""" Qemu task """ import contextlib import logging import os import yaml import time from teuthology import misc as teuthology from teuthology import contextutil from tasks import rbd from teuthology.orchestra import run from teuthology.config import config as teuth_config from util.workunit import get_refspec_after_overrides log = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_NUM_DISKS = 2 DEFAULT_IMAGE_URL = 'http://download.ceph.com/qa/ubuntu-12.04.qcow2' DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE = 10240 # in megabytes DEFAULT_CPUS = 1 DEFAULT_MEM = 4096 # in megabytes def create_images(ctx, config, managers): for client, client_config in config.items(): disks = client_config.get('disks', DEFAULT_NUM_DISKS) if not isinstance(disks, list): disks = [{} for n in range(int(disks))] clone = client_config.get('clone', False) assert disks, 'at least one rbd device must be used' for i, disk in enumerate(disks[1:]): create_config = { client: { 'image_name': '{client}.{num}'.format(client=client, num=i + 1), 'image_format': 2 if clone else 1, 'image_size': (disk or {}).get('image_size', DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE), } } managers.append( lambda create_config=create_config: rbd.create_image(ctx=ctx, config=create_config) ) def create_clones(ctx, config, managers): for client, client_config in config.items(): clone = client_config.get('clone', False) if clone: num_disks = client_config.get('disks', DEFAULT_NUM_DISKS) if isinstance(num_disks, list): num_disks = len(num_disks) for i in range(num_disks): create_config = { client: { 'image_name': '{client}.{num}-clone'.format(client=client, num=i), 'parent_name': '{client}.{num}'.format(client=client, num=i), } } managers.append( lambda create_config=create_config: rbd.clone_image(ctx=ctx, config=create_config) ) @contextlib.contextmanager def create_dirs(ctx, config): """ Handle directory creation and cleanup """ testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx) for client, client_config in config.items(): assert 'test' in client_config, 'You must specify a test to run' (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys() remote.run( args=[ 'install', '-d', '-m0755', '--', '{tdir}/qemu'.format(tdir=testdir), '{tdir}/archive/qemu'.format(tdir=testdir), ] ) try: yield finally: for client, client_config in config.items(): assert 'test' in client_config, 'You must specify a test to run' (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys() remote.run( args=[ 'rmdir', '{tdir}/qemu'.format(tdir=testdir), run.Raw('||'), 'true', ] ) @contextlib.contextmanager def generate_iso(ctx, config): """Execute system commands to generate iso""" log.info('generating iso...') testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx) # use ctx.config instead of config, because config has been # through teuthology.replace_all_with_clients() refspec = get_refspec_after_overrides(ctx.config, {}) git_url = teuth_config.get_ceph_qa_suite_git_url() log.info('Pulling tests from %s ref %s', git_url, refspec) for client, client_config in config.items(): assert 'test' in client_config, 'You must specify a test to run' test = client_config['test'] (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys() clone_dir = '{tdir}/qemu_clone.{role}'.format(tdir=testdir, role=client) remote.run(args=refspec.clone(git_url, clone_dir)) src_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) userdata_path = os.path.join(testdir, 'qemu', 'userdata.' + client) metadata_path = os.path.join(testdir, 'qemu', 'metadata.' + client) with open(os.path.join(src_dir, 'userdata_setup.yaml'), 'rb') as f: test_setup = ''.join(f.readlines()) # configuring the commands to setup the nfs mount mnt_dir = "/export/{client}".format(client=client) test_setup = test_setup.format( mnt_dir=mnt_dir ) with open(os.path.join(src_dir, 'userdata_teardown.yaml'), 'rb') as f: test_teardown = ''.join(f.readlines()) user_data = test_setup if client_config.get('type', 'filesystem') == 'filesystem': num_disks = client_config.get('disks', DEFAULT_NUM_DISKS) if isinstance(num_disks, list): num_disks = len(num_disks) for i in range(1, num_disks): dev_letter = chr(ord('a') + i) user_data += """ - | #!/bin/bash mkdir /mnt/test_{dev_letter} mkfs -t xfs /dev/vd{dev_letter} mount -t xfs /dev/vd{dev_letter} /mnt/test_{dev_letter} """.format(dev_letter=dev_letter) user_data += """ - | #!/bin/bash test -d /etc/ceph || mkdir /etc/ceph cp /mnt/cdrom/ceph.* /etc/ceph/ """ cloud_config_archive = client_config.get('cloud_config_archive', []) if cloud_config_archive: user_data += yaml.safe_dump(cloud_config_archive, default_style='|', default_flow_style=False) # this may change later to pass the directories as args to the # script or something. xfstests needs that. user_data += """ - | #!/bin/bash test -d /mnt/test_b && cd /mnt/test_b /mnt/cdrom/test.sh > /mnt/log/test.log 2>&1 && touch /mnt/log/success """ + test_teardown user_data = user_data.format( ceph_branch=ctx.config.get('branch'), ceph_sha1=ctx.config.get('sha1')) teuthology.write_file(remote, userdata_path, user_data) with open(os.path.join(src_dir, 'metadata.yaml'), 'rb') as f: teuthology.write_file(remote, metadata_path, f) test_file = '{tdir}/qemu/{client}.test.sh'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client) log.info('fetching test %s for %s', test, client) remote.run( args=[ 'cp', '--', os.path.join(clone_dir, test), test_file, run.Raw('&&'), 'chmod', '755', test_file, ], ) remote.run( args=[ 'genisoimage', '-quiet', '-input-charset', 'utf-8', '-volid', 'cidata', '-joliet', '-rock', '-o', '{tdir}/qemu/{client}.iso'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client), '-graft-points', 'user-data={userdata}'.format(userdata=userdata_path), 'meta-data={metadata}'.format(metadata=metadata_path), 'ceph.conf=/etc/ceph/ceph.conf', 'ceph.keyring=/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring', 'test.sh={file}'.format(file=test_file), ], ) try: yield finally: for client in config.keys(): (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys() remote.run( args=[ 'rm', '-rf', '{tdir}/qemu/{client}.iso'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client), os.path.join(testdir, 'qemu', 'userdata.' + client), os.path.join(testdir, 'qemu', 'metadata.' + client), '{tdir}/qemu/{client}.test.sh'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client), '{tdir}/qemu_clone.{client}'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client), ], ) @contextlib.contextmanager def download_image(ctx, config): """Downland base image, remove image file when done""" log.info('downloading base image') testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx) for client, client_config in config.items(): (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys() base_file = '{tdir}/qemu/base.{client}.qcow2'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client) image_url = client_config.get('image_url', DEFAULT_IMAGE_URL) remote.run( args=[ 'wget', '-nv', '-O', base_file, image_url, ] ) disks = client_config.get('disks', None) if not isinstance(disks, list): disks = [{}] image_name = '{client}.0'.format(client=client) image_size = (disks[0] or {}).get('image_size', DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE) remote.run( args=[ 'qemu-img', 'convert', '-f', 'qcow2', '-O', 'raw', base_file, 'rbd:rbd/{image_name}'.format(image_name=image_name) ] ) remote.run( args=[ 'rbd', 'resize', '--size={image_size}M'.format(image_size=image_size), image_name, ] ) try: yield finally: log.debug('cleaning up base image files') for client in config.keys(): base_file = '{tdir}/qemu/base.{client}.qcow2'.format( tdir=testdir, client=client, ) (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys() remote.run( args=[ 'rm', '-f', base_file, ], ) def _setup_nfs_mount(remote, client, service_name, mount_dir): """ Sets up an nfs mount on the remote that the guest can use to store logs. This nfs mount is also used to touch a file at the end of the test to indicate if the test was successful or not. """ export_dir = "/export/{client}".format(client=client) log.info("Creating the nfs export directory...") remote.run(args=[ 'sudo', 'mkdir', '-p', export_dir, ]) log.info("Mounting the test directory...") remote.run(args=[ 'sudo', 'mount', '--bind', mount_dir, export_dir, ]) log.info("Adding mount to /etc/exports...") export = "{dir} *(rw,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check,insecure)".format( dir=export_dir ) remote.run(args=[ 'sudo', 'sed', '-i', '/^\/export\//d', "/etc/exports", ]) remote.run(args=[ 'echo', export, run.Raw("|"), 'sudo', 'tee', '-a', "/etc/exports", ]) log.info("Restarting NFS...") if remote.os.package_type == "deb": remote.run(args=['sudo', 'service', 'nfs-kernel-server', 'restart']) else: remote.run(args=['sudo', 'systemctl', 'restart', service_name]) def _teardown_nfs_mount(remote, client, service_name): """ Tears down the nfs mount on the remote used for logging and reporting the status of the tests being ran in the guest. """ log.info("Tearing down the nfs mount for {remote}".format(remote=remote)) export_dir = "/export/{client}".format(client=client) log.info("Stopping NFS...") if remote.os.package_type == "deb": remote.run(args=[ 'sudo', 'service', 'nfs-kernel-server', 'stop' ]) else: remote.run(args=[ 'sudo', 'systemctl', 'stop', service_name ]) log.info("Unmounting exported directory...") remote.run(args=[ 'sudo', 'umount', export_dir ]) log.info("Deleting exported directory...") remote.run(args=[ 'sudo', 'rm', '-r', '/export' ]) log.info("Deleting export from /etc/exports...") remote.run(args=[ 'sudo', 'sed', '-i', '$ d', '/etc/exports' ]) log.info("Starting NFS...") if remote.os.package_type == "deb": remote.run(args=[ 'sudo', 'service', 'nfs-kernel-server', 'start' ]) else: remote.run(args=[ 'sudo', 'systemctl', 'start', service_name ]) @contextlib.contextmanager def run_qemu(ctx, config): """Setup kvm environment and start qemu""" procs = [] testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx) for client, client_config in config.items(): (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys() log_dir = '{tdir}/archive/qemu/{client}'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client) remote.run( args=[ 'mkdir', log_dir, run.Raw('&&'), 'sudo', 'modprobe', 'kvm', ] ) nfs_service_name = 'nfs' if remote.os.name in ['rhel', 'centos'] and float(remote.os.version) >= 8: nfs_service_name = 'nfs-server' # make an nfs mount to use for logging and to # allow to test to tell teuthology the tests outcome _setup_nfs_mount(remote, client, nfs_service_name, log_dir) # Hack to make sure /dev/kvm permissions are set correctly # See http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/17977 and # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1333159 remote.run(args='sudo udevadm control --reload') remote.run(args='sudo udevadm trigger /dev/kvm') remote.run(args='ls -l /dev/kvm') qemu_cmd = 'qemu-system-x86_64' if remote.os.package_type == "rpm": qemu_cmd = "/usr/libexec/qemu-kvm" args=[ 'adjust-ulimits', 'ceph-coverage', '{tdir}/archive/coverage'.format(tdir=testdir), 'daemon-helper', 'term', qemu_cmd, '-enable-kvm', '-nographic', '-cpu', 'host', '-smp', str(client_config.get('cpus', DEFAULT_CPUS)), '-m', str(client_config.get('memory', DEFAULT_MEM)), # cd holding metadata for cloud-init '-cdrom', '{tdir}/qemu/{client}.iso'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client), ] cachemode = 'none' ceph_config = ctx.ceph['ceph'].conf.get('global', {}) ceph_config.update(ctx.ceph['ceph'].conf.get('client', {})) ceph_config.update(ctx.ceph['ceph'].conf.get(client, {})) if ceph_config.get('rbd cache', True): if ceph_config.get('rbd cache max dirty', 1) > 0: cachemode = 'writeback' else: cachemode = 'writethrough' clone = client_config.get('clone', False) num_disks = client_config.get('disks', DEFAULT_NUM_DISKS) if isinstance(num_disks, list): num_disks = len(num_disks) for i in range(num_disks): suffix = '-clone' if clone else '' args.extend([ '-drive', 'file=rbd:rbd/{img}:id={id},format=raw,if=virtio,cache={cachemode}'.format( img='{client}.{num}{suffix}'.format(client=client, num=i, suffix=suffix), id=client[len('client.'):], cachemode=cachemode, ), ]) time_wait = client_config.get('time_wait', 0) log.info('starting qemu...') procs.append( remote.run( args=args, logger=log.getChild(client), stdin=run.PIPE, wait=False, ) ) try: yield finally: log.info('waiting for qemu tests to finish...') run.wait(procs) if time_wait > 0: log.debug('waiting {time_wait} sec for workloads detect finish...'.format( time_wait=time_wait)); time.sleep(time_wait) log.debug('checking that qemu tests succeeded...') for client in config.keys(): (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys() # ensure we have permissions to all the logs log_dir = '{tdir}/archive/qemu/{client}'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client) remote.run( args=[ 'sudo', 'chmod', 'a+rw', '-R', log_dir ] ) # teardown nfs mount _teardown_nfs_mount(remote, client, nfs_service_name) # check for test status remote.run( args=[ 'test', '-f', '{tdir}/archive/qemu/{client}/success'.format( tdir=testdir, client=client ), ], ) @contextlib.contextmanager def task(ctx, config): """ Run a test inside of QEMU on top of rbd. Only one test is supported per client. For example, you can specify which clients to run on:: tasks: - ceph: - qemu: client.0: test: http://download.ceph.com/qa/test.sh client.1: test: http://download.ceph.com/qa/test2.sh Or use the same settings on all clients: tasks: - ceph: - qemu: all: test: http://download.ceph.com/qa/test.sh For tests that don't need a filesystem, set type to block:: tasks: - ceph: - qemu: client.0: test: http://download.ceph.com/qa/test.sh type: block The test should be configured to run on /dev/vdb and later devices. If you want to run a test that uses more than one rbd image, specify how many images to use:: tasks: - ceph: - qemu: client.0: test: http://download.ceph.com/qa/test.sh type: block disks: 2 - or - tasks: - ceph: - qemu: client.0: test: http://ceph.com/qa/test.sh type: block disks: - image_size: 1024 - image_size: 2048 You can set the amount of CPUs and memory the VM has (default is 1 CPU and 4096 MB):: tasks: - ceph: - qemu: client.0: test: http://download.ceph.com/qa/test.sh cpus: 4 memory: 512 # megabytes If you want to run a test against a cloned rbd image, set clone to true:: tasks: - ceph: - qemu: client.0: test: http://download.ceph.com/qa/test.sh clone: true If you need to configure additional cloud-config options, set cloud_config to the required data set:: tasks: - ceph - qemu: client.0: test: http://ceph.com/qa/test.sh cloud_config_archive: - | #/bin/bash touch foo1 - content: | test data type: text/plain filename: /tmp/data If you need to override the default cloud image, set image_url: tasks: - ceph - qemu: client.0: test: http://ceph.com/qa/test.sh image_url: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/16.04/release/ubuntu-16.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img """ assert isinstance(config, dict), \ "task qemu only supports a dictionary for configuration" config = teuthology.replace_all_with_clients(ctx.cluster, config) managers = [] create_images(ctx=ctx, config=config, managers=managers) managers.extend([ lambda: create_dirs(ctx=ctx, config=config), lambda: generate_iso(ctx=ctx, config=config), lambda: download_image(ctx=ctx, config=config), ]) create_clones(ctx=ctx, config=config, managers=managers) managers.append( lambda: run_qemu(ctx=ctx, config=config), ) with contextutil.nested(*managers): yield