cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16) project(ceph VERSION 17.0.0 LANGUAGES CXX C ASM) cmake_policy(SET CMP0028 NEW) cmake_policy(SET CMP0046 NEW) cmake_policy(SET CMP0048 NEW) cmake_policy(SET CMP0051 NEW) cmake_policy(SET CMP0054 NEW) cmake_policy(SET CMP0056 NEW) cmake_policy(SET CMP0065 NEW) cmake_policy(SET CMP0074 NEW) cmake_policy(SET CMP0075 NEW) cmake_policy(SET CMP0093 NEW) if(POLICY CMP0127) cmake_policy(SET CMP0127 NEW) endif() list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules/") if(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE AND EXISTS "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/.git") set(default_build_type "Debug") set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "${default_build_type}" CACHE STRING "Default BUILD_TYPE is Debug, other options are: RelWithDebInfo, Release, and MinSizeRel." FORCE) endif() if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Linux") set(LINUX ON) FIND_PACKAGE(Threads) elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "FreeBSD") set(FREEBSD ON) FIND_PACKAGE(Threads) endif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Linux") if(WIN32) # The Windows headers (e.g. coming from mingw or the Windows SDK) check # the targeted Windows version. The availability of certain functions and # structures will depend on it. set(WIN32_WINNT "0x0A00" CACHE STRING "Targeted Windows version.") add_definitions(-D_WIN32_WINNT=${WIN32_WINNT}) endif() if(MINGW) string(APPEND CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS " -Wl,-allow-multiple-definition") string(APPEND CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS " -Wl,-allow-multiple-definition") # By default, cmake generates import libs for executables. The issue is that # for rados and rbd, the executable import lib overrides the library import lib. # For example, for rados.exe, it will end up generating a librados.dll.a import lib. # We're providing custom rules to disable import libs for executables. set(CMAKE_C_LINK_EXECUTABLE " -o ${CMAKE_GNULD_IMAGE_VERSION} ") set(CMAKE_CXX_LINK_EXECUTABLE " -o ${CMAKE_GNULD_IMAGE_VERSION} ") link_directories(${MINGW_LINK_DIRECTORIES}) endif() option(WITH_CCACHE "Build with ccache.") if(WITH_CCACHE) find_program(CCACHE_EXECUTABLE ccache) if(NOT CCACHE_EXECUTABLE) message(FATAL_ERROR "Can't find ccache. Is it installed?") endif() message(STATUS "Building with ccache: ${CCACHE_EXECUTABLE}, CCACHE_DIR=$ENV{CCACHE_DIR}") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY RULE_LAUNCH_COMPILE "${CCACHE_EXECUTABLE}") # ccache does not accelerate link (ld), but let it handle it. by passing it # along with cc to python's distutils, we are able to workaround # set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY RULE_LAUNCH_LINK "${CCACHE_EXECUTABLE}") endif(WITH_CCACHE) option(WITH_MANPAGE "Build man pages." ON) if(WITH_MANPAGE) find_program(SPHINX_BUILD NAMES sphinx-build sphinx-build-3) if(NOT SPHINX_BUILD) message(FATAL_ERROR "Can't find sphinx-build.") endif(NOT SPHINX_BUILD) endif(WITH_MANPAGE) include_directories( ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/src/include ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src) if(WIN32) include_directories( ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/include/win32) # Boost complains if winsock2.h (or windows.h) is included before asio.hpp. add_compile_options("SHELL:-include winsock_wrapper.h") # Boost is also defining some of the errno values, we'll have # to avoid mismatches. add_compile_options("SHELL:-include win32_errno.h") endif() if(FREEBSD) include_directories(SYSTEM /usr/local/include) link_directories(/usr/local/lib) list(APPEND CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES /usr/local/include) endif(FREEBSD) #put all the libs and binaries in one place set(CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib) set(CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib) set(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin) include(GNUInstallDirs) include(CephChecks) if(CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES Ninja) include(LimitJobs) endif() set(CEPH_MAN_DIR "share/man" CACHE STRING "Install location for man pages (relative to prefix).") option(ENABLE_SHARED "build shared libraries" ON) if(ENABLE_SHARED) set(CEPH_SHARED SHARED) else(ENABLE_SHARED) set(CEPH_SHARED STATIC) endif(ENABLE_SHARED) set(CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ${ENABLE_SHARED}) option(WITH_STATIC_LIBSTDCXX "Link against libstdc++ statically" OFF) if(WITH_STATIC_LIBSTDCXX) if(NOT CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) message(FATAL_ERROR "Please use GCC to enable WITH_STATIC_LIBSTDCXX") endif() set(static_linker_flags "-static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc") string(APPEND CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS " ${static_linker_flags}") string(APPEND CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS " ${static_linker_flags}") unset(static_linker_flags) set(GPERFTOOLS_USE_STATIC_LIBS TRUE) endif() include(CheckCxxAtomic) if(NOT HAVE_CXX11_ATOMIC) string(APPEND CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_LIBRARIES " ${LIBATOMIC_LINK_FLAGS}") endif() option(WITH_RDMA "Enable RDMA in async messenger" ON) if(WITH_RDMA) find_package(verbs REQUIRED) set(HAVE_VERBS ${VERBS_FOUND}) find_package(rdmacm REQUIRED) set(HAVE_RDMACM ${RDMACM_FOUND}) set(HAVE_RDMA TRUE) endif() find_package(Backtrace) option(WITH_RBD "Enable RADOS Block Device related targets" ON) if(LINUX) find_package(udev REQUIRED) set(HAVE_UDEV ${UDEV_FOUND}) find_package(blkid REQUIRED) set(HAVE_BLKID ${BLKID_FOUND}) find_package(keyutils REQUIRED) set(HAVE_KEYUTILS ${KEYUTILS_FOUND}) elseif(FREEBSD) set(HAVE_UDEV OFF) set(HAVE_LIBAIO OFF) set(HAVE_LIBDML OFF) set(HAVE_BLKID OFF) set(HAVE_KEYUTILS OFF) else() set(HAVE_UDEV OFF) set(HAVE_BLKID OFF) endif(LINUX) option(WITH_OPENLDAP "OPENLDAP is here" ON) if(WITH_OPENLDAP) find_package(OpenLDAP REQUIRED) set(HAVE_OPENLDAP ${OpenLDAP_FOUND}) endif() option(WITH_GSSAPI "GSSAPI/KRB5 is here" OFF) if(WITH_GSSAPI) find_package(GSSApi REQUIRED) set(HAVE_GSSAPI ${GSSApi_FOUND}) endif() option(WITH_FUSE "Fuse is here" ON) if(WITH_FUSE) find_package(FUSE) set(HAVE_LIBFUSE ${FUSE_FOUND}) endif() option(WITH_DOKAN "Dokan is here" OFF) option(WITH_XFS "XFS is here" ON) if(WITH_XFS) find_package(xfs) set(HAVE_LIBXFS ${XFS_FOUND}) endif() option(WITH_ZFS "enable LibZFS if found" OFF) if(WITH_ZFS) find_package(zfs) set(HAVE_LIBZFS ${ZFS_FOUND}) endif() option(WITH_BLUESTORE "Bluestore OSD backend" ON) if(WITH_BLUESTORE) if(LINUX) find_package(aio) set(HAVE_LIBAIO ${AIO_FOUND}) elseif(FREEBSD) # POSIX AIO is integrated into FreeBSD kernel, and exposed by libc. set(HAVE_POSIXAIO ON) endif() endif() # libcryptsetup is only available on linux if(WITH_RBD AND LINUX) find_package(libcryptsetup 2.0.5 REQUIRED) set(HAVE_LIBCRYPTSETUP ${LIBCRYPTSETUP_FOUND}) endif() include(CMakeDependentOption) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(WITH_ZBD "Enable libzbd bluestore backend" OFF "WITH_BLUESTORE" OFF) if(WITH_ZBD) find_package(zbd REQUIRED) set(HAVE_LIBZBD ${ZBD_FOUND}) endif() CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(WITH_LIBURING "Enable io_uring bluestore backend" ON "WITH_BLUESTORE;HAVE_LIBAIO" OFF) set(HAVE_LIBURING ${WITH_LIBURING}) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(WITH_SYSTEM_LIBURING "Require and build with system liburing" OFF "HAVE_LIBAIO;WITH_BLUESTORE" OFF) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(WITH_BLUESTORE_PMEM "Enable PMDK libraries" OFF "WITH_BLUESTORE" OFF) if(WITH_BLUESTORE_PMEM) find_package(dml) set(HAVE_LIBDML ${DML_FOUND}) endif() CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(WITH_RBD_MIGRATION_FORMAT_QCOW_V1 "Enable librbd QCOW v1 migration format support" ON "WITH_RBD" OFF) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(WITH_RBD_RWL "Enable librbd persistent write back cache" OFF "WITH_RBD" OFF) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(WITH_RBD_SSD_CACHE "Enable librbd persistent write back cache for SSDs" OFF "WITH_RBD" OFF) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(WITH_SYSTEM_PMDK "Require and build with system PMDK" OFF "WITH_RBD_RWL OR WITH_BLUESTORE_PMEM" OFF) if(WITH_BLUESTORE_PMEM) set(HAVE_BLUESTORE_PMEM ON) endif() CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(WITH_SPDK "Enable SPDK" OFF "CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES i386|i686|amd64|x86_64|AMD64|aarch64" OFF) if(WITH_SPDK) if(NOT WITH_BLUESTORE) message(SEND_ERROR "Please enable WITH_BLUESTORE for using SPDK") endif() include(BuildSPDK) build_spdk() set(HAVE_SPDK TRUE) endif(WITH_SPDK) if(WITH_BLUESTORE) if(NOT AIO_FOUND AND NOT HAVE_POSIXAIO AND NOT WITH_SPDK AND NOT WITH_BLUESTORE_PMEM) message(SEND_ERROR "WITH_BLUESTORE is ON, " "but none of the bluestore backends is enabled. " "Please install libaio, or enable WITH_SPDK or WITH_BLUESTORE_PMEM (experimental)") endif() endif() option(WITH_BLUEFS "libbluefs library" OFF) option(WITH_QAT "Enable Qat driver" OFF) if(WITH_QAT) find_package(QatDrv REQUIRED COMPONENTS qat_s usdm_drv_s) set(HAVE_QATDRV $(QatDrv_FOUND)) endif() option(WITH_QATZIP "Enable QATZIP" OFF) if(WITH_QATZIP) find_package(qatzip REQUIRED) set(HAVE_QATZIP ${qatzip_FOUND}) endif(WITH_QATZIP) # needs mds and? XXX option(WITH_LIBCEPHFS "libcephfs client library" ON) option(WITH_LIBCEPHSQLITE "libcephsqlite client library" ON) if(WITH_LIBCEPHSQLITE) find_package(SQLite3 REQUIRED) endif() # key-value store option(WITH_KVS "Key value store is here" OFF) option(WITH_KRBD "Enable Linux krbd support of 'rbd' utility" ON) if(WITH_KRBD AND NOT WITH_RBD) message(FATAL_ERROR "Cannot have WITH_KRBD without WITH_RBD.") endif() if(LINUX) if(WITH_LIBCEPHFS OR WITH_KRBD) # keyutils is only used when talking to the Linux Kernel key store find_package(keyutils REQUIRED) set(HAVE_KEYUTILS ${KEYUTILS_FOUND}) endif() endif() find_package(snappy REQUIRED) option(WITH_BROTLI "Brotli compression support" OFF) if(WITH_BROTLI) set(HAVE_BROTLI TRUE) endif() option(WITH_LZ4 "LZ4 compression support" ON) if(WITH_LZ4) find_package(LZ4 1.7 REQUIRED) set(HAVE_LZ4 ${LZ4_FOUND}) endif(WITH_LZ4) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(WITH_CEPH_DEBUG_MUTEX "Use debug ceph::mutex with lockdep" ON "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL Debug" OFF) #if allocator is set on command line make sure it matches below strings set(ALLOCATOR "" CACHE STRING "specify memory allocator to use. currently tcmalloc, tcmalloc_minimal, \ jemalloc, and libc is supported. if not specified, will try to find tcmalloc, \ and then jemalloc. If neither of then is found. use the one in libc.") if(ALLOCATOR) if(${ALLOCATOR} MATCHES "tcmalloc(_minimal)?") find_package(gperftools 2.6.2 REQUIRED) set(ALLOC_LIBS gperftools::${ALLOCATOR}) set(HAVE_LIBTCMALLOC ON) elseif(${ALLOCATOR} STREQUAL "jemalloc") find_package(JeMalloc REQUIRED) set(ALLOC_LIBS JeMalloc::JeMalloc) set(HAVE_JEMALLOC 1) elseif(NOT ALLOCATOR STREQUAL "libc") message(FATAL_ERROR "Unsupported allocator selected: ${ALLOCATOR}") endif() else(ALLOCATOR) find_package(gperftools 2.6.2) set(HAVE_LIBTCMALLOC ${gperftools_FOUND}) if(NOT gperftools_FOUND) find_package(JeMalloc) endif() if(gperftools_FOUND) set(ALLOCATOR tcmalloc) set(ALLOC_LIBS gperftools::tcmalloc) elseif(JeMalloc_FOUND) set(ALLOCATOR jemalloc) set(ALLOC_LIBS JeMalloc::JeMalloc) else() if(NOT FREEBSD) # FreeBSD already has jemalloc as its default allocator message(WARNING "tcmalloc and jemalloc not found, falling back to libc") endif() set(ALLOCATOR "libc") endif(gperftools_FOUND) endif(ALLOCATOR) if(NOT ALLOCATOR STREQUAL "libc") add_compile_options( $<$:-fno-builtin-malloc> $<$:-fno-builtin-calloc> $<$:-fno-builtin-realloc> $<$:-fno-builtin-free>) endif() # Mingw generates incorrect entry points when using "-pie". if(WIN32 OR (HAVE_LIBTCMALLOC AND WITH_STATIC_LIBSTDCXX)) set(EXE_LINKER_USE_PIE FALSE) else() set(EXE_LINKER_USE_PIE ${ENABLE_SHARED}) endif() # require libcurl with good curl_multi_wait(), see find_package(CURL 7.32 REQUIRED) find_package(OpenSSL REQUIRED) set(CRYPTO_LIBS OpenSSL::Crypto) option(WITH_DPDK "Enable DPDK messaging" OFF) if(WITH_DPDK) find_package(dpdk) if(NOT DPDK_FOUND) include(BuildDPDK) build_dpdk(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/src/dpdk) endif() set(HAVE_DPDK TRUE) endif() option(WITH_BLKIN "Use blkin to emit LTTng tracepoints for Zipkin" OFF) if(WITH_BLKIN) find_package(LTTngUST REQUIRED) set(BLKIN_LIBRARIES blkin ${LTTNGUST_LIBRARIES} lttng-ust-fork) include_directories(SYSTEM src/blkin/blkin-lib) endif(WITH_BLKIN) option(WITH_JAEGER "Enable jaegertracing and it's dependent libraries" OFF) if(WITH_JAEGER) set(HAVE_JAEGER TRUE) endif() #option for RGW option(WITH_RADOSGW "Rados Gateway is enabled" ON) option(WITH_RADOSGW_BEAST_OPENSSL "Rados Gateway's Beast frontend uses OpenSSL" ON) option(WITH_RADOSGW_AMQP_ENDPOINT "Rados Gateway's pubsub support for AMQP push endpoint" ON) option(WITH_RADOSGW_KAFKA_ENDPOINT "Rados Gateway's pubsub support for Kafka push endpoint" ON) option(WITH_RADOSGW_LUA_PACKAGES "Rados Gateway's support for dynamically adding lua packagess" ON) option(WITH_RADOSGW_DBSTORE "DBStore backend for Rados Gateway" ON) option(WITH_RADOSGW_MOTR "CORTX-Motr backend for Rados Gateway" OFF) option(WITH_RADOSGW_SELECT_PARQUET "Support for s3 select on parquet objects" ON) option(WITH_SYSTEM_ARROW "Use system-provided arrow" OFF) option(WITH_SYSTEM_UTF8PROC "Use system-provided utf8proc" OFF) if(WITH_RADOSGW) find_package(EXPAT REQUIRED) find_package(OATH REQUIRED) # mentions the # configure flags for various ssl backends execute_process( COMMAND "sh" "-c" "curl-config --configure | grep with-ssl" RESULT_VARIABLE NO_CURL_SSL_LINK ERROR_VARIABLE CURL_CONFIG_ERRORS ) if (CURL_CONFIG_ERRORS) message(WARNING "unable to run curl-config; rgw cannot make ssl requests to external systems reliably") endif() if (NOT NO_CURL_SSL_LINK) message(STATUS "libcurl is linked with openssl: explicitly setting locks") set(WITH_CURL_OPENSSL ON) endif() # CURL_SSL_LINK execute_process( COMMAND "sh" "-c" "objdump -p ${OPENSSL_SSL_LIBRARY} | sed -n 's/^ SONAME *//p'" OUTPUT_VARIABLE LIBSSL_SONAME ERROR_VARIABLE OBJDUMP_ERRORS RESULT_VARIABLE OBJDUMP_RESULTS OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if (OBJDUMP_RESULTS) message(FATAL_ERROR "can't run objdump: ${OBJDUMP_RESULTS}") endif() if (NOT OBJDUMP_ERRORS STREQUAL "") message(WARNING "message from objdump: ${OBJDUMP_ERRORS}") endif() execute_process( COMMAND "sh" "-c" "objdump -p ${OPENSSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY} | sed -n 's/^ SONAME *//p'" OUTPUT_VARIABLE LIBCRYPTO_SONAME ERROR_VARIABLE OBJDUMP_ERRORS RESULT_VARIABLE OBJDUMP_RESULTS OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if (OBJDUMP_RESULTS) message(FATAL_ERROR "can't run objdump: ${OBJDUMP_RESULTS}") endif() if (NOT OBJDUMP_ERRORS STREQUAL "") message(WARNING "message from objdump: ${OBJDUMP_ERRORS}") endif() message(STATUS "ssl soname: ${LIBSSL_SONAME}") message(STATUS "crypto soname: ${LIBCRYPTO_SONAME}") endif (WITH_RADOSGW) #option for CephFS option(WITH_CEPHFS "CephFS is enabled" ON) if(NOT WIN32) # Please specify 3.[0-7] if you want to build with a certain version of python3. set(WITH_PYTHON3 "3" CACHE STRING "build with specified python3 version") find_package(Python3 ${WITH_PYTHON3} EXACT REQUIRED COMPONENTS Interpreter Development) option(WITH_MGR "ceph-mgr is enabled" ON) if(WITH_MGR) set(MGR_PYTHON_EXECUTABLE ${Python3_EXECUTABLE}) set(MGR_PYTHON_LIBRARIES ${Python3_LIBRARIES}) set(MGR_PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR ${Python3_VERSION_MAJOR}) set(MGR_PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR ${Python3_VERSION_MINOR}) # Boost dependency check deferred to Boost section endif(WITH_MGR) endif(NOT WIN32) option(WITH_THREAD_SAFE_RES_QUERY "res_query is thread safe" OFF) if(WITH_THREAD_SAFE_RES_QUERY) set(HAVE_THREAD_SAFE_RES_QUERY 1 CACHE INTERNAL "Thread safe res_query supported.") endif() option(WITH_REENTRANT_STRSIGNAL "strsignal is reentrant" OFF) if(WITH_REENTRANT_STRSIGNAL) set(HAVE_REENTRANT_STRSIGNAL 1 CACHE INTERNAL "Reentrant strsignal is supported.") endif() # -lz link into kv find_package(ZLIB REQUIRED) #option for EventTrace CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION( WITH_EVENTTRACE "Event tracing support, requires WITH_LTTNG" OFF "USE_LTTNG" OFF) #option for LTTng option(WITH_LTTNG "LTTng tracing is enabled" ON) if(${WITH_LTTNG}) find_package(LTTngUST REQUIRED) find_program(LTTNG_GEN_TP lttng-gen-tp) if(NOT LTTNG_GEN_TP) message(FATAL_ERROR "Can't find lttng-gen-tp.") endif() endif(${WITH_LTTNG}) option(WITH_OSD_INSTRUMENT_FUNCTIONS OFF) #option for Babeltrace option(WITH_BABELTRACE "Babeltrace libraries are enabled" ON) if(WITH_BABELTRACE) set(HAVE_BABELTRACE ON) find_package(babeltrace REQUIRED) set(HAVE_BABELTRACE_BABELTRACE_H ${BABELTRACE_FOUND}) set(HAVE_BABELTRACE_CTF_EVENTS_H ${BABELTRACE_FOUND}) set(HAVE_BABELTRACE_CTF_ITERATOR_H ${BABELTRACE_FOUND}) endif(WITH_BABELTRACE) option(DEBUG_GATHER "C_Gather debugging is enabled" ON) option(ENABLE_COVERAGE "Coverage is enabled" OFF) option(PG_DEBUG_REFS "PG Ref debugging is enabled" OFF) option(WITH_TESTS "enable the build of ceph-test package scripts/binaries" ON) set(UNIT_TESTS_BUILT ${WITH_TESTS}) set(CEPH_TEST_TIMEOUT 3600 CACHE STRING "Maximum time before a CTest gets killed" ) # fio option(WITH_FIO "build with fio plugin enabled" OFF) if(WITH_FIO) include(BuildFIO) build_fio() endif() if(LINUX) add_definitions(-D__linux__) endif(LINUX) # ASAN and friends option(WITH_ASAN "build with ASAN" OFF) if(WITH_ASAN) list(APPEND sanitizers "address") endif() option(WITH_ASAN_LEAK "explicitly enable ASAN leak detection" OFF) if(WITH_ASAN_LEAK) list(APPEND sanitizers "leak") endif() option(WITH_TSAN "build with TSAN" OFF) if(WITH_TSAN) list(APPEND sanitizers "thread") endif() option(WITH_UBSAN "build with UBSAN" OFF) if(WITH_UBSAN) list(APPEND sanitizers "undefined_behavior") endif() if(sanitizers) find_package(Sanitizers REQUIRED ${sanitizers}) add_compile_options(${Sanitizers_COMPILE_OPTIONS}) string(REPLACE ";" " " sanitiers_compile_flags "${Sanitizers_COMPILE_OPTIONS}") string(APPEND CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS " ${sanitiers_compile_flags}") string(APPEND CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS " ${sanitiers_compile_flags}") endif() # Rocksdb option(WITH_SYSTEM_ROCKSDB "require and build with system rocksdb" OFF) if (WITH_SYSTEM_ROCKSDB) find_package(RocksDB 5.14 REQUIRED) endif() option(WITH_SEASTAR "Build seastar components") set(HAVE_SEASTAR ${WITH_SEASTAR}) # Boost option(WITH_SYSTEM_BOOST "require and build with system Boost" OFF) # Boost::thread depends on Boost::atomic, so list it explicitly. set(BOOST_COMPONENTS atomic chrono thread system regex random program_options date_time iostreams context coroutine) set(BOOST_HEADER_COMPONENTS container) if(WITH_MGR) list(APPEND BOOST_COMPONENTS python${MGR_PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR}${MGR_PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR}) endif() if(WITH_SEASTAR) list(APPEND BOOST_COMPONENTS timer) endif() if(WITH_RADOSGW AND WITH_RADOSGW_LUA_PACKAGES) list(APPEND BOOST_COMPONENTS filesystem) endif() set(Boost_USE_MULTITHREADED ON) # require minimally the bundled version if(WITH_SYSTEM_BOOST) if(ENABLE_SHARED) set(Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS OFF) else() set(Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS ON) endif() if(BOOST_ROOT AND CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE) set(BOOST_LIBRARYDIR "${BOOST_ROOT}/lib/${CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE}") endif() find_package(Boost 1.73 COMPONENTS ${BOOST_COMPONENTS} REQUIRED) if(NOT ENABLE_SHARED) set_property(TARGET Boost::iostreams APPEND PROPERTY INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES ZLIB::ZLIB) endif() else() set(BOOST_J 1 CACHE STRING "max jobs for Boost build") # override w/-DBOOST_J= set(Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS ON) include(BuildBoost) build_boost(1.75 COMPONENTS ${BOOST_COMPONENTS} ${BOOST_HEADER_COMPONENTS}) endif() include_directories(BEFORE SYSTEM ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}) # dashboard angular2 frontend option(WITH_MGR_DASHBOARD_FRONTEND "Build the mgr/dashboard frontend using `npm`" ON) option(WITH_SYSTEM_NPM "Assume that dashboard build tools already installed through packages" OFF) if(WITH_SYSTEM_NPM) find_program(NPM_EXECUTABLE npm) if(NOT NPM_EXECUTABLE) message(FATAL_ERROR "Can't find npm.") endif() endif() set(DASHBOARD_FRONTEND_LANGS "" CACHE STRING "List of comma separated ceph-dashboard frontend languages to build. \ Use value `ALL` to build all languages") CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(WITH_MGR_ROOK_CLIENT "Enable the mgr's Rook support" ON "WITH_MGR" OFF) include_directories(SYSTEM ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/include) find_package(Threads REQUIRED) find_package(StdFilesystem REQUIRED) option(WITH_SELINUX "build SELinux policy" OFF) if(WITH_SELINUX) find_file(SELINUX_MAKEFILE selinux/devel/Makefile PATH /usr/share) if(NOT SELINUX_MAKEFILE) message(FATAL_ERROR "Can't find selinux's Makefile") endif() add_subdirectory(selinux) endif(WITH_SELINUX) # enables testing and creates Make check command add_custom_target(tests COMMENT "Building tests") enable_testing() set(CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND ctest) add_custom_target(check COMMAND ${CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND} DEPENDS tests) option(WITH_SYSTEMD "build with systemd support" ON) add_subdirectory(src) add_subdirectory(qa) add_subdirectory(doc) if(WITH_MANPAGE) add_subdirectory(man) endif(WITH_MANPAGE) if(WITH_SYSTEMD) add_subdirectory(systemd) endif() if(LINUX) add_subdirectory(etc/sysctl) endif() option(WITH_GRAFANA "install grafana dashboards" OFF) add_subdirectory(monitoring/ceph-mixin) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(WITH_BOOST_VALGRIND "Boost support for valgrind" OFF "NOT WITH_SYSTEM_BOOST" OFF) include(CTags) option(CTAG_EXCLUDES "Exclude files/directories when running ctag.") add_tags(ctags SRC_DIR src TAG_FILE tags EXCLUDE_OPTS ${CTAG_EXCLUDES} EXCLUDES "*.js" "*.css" ".tox" "python-common/build") add_custom_target(tags DEPENDS ctags)