#!/usr/bin/env python import contextlib import logging from io import BytesIO import textwrap from configparser import ConfigParser import six import time from teuthology.orchestra import run from teuthology import misc from teuthology.contextutil import nested log = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEVSTACK_GIT_REPO = 'https://github.com/openstack-dev/devstack.git' DS_STABLE_BRANCHES = ("havana", "grizzly") is_devstack_node = lambda role: role.startswith('devstack') is_osd_node = lambda role: role.startswith('osd') @contextlib.contextmanager def task(ctx, config): if config is None: config = {} if not isinstance(config, dict): raise TypeError("config must be a dict") with nested(lambda: install(ctx=ctx, config=config), lambda: smoke(ctx=ctx, config=config), ): yield @contextlib.contextmanager def install(ctx, config): """ Install OpenStack DevStack and configure it to use a Ceph cluster for Glance and Cinder. Requires one node with a role 'devstack' Since devstack runs rampant on the system it's used on, typically you will want to reprovision that machine after using devstack on it. Also, the default 2GB of RAM that is given to vps nodes is insufficient. I recommend 4GB. Downburst can be instructed to give 4GB to a vps node by adding this to the yaml: downburst: ram: 4G This was created using documentation found here: https://github.com/openstack-dev/devstack/blob/master/README.md http://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/rbd/rbd-openstack/ """ if config is None: config = {} if not isinstance(config, dict): raise TypeError("config must be a dict") devstack_node = ctx.cluster.only(is_devstack_node).remotes.keys()[0] an_osd_node = ctx.cluster.only(is_osd_node).remotes.keys()[0] devstack_branch = config.get("branch", "master") install_devstack(devstack_node, devstack_branch) try: configure_devstack_and_ceph(ctx, config, devstack_node, an_osd_node) yield finally: pass def install_devstack(devstack_node, branch="master"): log.info("Cloning DevStack repo...") args = ['git', 'clone', DEVSTACK_GIT_REPO] devstack_node.run(args=args) if branch != "master": if branch in DS_STABLE_BRANCHES and not branch.startswith("stable"): branch = "stable/" + branch log.info("Checking out {branch} branch...".format(branch=branch)) cmd = "cd devstack && git checkout " + branch devstack_node.run(args=cmd) log.info("Installing DevStack...") args = ['cd', 'devstack', run.Raw('&&'), './stack.sh'] devstack_node.run(args=args) def configure_devstack_and_ceph(ctx, config, devstack_node, ceph_node): pool_size = config.get('pool_size', '128') create_pools(ceph_node, pool_size) distribute_ceph_conf(devstack_node, ceph_node) # This is where we would install python-ceph and ceph-common but it appears # the ceph task does that for us. generate_ceph_keys(ceph_node) distribute_ceph_keys(devstack_node, ceph_node) secret_uuid = set_libvirt_secret(devstack_node, ceph_node) update_devstack_config_files(devstack_node, secret_uuid) set_apache_servername(devstack_node) # Rebooting is the most-often-used method of restarting devstack services misc.reboot(devstack_node) start_devstack(devstack_node) restart_apache(devstack_node) def create_pools(ceph_node, pool_size): log.info("Creating pools on Ceph cluster...") for pool_name in ['volumes', 'images', 'backups']: args = ['sudo', 'ceph', 'osd', 'pool', 'create', pool_name, pool_size] ceph_node.run(args=args) def distribute_ceph_conf(devstack_node, ceph_node): log.info("Copying ceph.conf to DevStack node...") ceph_conf_path = '/etc/ceph/ceph.conf' ceph_conf = misc.get_file(ceph_node, ceph_conf_path, sudo=True) misc.sudo_write_file(devstack_node, ceph_conf_path, ceph_conf) def generate_ceph_keys(ceph_node): log.info("Generating Ceph keys...") ceph_auth_cmds = [ ['sudo', 'ceph', 'auth', 'get-or-create', 'client.cinder', 'mon', 'allow r', 'osd', 'allow class-read object_prefix rbd_children, allow rwx pool=volumes, allow rx pool=images'], # noqa ['sudo', 'ceph', 'auth', 'get-or-create', 'client.glance', 'mon', 'allow r', 'osd', 'allow class-read object_prefix rbd_children, allow rwx pool=images'], # noqa ['sudo', 'ceph', 'auth', 'get-or-create', 'client.cinder-backup', 'mon', 'allow r', 'osd', 'allow class-read object_prefix rbd_children, allow rwx pool=backups'], # noqa ] for cmd in ceph_auth_cmds: ceph_node.run(args=cmd) def distribute_ceph_keys(devstack_node, ceph_node): log.info("Copying Ceph keys to DevStack node...") def copy_key(from_remote, key_name, to_remote, dest_path, owner): key_stringio = BytesIO() from_remote.run( args=['sudo', 'ceph', 'auth', 'get-or-create', key_name], stdout=key_stringio) key_stringio.seek(0) misc.sudo_write_file(to_remote, dest_path, key_stringio, owner=owner) keys = [ dict(name='client.glance', path='/etc/ceph/ceph.client.glance.keyring', # devstack appears to just want root:root #owner='glance:glance', ), dict(name='client.cinder', path='/etc/ceph/ceph.client.cinder.keyring', # devstack appears to just want root:root #owner='cinder:cinder', ), dict(name='client.cinder-backup', path='/etc/ceph/ceph.client.cinder-backup.keyring', # devstack appears to just want root:root #owner='cinder:cinder', ), ] for key_dict in keys: copy_key(ceph_node, key_dict['name'], devstack_node, key_dict['path'], key_dict.get('owner')) def set_libvirt_secret(devstack_node, ceph_node): log.info("Setting libvirt secret...") cinder_key = ceph_node.sh('sudo ceph auth get-key client.cinder').strip() uuid = devstack_node.sh('uuidgen').strip() secret_path = '/tmp/secret.xml' secret_template = textwrap.dedent(""" {uuid} client.cinder secret """) misc.sudo_write_file(devstack_node, secret_path, secret_template.format(uuid=uuid)) devstack_node.run(args=['sudo', 'virsh', 'secret-define', '--file', secret_path]) devstack_node.run(args=['sudo', 'virsh', 'secret-set-value', '--secret', uuid, '--base64', cinder_key]) return uuid def update_devstack_config_files(devstack_node, secret_uuid): log.info("Updating DevStack config files to use Ceph...") def backup_config(node, file_name, backup_ext='.orig.teuth'): node.run(args=['cp', '-f', file_name, file_name + backup_ext]) def update_config(config_name, config_stream, update_dict, section='DEFAULT'): parser = ConfigParser() parser.read_file(config_stream) for (key, value) in update_dict.items(): parser.set(section, key, value) out_stream = six.StringIO() parser.write(out_stream) out_stream.seek(0) return out_stream updates = [ dict(name='/etc/glance/glance-api.conf', options=dict( default_store='rbd', rbd_store_user='glance', rbd_store_pool='images', show_image_direct_url='True',)), dict(name='/etc/cinder/cinder.conf', options=dict( volume_driver='cinder.volume.drivers.rbd.RBDDriver', rbd_pool='volumes', rbd_ceph_conf='/etc/ceph/ceph.conf', rbd_flatten_volume_from_snapshot='false', rbd_max_clone_depth='5', glance_api_version='2', rbd_user='cinder', rbd_secret_uuid=secret_uuid, backup_driver='cinder.backup.drivers.ceph', backup_ceph_conf='/etc/ceph/ceph.conf', backup_ceph_user='cinder-backup', backup_ceph_chunk_size='134217728', backup_ceph_pool='backups', backup_ceph_stripe_unit='0', backup_ceph_stripe_count='0', restore_discard_excess_bytes='true', )), dict(name='/etc/nova/nova.conf', options=dict( libvirt_images_type='rbd', libvirt_images_rbd_pool='volumes', libvirt_images_rbd_ceph_conf='/etc/ceph/ceph.conf', rbd_user='cinder', rbd_secret_uuid=secret_uuid, libvirt_inject_password='false', libvirt_inject_key='false', libvirt_inject_partition='-2', )), ] for update in updates: file_name = update['name'] options = update['options'] config_data = misc.get_file(devstack_node, file_name, sudo=True) config_stream = six.StringIO(config_data) backup_config(devstack_node, file_name) new_config_stream = update_config(file_name, config_stream, options) misc.sudo_write_file(devstack_node, file_name, new_config_stream) def set_apache_servername(node): # Apache complains: "Could not reliably determine the server's fully # qualified domain name, using for ServerName" # So, let's make sure it knows its name. log.info("Setting Apache ServerName...") hostname = node.hostname config_file = '/etc/apache2/conf.d/servername' misc.sudo_write_file(node, config_file, "ServerName {name}".format(name=hostname)) def start_devstack(devstack_node): log.info("Patching devstack start script...") # This causes screen to start headless - otherwise rejoin-stack.sh fails # because there is no terminal attached. cmd = "cd devstack && sed -ie 's/screen -c/screen -dm -c/' rejoin-stack.sh" devstack_node.run(args=cmd) log.info("Starting devstack...") cmd = "cd devstack && ./rejoin-stack.sh" devstack_node.run(args=cmd) # This was added because I was getting timeouts on Cinder requests - which # were trying to access Keystone on port 5000. A more robust way to handle # this would be to introduce a wait-loop on devstack_node that checks to # see if a service is listening on port 5000. log.info("Waiting 30s for devstack to start...") time.sleep(30) def restart_apache(node): node.run(args=['sudo', '/etc/init.d/apache2', 'restart'], wait=True) @contextlib.contextmanager def exercise(ctx, config): log.info("Running devstack exercises...") if config is None: config = {} if not isinstance(config, dict): raise TypeError("config must be a dict") devstack_node = ctx.cluster.only(is_devstack_node).remotes.keys()[0] # TODO: save the log *and* preserve failures #devstack_archive_dir = create_devstack_archive(ctx, devstack_node) try: #cmd = "cd devstack && ./exercise.sh 2>&1 | tee {dir}/exercise.log".format( # noqa # dir=devstack_archive_dir) cmd = "cd devstack && ./exercise.sh" devstack_node.run(args=cmd, wait=True) yield finally: pass def create_devstack_archive(ctx, devstack_node): test_dir = misc.get_testdir(ctx) devstack_archive_dir = "{test_dir}/archive/devstack".format( test_dir=test_dir) devstack_node.run(args="mkdir -p " + devstack_archive_dir) return devstack_archive_dir @contextlib.contextmanager def smoke(ctx, config): log.info("Running a basic smoketest...") devstack_node = ctx.cluster.only(is_devstack_node).remotes.keys()[0] an_osd_node = ctx.cluster.only(is_osd_node).remotes.keys()[0] try: create_volume(devstack_node, an_osd_node, 'smoke0', 1) yield finally: pass def create_volume(devstack_node, ceph_node, vol_name, size): """ :param size: The size of the volume, in GB """ size = str(size) log.info("Creating a {size}GB volume named {name}...".format( name=vol_name, size=size)) args = ['source', 'devstack/openrc', run.Raw('&&'), 'cinder', 'create', '--display-name', vol_name, size] cinder_create = devstack_node.sh(args, wait=True) vol_info = parse_os_table(cinder_create) log.debug("Volume info: %s", str(vol_info)) try: rbd_output = ceph_node.sh("rbd --id cinder ls -l volumes", wait=True) except run.CommandFailedError: log.debug("Original rbd call failed; retrying without '--id cinder'") rbd_output = ceph_node.sh("rbd ls -l volumes", wait=True) assert vol_info['id'] in rbd_output, \ "Volume not found on Ceph cluster" assert vol_info['size'] == size, \ "Volume size on Ceph cluster is different than specified" return vol_info['id'] def parse_os_table(table_str): out_dict = dict() for line in table_str.split('\n'): if line.startswith('|'): items = line.split() out_dict[items[1]] = items[3] return out_dict