# Test the expected behavior of the
# feature.
- - mon.a
  - mon.b
  - osd.0
  - osd.1
- - osd.2
  - mon.c
# Install firefly
- install:
    branch: firefly
- ceph:
    fs: xfs
# We don't need mon.c for now: it will be used later to make sure an old
# mon cannot join the quorum once the feature has been activated
- ceph.stop:
    daemons: [mon.c]
- exec:
      - |-
        ceph osd erasure-code-profile set WRONG plugin=WRONG
        ceph osd pool create poolWRONG 12 12 erasure WRONG 2>&1 | grep "failed to load plugin using profile WRONG"
# Partial upgrade, osd.2 is not upgraded
- install.upgrade:
# a is the leader
- ceph.restart:
    daemons: [mon.a]
    wait-for-healthy: false
- exec:
      - |-
        ceph osd erasure-code-profile set profile-lrc plugin=lrc 2>&1 | grep "unsupported by: the monitor cluster"
- ceph.restart:
    daemons: [mon.b, osd.1, osd.0]
    wait-for-healthy: false
    wait-for-osds-up: true
# The lrc plugin cannot be used because osd.2 is not upgraded yet
# and would crash.
- exec:
      - |-
        ceph osd erasure-code-profile set profile-lrc plugin=lrc 2>&1 | grep "unsupported by: osd.2"
# Taking osd.2 out, the rest of the cluster is upgraded
- ceph.stop:
    daemons: [osd.2]
- sleep:
    duration: 60
# Creating an erasure code profile using the lrc plugin now works
- exec:
      - "ceph osd erasure-code-profile set profile-lrc plugin=lrc"
# osd.2 won't be able to join the because is does not support the feature
- ceph.restart:
    daemons: [osd.2]
    wait-for-healthy: false
- sleep:
    duration: 60
- exec:
      - |-
        grep "protocol feature.*missing 100000000000" /var/log/ceph/ceph-osd.2.log
# mon.c won't be able to join the because it does not support the feature
- ceph.restart:
    daemons: [mon.c]
    wait-for-healthy: false
- sleep:
    duration: 60
- exec:
      - |-
        grep "missing.*feature" /var/log/ceph/ceph-mon.c.log