""" Filestore/filejournal handler """ import logging from teuthology.orchestra import run import random from teuthology import misc as teuthology log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def task(ctx, config): """ Test filestore/filejournal handling of non-idempotent events. Currently this is a kludge; we require the ceph task precedes us just so that we get the tarball installed to run the test binary. :param ctx: Context :param config: Configuration """ assert config is None or isinstance(config, list) \ or isinstance(config, dict), \ "task only supports a list or dictionary for configuration" all_clients = ['client.{id}'.format(id=id_) for id_ in teuthology.all_roles_of_type(ctx.cluster, 'client')] if config is None: config = all_clients if isinstance(config, list): config = dict.fromkeys(config) clients = config.keys() # just use the first client... client = clients[0]; (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys() testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx) dir = '%s/ceph.data/test.%s' % (testdir, client) seed = int(random.uniform(1,100)) start = 800 + random.randint(800,1200) end = start + 50 try: log.info('creating a working dir') remote.run(args=['mkdir', dir]) remote.run( args=[ 'cd', dir, run.Raw('&&'), 'wget','-q', '-Orun_seed_to.sh', 'http://git.ceph.com/?p=ceph.git;a=blob_plain;f=src/test/objectstore/run_seed_to.sh;hb=HEAD', run.Raw('&&'), 'wget','-q', '-Orun_seed_to_range.sh', 'http://git.ceph.com/?p=ceph.git;a=blob_plain;f=src/test/objectstore/run_seed_to_range.sh;hb=HEAD', run.Raw('&&'), 'chmod', '+x', 'run_seed_to.sh', 'run_seed_to_range.sh', ]); log.info('running a series of tests') proc = remote.run( args=[ 'cd', dir, run.Raw('&&'), './run_seed_to_range.sh', str(seed), str(start), str(end), ], wait=False, check_status=False) result = proc.wait() if result != 0: remote.run( args=[ 'cp', '-a', dir, '{tdir}/archive/idempotent_failure'.format(tdir=testdir), ]) raise Exception("./run_seed_to_range.sh errored out") finally: remote.run(args=[ 'rm', '-rf', '--', dir ])