import contextlib import logging from orchestra import run from teuthology import misc as teuthology from teuthology import contextutil log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def default_image_name(role): return 'testimage.{role}'.format(role=role) @contextlib.contextmanager def create_image(ctx, config): """ Create an rbd image. For example:: tasks: - ceph: - rbd.create_image: client.0: image_name: testimage image_size: 100 client.1: """ assert isinstance(config, dict) or isinstance(config, list), \ "task create_image only supports a list or dictionary for configuration" if isinstance(config, dict): images = config.items() else: images = [(role, None) for role in config] for role, properties in images: if properties is None: properties = {} name = properties.get('image_name', default_image_name(role)) size = properties.get('image_size', 1024) (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(role).remotes.keys()'Creating image {name} with size {size}'.format(name=name, size=size)) args=[ 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/tmp/cephtest/binary/usr/local/lib', '/tmp/cephtest/enable-coredump', '/tmp/cephtest/binary/usr/local/bin/ceph-coverage', '/tmp/cephtest/archive/coverage', '/tmp/cephtest/binary/usr/local/bin/rbd', '-c', '/tmp/cephtest/ceph.conf', '-p', 'rbd', 'create', '-s', str(size), name, ], ) try: yield finally:'Deleting rbd images...') for role, properties in images: if properties is None: properties = {} name = properties.get('image_name', default_image_name(role)) (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(role).remotes.keys() args=[ 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/tmp/cephtest/binary/usr/local/lib', '/tmp/cephtest/enable-coredump', '/tmp/cephtest/binary/usr/local/bin/ceph-coverage', '/tmp/cephtest/archive/coverage', '/tmp/cephtest/binary/usr/local/bin/rbd', '-c', '/tmp/cephtest/ceph.conf', '-p', 'rbd', 'rm', name, ], ) @contextlib.contextmanager def modprobe(ctx, config): """ Load the rbd kernel module.. For example:: tasks: - ceph: - rbd.create_image: [client.0] - rbd.modprobe: [client.0] """'Loading rbd kernel module...') for role in config: (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(role).remotes.keys() args=[ 'sudo', 'modprobe', 'rbd', ], ) try: yield finally:'Unloading rbd kernel module...') for role in config: (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(role).remotes.keys() args=[ 'sudo', 'modprobe', '-r', 'rbd', ], ) @contextlib.contextmanager def dev_create(ctx, config): """ Map block devices to rbd images. For example:: tasks: - ceph: - rbd.create_image: [client.0] - rbd.modprobe: [client.0] - rbd.dev_create: client.0: testimage.client.0 """ assert isinstance(config, dict) or isinstance(config, list), \ "task dev_create only supports a list or dictionary for configuration" if isinstance(config, dict): role_images = config.items() else: role_images = [(role, None) for role in config]'Creating rbd block devices...') for role, image in role_images: if image is None: image = default_image_name(role) (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(role).remotes.keys() # add udev rule for creating /dev/rbd/pool/image args=[ 'echo', 'KERNEL=="rbd[0-9]*", PROGRAM="/tmp/cephtest/binary/usr/local/bin/crbdnamer %n", SYMLINK+="rbd/%c{1}/%c{2}"', run.Raw('>'), '/tmp/cephtest/51-rbd.rules', ], ) args=[ 'sudo', 'mv', '/tmp/cephtest/51-rbd.rules', '/etc/udev/rules.d/', ], ) secretfile = '/tmp/cephtest/data/{role}.secret'.format(role=role) teuthology.write_secret_file(remote, role, secretfile) args=[ 'sudo', 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/tmp/cephtest/binary/usr/local/lib', '/tmp/cephtest/enable-coredump', '/tmp/cephtest/binary/usr/local/bin/ceph-coverage', '/tmp/cephtest/archive/coverage', '/tmp/cephtest/binary/usr/local/bin/rbd', '-c', '/tmp/cephtest/ceph.conf', '--user', role.rsplit('.')[-1], '--secret', secretfile, '-p', 'rbd', 'map', image, run.Raw('&&'), # wait for the symlink to be created by udev 'while', 'test', '!', '-e', '/dev/rbd/rbd/{image}'.format(image=image), run.Raw(';'), 'do', 'sleep', '1', run.Raw(';'), 'done', ], ) try: yield finally:'Unmapping rbd devices...') for role, image in role_images: if image is None: image = default_image_name(role) (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(role).remotes.keys() args=[ 'sudo', 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/tmp/cephtest/binary/usr/local/lib', '/tmp/cephtest/enable-coredump', '/tmp/cephtest/binary/usr/local/bin/ceph-coverage', '/tmp/cephtest/archive/coverage', '/tmp/cephtest/binary/usr/local/bin/rbd', '-c', '/tmp/cephtest/ceph.conf', '-p', 'rbd', 'unmap', '/dev/rbd/rbd/{imgname}'.format(imgname=image), run.Raw('&&'), # wait for the symlink to be deleted by udev 'while', 'test', '-e', '/dev/rbd/rbd/{image}'.format(image=image), run.Raw(';'), 'do', 'sleep', '1', run.Raw(';'), 'done', ], ) args=[ 'sudo', 'rm', '/etc/udev/rules.d/51-rbd.rules', ], wait=False, ) @contextlib.contextmanager def mkfs(ctx, config): """ Create a filesystem on a block device. For example:: tasks: - ceph: - rbd.create_image: [client.0] - rbd.modprobe: [client.0] - rbd.dev_create: [client.0] - rbd.mkfs: client.0: fs_type: xfs """ assert isinstance(config, list) or isinstance(config, dict), \ "task mkfs must be configured with a list or dictionary" if isinstance(config, dict): images = config.items() else: images = [(role, None) for role in config] for role, properties in images: if properties is None: properties = {} (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(role).remotes.keys() image = properties.get('image_name', default_image_name(role)) fs = properties.get('fs_type', 'ext3') args=[ 'sudo', 'mkfs', '-t', fs, '/dev/rbd/rbd/{image}'.format(image=image), ], ) yield @contextlib.contextmanager def mount(ctx, config): """ Mount an rbd image. For example:: tasks: - ceph: - rbd.create_image: [client.0] - rbd.modprobe: [client.0] - rbd.mkfs: [client.0] - rbd.mount: client.0: testimage.client.0 """ assert isinstance(config, list) or isinstance(config, dict), \ "task mount must be configured with a list or dictionary" if isinstance(config, dict): role_images = config.items() else: role_images = [(role, None) for role in config] mnt_template = '/tmp/cephtest/mnt.{role}' for role, image in role_images: if image is None: image = default_image_name(role) (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(role).remotes.keys() mnt = mnt_template.format(role=role) args=[ 'mkdir', '--', mnt, ] ) args=[ 'sudo', 'mount', '/dev/rbd/rbd/{image}'.format(image=image), mnt, ], ) try: yield finally:"Unmounting rbd images...") for role, image in role_images: if image is None: image = default_image_name(role) (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(role).remotes.keys() mnt = mnt_template.format(role=role) args=[ 'sudo', 'umount', mnt, ], ) args=[ 'rmdir', '--', mnt, ] ) @contextlib.contextmanager def task(ctx, config): """ Create and mount an rbd image. For example:: tasks: - ceph: - rbd: [client.0, client.1] Different image options:: tasks: - ceph: - rbd: client.0: # uses defaults client.1: image_name: foo image_size: 2048 fs_type: xfs """ assert isinstance(config, list) or isinstance(config, dict), \ "task rbd only supports a list or dict for configuration" if isinstance(config, dict): role_images = {} for role, properties in config.iteritems(): if properties is None: properties = {} role_images[role] = properties.get('image_name') else: role_images = config with contextutil.nested( lambda: create_image(ctx=ctx, config=config), lambda: modprobe(ctx=ctx, config=config), lambda: dev_create(ctx=ctx, config=role_images), lambda: mkfs(ctx=ctx, config=config), lambda: mount(ctx=ctx, config=role_images), ): yield