuthology.parallel import parallel from ..orchestra import run log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def task(ctx, config): """ Run an autotest test on the ceph cluster. Only autotest client tests are supported. The config is a mapping from role name to list of tests to run on that client. For example:: tasks: - ceph: - cfuse: [client.0, client.1] - autotest: client.0: [dbench] client.1: [bonnie] You can also specify a list of tests to run on all clients:: tasks: - ceph: - cfuse: - autotest: all: [dbench] """ assert isinstance(config, dict) config = teuthology.replace_all_with_clients(ctx.cluster, config)'Setting up autotest...') with parallel() as p: for role in config.iterkeys(): (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(role).remotes.keys() p.spawn(_download, remote)'Making a separate scratch dir for every client...') for role in config.iterkeys(): assert isinstance(role, basestring) PREFIX = 'client.' assert role.startswith(PREFIX) id_ = role[len(PREFIX):] (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(role).remotes.iterkeys() mnt = os.path.join('/tmp/cephtest', 'mnt.{id}'.format(id=id_)) scratch = os.path.join(mnt, 'client.{id}'.format(id=id_)) args=[ 'sudo', 'install', '-d', '-m', '0755', '--owner={user}'.format(user='ubuntu'), #TODO '--', scratch, ], ) with parallel() as p: for role, tests in config.iteritems(): (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(role).remotes.keys() p.spawn(_run_tests, remote, role, tests) def _download(remote): args=[ # explicitly does not support multiple autotest tasks # in a single run; the result archival would conflict 'mkdir', '/tmp/cephtest/archive/autotest', run.Raw('&&'), 'mkdir', '/tmp/cephtest/autotest', run.Raw('&&'), 'wget', '-nv', '--no-check-certificate', '', '-O-', run.Raw('|'), 'tar', '-C', '/tmp/cephtest/autotest', '-x', '-z', '-f-', '--strip-components=1', ], ) def _run_tests(remote, role, tests): assert isinstance(role, basestring) PREFIX = 'client.' assert role.startswith(PREFIX) id_ = role[len(PREFIX):] mnt = os.path.join('/tmp/cephtest', 'mnt.{id}'.format(id=id_)) scratch = os.path.join(mnt, 'client.{id}'.format(id=id_)) assert isinstance(tests, list) for idx, testname in enumerate(tests):'Running autotest client test #%d: %s...', idx, testname) tag = 'client.{id}.num{idx}.{testname}'.format( idx=idx, testname=testname, id=id_, ) control = '/tmp/cephtest/control.{tag}'.format(tag=tag) teuthology.write_file( remote=remote, path=control, data='import json; data=json.loads({data!r}); job.run_test(**data)'.format( data=json.dumps(dict( url=testname, dir=scratch, # TODO perhaps tag # results will be in /tmp/cephtest/autotest/client/results/dbench # or /tmp/cephtest/autotest/client/results/dbench.{tag} )), ), ) args=[ '/tmp/cephtest/autotest/client/bin/autotest', '--verbose', '--harness=simple', '--tag={tag}'.format(tag=tag), control, run.Raw('3>&1'), ], ) args=[ 'rm', '-rf', '--', control, ], ) args=[ 'mv', '--', '/tmp/cephtest/autotest/client/results/{tag}'.format(tag=tag), '/tmp/cephtest/archive/autotest/{tag}'.format(tag=tag), ], ) args=[ 'rm', '-rf', '--', '/tmp/cephtest/autotest', ], )