""" Deploy and configure Keystone for Teuthology """ import argparse import contextlib import logging from teuthology import misc as teuthology from teuthology import contextutil from teuthology.orchestra import run from teuthology.packaging import install_package from teuthology.packaging import remove_package from teuthology.exceptions import ConfigError log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def get_keystone_dir(ctx): return '{tdir}/keystone'.format(tdir=teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)) def run_in_keystone_dir(ctx, client, args, **kwargs): return ctx.cluster.only(client).run( args=[ 'cd', get_keystone_dir(ctx), run.Raw('&&'), ] + args, **kwargs ) def get_toxvenv_dir(ctx): return ctx.tox.venv_path def toxvenv_sh(ctx, remote, args, **kwargs): activate = get_toxvenv_dir(ctx) + '/bin/activate' return remote.sh(['source', activate, run.Raw('&&')] + args, **kwargs) def run_in_keystone_venv(ctx, client, args): run_in_keystone_dir(ctx, client, [ 'source', '.tox/venv/bin/activate', run.Raw('&&') ] + args) def get_keystone_venved_cmd(ctx, cmd, args): kbindir = get_keystone_dir(ctx) + '/.tox/venv/bin/' return [ kbindir + 'python', kbindir + cmd ] + args @contextlib.contextmanager def download(ctx, config): """ Download the Keystone from github. Remove downloaded file upon exit. The context passed in should be identical to the context passed in to the main task. """ assert isinstance(config, dict) log.info('Downloading keystone...') keystonedir = get_keystone_dir(ctx) for (client, cconf) in config.items(): ctx.cluster.only(client).run( args=[ 'git', 'clone', '-b', cconf.get('force-branch', 'master'), 'https://github.com/openstack/keystone.git', keystonedir, ], ) sha1 = cconf.get('sha1') if sha1 is not None: run_in_keystone_dir(ctx, client, [ 'git', 'reset', '--hard', sha1, ], ) # hax for http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/23659 run_in_keystone_dir(ctx, client, [ 'sed', '-i', 's/pysaml2<4.0.3,>=2.4.0/pysaml2>=4.5.0/', 'requirements.txt' ], ) try: yield finally: log.info('Removing keystone...') for client in config: ctx.cluster.only(client).run( args=[ 'rm', '-rf', keystonedir ], ) @contextlib.contextmanager def install_packages(ctx, config): """ Download the packaged dependencies of Keystone. Remove install packages upon exit. The context passed in should be identical to the context passed in to the main task. """ assert isinstance(config, dict) log.info('Installing packages for Keystone...') packages = {} for (client, _) in config.items(): (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys() # use bindep to read which dependencies we need from keystone/bindep.txt toxvenv_sh(ctx, remote, ['pip', 'install', 'bindep']) packages[client] = toxvenv_sh(ctx, remote, ['bindep', '--brief', '--file', '{}/bindep.txt'.format(get_keystone_dir(ctx))], check_status=False).splitlines() # returns 1 on success? for dep in packages[client]: install_package(dep, remote) try: yield finally: log.info('Removing packaged dependencies of Keystone...') for (client, _) in config.items(): (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys() for dep in packages[client]: remove_package(dep, remote) @contextlib.contextmanager def setup_venv(ctx, config): """ Setup the virtualenv for Keystone using tox. """ assert isinstance(config, dict) log.info('Setting up virtualenv for keystone...') for (client, _) in config.items(): run_in_keystone_dir(ctx, client, [ 'source', '{tvdir}/bin/activate'.format(tvdir=get_toxvenv_dir(ctx)), run.Raw('&&'), 'tox', '-e', 'venv', '--notest' ]) run_in_keystone_venv(ctx, client, [ 'pip', 'install', 'python-openstackclient<=3.19.0', '-r', 'requirements.txt' ]) try: yield finally: pass @contextlib.contextmanager def configure_instance(ctx, config): assert isinstance(config, dict) log.info('Configuring keystone...') keyrepo_dir = '{kdir}/etc/fernet-keys'.format(kdir=get_keystone_dir(ctx)) for (client, _) in config.items(): # prepare the config file run_in_keystone_dir(ctx, client, [ 'cp', '-f', 'etc/keystone.conf.sample', 'etc/keystone.conf' ]) run_in_keystone_dir(ctx, client, [ 'sed', '-e', 's/#admin_token =.*/admin_token = ADMIN/', '-i', 'etc/keystone.conf' ]) run_in_keystone_dir(ctx, client, [ 'sed', '-e', 's^#key_repository =.*^key_repository = {kr}^'.format(kr = keyrepo_dir), '-i', 'etc/keystone.conf' ]) # log to a file that gets archived log_file = '{p}/archive/keystone.{c}.log'.format(p=teuthology.get_testdir(ctx), c=client) run_in_keystone_dir(ctx, client, [ 'sed', '-e', 's^#log_file =.*^log_file = {}^'.format(log_file), '-i', 'etc/keystone.conf' ]) # copy the config to archive run_in_keystone_dir(ctx, client, [ 'cp', 'etc/keystone.conf', '{}/archive/keystone.{}.conf'.format(teuthology.get_testdir(ctx), client) ]) # prepare key repository for Fetnet token authenticator run_in_keystone_dir(ctx, client, [ 'mkdir', '-p', keyrepo_dir ]) run_in_keystone_venv(ctx, client, [ 'keystone-manage', 'fernet_setup' ]) # sync database run_in_keystone_venv(ctx, client, [ 'keystone-manage', 'db_sync' ]) yield @contextlib.contextmanager def run_keystone(ctx, config): assert isinstance(config, dict) log.info('Configuring keystone...') for (client, _) in config.items(): (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys() cluster_name, _, client_id = teuthology.split_role(client) # start the public endpoint client_public_with_id = 'keystone.public' + '.' + client_id public_host, public_port = ctx.keystone.public_endpoints[client] run_cmd = get_keystone_venved_cmd(ctx, 'keystone-wsgi-public', [ '--host', public_host, '--port', str(public_port), # Let's put the Keystone in background, wait for EOF # and after receiving it, send SIGTERM to the daemon. # This crazy hack is because Keystone, in contrast to # our other daemons, doesn't quit on stdin.close(). # Teuthology relies on this behaviour. run.Raw('& { read; kill %1; }') ] ) ctx.daemons.add_daemon( remote, 'keystone', client_public_with_id, cluster=cluster_name, args=run_cmd, logger=log.getChild(client), stdin=run.PIPE, cwd=get_keystone_dir(ctx), wait=False, check_status=False, ) # start the admin endpoint client_admin_with_id = 'keystone.admin' + '.' + client_id admin_host, admin_port = ctx.keystone.admin_endpoints[client] run_cmd = get_keystone_venved_cmd(ctx, 'keystone-wsgi-admin', [ '--host', admin_host, '--port', str(admin_port), run.Raw('& { read; kill %1; }') ] ) ctx.daemons.add_daemon( remote, 'keystone', client_admin_with_id, cluster=cluster_name, args=run_cmd, logger=log.getChild(client), stdin=run.PIPE, cwd=get_keystone_dir(ctx), wait=False, check_status=False, ) # sleep driven synchronization run_in_keystone_venv(ctx, client, [ 'sleep', '15' ]) try: yield finally: log.info('Stopping Keystone admin instance') ctx.daemons.get_daemon('keystone', client_admin_with_id, cluster_name).stop() log.info('Stopping Keystone public instance') ctx.daemons.get_daemon('keystone', client_public_with_id, cluster_name).stop() def dict_to_args(special, items): """ Transform [(key1, val1), (special, val_special), (key3, val3) ] into: [ '--key1', 'val1', '--key3', 'val3', 'val_special' ] """ args=[] for (k, v) in items: if k == special: special_val = v else: args.append('--{k}'.format(k=k)) args.append(v) if special_val: args.append(special_val) return args def run_section_cmds(ctx, cclient, section_cmd, special, section_config_list): admin_host, admin_port = ctx.keystone.admin_endpoints[cclient] auth_section = [ ( 'os-token', 'ADMIN' ), ( 'os-identity-api-version', '2.0' ), ( 'os-url', 'http://{host}:{port}/v2.0'.format(host=admin_host, port=admin_port) ), ] for section_item in section_config_list: run_in_keystone_venv(ctx, cclient, [ 'openstack' ] + section_cmd.split() + dict_to_args(special, auth_section + list(section_item.items())) + [ '--debug' ]) def create_endpoint(ctx, cclient, service, url, adminurl=None): endpoint_section = { 'service': service, 'publicurl': url, } if adminurl: endpoint_section.update( { 'adminurl': adminurl, } ) return run_section_cmds(ctx, cclient, 'endpoint create', 'service', [ endpoint_section ]) @contextlib.contextmanager def fill_keystone(ctx, config): assert isinstance(config, dict) for (cclient, cconfig) in config.items(): # configure tenants/projects run_section_cmds(ctx, cclient, 'project create', 'name', cconfig['tenants']) run_section_cmds(ctx, cclient, 'user create', 'name', cconfig['users']) run_section_cmds(ctx, cclient, 'role create', 'name', cconfig['roles']) run_section_cmds(ctx, cclient, 'role add', 'name', cconfig['role-mappings']) run_section_cmds(ctx, cclient, 'service create', 'name', cconfig['services']) public_host, public_port = ctx.keystone.public_endpoints[cclient] url = 'http://{host}:{port}/v2.0'.format(host=public_host, port=public_port) admin_host, admin_port = ctx.keystone.admin_endpoints[cclient] admin_url = 'http://{host}:{port}/v2.0'.format(host=admin_host, port=admin_port) create_endpoint(ctx, cclient, 'keystone', url, admin_url) # for the deferred endpoint creation; currently it's used in rgw.py ctx.keystone.create_endpoint = create_endpoint # sleep driven synchronization -- just in case run_in_keystone_venv(ctx, cclient, [ 'sleep', '3' ]) try: yield finally: pass def assign_ports(ctx, config, initial_port): """ Assign port numbers starting from @initial_port """ port = initial_port role_endpoints = {} for remote, roles_for_host in ctx.cluster.remotes.items(): for role in roles_for_host: if role in config: role_endpoints[role] = (remote.name.split('@')[1], port) port += 1 return role_endpoints @contextlib.contextmanager def task(ctx, config): """ Deploy and configure Keystone Example of configuration: - install: - ceph: - tox: [ client.0 ] - keystone: client.0: force-branch: master tenants: - name: admin description: Admin Tenant users: - name: admin password: ADMIN project: admin roles: [ name: admin, name: Member ] role-mappings: - name: admin user: admin project: admin services: - name: keystone type: identity description: Keystone Identity Service - name: swift type: object-store description: Swift Service """ assert config is None or isinstance(config, list) \ or isinstance(config, dict), \ "task keystone only supports a list or dictionary for configuration" if not hasattr(ctx, 'tox'): raise ConfigError('keystone must run after the tox task') all_clients = ['client.{id}'.format(id=id_) for id_ in teuthology.all_roles_of_type(ctx.cluster, 'client')] if config is None: config = all_clients if isinstance(config, list): config = dict.fromkeys(config) log.debug('Keystone config is %s', config) ctx.keystone = argparse.Namespace() ctx.keystone.public_endpoints = assign_ports(ctx, config, 5000) ctx.keystone.admin_endpoints = assign_ports(ctx, config, 35357) with contextutil.nested( lambda: download(ctx=ctx, config=config), lambda: install_packages(ctx=ctx, config=config), lambda: setup_venv(ctx=ctx, config=config), lambda: configure_instance(ctx=ctx, config=config), lambda: run_keystone(ctx=ctx, config=config), lambda: fill_keystone(ctx=ctx, config=config), ): yield