""" watch_notify_same_primary task """ from cStringIO import StringIO import contextlib import logging from teuthology.orchestra import run from teuthology.contextutil import safe_while log = logging.getLogger(__name__) @contextlib.contextmanager def task(ctx, config): """ Run watch_notify_same_primary The config should be as follows: watch_notify_same_primary: clients: [client list] The client list should contain 1 client The test requires 3 osds. example: tasks: - ceph: - watch_notify_same_primary: clients: [client.0] - interactive: """ log.info('Beginning watch_notify_same_primary...') assert isinstance(config, dict), \ "please list clients to run on" clients = config.get('clients', ['client.0']) assert len(clients) == 1 role = clients[0] assert isinstance(role, basestring) PREFIX = 'client.' assert role.startswith(PREFIX) (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(role).remotes.keys() manager = ctx.managers['ceph'] manager.raw_cluster_cmd('osd', 'set', 'noout') pool = manager.create_pool_with_unique_name() def obj(n): return "foo-{num}".format(num=n) def start_watch(n): remote.run( args = [ "rados", "-p", pool, "put", obj(n), "/etc/resolv.conf"], logger=log.getChild('watch.{id}'.format(id=n))) proc = remote.run( args = [ "rados", "-p", pool, "watch", obj(n)], stdin=run.PIPE, stdout=StringIO(), stderr=StringIO(), wait=False) return proc num = 20 watches = [start_watch(i) for i in range(num)] # wait for them all to register for i in range(num): with safe_while() as proceed: while proceed(): proc = remote.run( args = [ "rados", "-p", pool, "listwatchers", obj(i)], stdout=StringIO()) lines = proc.stdout.getvalue() num_watchers = lines.count('watcher=') log.info('i see %d watchers for %s', num_watchers, obj(i)) if num_watchers >= 1: break def notify(n, msg): remote.run( args = [ "rados", "-p", pool, "notify", obj(n), msg], logger=log.getChild('notify.{id}'.format(id=n))) [notify(n, 'notify1') for n in range(len(watches))] manager.kill_osd(0) manager.mark_down_osd(0) [notify(n, 'notify2') for n in range(len(watches))] try: yield finally: log.info('joining watch_notify_stress') for watch in watches: watch.stdin.write("\n") run.wait(watches) for watch in watches: lines = watch.stdout.getvalue().split("\n") got1 = False got2 = False for l in lines: if 'notify1' in l: got1 = True if 'notify2' in l: got2 = True log.info(lines) assert got1 and got2 manager.revive_osd(0) manager.remove_pool(pool)