""" rgw routines """ import argparse import contextlib import json import logging import os import errno import util.rgw as rgw_utils from requests.packages.urllib3 import PoolManager from requests.packages.urllib3.util import Retry from cStringIO import StringIO from teuthology.orchestra import run from teuthology import misc as teuthology from teuthology import contextutil from teuthology.orchestra.run import CommandFailedError from util.rgw import rgwadmin from util.rados import (rados, create_ec_pool, create_replicated_pool, create_cache_pool) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def get_config_master_client(ctx, config, regions): role_zones = dict([(client, extract_zone_info(ctx, client, c_config)) for client, c_config in config.iteritems()]) log.debug('roles_zones = %r', role_zones) region_info = dict([ (region_name, extract_region_info(region_name, r_config)) for region_name, r_config in regions.iteritems()]) # read master zonegroup and master_zone for zonegroup, zg_info in region_info.iteritems(): if zg_info['is_master']: master_zonegroup = zonegroup master_zone = zg_info['master_zone'] break for client in config.iterkeys(): (zonegroup, zone, zone_info) = role_zones[client] if zonegroup == master_zonegroup and zone == master_zone: return client return None @contextlib.contextmanager def create_apache_dirs(ctx, config, on_client = None, except_client = None): """ Remotely create apache directories. Delete when finished. """ log.info('Creating apache directories...') log.debug('client is %r', on_client) testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx) clients_to_create_as = [on_client] if on_client is None: clients_to_create_as = config.keys() for client in clients_to_create_as: if client == except_client: continue ctx.cluster.only(client).run( args=[ 'mkdir', '-p', '{tdir}/apache/htdocs.{client}'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client), '{tdir}/apache/tmp.{client}/fastcgi_sock'.format( tdir=testdir, client=client), run.Raw('&&'), 'mkdir', '{tdir}/archive/apache.{client}'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client), ], ) try: yield finally: log.info('Cleaning up apache directories...') for client in clients_to_create_as: ctx.cluster.only(client).run( args=[ 'rm', '-rf', '{tdir}/apache/tmp.{client}'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client), run.Raw('&&'), 'rmdir', '{tdir}/apache/htdocs.{client}'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client), ], ) for client in clients_to_create_as: ctx.cluster.only(client).run( args=[ 'rmdir', '{tdir}/apache'.format(tdir=testdir), ], check_status=False, # only need to remove once per host ) def _use_uds_with_fcgi(remote): """ Returns true if this node supports the usage of unix domain sockets with mod_proxy_fcgi. FIXME: returns False always for now until we know for sure what distros will support UDS. RHEL 7.0 is the only one currently I know of, but we can't install that version of apache yet in the labs. """ return False @contextlib.contextmanager def ship_apache_configs(ctx, config, role_endpoints, on_client = None, except_client = None): """ Ship apache config and rgw.fgci to all clients. Clean up on termination """ assert isinstance(config, dict) assert isinstance(role_endpoints, dict) testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx) log.info('Shipping apache config and rgw.fcgi...') src = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'apache.conf.template') clients_to_create_as = [on_client] if on_client is None: clients_to_create_as = config.keys() for client in clients_to_create_as: if client == except_client: continue (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys() system_type = teuthology.get_system_type(remote) conf = config.get(client) if not conf: conf = {} idle_timeout = conf.get('idle_timeout', ctx.rgw.default_idle_timeout) if system_type == 'deb': mod_path = '/usr/lib/apache2/modules' print_continue = 'on' user = 'www-data' group = 'www-data' apache24_modconfig = ''' IncludeOptional /etc/apache2/mods-available/mpm_event.conf IncludeOptional /etc/apache2/mods-available/mpm_event.load ''' else: mod_path = '/usr/lib64/httpd/modules' print_continue = 'off' user = 'apache' group = 'apache' apache24_modconfig = \ 'IncludeOptional /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/00-mpm.conf' host, port = role_endpoints[client] # decide if we want to use mod_fastcgi or mod_proxy_fcgi template_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) fcgi_config = os.path.join(template_dir, 'mod_proxy_fcgi.tcp.conf.template') if ctx.rgw.use_fastcgi: log.info("Apache is configured to use mod_fastcgi") fcgi_config = os.path.join(template_dir, 'mod_fastcgi.conf.template') elif _use_uds_with_fcgi(remote): log.info("Apache is configured to use mod_proxy_fcgi with UDS") fcgi_config = os.path.join(template_dir, 'mod_proxy_fcgi.uds.conf.template') else: log.info("Apache is configured to use mod_proxy_fcgi with TCP") with file(fcgi_config, 'rb') as f: fcgi_config = f.read() with file(src, 'rb') as f: conf = f.read() + fcgi_config conf = conf.format( testdir=testdir, mod_path=mod_path, print_continue=print_continue, host=host, port=port, client=client, idle_timeout=idle_timeout, user=user, group=group, apache24_modconfig=apache24_modconfig, ) teuthology.write_file( remote=remote, path='{tdir}/apache/apache.{client}.conf'.format( tdir=testdir, client=client), data=conf, ) rgw_options = [] if ctx.rgw.use_fastcgi or _use_uds_with_fcgi(remote): rgw_options = [ '--rgw-socket-path', '{tdir}/apache/tmp.{client}/fastcgi_sock/rgw_sock'.format( tdir=testdir, client=client ), '--rgw-frontends', 'fastcgi', ] else: rgw_options = [ '--rgw-socket-path', '""', '--rgw-print-continue', 'false', '--rgw-frontends', 'fastcgi socket_port=9000 socket_host=', ] teuthology.write_file( remote=remote, path='{tdir}/apache/htdocs.{client}/rgw.fcgi'.format( tdir=testdir, client=client), data="""#!/bin/sh ulimit -c unlimited exec radosgw -f -n {client} -k /etc/ceph/ceph.{client}.keyring {rgw_options} """.format(tdir=testdir, client=client, rgw_options=" ".join(rgw_options)) ) remote.run( args=[ 'chmod', 'a=rx', '{tdir}/apache/htdocs.{client}/rgw.fcgi'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client), ], ) try: yield finally: log.info('Removing apache config...') for client in clients_to_create_as: ctx.cluster.only(client).run( args=[ 'rm', '-f', '{tdir}/apache/apache.{client}.conf'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client), run.Raw('&&'), 'rm', '-f', '{tdir}/apache/htdocs.{client}/rgw.fcgi'.format( tdir=testdir, client=client), ], ) @contextlib.contextmanager def start_rgw(ctx, config, on_client = None, except_client = None): """ Start rgw on remote sites. """ log.info('Starting rgw...') log.debug('client %r', on_client) clients_to_run = [on_client] if on_client is None: clients_to_run = config.keys() testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx) for client in clients_to_run: if client == except_client: continue (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.iterkeys() zone = rgw_utils.zone_for_client(ctx, client) log.debug('zone %s', zone) client_config = config.get(client) if client_config is None: client_config = {} log.info("rgw %s config is %s", client, client_config) id_ = client.split('.', 1)[1] log.info('client {client} is id {id}'.format(client=client, id=id_)) cmd_prefix = [ 'sudo', 'adjust-ulimits', 'ceph-coverage', '{tdir}/archive/coverage'.format(tdir=testdir), 'daemon-helper', 'term', ] rgw_cmd = ['radosgw'] if ctx.rgw.frontend == 'apache': if ctx.rgw.use_fastcgi or _use_uds_with_fcgi(remote): rgw_cmd.extend([ '--rgw-socket-path', '{tdir}/apache/tmp.{client}/fastcgi_sock/rgw_sock'.format( tdir=testdir, client=client, ), '--rgw-frontends', 'fastcgi', ]) else: # for mod_proxy_fcgi, using tcp rgw_cmd.extend([ '--rgw-socket-path', '', '--rgw-print-continue', 'false', '--rgw-frontends', 'fastcgi socket_port=9000 socket_host=', ]) elif ctx.rgw.frontend == 'civetweb': host, port = ctx.rgw.role_endpoints[client] rgw_cmd.extend([ '--rgw-frontends', 'civetweb port={port}'.format(port=port), ]) if zone is not None: rgw_cmd.extend(['--rgw-zone', zone]) rgw_cmd.extend([ '-n', client, '-k', '/etc/ceph/ceph.{client}.keyring'.format(client=client), '--log-file', '/var/log/ceph/rgw.{client}.log'.format(client=client), '--rgw_ops_log_socket_path', '{tdir}/rgw.opslog.{client}.sock'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client), '--foreground', run.Raw('|'), 'sudo', 'tee', '/var/log/ceph/rgw.{client}.stdout'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client), run.Raw('2>&1'), ]) if client_config.get('valgrind'): cmd_prefix = teuthology.get_valgrind_args( testdir, client, cmd_prefix, client_config.get('valgrind') ) run_cmd = list(cmd_prefix) run_cmd.extend(rgw_cmd) ctx.daemons.add_daemon( remote, 'rgw', client, args=run_cmd, logger=log.getChild(client), stdin=run.PIPE, wait=False, ) # XXX: add_daemon() doesn't let us wait until radosgw finishes startup # use a connection pool with retry/backoff to poll each gateway until it starts listening http = PoolManager(retries=Retry(connect=8, backoff_factor=1)) for client in clients_to_run: if client == except_client: continue host, port = ctx.rgw.role_endpoints[client] endpoint = 'http://{host}:{port}/'.format(host=host, port=port) log.info('Polling {client} until it starts accepting connections on {endpoint}'.format(client=client, endpoint=endpoint)) http.request('GET', endpoint) try: yield finally: teuthology.stop_daemons_of_type(ctx, 'rgw') for client in config.iterkeys(): ctx.cluster.only(client).run( args=[ 'rm', '-f', '{tdir}/rgw.opslog.{client}.sock'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client), ], ) @contextlib.contextmanager def start_apache(ctx, config, on_client = None, except_client = None): """ Start apache on remote sites. """ log.info('Starting apache...') testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx) apaches = {} clients_to_run = [on_client] if on_client is None: clients_to_run = config.keys() for client in clients_to_run: if client == except_client: continue (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys() system_type = teuthology.get_system_type(remote) if system_type == 'deb': apache_name = 'apache2' else: try: remote.run( args=[ 'stat', '/usr/sbin/httpd.worker', ], ) apache_name = '/usr/sbin/httpd.worker' except CommandFailedError: apache_name = '/usr/sbin/httpd' proc = remote.run( args=[ 'adjust-ulimits', 'daemon-helper', 'kill', apache_name, '-X', '-f', '{tdir}/apache/apache.{client}.conf'.format(tdir=testdir, client=client), ], logger=log.getChild(client), stdin=run.PIPE, wait=False, ) apaches[client] = proc try: yield finally: log.info('Stopping apache...') for client, proc in apaches.iteritems(): proc.stdin.close() run.wait(apaches.itervalues()) def extract_user_info(client_config): """ Extract user info from the client config specified. Returns a dict that includes system key information. """ # test if there isn't a system user or if there isn't a name for that # user, return None if ('system user' not in client_config or 'name' not in client_config['system user']): return None user_info = dict() user_info['system_key'] = dict( user=client_config['system user']['name'], access_key=client_config['system user']['access key'], secret_key=client_config['system user']['secret key'], ) return user_info def extract_zone_info(ctx, client, client_config): """ Get zone information. :param client: dictionary of client information :param client_config: dictionary of client configuration information :returns: zone extracted from client and client_config information """ ceph_config = ctx.ceph['ceph'].conf.get('global', {}) ceph_config.update(ctx.ceph['ceph'].conf.get('client', {})) ceph_config.update(ctx.ceph['ceph'].conf.get(client, {})) for key in ['rgw zone', 'rgw region', 'rgw zone root pool']: assert key in ceph_config, \ 'ceph conf must contain {key} for {client}'.format(key=key, client=client) region = ceph_config['rgw region'] zone = ceph_config['rgw zone'] zone_info = dict() for key in ['rgw control pool', 'rgw gc pool', 'rgw log pool', 'rgw intent log pool', 'rgw usage log pool', 'rgw user keys pool', 'rgw user email pool', 'rgw user swift pool', 'rgw user uid pool', 'rgw domain root']: new_key = key.split(' ', 1)[1] new_key = new_key.replace(' ', '_') if key in ceph_config: value = ceph_config[key] log.debug('{key} specified in ceph_config ({val})'.format( key=key, val=value)) zone_info[new_key] = value else: zone_info[new_key] = '.' + region + '.' + zone + '.' + new_key index_pool = '.' + region + '.' + zone + '.' + 'index_pool' data_pool = '.' + region + '.' + zone + '.' + 'data_pool' data_extra_pool = '.' + region + '.' + zone + '.' + 'data_extra_pool' compression_type = ceph_config.get('rgw compression type', '') zone_info['placement_pools'] = [{'key': 'default_placement', 'val': {'index_pool': index_pool, 'data_pool': data_pool, 'data_extra_pool': data_extra_pool, 'compression': compression_type} }] # these keys are meant for the zones argument in the region info. We # insert them into zone_info with a different format and then remove them # in the fill_in_endpoints() method for key in ['rgw log meta', 'rgw log data']: if key in ceph_config: zone_info[key] = ceph_config[key] # these keys are meant for the zones argument in the region info. We # insert them into zone_info with a different format and then remove them # in the fill_in_endpoints() method for key in ['rgw log meta', 'rgw log data']: if key in ceph_config: zone_info[key] = ceph_config[key] return region, zone, zone_info def extract_region_info(region, region_info): """ Extract region information from the region_info parameter, using get to set default values. :param region: name of the region :param region_info: region information (in dictionary form). :returns: dictionary of region information set from region_info, using default values for missing fields. """ assert isinstance(region_info['zones'], list) and region_info['zones'], \ 'zones must be a non-empty list' return dict( name=region, api_name=region_info.get('api name', region), is_master=region_info.get('is master', False), log_meta=region_info.get('log meta', False), log_data=region_info.get('log data', False), master_zone=region_info.get('master zone', region_info['zones'][0]), placement_targets=region_info.get('placement targets', [{'name': 'default_placement', 'tags': []}]), default_placement=region_info.get('default placement', 'default_placement'), ) def assign_ports(ctx, config): """ Assign port numberst starting with port 7280. """ port = 7280 role_endpoints = {} for remote, roles_for_host in ctx.cluster.remotes.iteritems(): for role in roles_for_host: if role in config: role_endpoints[role] = (remote.name.split('@')[1], port) port += 1 return role_endpoints def fill_in_endpoints(region_info, role_zones, role_endpoints): """ Iterate through the list of role_endpoints, filling in zone information :param region_info: region data :param role_zones: region and zone information. :param role_endpoints: endpoints being used """ for role, (host, port) in role_endpoints.iteritems(): region, zone, zone_info, _ = role_zones[role] host, port = role_endpoints[role] endpoint = 'http://{host}:{port}/'.format(host=host, port=port) # check if the region specified under client actually exists # in region_info (it should, if properly configured). # If not, throw a reasonable error if region not in region_info: raise Exception( 'Region: {region} was specified but no corresponding' ' entry was found under \'regions\''.format(region=region)) region_conf = region_info[region] region_conf.setdefault('endpoints', []) region_conf['endpoints'].append(endpoint) # this is the payload for the 'zones' field in the region field zone_payload = dict() zone_payload['endpoints'] = [endpoint] zone_payload['name'] = zone # Pull the log meta and log data settings out of zone_info, if they # exist, then pop them as they don't actually belong in the zone info for key in ['rgw log meta', 'rgw log data']: new_key = key.split(' ', 1)[1] new_key = new_key.replace(' ', '_') if key in zone_info: value = zone_info.pop(key) else: value = 'false' zone_payload[new_key] = value region_conf.setdefault('zones', []) region_conf['zones'].append(zone_payload) @contextlib.contextmanager def configure_users_for_client(ctx, config, client, everywhere=False): """ Create users by remotely running rgwadmin commands using extracted user information. """ log.info('Configuring users...') log.info('for client %s', client) log.info('everywhere %s', everywhere) # For data sync the master zones and regions must have the # system users of the secondary zones. To keep this simple, # just create the system users on every client if regions are # configured. clients_to_create_as = [client] if everywhere: clients_to_create_as = config.keys() # extract the user info and append it to the payload tuple for the given # client for client, c_config in config.iteritems(): if not c_config: continue user_info = extract_user_info(c_config) if not user_info: continue for client_name in clients_to_create_as: log.debug('Creating user {user} on {client}'.format( user=user_info['system_key']['user'], client=client_name)) rgwadmin(ctx, client_name, cmd=[ 'user', 'create', '--uid', user_info['system_key']['user'], '--access-key', user_info['system_key']['access_key'], '--secret', user_info['system_key']['secret_key'], '--display-name', user_info['system_key']['user'], '--system', ], check_status=True, ) yield @contextlib.contextmanager def configure_users(ctx, config, everywhere=False): """ Create users by remotely running rgwadmin commands using extracted user information. """ log.info('Configuring users...') # extract the user info and append it to the payload tuple for the given # client for client, c_config in config.iteritems(): if not c_config: continue user_info = extract_user_info(c_config) if not user_info: continue # For data sync the master zones and regions must have the # system users of the secondary zones. To keep this simple, # just create the system users on every client if regions are # configured. clients_to_create_as = [client] if everywhere: clients_to_create_as = config.keys() for client_name in clients_to_create_as: log.debug('Creating user {user} on {client}'.format( user=user_info['system_key']['user'], client=client)) rgwadmin(ctx, client_name, cmd=[ 'user', 'create', '--uid', user_info['system_key']['user'], '--access-key', user_info['system_key']['access_key'], '--secret', user_info['system_key']['secret_key'], '--display-name', user_info['system_key']['user'], '--system', ], check_status=True, ) yield @contextlib.contextmanager def create_nonregion_pools(ctx, config, regions): """Create replicated or erasure coded data pools for rgw.""" if regions: yield return log.info('creating data pools') for client in config.keys(): (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.iterkeys() data_pool = '.rgw.buckets' if ctx.rgw.ec_data_pool: create_ec_pool(remote, data_pool, client, 64, ctx.rgw.erasure_code_profile) else: create_replicated_pool(remote, data_pool, 64) if ctx.rgw.cache_pools: create_cache_pool(remote, data_pool, data_pool + '.cache', 64, 64*1024*1024) yield @contextlib.contextmanager def configure_multisite_regions_and_zones(ctx, config, regions, role_endpoints, realm, master_client): """ Configure multisite regions and zones from rados and rgw. """ if not regions: log.debug( 'In rgw.configure_multisite_regions_and_zones() and regions is None. ' 'Bailing') yield return if not realm: log.debug( 'In rgw.configure_multisite_regions_and_zones() and realm is None. ' 'Bailing') yield return log.info('Configuring multisite regions and zones...') log.debug('config is %r', config) log.debug('regions are %r', regions) log.debug('role_endpoints = %r', role_endpoints) log.debug('realm is %r', realm) # extract the zone info role_zones = dict([(client, extract_zone_info(ctx, client, c_config)) for client, c_config in config.iteritems()]) log.debug('role_zones = %r', role_zones) # extract the user info and append it to the payload tuple for the given # client for client, c_config in config.iteritems(): if not c_config: user_info = None else: user_info = extract_user_info(c_config) (region, zone, zone_info) = role_zones[client] role_zones[client] = (region, zone, zone_info, user_info) region_info = dict([ (region_name, extract_region_info(region_name, r_config)) for region_name, r_config in regions.iteritems()]) fill_in_endpoints(region_info, role_zones, role_endpoints) # clear out the old defaults first_mon = teuthology.get_first_mon(ctx, config) (mon,) = ctx.cluster.only(first_mon).remotes.iterkeys() # read master zonegroup and master_zone for zonegroup, zg_info in region_info.iteritems(): if zg_info['is_master']: master_zonegroup = zonegroup master_zone = zg_info['master_zone'] break log.debug('master zonegroup =%r', master_zonegroup) log.debug('master zone = %r', master_zone) log.debug('master client = %r', master_client) rgwadmin(ctx, master_client, cmd=['realm', 'create', '--rgw-realm', realm, '--default'], check_status=True) for region, info in region_info.iteritems(): region_json = json.dumps(info) log.debug('region info is: %s', region_json) rgwadmin(ctx, master_client, cmd=['zonegroup', 'set'], stdin=StringIO(region_json), check_status=True) rgwadmin(ctx, master_client, cmd=['zonegroup', 'default', '--rgw-zonegroup', master_zonegroup], check_status=True) for role, (zonegroup, zone, zone_info, user_info) in role_zones.iteritems(): (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(role).remotes.keys() for pool_info in zone_info['placement_pools']: remote.run(args=['sudo', 'ceph', 'osd', 'pool', 'create', pool_info['val']['index_pool'], '64', '64']) if ctx.rgw.ec_data_pool: create_ec_pool(remote, pool_info['val']['data_pool'], zone, 64, ctx.rgw.erasure_code_profile) else: create_replicated_pool(remote, pool_info['val']['data_pool'], 64) (zonegroup, zone, zone_info, user_info) = role_zones[master_client] zone_json = json.dumps(dict(zone_info.items() + user_info.items())) log.debug("zone info is: %r", zone_json) rgwadmin(ctx, master_client, cmd=['zone', 'set', '--rgw-zonegroup', zonegroup, '--rgw-zone', zone], stdin=StringIO(zone_json), check_status=True) rgwadmin(ctx, master_client, cmd=['-n', master_client, 'zone', 'default', zone], check_status=True) rgwadmin(ctx, master_client, cmd=['-n', master_client, 'period', 'update', '--commit'], check_status=True) yield def configure_compression_in_default_zone(ctx, config): ceph_config = ctx.ceph['ceph'].conf.get('global', {}) ceph_config.update(ctx.ceph['ceph'].conf.get('client', {})) for client, c_config in config.iteritems(): ceph_config.update(ctx.ceph['ceph'].conf.get(client, {})) key = 'rgw compression type' if not key in ceph_config: log.debug('No compression setting to enable') break compression = ceph_config[key] log.debug('Configuring compression type = %s', compression) # XXX: the 'default' zone and zonegroup aren't created until we run RGWRados::init_complete(). # issue a 'radosgw-admin user list' command to trigger this rgwadmin(ctx, client, cmd=['user', 'list'], check_status=True) rgwadmin(ctx, client, cmd=['zone', 'placement', 'modify', '--rgw-zone', 'default', '--placement-id', 'default-placement', '--compression', compression], check_status=True) break # only the first client @contextlib.contextmanager def configure_regions_and_zones(ctx, config, regions, role_endpoints, realm): """ Configure regions and zones from rados and rgw. """ if not regions: log.debug( 'In rgw.configure_regions_and_zones() and regions is None. ' 'Bailing') configure_compression_in_default_zone(ctx, config) yield return if not realm: log.debug( 'In rgw.configure_regions_and_zones() and realm is None. ' 'Bailing') configure_compression_in_default_zone(ctx, config) yield return log.info('Configuring regions and zones...') log.debug('config is %r', config) log.debug('regions are %r', regions) log.debug('role_endpoints = %r', role_endpoints) log.debug('realm is %r', realm) # extract the zone info role_zones = dict([(client, extract_zone_info(ctx, client, c_config)) for client, c_config in config.iteritems()]) log.debug('roles_zones = %r', role_zones) # extract the user info and append it to the payload tuple for the given # client for client, c_config in config.iteritems(): if not c_config: user_info = None else: user_info = extract_user_info(c_config) (region, zone, zone_info) = role_zones[client] role_zones[client] = (region, zone, zone_info, user_info) region_info = dict([ (region_name, extract_region_info(region_name, r_config)) for region_name, r_config in regions.iteritems()]) fill_in_endpoints(region_info, role_zones, role_endpoints) # clear out the old defaults first_mon = teuthology.get_first_mon(ctx, config) (mon,) = ctx.cluster.only(first_mon).remotes.iterkeys() # removing these objects from .rgw.root and the per-zone root pools # may or may not matter rados(ctx, mon, cmd=['-p', '.rgw.root', 'rm', 'region_info.default']) rados(ctx, mon, cmd=['-p', '.rgw.root', 'rm', 'zone_info.default']) # read master zonegroup and master_zone for zonegroup, zg_info in region_info.iteritems(): if zg_info['is_master']: master_zonegroup = zonegroup master_zone = zg_info['master_zone'] break for client in config.iterkeys(): (zonegroup, zone, zone_info, user_info) = role_zones[client] if zonegroup == master_zonegroup and zone == master_zone: master_client = client break log.debug('master zonegroup =%r', master_zonegroup) log.debug('master zone = %r', master_zone) log.debug('master client = %r', master_client) log.debug('config %r ', config) (ret, out)=rgwadmin(ctx, master_client, cmd=['realm', 'create', '--rgw-realm', realm, '--default']) log.debug('realm create ret %r exists %r', -ret, errno.EEXIST) assert ret == 0 or ret != -errno.EEXIST if ret is -errno.EEXIST: log.debug('realm %r exists', realm) for client in config.iterkeys(): for role, (zonegroup, zone, zone_info, user_info) in role_zones.iteritems(): rados(ctx, mon, cmd=['-p', zone_info['domain_root'], 'rm', 'region_info.default']) rados(ctx, mon, cmd=['-p', zone_info['domain_root'], 'rm', 'zone_info.default']) (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(role).remotes.keys() for pool_info in zone_info['placement_pools']: remote.run(args=['sudo', 'ceph', 'osd', 'pool', 'create', pool_info['val']['index_pool'], '64', '64']) if ctx.rgw.ec_data_pool: create_ec_pool(remote, pool_info['val']['data_pool'], zone, 64, ctx.rgw.erasure_code_profile) else: create_replicated_pool( remote, pool_info['val']['data_pool'], 64) zone_json = json.dumps(dict(zone_info.items() + user_info.items())) log.debug('zone info is: %r', zone_json) rgwadmin(ctx, client, cmd=['zone', 'set', '--rgw-zonegroup', zonegroup, '--rgw-zone', zone], stdin=StringIO(zone_json), check_status=True) for region, info in region_info.iteritems(): region_json = json.dumps(info) log.debug('region info is: %s', region_json) rgwadmin(ctx, client, cmd=['zonegroup', 'set'], stdin=StringIO(region_json), check_status=True) if info['is_master']: rgwadmin(ctx, client, cmd=['zonegroup', 'default', '--rgw-zonegroup', master_zonegroup], check_status=True) (zonegroup, zone, zone_info, user_info) = role_zones[client] rgwadmin(ctx, client, cmd=['zone', 'default', zone], check_status=True) rgwadmin(ctx, master_client, cmd=['-n', master_client, 'period', 'update', '--commit'], check_status=True) yield @contextlib.contextmanager def pull_configuration(ctx, config, regions, role_endpoints, realm, master_client): """ Configure regions and zones from rados and rgw. """ if not regions: log.debug( 'In rgw.pull_confguration() and regions is None. ' 'Bailing') yield return if not realm: log.debug( 'In rgw.pull_configuration() and realm is None. ' 'Bailing') yield return log.info('Pulling configuration...') log.debug('config is %r', config) log.debug('regions are %r', regions) log.debug('role_endpoints = %r', role_endpoints) log.debug('realm is %r', realm) log.debug('master client = %r', master_client) # extract the zone info role_zones = dict([(client, extract_zone_info(ctx, client, c_config)) for client, c_config in config.iteritems()]) log.debug('roles_zones = %r', role_zones) # extract the user info and append it to the payload tuple for the given # client for client, c_config in config.iteritems(): if not c_config: user_info = None else: user_info = extract_user_info(c_config) (region, zone, zone_info) = role_zones[client] role_zones[client] = (region, zone, zone_info, user_info) region_info = dict([ (region_name, extract_region_info(region_name, r_config)) for region_name, r_config in regions.iteritems()]) fill_in_endpoints(region_info, role_zones, role_endpoints) for client in config.iterkeys(): if client != master_client: host, port = role_endpoints[master_client] endpoint = 'http://{host}:{port}/'.format(host=host, port=port) log.debug("endpoint: %s", endpoint) rgwadmin(ctx, client, cmd=['-n', client, 'realm', 'pull', '--rgw-realm', realm, '--default', '--url', endpoint, '--access_key', user_info['system_key']['access_key'], '--secret', user_info['system_key']['secret_key']], check_status=True) (zonegroup, zone, zone_info, zone_user_info) = role_zones[client] zone_json = json.dumps(dict(zone_info.items() + zone_user_info.items())) log.debug("zone info is: %r"), zone_json rgwadmin(ctx, client, cmd=['zone', 'set', '--rgw-zonegroup', zonegroup, '--rgw-zone', zone], stdin=StringIO(zone_json), check_status=True) rgwadmin(ctx, client, cmd=['period', 'update', '--commit', '--url', endpoint, '--access_key', user_info['system_key']['access_key'], '--secret', user_info['system_key']['secret_key']], check_status=True) yield @contextlib.contextmanager def task(ctx, config): """ Either use configure apache to run a rados gateway, or use the built-in civetweb server. Only one should be run per machine, since it uses a hard-coded port for now. For example, to run rgw on all clients:: tasks: - ceph: - rgw: To only run on certain clients:: tasks: - ceph: - rgw: [client.0, client.3] or tasks: - ceph: - rgw: client.0: client.3: You can adjust the idle timeout for fastcgi (default is 30 seconds): tasks: - ceph: - rgw: client.0: idle_timeout: 90 To run radosgw through valgrind: tasks: - ceph: - rgw: client.0: valgrind: [--tool=memcheck] client.3: valgrind: [--tool=memcheck] To use civetweb instead of apache: tasks: - ceph: - rgw: - client.0 overrides: rgw: frontend: civetweb Note that without a modified fastcgi module e.g. with the default one on CentOS, you must have rgw print continue = false in ceph.conf:: tasks: - ceph: conf: global: rgw print continue: false - rgw: [client.0] To use mod_proxy_fcgi instead of mod_fastcgi: overrides: rgw: use_fcgi: true To run rgws for multiple regions or zones, describe the regions and their zones in a regions section. The endpoints will be generated by this task. Each client must have a region, zone, and pools assigned in ceph.conf:: tasks: - install: - ceph: conf: client.0: rgw region: foo rgw zone: foo-1 rgw region root pool: .rgw.rroot.foo rgw zone root pool: .rgw.zroot.foo rgw log meta: true rgw log data: true client.1: rgw region: bar rgw zone: bar-master rgw region root pool: .rgw.rroot.bar rgw zone root pool: .rgw.zroot.bar rgw log meta: true rgw log data: true client.2: rgw region: bar rgw zone: bar-secondary rgw region root pool: .rgw.rroot.bar rgw zone root pool: .rgw.zroot.bar-secondary - rgw: default_idle_timeout: 30 ec-data-pool: true erasure_code_profile: k: 2 m: 1 ruleset-failure-domain: osd realm: foo regions: foo: api name: api_name # default: region name is master: true # default: false master zone: foo-1 # default: first zone zones: [foo-1] log meta: true log data: true placement targets: [target1, target2] # default: [] default placement: target2 # default: '' bar: api name: bar-api zones: [bar-master, bar-secondary] client.0: system user: name: foo-system access key: X2IYPSTY1072DDY1SJMC secret key: YIMHICpPvT+MhLTbSsiBJ1jQF15IFvJA8tgwJEcm client.1: system user: name: bar1 access key: Y2IYPSTY1072DDY1SJMC secret key: XIMHICpPvT+MhLTbSsiBJ1jQF15IFvJA8tgwJEcm client.2: system user: name: bar2 access key: Z2IYPSTY1072DDY1SJMC secret key: ZIMHICpPvT+MhLTbSsiBJ1jQF15IFvJA8tgwJEcm """ if config is None: config = dict(('client.{id}'.format(id=id_), None) for id_ in teuthology.all_roles_of_type( ctx.cluster, 'client')) elif isinstance(config, list): config = dict((name, None) for name in config) overrides = ctx.config.get('overrides', {}) teuthology.deep_merge(config, overrides.get('rgw', {})) regions = {} if 'regions' in config: # separate region info so only clients are keys in config regions = config['regions'] del config['regions'] role_endpoints = assign_ports(ctx, config) ctx.rgw = argparse.Namespace() ctx.rgw.role_endpoints = role_endpoints # stash the region info for later, since it was deleted from the config # structure ctx.rgw.regions = regions realm = None if 'realm' in config: # separate region info so only clients are keys in config realm = config['realm'] del config['realm'] ctx.rgw.realm = realm ctx.rgw.ec_data_pool = False if 'ec-data-pool' in config: ctx.rgw.ec_data_pool = bool(config['ec-data-pool']) del config['ec-data-pool'] ctx.rgw.erasure_code_profile = {} if 'erasure_code_profile' in config: ctx.rgw.erasure_code_profile = config['erasure_code_profile'] del config['erasure_code_profile'] ctx.rgw.default_idle_timeout = 30 if 'default_idle_timeout' in config: ctx.rgw.default_idle_timeout = int(config['default_idle_timeout']) del config['default_idle_timeout'] ctx.rgw.cache_pools = False if 'cache-pools' in config: ctx.rgw.cache_pools = bool(config['cache-pools']) del config['cache-pools'] ctx.rgw.frontend = 'civetweb' if 'frontend' in config: ctx.rgw.frontend = config['frontend'] del config['frontend'] ctx.rgw.use_fastcgi = True if "use_fcgi" in config: ctx.rgw.use_fastcgi = False log.info("Using mod_proxy_fcgi instead of mod_fastcgi...") del config['use_fcgi'] subtasks = [ lambda: create_nonregion_pools( ctx=ctx, config=config, regions=regions), ] multisite = len(regions) > 1 if not multisite: for zonegroup, zonegroup_info in regions.iteritems(): log.debug("zonegroup_info =%r", zonegroup_info) if len(zonegroup_info['zones']) > 1: multisite = True break log.debug('multisite %s', multisite) multi_cluster = multisite and len(ctx.config['roles']) > 1 log.debug('multi_cluster %s', multi_cluster) master_client = None if multi_cluster: log.debug('multi cluster run') master_client = get_config_master_client(ctx=ctx, config=config, regions=regions) log.debug('master_client %r', master_client) subtasks.extend([ lambda: configure_multisite_regions_and_zones( ctx=ctx, config=config, regions=regions, role_endpoints=role_endpoints, realm=realm, master_client = master_client, ) ]) subtasks.extend([ lambda: configure_users_for_client( ctx=ctx, config=config, client=master_client, everywhere=False, ), ]) if ctx.rgw.frontend == 'apache': subtasks.insert(0, lambda: create_apache_dirs(ctx=ctx, config=config, on_client=master_client)) subtasks.extend([ lambda: ship_apache_configs(ctx=ctx, config=config, role_endpoints=role_endpoints, on_client=master_client), lambda: start_apache(ctx=ctx, config=config, on_client=master_client), lambda: start_rgw(ctx=ctx, config=config, on_client=master_client), ]) elif ctx.rgw.frontend == 'civetweb': subtasks.extend([ lambda: start_rgw(ctx=ctx, config=config, on_client=master_client), ]) else: raise ValueError("frontend must be 'apache' or 'civetweb'") subtasks.extend([ lambda: pull_configuration(ctx=ctx, config=config, regions=regions, role_endpoints=role_endpoints, realm=realm, master_client=master_client ), ]) subtasks.extend([ lambda: configure_users_for_client( ctx=ctx, config=config, client=master_client, everywhere=True ), ]) if ctx.rgw.frontend == 'apache': subtasks.insert(0, lambda: create_apache_dirs(ctx=ctx, config=config, on_client=None, except_client = master_client)) subtasks.extend([ lambda: ship_apache_configs(ctx=ctx, config=config, role_endpoints=role_endpoints, on_client=None, except_client = master_client, ), lambda: start_apache(ctx=ctx, config = config, on_client=None, except_client = master_client, ), lambda: start_rgw(ctx=ctx, config=config, on_client=None, except_client = master_client), ]) elif ctx.rgw.frontend == 'civetweb': subtasks.extend([ lambda: start_rgw(ctx=ctx, config=config, on_client=None, except_client = master_client), ]) else: raise ValueError("frontend must be 'apache' or 'civetweb'") else: log.debug('single cluster run') subtasks.extend([ lambda: configure_regions_and_zones( ctx=ctx, config=config, regions=regions, role_endpoints=role_endpoints, realm=realm, ), lambda: configure_users( ctx=ctx, config=config, everywhere=True, ), ]) if ctx.rgw.frontend == 'apache': subtasks.insert(0, lambda: create_apache_dirs(ctx=ctx, config=config)) subtasks.extend([ lambda: ship_apache_configs(ctx=ctx, config=config, role_endpoints=role_endpoints), lambda: start_apache(ctx=ctx, config=config), lambda: start_rgw(ctx=ctx, config=config), ]) elif ctx.rgw.frontend == 'civetweb': subtasks.extend([ lambda: start_rgw(ctx=ctx, config=config), ]) else: raise ValueError("frontend must be 'apache' or 'civetweb'") log.info("Using %s as radosgw frontend", ctx.rgw.frontend) with contextutil.nested(*subtasks): yield