#!/bin/bash -e if [ ! -d .git ]; then echo "no .git present. run this from the base dir of the git checkout." exit 1 fi version=$1 [ -z "$version" ] && version=$(git describe --long --match 'v*' | sed 's/^v//') if expr index $version '-' > /dev/null; then rpm_version=$(echo $version | cut -d - -f 1-1) rpm_release=$(echo $version | cut -d - -f 2- | sed 's/-/./') else rpm_version=$version rpm_release=0 fi outfile="ceph-$version" echo "version $version" # update submodules echo "updating submodules..." force=$(if git submodule usage 2>&1 | grep --quiet 'update.*--force'; then echo --force ; fi) if ! git submodule sync || ! git submodule update $force --init --recursive; then echo "Error: could not initialize submodule projects" echo " Network connectivity might be required." exit 1 fi download_boost() { boost_version=$1 shift boost_sha256=$1 shift boost_version_underscore=$(echo $boost_version | sed 's/\./_/g') boost_fname=boost_${boost_version_underscore}.tar.bz2 set +e while true; do url_base=$1 shift if [ -z $url_base ]; then echo "Error: failed to download boost." exit fi url=$url_base/$boost_fname wget -c --no-verbose -O $boost_fname $url if [ $? != 0 -o ! -e $boost_fname ]; then echo "Download of $url failed" elif [ $(sha256sum $boost_fname | awk '{print $1}') != $boost_sha256 ]; then echo "Error: failed to download boost: SHA256 mismatch." else break fi done set -e tar xjf $boost_fname -C src \ --exclude="$boost_version_underscore/libs/*/doc" \ --exclude="$boost_version_underscore/libs/*/example" \ --exclude="$boost_version_underscore/libs/*/examples" \ --exclude="$boost_version_underscore/libs/*/meta" \ --exclude="$boost_version_underscore/libs/*/test" \ --exclude="$boost_version_underscore/tools/boostbook" \ --exclude="$boost_version_underscore/tools/quickbook" \ --exclude="$boost_version_underscore/tools/auto_index" \ --exclude='doc' --exclude='more' --exclude='status' mv src/boost_${boost_version_underscore} src/boost tar cf ${outfile}.boost.tar ${outfile}/src/boost rm -rf src/boost } build_dashboard_frontend() { CURR_DIR=`pwd` TEMP_DIR=`mktemp -d` $CURR_DIR/src/tools/setup-virtualenv.sh $TEMP_DIR $TEMP_DIR/bin/pip install nodeenv $TEMP_DIR/bin/nodeenv -p --node=12.16.2 cd src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/frontend DEFAULT_LANG=`jq -r .config.locale package.json` if [ -z "$DASHBOARD_FRONTEND_LANGS" ]; then BUILD_TARGET=":${DEFAULT_LANG}" else if [ "$DASHBOARD_FRONTEND_LANGS" == "ALL" ]; then BUILD_TARGET=":*" else DASHBOARD_FRONTEND_LANGS_LIST=`echo "$DASHBOARD_FRONTEND_LANGS" | sed 's/ /,/g'` if [[ $DASHBOARD_FRONTEND_LANGS_LIST != *"${DEFAULT_LANG}"* ]]; then # default language must be always built DASHBOARD_FRONTEND_LANGS_LIST="${DASHBOARD_FRONTEND_LANGS},${DEFAULT_LANG}" fi BUILD_TARGET=":{${DASHBOARD_FRONTEND_LANGS_LIST}}" fi fi # number of frontend languages to build in parallel - default to 1 to work # around https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/43152 [ -z "$MAX_DASHBOARD_PARALLEL_BUILDS" ] && MAX_DASHBOARD_PARALLEL_BUILDS=1 . $TEMP_DIR/bin/activate timeout 1h npm ci echo "Building ceph-dashboard frontend with build${BUILD_TARGET} script"; # we need to use "-- --" because so that "--prod" survives accross all # scripts redirections inside package.json npx npm-run-all --print-label --parallel --max-parallel $MAX_DASHBOARD_PARALLEL_BUILDS "build${BUILD_TARGET} -- -- --prod" deactivate cd $CURR_DIR rm -rf $TEMP_DIR tar cf dashboard_frontend.tar $outfile/src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/frontend/dist } generate_rook_ceph_client() { $outfile/src/pybind/mgr/rook/generate_rook_ceph_client.sh tar cf rook_ceph_client.tar $outfile/src/pybind/mgr/rook/rook_client/*.py } # clean out old cruft... echo "cleanup..." rm -f $outfile* # build new tarball echo "building tarball..." bin/git-archive-all.sh --prefix ceph-$version/ \ --verbose \ --ignore corpus \ $outfile.tar # populate files with version strings echo "including src/.git_version, ceph.spec" (git rev-parse HEAD ; echo $version) 2> /dev/null > src/.git_version for spec in ceph.spec.in alpine/APKBUILD.in; do cat $spec | sed "s/@PROJECT_VERSION@/$rpm_version/g" | sed "s/@RPM_RELEASE@/$rpm_release/g" | sed "s/@TARBALL_BASENAME@/ceph-$version/g" > `echo $spec | sed 's/.in$//'` done ln -s . $outfile tar cvf $outfile.version.tar $outfile/src/.git_version $outfile/ceph.spec $outfile/alpine/APKBUILD # NOTE: If you change this version number make sure the package is available # at the three URLs referenced below (may involve uploading to download.ceph.com) boost_version=1.72.0 download_boost $boost_version 59c9b274bc451cf91a9ba1dd2c7fdcaf5d60b1b3aa83f2c9fa143417cc660722 \ https://dl.bintray.com/boostorg/release/$boost_version/source \ https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/boost/boost/$boost_version \ https://download.ceph.com/qa build_dashboard_frontend generate_rook_ceph_client tar --concatenate -f $outfile.all.tar $outfile.version.tar tar --concatenate -f $outfile.all.tar $outfile.boost.tar tar --concatenate -f $outfile.all.tar $outfile.tar tar --concatenate -f $outfile.all.tar dashboard_frontend.tar tar --concatenate -f $outfile.all.tar rook_ceph_client.tar mv $outfile.all.tar $outfile.tar rm $outfile rm -f $outfile.version.tar rm -f $outfile.boost.tar echo "compressing..." bzip2 -9 $outfile.tar echo "done."