============================ Frequently Asked Questions ============================ These questions have been frequently asked on the ceph-devel mailing list, the IRC channel, and on the Ceph.com blog. Is Ceph Production-Quality? =========================== The definition of "production quality" varies depending on who you ask. Because it can mean a lot of different things depending on how you want to use Ceph, we prefer not to think of it as a binary term. At this point we support the RADOS object store, radosgw, and rbd because we think they are sufficiently stable that we can handle the support workload. There are several organizations running those parts of the system in production. Others wouldn't dream of doing so at this stage. The CephFS POSIX-compliant filesystem is functionally-complete and has been evaluated by a large community of users, but has not yet been subjected to extensive, methodical testing. We can tell you how we test, and what we support, but in the end it's your judgement that matters most! How can I add a question to this list? ====================================== If you'd like to add a question to this list (hopefully with an accompanying answer!), you can find it in the doc/ directory of our main git repository: .. http://github.com/ceph/ceph/doc/faq.rst We use Sphinx to manage our documentation, and this page is generated from reStructuredText source. See the section on Building Ceph Documentation for the build procedure.