""" Test our tools for recovering the content of damaged journals """ import json import logging from textwrap import dedent import time from teuthology.orchestra.run import CommandFailedError from tasks.cephfs.filesystem import ObjectNotFound, ROOT_INO from tasks.cephfs.cephfs_test_case import CephFSTestCase, long_running from tasks.workunit import task as workunit log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TestJournalRepair(CephFSTestCase): MDSS_REQUIRED = 2 def test_inject_to_empty(self): """ That when some dentries in the journal but nothing is in the backing store, we correctly populate the backing store from the journalled dentries. """ # Inject metadata operations self.mount_a.run_shell(["touch", "rootfile"]) self.mount_a.run_shell(["mkdir", "subdir"]) self.mount_a.run_shell(["touch", "subdir/subdirfile"]) # There are several different paths for handling hardlinks, depending # on whether an existing dentry (being overwritten) is also a hardlink self.mount_a.run_shell(["mkdir", "linkdir"]) # Test inode -> remote transition for a dentry self.mount_a.run_shell(["touch", "linkdir/link0"]) self.mount_a.run_shell(["rm", "-f", "linkdir/link0"]) self.mount_a.run_shell(["ln", "subdir/subdirfile", "linkdir/link0"]) # Test nothing -> remote transition self.mount_a.run_shell(["ln", "subdir/subdirfile", "linkdir/link1"]) # Test remote -> inode transition self.mount_a.run_shell(["ln", "subdir/subdirfile", "linkdir/link2"]) self.mount_a.run_shell(["rm", "-f", "linkdir/link2"]) self.mount_a.run_shell(["touch", "linkdir/link2"]) # Test remote -> diff remote transition self.mount_a.run_shell(["ln", "subdir/subdirfile", "linkdir/link3"]) self.mount_a.run_shell(["rm", "-f", "linkdir/link3"]) self.mount_a.run_shell(["ln", "rootfile", "linkdir/link3"]) # Test an empty directory self.mount_a.run_shell(["mkdir", "subdir/subsubdir"]) self.mount_a.run_shell(["sync"]) # Before we unmount, make a note of the inode numbers, later we will # check that they match what we recover from the journal rootfile_ino = self.mount_a.path_to_ino("rootfile") subdir_ino = self.mount_a.path_to_ino("subdir") linkdir_ino = self.mount_a.path_to_ino("linkdir") subdirfile_ino = self.mount_a.path_to_ino("subdir/subdirfile") subsubdir_ino = self.mount_a.path_to_ino("subdir/subsubdir") self.mount_a.umount_wait() # Stop the MDS self.fs.mds_stop() self.fs.mds_fail() # Now, the journal should contain the operations, but the backing # store shouldn't with self.assertRaises(ObjectNotFound): self.fs.list_dirfrag(subdir_ino) self.assertEqual(self.fs.list_dirfrag(ROOT_INO), []) # Execute the dentry recovery, this should populate the backing store self.fs.journal_tool(['event', 'recover_dentries', 'list']) # Dentries in ROOT_INO are present self.assertEqual(sorted(self.fs.list_dirfrag(ROOT_INO)), sorted(['rootfile_head', 'subdir_head', 'linkdir_head'])) self.assertEqual(self.fs.list_dirfrag(subdir_ino), ['subdirfile_head', 'subsubdir_head']) self.assertEqual(sorted(self.fs.list_dirfrag(linkdir_ino)), sorted(['link0_head', 'link1_head', 'link2_head', 'link3_head'])) # Now check the MDS can read what we wrote: truncate the journal # and start the mds. self.fs.journal_tool(['journal', 'reset']) self.fs.mds_fail_restart() self.fs.wait_for_daemons() # List files self.mount_a.mount() self.mount_a.wait_until_mounted() # First ls -R to populate MDCache, such that hardlinks will # resolve properly (recover_dentries does not create backtraces, # so ordinarily hardlinks to inodes that happen not to have backtraces # will be invisible in readdir). # FIXME: hook in forward scrub here to regenerate backtraces proc = self.mount_a.run_shell(['ls', '-R']) self.mount_a.umount_wait() # remount to clear client cache before our second ls self.mount_a.mount() self.mount_a.wait_until_mounted() proc = self.mount_a.run_shell(['ls', '-R']) self.assertEqual(proc.stdout.getvalue().strip(), dedent(""" .: linkdir rootfile subdir ./linkdir: link0 link1 link2 link3 ./subdir: subdirfile subsubdir ./subdir/subsubdir: """).strip()) # Check the correct inos were preserved by path self.assertEqual(rootfile_ino, self.mount_a.path_to_ino("rootfile")) self.assertEqual(subdir_ino, self.mount_a.path_to_ino("subdir")) self.assertEqual(subdirfile_ino, self.mount_a.path_to_ino("subdir/subdirfile")) self.assertEqual(subsubdir_ino, self.mount_a.path_to_ino("subdir/subsubdir")) # Check that the hard link handling came out correctly self.assertEqual(self.mount_a.path_to_ino("linkdir/link0"), subdirfile_ino) self.assertEqual(self.mount_a.path_to_ino("linkdir/link1"), subdirfile_ino) self.assertNotEqual(self.mount_a.path_to_ino("linkdir/link2"), subdirfile_ino) self.assertEqual(self.mount_a.path_to_ino("linkdir/link3"), rootfile_ino) # Create a new file, ensure it is not issued the same ino as one of the # recovered ones self.mount_a.run_shell(["touch", "afterwards"]) new_ino = self.mount_a.path_to_ino("afterwards") self.assertNotIn(new_ino, [rootfile_ino, subdir_ino, subdirfile_ino]) # Check that we can do metadata ops in the recovered directory self.mount_a.run_shell(["touch", "subdir/subsubdir/subsubdirfile"]) @long_running # 308s def test_reset(self): """ That after forcibly modifying the backing store, we can get back into a good state by resetting the MDSMap. The scenario is that we have two active MDSs, and we lose the journals. Once we have completely lost confidence in the integrity of the metadata, we want to return the system to a single-MDS state to go into a scrub to recover what we can. """ # Set max_mds to 2 self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd_result('mds', 'set', "allow_multimds", "true", "--yes-i-really-mean-it") self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd_result('mds', 'set', "max_mds", "2") # See that we have two active MDSs self.wait_until_equal(lambda: len(self.fs.get_active_names()), 2, 30, reject_fn=lambda v: v > 2 or v < 1) active_mds_names = self.fs.get_active_names() # Do a bunch of I/O such that at least some will hit the second MDS: create # lots of directories so that the balancer should find it easy to make a decision # to allocate some of them to the second mds. spammers = [] for n in range(0, 16): dir_name = "spam_{0}".format(n) spammers.append(self.mount_a.spam_dir_background(dir_name)) def subtrees_assigned(): got_subtrees = self.fs.mds_asok(["get", "subtrees"], mds_id=active_mds_names[0]) rank_1_count = len([s for s in got_subtrees if s['auth_first'] == 1]) # Greater than 1, because there is typically 1 for ~mds1, and once it # has been assigned something in addition to that it means it has been # assigned a "real" subtree. return rank_1_count > 1 # We are waiting for the MDS to respond to hot directories, which # is not guaranteed to happen at a particular time, so a lengthy timeout here. self.wait_until_true(subtrees_assigned, 600) # Flush the journals so that we have some backing store data # belonging to one MDS, and some to the other MDS. for mds_name in active_mds_names: self.fs.mds_asok(["flush", "journal"], mds_name) # Stop (hard) the second MDS daemon self.fs.mds_stop(active_mds_names[1]) # Wipe out the tables for MDS rank 1 so that it is broken and can't start # (this is the simulated failure that we will demonstrate that the disaster # recovery tools can get us back from) self.fs.erase_metadata_objects(prefix="mds1_") # Try to access files from the client blocked_ls = self.mount_a.run_shell(["ls", "-R"], wait=False) # Check that this "ls -R" blocked rather than completing: indicates # it got stuck trying to access subtrees which were on the now-dead MDS. log.info("Sleeping to check ls is blocked...") time.sleep(60) self.assertFalse(blocked_ls.finished) # This mount is now useless because it will depend on MDS rank 1, and MDS rank 1 # is not coming back. Kill it. log.info("Killing mount, it's blocked on the MDS we killed") self.mount_a.kill() self.mount_a.kill_cleanup() try: # Now that the mount is dead, the ls -R should error out. blocked_ls.wait() except CommandFailedError: pass log.info("Terminating spammer processes...") for spammer_proc in spammers: spammer_proc.stdin.close() try: spammer_proc.wait() except CommandFailedError: pass # See that the second MDS will crash when it starts and tries to # acquire rank 1 damaged_id = active_mds_names[1] self.fs.mds_restart(damaged_id) # The daemon taking the damaged rank should start starting, then # restart back into standby after asking the mon to mark the rank # damaged. def is_marked_damaged(): mds_map = self.fs.get_mds_map() return 1 in mds_map['damaged'] self.wait_until_true(is_marked_damaged, 60) def get_state(): info = self.mds_cluster.get_mds_info(damaged_id) return info['state'] if info is not None else None self.wait_until_equal( get_state, "up:standby", timeout=60) self.fs.mds_stop(damaged_id) self.fs.mds_fail(damaged_id) # Now give up and go through a disaster recovery procedure self.fs.mds_stop(active_mds_names[0]) self.fs.mds_fail(active_mds_names[0]) # Invoke recover_dentries quietly, because otherwise log spews millions of lines self.fs.journal_tool(["event", "recover_dentries", "summary"], rank=0, quiet=True) self.fs.journal_tool(["event", "recover_dentries", "summary"], rank=1, quiet=True) self.fs.table_tool(["0", "reset", "session"]) self.fs.journal_tool(["journal", "reset"], rank=0) self.fs.erase_mds_objects(1) self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd('fs', 'reset', self.fs.name, '--yes-i-really-mean-it') # Bring an MDS back online, mount a client, and see that we can walk the full # filesystem tree again self.fs.mds_fail_restart(active_mds_names[0]) self.wait_until_equal(lambda: self.fs.get_active_names(), [active_mds_names[0]], 30, reject_fn=lambda v: len(v) > 1) self.mount_a.mount() self.mount_a.run_shell(["ls", "-R"], wait=True) def test_table_tool(self): active_mdss = self.fs.get_active_names() self.assertEqual(len(active_mdss), 1) mds_name = active_mdss[0] self.mount_a.run_shell(["touch", "foo"]) self.fs.mds_asok(["flush", "journal"], mds_name) log.info(self.fs.table_tool(["all", "show", "inode"])) log.info(self.fs.table_tool(["all", "show", "snap"])) log.info(self.fs.table_tool(["all", "show", "session"])) # Inode table should always be the same because initial state # and choice of inode are deterministic. # Should see one inode consumed self.assertEqual( json.loads(self.fs.table_tool(["all", "show", "inode"])), {"0": { "data": { "version": 2, "inotable": { "projected_free": [ {"start": 1099511628777, "len": 1099511626775}], "free": [ {"start": 1099511628777, "len": 1099511626775}]}}, "result": 0}} ) # Should see one session session_data = json.loads(self.fs.table_tool( ["all", "show", "session"])) self.assertEqual(len(session_data["0"]["data"]["Sessions"]), 1) self.assertEqual(session_data["0"]["result"], 0) # Should see no snaps self.assertEqual( json.loads(self.fs.table_tool(["all", "show", "snap"])), {"version": 0, "snapserver": {"last_snap": 1, "pending_noop": [], "snaps": [], "need_to_purge": {}, "pending_update": [], "pending_destroy": []}, "result": 0} ) # Reset everything for table in ["session", "inode", "snap"]: self.fs.table_tool(["all", "reset", table]) log.info(self.fs.table_tool(["all", "show", "inode"])) log.info(self.fs.table_tool(["all", "show", "snap"])) log.info(self.fs.table_tool(["all", "show", "session"])) # Should see 0 sessions session_data = json.loads(self.fs.table_tool( ["all", "show", "session"])) self.assertEqual(len(session_data["0"]["data"]["Sessions"]), 0) self.assertEqual(session_data["0"]["result"], 0) # Should see entire inode range now marked free self.assertEqual( json.loads(self.fs.table_tool(["all", "show", "inode"])), {"0": {"data": {"version": 1, "inotable": {"projected_free": [ {"start": 1099511627776, "len": 1099511627776}], "free": [ {"start": 1099511627776, "len": 1099511627776}]}}, "result": 0}} ) # Should see no snaps self.assertEqual( json.loads(self.fs.table_tool(["all", "show", "snap"])), {"version": 1, "snapserver": {"last_snap": 1, "pending_noop": [], "snaps": [], "need_to_purge": {}, "pending_update": [], "pending_destroy": []}, "result": 0} ) def test_table_tool_take_inos(self): initial_range_start = 1099511627776 initial_range_len = 1099511627776 # Initially a completely clear range self.assertEqual( json.loads(self.fs.table_tool(["all", "show", "inode"])), {"0": {"data": {"version": 0, "inotable": {"projected_free": [ {"start": initial_range_start, "len": initial_range_len}], "free": [ {"start": initial_range_start, "len": initial_range_len}]}}, "result": 0}} ) # Remove some self.assertEqual( json.loads(self.fs.table_tool(["all", "take_inos", "{0}".format(initial_range_start + 100)])), {"0": {"data": {"version": 1, "inotable": {"projected_free": [ {"start": initial_range_start + 101, "len": initial_range_len - 101}], "free": [ {"start": initial_range_start + 101, "len": initial_range_len - 101}]}}, "result": 0}} ) @long_running # Hack: "long running" because .sh doesn't work outside teuth def test_journal_smoke(self): workunit(self.ctx, { 'clients': { "client.{0}".format(self.mount_a.client_id): [ "fs/misc/trivial_sync.sh"], }, "timeout": "1h" }) for mount in self.mounts: mount.umount_wait() self.fs.mds_stop() self.fs.mds_fail() # journal tool smoke workunit(self.ctx, { 'clients': { "client.{0}".format(self.mount_a.client_id): [ "suites/cephfs_journal_tool_smoke.sh"], }, "timeout": "1h" }) self.fs.mds_restart() self.fs.wait_for_daemons() self.mount_a.mount() # trivial sync moutn a workunit(self.ctx, { 'clients': { "client.{0}".format(self.mount_a.client_id): [ "fs/misc/trivial_sync.sh"], }, "timeout": "1h" })